¿Qué pasa en Venezuela ? Realmente los Venezolanos se están muriendo de hambre ?. What is happening in Venezuela? Venezuelans are really starving?
Hay que comenzar con un poco de historia para entender lo que realmente ocurre en Venezuela.
The other presidents that were happening to Juan Vicente Gomez, one way or another, just ruled to transfer wealth to large corporations, with concessions and business, so the United States and several countries in Europe, or rather businessmen from these countries benefited to the utmost and still the transfer of capital by the high profit rates, which they can not obtain in their countries. Po we see as Medina Angarita and Romulo Gallegos did not let them rule his full constitutional term, because they applied nationalist measures, such Medina Angarita approved a giving freedom to the Venezuelan people could organize themselves into political parties, decree Tando right and the left. And in the case of Romulo Gallegos he signed the Land Act, which allocated land to peasants who worked for those things so simple for the Venezuelan people, but complex for the national and international right gave the coup to these two presidents.
There is no difference between the governments of the military and civilians, when the directionality of economic and financial policies that applied, only the dates and names are those showing a difference, but when in 1998, after the Venezuelan people came from a painful ordeal for many years going needs of all types: Lack of housing, little chance of study, poor diet, both in quantity and quality, until the pitcher was broken, when on 27 February the government turn of Carlos Andres Perez eliminated all subsidies on food, transportation, credit, dollars, etc, the people took to the streets to demand and seek food in supermarkets, it was when the right-wing government, decided to use the Force Navy to fulfill the role, for which capitalism had prepared, to repress the people to blood and fire and were killed more than three thousand five hundred (3,500) humans, only for the crime of seeking their children not starve, the question arises: Does the government had no other way to solve the economic problem that was transiting Venezuela the people ?, was wounded for years with that indescribable experience, therefore when President Hugo Chavez, being Teniente Colonel, tried in 1992 to give a coup Carlos Andres Perez and the Venezuelan right, but failed and took responsibility, so far and more than one hundred (100) years, no one had taken responsibility for any of those who did then the Venezuelan people, seeing the opportunity of the elections approaching and bearing in mind the Caracazo and the words of Chavez, decided to vote overwhelmingly the candidate Chavez and overwhelmingly Chavez defeated the candidate of the right had a whole multimillion-dollar campaign in the elections. and Chavez when he assumes the presidency, does not come with retaliations against the right or against politicians who have defended the right for many years, he came seeking resources abroad through the application to increase the price of a barrel of oil, which right sold for more than one hundred (100) years at ridiculously low prices, as shown by the price per barrel was sold to the transnationals in 1998-7 Us $ and fill a gas tank in the US cost, by that date, 100 US $, right Venezuela reacted by introducing a inmeditamente written in the Supreme Court to decide they had to oust President Chavez for Mental Insanity, ie to sell the most important raw material for the country it's crazy.
Hugo chavez in his two terms of government was so efficient that the people voted overwhelmingly to rule for a third term: 2013-2019, but the disease that had (or that the implanted) did not allow him to govern and by our Constitution held elections thirty days after s death, therefore there were two candidates, one that had already been defeated twice by President Chavez and had more than two years in campaign when he died Chavez and the other candidate was Nicolas Maduro, who was elected because Chavez before his death went to the Venezuelan people and asked him to vote for Nicolas Maduro and the people complied with this request and Nicolas Maduro was elected for 2013-2019 and on the same day of his inauguration before the Electoral power CNE, the Venezuelan right allied with the international right called to unload their arrechera against the people and caused more than 11 deaths, Maduro's government managed to pass the coup attempt, but the national and international right remounted another attempt to hit 2014, which was called Exit, directed by several representatives of national and international right and caused the death of over 23 people and injured more than 100, meaning that President Nicolas Maduro in three (3) years of government have tried to take him down or give a coup on two occasions and now, in 2016, are trying to give the coup, see why the national and international right wants to overthrow Nicolas Maduro: First because free education, second the use of resources from the rising price of gasoline and revenues, which are important, of corporate taxes, such as VAT is maintained, and the income tax remains , are invested in benefits for the people, such as the construction of more than 1,107,000 homes for the popular sectors and the middle class, and this project is set to build more than 3,500,000 homes, if we take into consideration that the Venezuelan famiia is five people on average, so that more than 50% of the Venezoana (30,000,000) people have decent housing at low cost and additionally are given to the gifted family of appliances and bed and furniture, and is payable at the time and faciliades payment, according to their income. Another reason is that most of the revenues are directed to social welfare, since joining the government, what is called in Venezuela Chavismo, building a socialist society, over 65% of revenues are earmarked for social welfare and not to increase capital, there I hate nacional.e international right, this does not mean that employers and the Venezuelan oligarchy have not made millions of dollars and bolivars in these seventeen years of rule by Chavismo.
Now President Maduro has established a plan for the four months of 2016 missing, ie from September to December, where he will seek to solve the economic crisis, which is going national and international capitalism, and are trying to download on the people coupled with the economic war, where entrepreneurs decreased production and increased prices exorbitantly without its cost structure has increased by the same percentage, estávisto that entrepreneurs have downloaded, as if they had a hatred against the Venezuelan people to continue to support President Nicolas Maduro, speculating with prices, reuciendo to production and disappearing goods, to the limits let many products expire and lose millions of bolivars, because pienzan that the overthrow Maduro, recover it more than reversed, but sometimes fate plays a trick and could lose much more than they have been planning, because what is left of winning at a time, does not return and the projects of gold mining coltan, gas and other minerals may see increased state revenues and the economic crisis the state will and the people will be benefited, because come the foods that badly needs the Venezuelan people, either by increased production of some entrepreneurs sensible and food imports by the largest state foreign exchange earnings.
Venezuela fue gobernada por Militares, políticos de la derecha y ahora por políticos de la izquierda (Chavistas), en el caso de los primeros, se pueden mencionar a Simón Bolívar, José Antonio Páez, Cipriano Castro, Juan Vicente Gómez, Wolfan Larrazabal, Isaias Medina Angarita, Marcos Pérez Jimenez, en el caso de los políticos de la derecha: Rómulo Gallegos, Rómulo Betancourt, Rafael Caldera, Carlos Andrés Pérez, Luis Herrera Campins, Raul Leoni, Jaime Lusinchi y de los políticos de Izquierda: Hugo Chavez Frias y Nicolás Maduro.
We must start with a little history to understand what is really happening in Venezuela.
Venezuela was ruled by military, politicians right now by politicians of the left (Chavistas), in the case of the former, there can be mentioned Simon Bolivar, Jose Antonio Paez, Cipriano Castro, Juan Vicente Gomez, wolfan Larrazabal, Isaias Medina Angarita, Marcos Perez Jimenez, in the case of right-wing politicians Romulo Gallegos, Romulo Betancourt, Rafael Caldera, Carlos Andres Perez, Luis Herrera Campins, Raul Leoni, Jaime Lusinchi and politicians Left: Hugo Chavez Frias and Nicolas Maduro.
Venezuela was ruled by military, politicians right now by politicians of the left (Chavistas), in the case of the former, there can be mentioned Simon Bolivar, Jose Antonio Paez, Cipriano Castro, Juan Vicente Gomez, wolfan Larrazabal, Isaias Medina Angarita, Marcos Perez Jimenez, in the case of right-wing politicians Romulo Gallegos, Romulo Betancourt, Rafael Caldera, Carlos Andres Perez, Luis Herrera Campins, Raul Leoni, Jaime Lusinchi and politicians Left: Hugo Chavez Frias and Nicolas Maduro.
Luego de la derrota del ejército del Imperio Español, que se fueron derrotados de Venezuela, pero que quedaron cientos de miles civiles españoles, que trataron de regresar a Venezuela al dominio español, pero no lo consiguieron, de manera directa, aunque en los negocios que vinieron posteriormente mantuvieron un cierto control sobre las riquezas de la Nación Venezolana.
After the defeat of the army of the Spanish Empire, who were defeated in Venezuela, but were hundreds of Spanish civilians thousands, who tried to return to Venezuela to Spanish rule, but failed, directly, although businesses then they came maintained some control over the riches of the Venezuelan nation.
Simón Bolívar. Al derrotar a los Españoles, ya Simón Bolívar había sido nombrado, por el pueblo, Dictador y Libertador de Perú, de Bolivia, de Venezuela, Ecuador y Colombia y ocupó el cargo de Presidente del Congreso de la Gran Colombia, allí desarrolló diversos decretos y Leyes que impactaron las economías del Continente, así como tambien sus proclamas que aún tienen vigencia hoy día, por ejemplo la inclusión, en la primera Constitución de Venezuela, estableció que toda la riqueza que se hallaba en el subsuelo de la tierra sería administrado por el estado (es decir petróleo, oro, diamante, gas, coltan, etc), de allí el odio hacia bolívar por los blancos peninsulares, os blancos ciollos y la burguesía emergente, podemos mencionar aquí que Bolívar, por decreto, mandó a colocar una octaba estrella a la bandera Venezolana a partir de 1826 y dicha bandera ondeo con sus ocho (8) estrellas hasta 1831, cuando la presidencia de Páez ordenó izar la bandera venezolana con siete (7) estrellas, aquí surge otra pregunta: ¿Por qué Paéz, quien estaba controlado por la burguesía criolla le mandó a quitar la octaba estrella que representaba la independencia de la provincia de guayana ?.
Simón Bolívar. By
defeating the Spaniards, and Simon Bolivar had been appointed, by the
people, dictator and liberator of Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador and
Colombia and held the position of President of the Congress of the Great
Colombia, there developed various decrees and laws
that hit the economies of the continent, as well as their proclamations
that are still relevant today, such as the inclusion in the first
Constitution of Venezuela, established that all the wealth that was in
the basement of the land would be managed by the state
(ie oil, gold, diamond, gas, coltan, etc), hence the hatred bolivar by
white Spaniards, I ciollos white and the emerging bourgeoisie, we can
mention here that Bolivar, by decree, sent to place a octaba star
to the Venezuelan flag from 1826 and said waving flag with eight (8)
stars until 1831, when the presidency of Paez ordered to hoist the
Venezuelan flag with seven (7) star, here comes another question: Why
Paéz, who
he was controlled by the local bourgeoisie commanded him to remove the
octaba star that represented the independence of the province of
Cipriano Castro realizó un gobierno nacionalista, el cual le trajo una enemistad brutal contra EUA y varios países europeros, que trataron de cobrar una deuda a Venezuela, siendo adquirida por España cuando tenía el control de Venezuela como una de sus colonias, y al tener que operarse Cipriano castro en el extranjero, asumió la presidencia el Ministro de la defensa y compadre de Cipriano Castro: Juan Vicente Gómez, quien gobernó a Venezuela durante veintisiete años desde 1908 hasta 1935, cuando muere y que las leyes petroleras y el cobro de impuestos petroleros se los dejó a las transnacionales, hasta su ministro de petroleo le dijo que era oportuno para obtener ingresos por los impuestos y este le dijo que los Norteamericanos saben de petróleo y que elloas hagan las leyes de petróleo, estaba claro que JVG era una pieza comprada y utilizada por las transnacionales de petróleo para su beneficio.
Cipriano Castro made a nationalist government, which brought a brutal enmity against US and various europeros countries that tried to collect a debt to Venezuela, being acquired by Spain when they had control of Venezuela as one of its colonies, and having to operated Cipriano Castro abroad, took office the minister of defense and compadre of Cipriano Castro: Juan Vicente Gomez, who ruled Venezuela for twenty-seven years since 1908-1935, when he dies and that the oil laws and collection of oil taxes he left them transnational, until oil minister said it was timely for income taxes and this told him that Americans know oil and elloas make laws oil, it was clear that JVG was a piece purchased and used by transnational oil for their benefit.
Los otros Presidentes que les fueron sucediendo a Juan Vicente Gómez, de una forma o de otra, sólo gobernaron para transferir riqueza a las grandes Transnacionales, con las concesiones y los negocios, de esta manera Estados Unidos y varios países de Europa, o mejor dicho empresarios de esos países se beneficiaron hasta más no poder y aún sigue la transferencia de capitales mediante las altas tasas de ganancia, que ellos no pueden obtener en sus países. Po eso vemos como a Medina Angarita y a Rómulo Gallegos no los dejaron gobernar su período constitucional completo, porque aplicaron medidas nacionalistas, por ejemplo Medina Angarita aprobó un decreto dando la libertad a que el pueblo venezolano se pudiera organizar en partidos políticos, tando de la derecha como de la izquierda. Y en el caso de Rómulo Gallegos firmó la Ley de tierras, donde asignaba tierras a los campesinos que la trabajaban, por esas cosas, tan simples para el pueblo venezolano, pero complejas para la derecha Nacional e Internacional le dieron el golpe de estado a estos dos Presidentes.
The other presidents that were happening to Juan Vicente Gomez, one way or another, just ruled to transfer wealth to large corporations, with concessions and business, so the United States and several countries in Europe, or rather businessmen from these countries benefited to the utmost and still the transfer of capital by the high profit rates, which they can not obtain in their countries. Po we see as Medina Angarita and Romulo Gallegos did not let them rule his full constitutional term, because they applied nationalist measures, such Medina Angarita approved a giving freedom to the Venezuelan people could organize themselves into political parties, decree Tando right and the left. And in the case of Romulo Gallegos he signed the Land Act, which allocated land to peasants who worked for those things so simple for the Venezuelan people, but complex for the national and international right gave the coup to these two presidents.
No hay ninguna diferencia entre los gobiernos de los militares y de los civiles, en cuando la direccionalidad de las políticas económicas y financieras que aplicaron, sólo las fechas y los nombres son los que muestran una diferencia, pero cuando en 1998, después de que el pueblo Venezolano venía de un doloroso calvario de muchos años pasando necesidades de todo tipo: Falta de viviendas, pocas posibilidades de estudio, alimentación pobre, tanto en cantidad como en calidad, hasta que el cántaro se rompió, cuando el 27 de febrero el gobierno de turno de Carlos Andrés Pérez eliminó todos los subsidios a los alimentos, transporte, créditos, dólares, etc, el pueblo salió a la calle a reclamar y a buscar alimentos en los supermercados, fue entonces cuando el gobierno de la derecha, decidió utilizar a la Fuerza Armada Nacional para cumplir el papel, para el cual el capitalismo la tenía preparada, de reprimir al pueblo a sangre y fuego y fueron asesinadas más de Tres Mil Quinientos (3.500) seres humanos, tan sólo por el delito de buscar que sus hijos no se murieran de hambre, surge la pregunta: ¿El gobierno no tenía otra manera de solucionar el problema económico por el que estaba transitando Venezuela?, el pueblo quedó herido por años con esa experiencia indescribible, por lo tanto cuando el Presidente HUgo Chavez, siendo Teniente Coronel, trató en 1992 de dar un golpe de estado a Carlos Andrés Pérez y a la derecha venezolana, pero fracasó y asumió su responsabilidad, hasta ese momento y por más de cien (100) años, nadie había asumido responsabilidad de nada de los que hacían, entonces el pueblo venezolano, viendo la oportunidad de las elecciones que se aproximaban y teniendo presente el Caracazo y las palabras de Chavez, decidió dar su voto mayoritariamente al candidato Chavez y de manera abrumadora Chavez derrotó al candidato de la derecha que contó con toda una campaña multimillonaria en la elecciones. y Chavez cuando asume la presidencia, no viene con retaliaciones contra la derecha ni contra los políticos que han defendido a la derecha por muchos años, vinó buscando recursos en el exterior, mediante la solicitud de incrementar el precio del barril de petróleo, que la derecha vendió por más de cien (100) años a precios irrisorios, como muestra el precio del barril se vendía a las transnacionales en 1998 a 7 Us$ y llenar un tanque de gasolina en EUA costaba, para esa fecha, 100 Us$, la derecha venezolana reaccionó inmeditamente introduciendo un escrito en el Tribunal Supremo de Justicia para que decidieran que había que destituir al Presidente Chavez por Insanía Mental, es decir que vender la materia prima más importante para el país es cosa de locos.
There is no difference between the governments of the military and civilians, when the directionality of economic and financial policies that applied, only the dates and names are those showing a difference, but when in 1998, after the Venezuelan people came from a painful ordeal for many years going needs of all types: Lack of housing, little chance of study, poor diet, both in quantity and quality, until the pitcher was broken, when on 27 February the government turn of Carlos Andres Perez eliminated all subsidies on food, transportation, credit, dollars, etc, the people took to the streets to demand and seek food in supermarkets, it was when the right-wing government, decided to use the Force Navy to fulfill the role, for which capitalism had prepared, to repress the people to blood and fire and were killed more than three thousand five hundred (3,500) humans, only for the crime of seeking their children not starve, the question arises: Does the government had no other way to solve the economic problem that was transiting Venezuela the people ?, was wounded for years with that indescribable experience, therefore when President Hugo Chavez, being Teniente Colonel, tried in 1992 to give a coup Carlos Andres Perez and the Venezuelan right, but failed and took responsibility, so far and more than one hundred (100) years, no one had taken responsibility for any of those who did then the Venezuelan people, seeing the opportunity of the elections approaching and bearing in mind the Caracazo and the words of Chavez, decided to vote overwhelmingly the candidate Chavez and overwhelmingly Chavez defeated the candidate of the right had a whole multimillion-dollar campaign in the elections. and Chavez when he assumes the presidency, does not come with retaliations against the right or against politicians who have defended the right for many years, he came seeking resources abroad through the application to increase the price of a barrel of oil, which right sold for more than one hundred (100) years at ridiculously low prices, as shown by the price per barrel was sold to the transnationals in 1998-7 Us $ and fill a gas tank in the US cost, by that date, 100 US $, right Venezuela reacted by introducing a inmeditamente written in the Supreme Court to decide they had to oust President Chavez for Mental Insanity, ie to sell the most important raw material for the country it's crazy.
El Presidente Chávez inicia su mandato de cinco años, llamando al pueblo Venezolano a elaborar una Constituyente que sirva para elaborar una nueva constitución, que tenga los artículos que permitan al pueblo venezolano realizar los cambios económicos, sociales, políticos que le permitan adaptarse al mundo desarrollado en ese y este nuevo siglo, porque la constitución del 61 fue elaborada por la derecha nacional con orientaciones internacionales, porque si ustedes comparan a la constitucion del 1961 de Venezuela, con las constituciones de la mayoría de los países de América Latina y el Caribe, tienen mucho en común, que la derecha puede derrocar al gobernante que sea electo por el pueblo, pero que no gobierne para incrementar el beneficio de la derecha nacional e internacional. Por eso el Presidente Chavez no se eqivocó al confiar en el pueblo, porque mayoritariamente votó para la constituyente y tam bien voto para la nueva constitución, mientras que la derecha votó contra la constituyente y tambien votó en contra de la nueva constitución, pero chavez superó satisfactoriamente ese ataque y centró todo su mandato en bajar la tasa de inflación, alfabetizar a un millon (1.500.000) quinientos mil analfabetas, sin que tuviera un costo para ellos, así como tambien eliminó el embargo y liquidación de los créditos sobre la vivienda principal, o sea que es inembargable la vivienda principal, para que no se vea en Venezuela (lo que ocurre en España, Europa y EUA) que se saca a las familias de sus casas cuando no pueden pagarlas, eso no existe en Venezuela, tambien democratizó la educación, porque en Venezuela la Educación es gratuita desde la etapa inicial (Kinder) hasta la Universitaria, pongamos un ejemplo de una de sus decisiones importantes: La tasa de inflación para 1995 era de 103% y la tasa de interés activa que se usa para los creditos de viviendas, de tarjetas de créditos, de compra de vehículos, de bicicletas, de motos, etc estaba a una tasa de 105 %, es decir que si usted debía un crédito por la compra de un apartamento o de una casa de Bs. 20.000.000 automáticamente la deuda pasaba a ser Bs. 40.000.000 es decir imposible pagar para un asalariado, por lo tanto la banca ejecutaba la hipoteca y la familia se quedaba sin vivienda y sin el dinero que había dado de inicial y las cuotas que había cancelado, esto Chávez lo eliminó y logró bajar la tasa de inflación, que no es otra cosa que las ganancias incontroladas que obtenían los empresarios, a 12,3% en el año 2001, con apenas dos años gobernando, esto en vez de ser aplaudido por los empresarios, planearon y ejecutaron durante el año 2002 (con un paro de la industria más importante de Venezuela PDVSA y una huelga general) le dieron un golpe de estado exactamente el 11 de abril de 2002, pero el pueblo y un sector joven de los militares, porque la mayoría de los generales fueron comprados para dar este golpe de estado, retomaron el poder en menos de 47 horas, eso marcó un hito en el mundo, porque tanto Europa, EUA y la derecha venezolana pusieron todo lo que tenían para derrocar a Chavez, pero al volver al poder no desató una persecución como si lo hizo la derecha contra el pueblo venezolano en el año 1989.
Chavez began his five-year term, calling the Venezuelan people to
develop a Constituent serve to draft a new constitution, which has
articles that allow the Venezuelan people realize economic, social,
political changes that allow it to adapt to the developed world in
that and this new century, because the constitution of 61 was drawn up
by the national right with international guidelines, because if you
compare to the constitution of 1961 in Venezuela, with the constitutions
of most countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, they
have much in common, that the right can overthrow the ruler is elected
by the people, but did not rule to increase the benefit of national and
international right. That's
why President Chavez not eqivocó to trust the people, for the most part
voted for the constituent and tam well vote for the new constitution,
while the right voted against the constituent and also voted against the
new constitution, but chavez exceeded that
attack and successfully focused his mandate on lowering the inflation
rate, literacy training to one million (1,500,000) five hundred thousand
illiterate, but had a cost to them, and also eliminated the seizure and
liquidation of claims on housing principal,
so it is inembargable the main house, so it is not seen in Venezuela
(what happens in Spain, Europe and USA) that pulls out to the families
of their homes when they can not afford them, does not exist in
Venezuela, also democratized
education, because Venezuela education is free from the initial stage
(K) to the University, say an example of one of his important decisions:
the inflation rate for 1995 was 103% and the interest rate active that used
for housing loans, credit card, purchase of vehicles, bicycles,
motorcycles, etc was at a rate of 105%, ie if you had a credit for
buying an apartment or a house of
Bs. 20,000,000 debt automatically going to be Bs. 40.000.000 that is
impossible to pay for an employee, therefore mortgage banking executed
and the family was homeless and without money he had given initial and the
fees were canceled, this Chavez removed and managed to lower the
inflation rate, which is nothing but uncontrolled profits made
entrepreneurs, to 12.3% in 2001, with just two years in office, this in instead
of being applauded by employers, planned and executed in 2002 (with a
stoppage of the most important industry of Venezuela PDVSA and a general
strike) was given a coup exactly 11 April 2002, but the people and a
young sector of the military, because most of the generals were bought
to give this coup, returned to power in less than 47 hours, that marked a
milestone in the world, because both Europe, the US and the Venezuelan
right put all they
had to overthrow Chavez, but the return to power did not trigger a
chase as if he did the right against the Venezuelan people in 1989.
Hugo chavez en sus dos períodos de gobierno fue tan eficientes, que el pueblo votó mayoritariamente para que gobernara por un tercer período: 2013-2019, pero la enfermedad que tenía (o que se la implantaron) no le permitió gobernar y según nuestra Constitución se celebraron elecciones treinta días despues de s fallecimiento, por lo tanto había dos candidatos, uno que ya había sido derrotado por dos veces por el Presidente Chávez y que tenía más de dós años en campaña para cuando falleció Chavez y el otro candidato era Nicolás Maduro, quien resultó electo, porque Chavez antes de morir se dirigió al pueblo Venezolano y le pidió que votaran por Nicolás Maduro y el pueblo cumplió con dicha petición y Nicolas Maduro resultó electo para el período 2013-2019 y en el mismo día de su juramentación ante el Poder Electoral CNE, la derecha venezolana aliada a la derecha internacional llamaron a descargar su arrechera contra el pueblo y ocasionaron más de 11 muertos, el gobierno de Maduro logró pasar ese intento de golpe, pero la derecha Nacional e internacional montó de nuevo otro intento de golpe para el año 2014, la cual se llamó la Salida, dirigida por varios representantes de la derecha nacional e internacional y ocasionaron la muerte de más de 23 personas y más de 100 heridos, es decir que el Presidente Nicolás Maduro en tres (3) años de gobierno han tratado de tumbarlo o darle un golpe de estado en dos oportunidades y en este momento, en el año 2016, están tratando de darle el golpe de Estado, veamos por qué la derecha nacional e internacional quiere tumbar a Nicolás Maduro: Primero porque se mantiene la educación gratuita, segundo que se mantiene el uso de los recursos provenientes del incremento del precio de la gasolina y las recaudaciones, que son importantes, de los impuestos de las empresas, tales como el IVA, y el Impuesto sobre La Renta, se invierten en beneficios para el pueblo, tales como la construcción de más de 1.107.000 viviendas para los sectores populares y la clase media, y este proyecto está definido en construir mas de 3.500.000 viviendas, que si tomamos en consideración que la famiia venezolana es de cinco personas en promedio, por lo que más del 50% de la población Venezoana (30.000.000) tendrá una vivienda digna y a bajo costo y adicionalmente se les entrega a la familia dotada de electrodomésticos y cama y muebles, y es pagadera en el tiempo y con faciliades de pago, acorde con sus ingresos. Otro de los motivos es que la mayoría de los ingresos van dirigidos al bienestar social, desde que llegó al gobierno, lo que se llama en venezuela El Chavismo, construyendo una sociedad socialista, más del 65% de los ingresos son destinados al bienestar social y no al incremento del capital, he alli el odio de la derecha nacional.e internacional, esto no quiere decir que los empresarios y la oligarquía venezolana no han ganado millones de dolares y bolívares en estos diecisiete años de gobierno del Chavismo.
Ahora el Presidente Maduro ha establecido un plan para los cuatro meses del año 2016 que faltan, es decir desde septiembre hasta diciembre, donde buscará solventar la crisis económica, por la que está pasando el capitalismo nacional e internacional, y que están tratando de descargar sobre el pueblo aunado a la guerra económica, donde los empresarios disminuyeron su producción e incrementaron los precios de manera exorbitante, sin que su estructura de costos se haya incrementado en el mismo porcentaje, estávisto que los empresarios han descargado, como si tuvieran un odio, contra el pueblo venezolano por seguir apoyando al presidente Nicolás Maduro, especulando con los precios, reuciendo a producción y desapareciendo las mercancías, hasta el límita de dejar que se venzan muchos productos y pierdan millones de bolívares, porque pienzan que al tumbar a Maduro, recuperaran lo invertido con creces, pero a veces el destino juega una mala pasada y pudieran perder mucho más de lo que han estado planificando, porque lo que se deja de ganar en un momento, no regresa y con los proyectos de la explotación del oro del coltan, el gas y otros minerales se podran ver incrementado los ingresos del estado y la crisis económica del estado pasará y el pueblo quedará beneficiado, porque vendrán los alimentos que tanta falta le hacen al pueblo venezolano, bien sea por el incremento en la producción de algunos empresarios sensatos y por la importación de alimentos por el mayor ingreso de divisas del estado.
Hugo chavez in his two terms of government was so efficient that the people voted overwhelmingly to rule for a third term: 2013-2019, but the disease that had (or that the implanted) did not allow him to govern and by our Constitution held elections thirty days after s death, therefore there were two candidates, one that had already been defeated twice by President Chavez and had more than two years in campaign when he died Chavez and the other candidate was Nicolas Maduro, who was elected because Chavez before his death went to the Venezuelan people and asked him to vote for Nicolas Maduro and the people complied with this request and Nicolas Maduro was elected for 2013-2019 and on the same day of his inauguration before the Electoral power CNE, the Venezuelan right allied with the international right called to unload their arrechera against the people and caused more than 11 deaths, Maduro's government managed to pass the coup attempt, but the national and international right remounted another attempt to hit 2014, which was called Exit, directed by several representatives of national and international right and caused the death of over 23 people and injured more than 100, meaning that President Nicolas Maduro in three (3) years of government have tried to take him down or give a coup on two occasions and now, in 2016, are trying to give the coup, see why the national and international right wants to overthrow Nicolas Maduro: First because free education, second the use of resources from the rising price of gasoline and revenues, which are important, of corporate taxes, such as VAT is maintained, and the income tax remains , are invested in benefits for the people, such as the construction of more than 1,107,000 homes for the popular sectors and the middle class, and this project is set to build more than 3,500,000 homes, if we take into consideration that the Venezuelan famiia is five people on average, so that more than 50% of the Venezoana (30,000,000) people have decent housing at low cost and additionally are given to the gifted family of appliances and bed and furniture, and is payable at the time and faciliades payment, according to their income. Another reason is that most of the revenues are directed to social welfare, since joining the government, what is called in Venezuela Chavismo, building a socialist society, over 65% of revenues are earmarked for social welfare and not to increase capital, there I hate nacional.e international right, this does not mean that employers and the Venezuelan oligarchy have not made millions of dollars and bolivars in these seventeen years of rule by Chavismo.
Now President Maduro has established a plan for the four months of 2016 missing, ie from September to December, where he will seek to solve the economic crisis, which is going national and international capitalism, and are trying to download on the people coupled with the economic war, where entrepreneurs decreased production and increased prices exorbitantly without its cost structure has increased by the same percentage, estávisto that entrepreneurs have downloaded, as if they had a hatred against the Venezuelan people to continue to support President Nicolas Maduro, speculating with prices, reuciendo to production and disappearing goods, to the limits let many products expire and lose millions of bolivars, because pienzan that the overthrow Maduro, recover it more than reversed, but sometimes fate plays a trick and could lose much more than they have been planning, because what is left of winning at a time, does not return and the projects of gold mining coltan, gas and other minerals may see increased state revenues and the economic crisis the state will and the people will be benefited, because come the foods that badly needs the Venezuelan people, either by increased production of some entrepreneurs sensible and food imports by the largest state foreign exchange earnings.
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