(VIDEOS) Fernando Travieso criticó que la derecha venezolana desprestigie lo alcanzado por la Opep (VIDEOS) Fernando Travieso criticized that the Venezuelan right discredit what reached by OPEC
03 de enero de 2016.- El analista petrolero, Fernando Travieso, aseguró
que el acuerdo concretado por los miembros de la Organización de Países
Exportadores de Petróleo (Opep) en el mes de noviembre, permitirá que
"la economía nacional tenga un crecimiento leve, pero un crecimiento"
que redundará en la disminución del desabastecimiento nacional.
En entrevista en el programa "La Pauta de Hoy" transmitido este martes por Venezolana de Televisión (VTV),
el analista detalló que con la reducción en la producción del crudo a
1.2 millones de barriles diarios los precios del petróleo venezolano
repuntarán, lo que se traducirá en mayores ingresos de divisas, se
facilitarán las importaciones y se dinamizará la economía además de
disminuir el desabastecimiento.
Enfatizó que el convenio beneficia a todos los países del mundo porque
el petróleo es el que facilita el transporte de mercancía a nivel
Criticó que la derecha venezolana desprestigie lo alcanzado por los países miembros OPEP y no OPEP.
"La función de ellos (de la derecha venezolana) y por eso reciben
financiamiento, es eliminar a la Organización de Países Exportadores de
Petróleo, que se desplome el precio del petróleo para que la gasolina se
pueda vender barata en los países consumidores a costa del
empobrecimiento de Venezuela", dijo.
Manifestó que la ultraderecha busca con el portal web de Dólar Today que
las importaciones se realicen en función del dólar especulativo para
que se genere un proceso de inflación en la economía del país.
"El mercado paralelo de Dólar Today no responde solamente a lo
económico, ellos fijan una paridad a montos propios sin ningún motivo,
sin ninguna razón. Eso está demostrado, el día que Venezuela logró el
acuerdo con los Opep y No Opep dispararon el precio del dólar,
económicamente eso no tiene lógica, ellos fijan el precio como les da la
gana", subrayó.
Venta de gasolina en la frontera
El analista indicó que "el tener unas bombas en que puedan venir
ciudadano de la República de Colombia a llenar sus tanques de gasolina y
pagarlos en divisas es altamente positivo, un ingreso nacional para
Pdvsa (Petróleos de Venezuela) y Venezuela".
Agregó que lo ideal sería expandir el plan en toda la frontera porque
mientras más bombas se tengan "menos incentivos hay para el contrabando
de extracción".
La República Bolivariana de Venezuela inició este lunes dos de enero la
venta de gasolina en moneda internacional, en la zona fronteriza con
Colombia (Ureña y Paraguachón) a través de las estaciones autorizadas de
Petróleos de Venezuela (Pdvsa).
Fernando TraviesoCredit: Aporrea.org
January 03, 2016. Oil analyst Fernando Travieso said that the agreement signed by members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) in November will allow "the national economy to grow slightly, But a growth "that will reduce national shortages.
In an interview on the "La Pauta de Hoy" program transmitted by Venezolana de Televisión (VTV) on Tuesday, the analyst detailed that with the reduction in crude oil production to 1.2 million barrels a day Venezuelan oil prices will rebound, Will result in higher foreign exchange earnings, imports will be facilitated and the economy will be energized as well as a decrease in shortages.
He emphasized that the agreement benefits all countries of the world because oil is the one that facilitates the transport of merchandise worldwide.
He criticized that the Venezuelan right discredits what was achieved by the OPEC member countries and not OPEC.
"The role of them (of the Venezuelan right) and therefore receive funding, is to eliminate the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, which collapses the price of oil so that gasoline can be sold cheaply in consumer countries at the expense of Impoverishment of Venezuela, "he said.
He said that the ultra-right search with the website of Dollar Today that imports are made on the basis of speculative dollar to generate a process of inflation in the country's economy.
"The parallel market of Dollar Today is not only economic, they fix a parity of their own amounts without any reason, for no reason. That is demonstrated, the day that Venezuela reached the agreement with the OPEC and non-Opec fired the price of Dollar, economically that does not have logic, they fix the price as they please, "he said.
Sale of gas at the border
The analyst said that "having bombs in which citizens of the Republic of Colombia can come to fill their gas tanks and pay them in foreign currency is highly positive, a national income for PDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela) and Venezuela."
He added that the ideal would be to expand the plan across the border because the more bombs have "fewer incentives for smuggling extraction."
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela started Monday the sale of gasoline in international currency, in the border zone with Colombia (Ureña and Paraguachón) through the authorized stations of Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA).
January 03, 2016. Oil analyst Fernando Travieso said that the agreement signed by members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) in November will allow "the national economy to grow slightly, But a growth "that will reduce national shortages.
In an interview on the "La Pauta de Hoy" program transmitted by Venezolana de Televisión (VTV) on Tuesday, the analyst detailed that with the reduction in crude oil production to 1.2 million barrels a day Venezuelan oil prices will rebound, Will result in higher foreign exchange earnings, imports will be facilitated and the economy will be energized as well as a decrease in shortages.
He emphasized that the agreement benefits all countries of the world because oil is the one that facilitates the transport of merchandise worldwide.
He criticized that the Venezuelan right discredits what was achieved by the OPEC member countries and not OPEC.
"The role of them (of the Venezuelan right) and therefore receive funding, is to eliminate the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, which collapses the price of oil so that gasoline can be sold cheaply in consumer countries at the expense of Impoverishment of Venezuela, "he said.
He said that the ultra-right search with the website of Dollar Today that imports are made on the basis of speculative dollar to generate a process of inflation in the country's economy.
"The parallel market of Dollar Today is not only economic, they fix a parity of their own amounts without any reason, for no reason. That is demonstrated, the day that Venezuela reached the agreement with the OPEC and non-Opec fired the price of Dollar, economically that does not have logic, they fix the price as they please, "he said.
Sale of gas at the border
The analyst said that "having bombs in which citizens of the Republic of Colombia can come to fill their gas tanks and pay them in foreign currency is highly positive, a national income for PDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela) and Venezuela."
He added that the ideal would be to expand the plan across the border because the more bombs have "fewer incentives for smuggling extraction."
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela started Monday the sale of gasoline in international currency, in the border zone with Colombia (Ureña and Paraguachón) through the authorized stations of Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA).
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