Se aproxima la fecha para la recolección del 20% para activar el Referendo Revocatorio contra el Presidente Nicolás Maduro. the date for the collection of 20% to activate the recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro approaches.
Ya el Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) determinó que los días 26, 27 y 28 de octubre 2016 deberán recogerse el 20% de los electores inscritos en dicho Consejo Electoral, este porcentaje se aproxima a cerca de 4.000.000 de firmas válidas, en todo el territorio Nacional, de ser así, se iniciaría el proceso de conteo de dichas firmas y posteriormente la validación de las mismas, porque a muchas personas se les falsifican sus datos y su firma y el proceso permite y exige que la persona acuda personalmente an el organismo electoral, posteriormente a la recopilación de las firmas, para que certifique que quiere solicitar el Referendo Revocatorio contra el Presidente de la República Nicolás Maduro, por lo cual, tanto el Presidente Nicolás Maduro, como los integrantes de su equipo político, que están autorizados por el CNE para estar dentro de las instalaciones de dicho organismo, para verificar que se cumpla todo el proceso con pulcritud, como es lo correcto, sin trampas, sin falsificaciones de la voluntad popular, porque los Venezolanos vivimos en una democracia participativa, con la cual nosotros no le transferimos a nadie la toma de decisiones políticas, cada uno de nosotros está preparado para asumir su papel democrático, que se ha aprendido durante estos últimos diecisiete (17) años de democracia participativa.
Si en el proceso de verificación no se logra alcanzar el 20%, eso permitirá definir que el proceso de solicitar el Referendo Revocatorio queda anulado, de lo contrario se iniciará el proceso para que se defina la fecha para el Referendo Revocatorio, para lo cual las autoridades del CNE tendrán NOVENTA (90) DÍAS para fijar la fecha del mismo, por lo tanto, si tomamos en consideración esa normativa a finales de febrero o marzo es que se dirá con suma precisión la fecha exacta para el Referendo, es decir que dicho referendo debería ser, siempre que el 20% de las firmas se hayan certificado, para el mes de Marzo del año 2017. Y la otra etapa es que el Presidente Nicolás Maduro fue electo con 7.587.579 votos, por lo tanto los que soliciten el Referendo Revocatorio y pasen a esta nueva etapa, establecida en la Ley de Referendos Revocatorios, deberán sacar igual o mayor número de votos que el Presidente Nicolás Maduro.
En américa Latina hay procesos políticos que han arrebatado a los pueblos sus gobiernos electos por elecciones y que han usurpado el poder por la vía del Golpe de Estado Militar o Pollítico, mediante el uso del Congreso, ejemplo de ellos: Chile, Paraguay, Honduras, Guatemala, Brasíl. Y estos pasos los están dando para frenar el avance de la izquierda en América Latina en vías hacia la construcción del Socialismo, que es contrario en muchos aspectos, al Capitalismo, así es el caso de lo que está pasando en Colombia, las Fuerzas del Gobierno, con el apoyo de militares norteamericanos, no han podido derrotar en mas de sesenta años a las fuerzas guerrilleras colombianas, las cuales están representadas por las FARC-EP y el ELN, pero estas fuerzas tampoco han podido derrotar a las fuerzas del Gobierno Colombiana, por lo tanto están en proceso de buscar una paz negociada.
La derecha venezolana, tambien apoyada por el gobierno de EUA y de España y de cierta forma Colombiana, consideran que están dadas las condiciones para sacar a la izquierda del gobierno de Venezuela y presionan para que se de un Referendo Revocatorio contra el Presidente Nicolás Maduro, porque consideran que la mayoría del electorado está de su parte, por la falta de alimentos hacia el publo venezolano, producto de una guerra económica definida por los empresarios venezolanos, algo parecido a lo realizado en Chile en el año 1973, donde faltaban todos los alimentos y los militares, con Pinochet a la cabeza, materializaron el Golpe de Estado y acabaron por muchos años la posibilidad de desarrollar el Socialismo en Chile, pero en el pueblo Venezolano no ha dado los resultados esperados por la derecha nacional e Internacional, por lo que se han materializado proyectos de bloqueo económico y financiero contra venezuela, parecido al aplicado, hasta ahora, en la Cuba que desarrolla el socialismo.
El Gobierno de Colombia y las FARC-EP no tenian un Plan B, por si fallaba el plan A de llegar definitivamente a la PAZ y decidieron convocar a un plesbicito, sería una trampa gigantesca contra los integrantes de las FARC-EP o fue sólo una casualidad que coocaron en manos del Expresidente Uribe y archienemigo de las FARC-EP.
Las condiciones que impondrá Alvaro Uribe, deben estar focalizadas a que las Farc-ep firmen una rendición incondicional, que les permita al paramilitarismo acabar con los lideres de las Farc-ep en los próximos años, porque desde ahora en adelante es que se agudizará la crisis económica dell capitalismo y de la cual no escapará Colombia, por lo que deberá buscar como conseguir la paz, pero no a cualquier término, porque Santos fue derrotado, temporalmente, por alvaro uribe y sus seguidores.
Podrá el pueblo colombiano aguantar cincuenta años (50) años más de guerra, porque ninguna de las dos partes en pugna, por ahora, no tienen para derrotar a la otra, es decir que de seguir la guerra, son cientos de miles que fallecerán en los próximos años, si es que no llegan a un acuerdo, que satisfaga lo prioritario de ambos grupos.
No creo que el Gobierno, si alvaro uribe se lo pide, le pueda exigir a los lideres de las Farc-Ep, a estas altura del conflicto-Paz, que no se tomen en consideración algunos elementos que están en el Acta recien firmada por los representantes de los dos grupos enfrentados.
Como dice Silvio Rodríguez: ..."seamos un pilin mejores" .
the National Electoral Council (CNE) found that on 26, 27 and 28
October 2016 should be collected 20% of registered voters said Electoral
Council, this proportion is close to about 4,000,000 valid signatures
throughout the
national territory, if so, the process of counting of such firms and
then validating them would start, because many people are falsify your
data and your signature and the process allows and requires the person
to go personally an the electoral
body, after the collection of signatures, for certifying that want to
apply for the recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro, so
both President Nicolas Maduro, as members of his political team, who are
authorized by
the CNE to be within the premises of that body, to verify that the
entire process is met with neatness, as is right, without cheating,
without falsification of the popular will, because Venezuelans live in a
participatory democracy, with which we will not transfer anyone making political decisions, each of
us is prepared to take its democratic role, which has been learned over
the past seventeen (17) years of participatory democracy.
If the verification process fails to reach 20%, that will define the process of requesting the recall referendum is canceled, otherwise the process will start to date for the recall referendum is defined, for which the CNE authorities will NINETY (90) DAYS to set the date hereof, therefore, if we consider this legislation in late February or March is to be said very precisely the exact date for the referendum, ie said referendum should be, provided that 20% of firms have been certified for the month of March 2017. the other stage is that President Nicolas Maduro was elected with 7,587,579 votes, therefore those requesting the revocatory referendum and pass this new stage, established in the Law of recall referenda, must take equal or greater number of votes than President Nicolas Maduro.
In Latin America there are political processes that have taken away from the people their elected governments by elections and who have usurped power through the military coup or Pollítico, through the use of Congress, such of them: Chile, Paraguay, Honduras, Guatemala, Brazil. And these steps the are being taken to stop the advance of the left in Latin America on the road to building socialism, which is contrary in many respects, to capitalism, so is the case of what is happening in Colombia, government forces with the support of US military, have failed to defeat in more than sixty years the Colombian guerrilla forces, which are represented by the FARC-EP and ELN, but these forces have also failed to defeat the forces of the Colombian Government, therefore they are in the process of seeking a negotiated peace.
The Venezuelan right, also supported by the US government and Spain and some Colombian way, consider that they are given the conditions to get to the left of the government of Venezuela and pressure so that a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro, because they believe that the majority of the electorate is on their side, lack of food to the Venezuelan publo product of an economic war defined by Venezuelan businessmen, similar to what was done in Chile in 1973, where missing all foods and the military, with Pinochet at the helm, they materialize the coup and ended for many years the possibility of developing socialism in Chile, but in the Venezuelan people has not produced the results expected by national and international right, so projects have materialized economic and financial blockade against Venezuela, similar to that applied so far in Cuba developing socialism.
If the verification process fails to reach 20%, that will define the process of requesting the recall referendum is canceled, otherwise the process will start to date for the recall referendum is defined, for which the CNE authorities will NINETY (90) DAYS to set the date hereof, therefore, if we consider this legislation in late February or March is to be said very precisely the exact date for the referendum, ie said referendum should be, provided that 20% of firms have been certified for the month of March 2017. the other stage is that President Nicolas Maduro was elected with 7,587,579 votes, therefore those requesting the revocatory referendum and pass this new stage, established in the Law of recall referenda, must take equal or greater number of votes than President Nicolas Maduro.
In Latin America there are political processes that have taken away from the people their elected governments by elections and who have usurped power through the military coup or Pollítico, through the use of Congress, such of them: Chile, Paraguay, Honduras, Guatemala, Brazil. And these steps the are being taken to stop the advance of the left in Latin America on the road to building socialism, which is contrary in many respects, to capitalism, so is the case of what is happening in Colombia, government forces with the support of US military, have failed to defeat in more than sixty years the Colombian guerrilla forces, which are represented by the FARC-EP and ELN, but these forces have also failed to defeat the forces of the Colombian Government, therefore they are in the process of seeking a negotiated peace.
The Venezuelan right, also supported by the US government and Spain and some Colombian way, consider that they are given the conditions to get to the left of the government of Venezuela and pressure so that a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro, because they believe that the majority of the electorate is on their side, lack of food to the Venezuelan publo product of an economic war defined by Venezuelan businessmen, similar to what was done in Chile in 1973, where missing all foods and the military, with Pinochet at the helm, they materialize the coup and ended for many years the possibility of developing socialism in Chile, but in the Venezuelan people has not produced the results expected by national and international right, so projects have materialized economic and financial blockade against Venezuela, similar to that applied so far in Cuba developing socialism.
Government of Colombia and the FARC-EP did not have a Plan B, in case
you missed the plan to definitely achieve peace and decided to convene a
plebiscite, would be a huge trap against members of the FARC-EP or was
just a coocaron coincidence that in the hands of former President Uribe and archenemy of the FARC-EP.
The conditions imposed Alvaro Uribe, must be targeted to the FARC-EP signed an unconditional surrender, enabling them to paramilitarism kill the leaders of the FARC-EP in the coming years, because from now on is that it will worsen the dell capitalism and economic crisis which Colombia will not escape, so it should look like getting peace, but not at any place, because Santos was defeated temporarily by Alvaro Uribe and his followers.
You can the Colombian people hold fifty years (50) years of war, because neither of the two warring parties, so far, have not to defeat the other, ie that followed the war, hundreds of thousands who will die in the coming years, if not reach an agreement that meets the priority of both groups.
I do not think the Government, Alvaro Uribe asks him to require the leaders of the FARC-EP, at this height of the conflict-Paz, which are not taken into account some elements in the Act recently signed by the representatives of the two opposing groups.As Silvio Rodriguez says ... "we are a better pilin".
The conditions imposed Alvaro Uribe, must be targeted to the FARC-EP signed an unconditional surrender, enabling them to paramilitarism kill the leaders of the FARC-EP in the coming years, because from now on is that it will worsen the dell capitalism and economic crisis which Colombia will not escape, so it should look like getting peace, but not at any place, because Santos was defeated temporarily by Alvaro Uribe and his followers.
You can the Colombian people hold fifty years (50) years of war, because neither of the two warring parties, so far, have not to defeat the other, ie that followed the war, hundreds of thousands who will die in the coming years, if not reach an agreement that meets the priority of both groups.
I do not think the Government, Alvaro Uribe asks him to require the leaders of the FARC-EP, at this height of the conflict-Paz, which are not taken into account some elements in the Act recently signed by the representatives of the two opposing groups.As Silvio Rodriguez says ... "we are a better pilin".
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