¿Por qué no habrá referendo revocatorio contra el Presidente Nicolás Maduro en el año 2016 ni en el 2017 ?. Why not be a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro in 2016 or 2017?.
La oposición Venezolana sigue engañando a sus seguidores y a sus financistas, argumentando que si habrá referendo en este año 2016, teniendo conocimiento de las acciones nefastas, para ellos, que hicieron al inicio del año 2016, como estaban borrachos de poder al haber ganado con mayoría la Asamblea Nacional, se le subieron los humos a la cabeza y pensaron que desde la Asamblea Nacional podian eliminar los demas poderes y así obtener el control total de la Nación Venezolana, pero no ocurrió nada de lo que pensaron, cada uno de los más sonados diputados decidieron viajar al exterior, creyendo que allá afuera estaba el verdadero poder que superaría el poder popular.
Introdujeron a destiempo la solicitud de Referendo Revocatorio, iniciando la nominación de sus representantes ante el CNE, adicionalmente necesitaban sólo cerca de 200.000 firmas válidas, pero desconocieron el poder del CNE y le entregaron más de 1.900.000 firmas, de las cuales más de 600.000 eran falsificadas, burlándose, de esta manera, de un poder que garantiza y ha garantizado los procesos electorales más limpios y honestos de toda la Historia electoral de Venezuela, donde hace apenas cincuenta (50) años los provesos electorales eran degradantes por los fraudes descarados que se materializaban en la cara del pueblo con las famosas "ACTA MATA VOTO", que se mantuvo durante toda la IV República, con la que acabó el Presidente Chavez, invirtiendo miles de millones de dólares para automatizar todos los procesos electorales que se desarrollarían a partir de 1999 en adelante, y esta automatización se logró con la adquisición de máqinas adquiridas en los EUA, incluyendo los software, que han sido actualizados por ingenieros en computación que laboran en el CNE y que han recibido felicitaciones de Expresidentes del Mundo, iniciando por el Presidente de EUA Carter y por muchos países, certificando que es el Sistema Electoral Automatizado de los más avanzados del Mundo, donde quedó establecido definitivamente que el Voto es Electrónico y el papel que queda en la caja es el comprobante, al igua que una operación bancaria en un cajero automático de cualquier banco en nuestra Patria.
Ahora bien, si la oposición no se hubiera emborrachado de poder al ganar la mayoría en la Asamblea Nacional el 06D, y hubieran entregado las cerca de 200.000 firmas válidas, desde el mismo mes de enero 2016, el proceso de la recolección del 20% ya se habría materializado y a lo mejor estaríamos en el procedimiento de verificación de dichas firmas y vendría el paso final que conseguir que los votos que quieren revocar el mandato al Presidente Maduro deberían ser superior o igual a 7.587.356 votos, pero al no querer reconocer al poder electoral (CNE) entregando más de 600.000 firmas falsificadas, y miles de firmas de personas sentenciadas firmemente y de menores de edad, violando flagrantemente normas que atentan contra la estabilidad de las bases de la democracia y el respeto a los demás poderes, por lo tanto pudiera darse el paso de que el Tribunal Supremo de Justicia, en su sala Cosntitucional declare nulo el proceso de solicitud del Revocatorio del Presidente Maduro por la cantidad de violaciones a las normas que han hecho los integrantes de la MUD contra los integrantes de los poderes públicos de la República.
Creo que ya la oposición deberá preparar a sus seguidores para que respeten las instituciones y las leyes y preparar su equipo político para las elecciones del año 2018, donde se pudieran hacer las elecciones para Presidente y para Gobernadores.
Prudencia y paciencia es la conseja para evitar males mayores.
Venezuelan opposition is deceiving his followers and their financiers,
arguing that if there will be a referendum in this year 2016, having
knowledge of the harmful actions, for them, they did at the beginning of
2016, as they were drunk with power, having won a majority the
National Assembly, he climbed the big head and thought that since the
National Assembly could eliminate the other powers and gain full control
of the Venezuelan nation, but nothing happened than they thought, each
of the most notorious deputies decided to travel abroad, believing out there was the real power that would surpass the popular power.
Introduced late to the request for recall referendum, initiating the nomination of their representatives to the CNE, additionally needed only about 200,000 valid signatures, but ignored the power of the CNE and delivered more than 1,900,000 signatures, of which more than 600,000 were counterfeited, taunting, thus, a power that guarantees and ensured the cleanest and honest in all electoral history of Venezuela, where only fifty (50) years elections electoral provesos were degrading by blatant fraud They materialize in the face of the town with the famous "ACTA mata voto", which was maintained throughout the Fourth Republic, with which ended President Chavez, investing billions of dollars to automate all electoral processes to be developed from 1999 onwards, and this automation was achieved with the acquisition of máqinas acquired in the US, including software, which have been updated by computer engineers working in the CNE and have received congratulations from Expresidentes World, starting with the US president Carter and many countries, certifying that it is the Automated Election System of the most advanced in the world, which was definitively established that voting is electronic and paper left in the box is the proof, the igua a banking operation at an ATM of any bank in our country.
Now if the opposition had not drunk to be able to win a majority in the National Assembly 06D, and had delivered the nearly 200,000 valid signatures from the same month of January 2016, the process of collection of 20% and would have already materialized would be the best in the verification procedure of such firms and the final step would get the votes they want to revoke the mandate to President Maduro should be greater than or equal to 7,587,356 votes, but not wanting to recognize the electoral authorities (CNE) delivering more than 600,000 forged signatures and thousands of signatures of people sentenced firmly and minors, flagrantly violating rules that threaten the stability of the foundations of democracy and respect for other powers, so both could be the step that the Supreme Court, in its Cosntitucional room annulling the application process Recall President Maduro by the number of violations of the rules have made the members of the MUD against members of powers public of the Republic.
I think and the opposition must prepare his followers to respect the institutions and laws and his political team preparing for the elections of 2018, which could make the elections for President and Governors.
Prudence and patience is the conseja to avoid greater evils.
Introduced late to the request for recall referendum, initiating the nomination of their representatives to the CNE, additionally needed only about 200,000 valid signatures, but ignored the power of the CNE and delivered more than 1,900,000 signatures, of which more than 600,000 were counterfeited, taunting, thus, a power that guarantees and ensured the cleanest and honest in all electoral history of Venezuela, where only fifty (50) years elections electoral provesos were degrading by blatant fraud They materialize in the face of the town with the famous "ACTA mata voto", which was maintained throughout the Fourth Republic, with which ended President Chavez, investing billions of dollars to automate all electoral processes to be developed from 1999 onwards, and this automation was achieved with the acquisition of máqinas acquired in the US, including software, which have been updated by computer engineers working in the CNE and have received congratulations from Expresidentes World, starting with the US president Carter and many countries, certifying that it is the Automated Election System of the most advanced in the world, which was definitively established that voting is electronic and paper left in the box is the proof, the igua a banking operation at an ATM of any bank in our country.
Now if the opposition had not drunk to be able to win a majority in the National Assembly 06D, and had delivered the nearly 200,000 valid signatures from the same month of January 2016, the process of collection of 20% and would have already materialized would be the best in the verification procedure of such firms and the final step would get the votes they want to revoke the mandate to President Maduro should be greater than or equal to 7,587,356 votes, but not wanting to recognize the electoral authorities (CNE) delivering more than 600,000 forged signatures and thousands of signatures of people sentenced firmly and minors, flagrantly violating rules that threaten the stability of the foundations of democracy and respect for other powers, so both could be the step that the Supreme Court, in its Cosntitucional room annulling the application process Recall President Maduro by the number of violations of the rules have made the members of the MUD against members of powers public of the Republic.
I think and the opposition must prepare his followers to respect the institutions and laws and his political team preparing for the elections of 2018, which could make the elections for President and Governors.
Prudence and patience is the conseja to avoid greater evils.
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