Golpe de 1964 y de 2016, el mismo golpe de clase Leonardo Boff Koinomía. Coup of 1964 and 2016, the same stroke class Leonardo Boff Koinomía.
Entre el golpe de 1964 y el golpe de 2016 hay una connaturalidad
estructural. Ambos son golpes de clase, de los dueños del dinero y del
poder: el primero usa a los militares, el otro al parlamento. Los medios
son diferentes pero el resultado es el mismo: un golpe con ruptura
democrática y violación de la soberanía popular.
Veamos el golpe de 1964. René Armand Dreifuss en su monumental tesis en la Universidad de Glasglow: “1964: la conquista del Estado, acción política, poder y golpe de clase” (Vozes 1981) –un libro de 814 páginas, 326 de las cuales son documentos originales– dejó claro que: «lo que hubo en Brasil no fue un golpe militar, sino un golpe de clase con uso de la fuerza militar» (p. 397).
El asalto al poder del Estado fue tramado por el general Golbery de
Couto y Silva sirviéndose de cuatro instituciones que difundían la idea
del golpe: el Instituto de Investigaciones y Estudios Sociales (IPES),
el Instituto Brasilero de Acción Democrática (IBAD), el Grupo de
Análisis de Conyuntura (GLC) y la Escuela Superior de Guerra (ESG). El
objetivo manifiesto era: «readecuar y reformular el Estado» para que se
adecuase a los intereses del capital nacional y transnacional. He aquí
el carácter de clase del golpe.
El asalto al Estado se dio en 1964 y en toda su dureza en 1968 con
represión, tortura y asesinatos. El Régimen de Seguridad Nacional pasó a
ser el Régimen de Seguridad del Capital.
Para el golpe de 2016 tenemos una minuciosa investigación del sociólogo y expresidente del IPEA, Jessé Souza “La radiografía del golpe”
(Leya 2016). Semejante al golpe de 1964, Jessé desvela los mecanismos
que permitieron a la élite del dinero ser la organizadora del golpe,
realizado en su nombre por el parlamento. Por lo tanto, se trata de un
golpe de clase y parlamentario.
Además de esto, Jessé enfatiza «que todos los golpes, inclusive el
actual, son un fraude bien perpetrado por los dueños del dinero, que son
los reales ‘dueños del poder”. ¿Quién compone esa élite? «La élite del
dinero es ante todo la élite financiera, que dirige los grandes bancos y
fondos de inversiones y lidera otros sectores de adinerados como el del
agronegocio, la industria (FIESP) y el comercio, secundada por los
medios de divulgación que deforman y falsean sistemáticamente la
realidad social como si fuese “tierra arrasada y país fallido” (es
exageración), escondiendo los intereses corporativos detrás del fraude
El motor de todo el proceso, reafirma Jessé, es la voracidad de la élite
del dinero para apropiarse de la riqueza colectiva sin trabas, con
otros socios como los medios ultraconservadores, el complejo
jurídico-policial del Estado y una parcela del STF (piénsese en Gilmar
El proceso dedestitución (impeachment) fue a parar al Senado.
Este promovió la destitución de la Presidenta Dilma por delito de
responsabilidad fiscal. Los principales juristas y economistas, además
de notables testimonios durante las audiencias y de los informes
oficiales de varias instituciones, negaron rotundamente la existencia de
responsabilidad. La mayoría de los senadores ni se tomó la molestia de
oír las consultas con especialistas altamente calificados pues ya habían
tomado previamente la decisión de deponer a la presidenta.
El audio de la conversación entre Romero Jucá, ministro de planeamiento,
y el exdiretor de Transpetro Sergio Machado, revela la trama: “meter a
Michel en un gran acuerdo nacional con el Supremo y con todo; ahí se
para todo… y se detiene la sangría del Lava Jato”. Uno de los motivos
del golpe era también librar del brazo de la justicia a los 49 senadores
(de 81) indiciados o implicados en corrupción. De esta forma, con
excepción de los valerosos defensores de Dilma, ese tipo de políticos
sin moral, decidieron deponer a una mujer honesta e inocente.
Condenar sin delito es golpe. Golpe de clase y parlamentario. Golpe
significa violar la constitución y traicionar la soberanía popular por
cuya fuerza Dilma Rousseff fue elegida con 54 millones de votos.
Ayer en 1964, y hoy en 2016, ya sea por vía militar o por vía
parlamentaria, funciona la misma lógica: las élites
económico-financieras y la casta política conservadora practican la
rapiña de gran parte de la renta nacional (Jessé apunta a 71.440
personas, sólo el 0’05% de la población) contra la vida y el bienestar
de la mayoría del pueblo, sometido a la pobreza. Buena parte del
Congreso es cómplice de este golpe. En él prevalece mayoritariamente la
misma intencionalidad estructural de garantizar el statu quo que favorece sus privilegios y sus ganancias.
El proyecto del PMDB “Un puente para el futuro”, de un descarado
neoliberalismo como para enrojecer, revela el propósito del golpe:
reducir el Estado, disminuir los salarios, liquidar la política de
revalorización del salario, cortar gastos de los programas sociales,
privatizar empresas estatales, especialmente el Pré-Sal, desvincular
gastos obligatorios de la salud y de la educación, reducir al mínimo
todo lo que tiene que ver con la cultura, los derechos humanos, las
mujeres y las minorías. El ministerio está formado por blancos y en gran
parte acusados de corrupción. No hay mujeres ni negros ni
representantes de las minorías.
Estamos ante un espantoso retroceso político-social, que agrava la
desigualdad, nuestra perversa llaga social, y vacía las conquistas
sociales de trece años de los gobiernos Lula-Dilma.
Hay resistencia y oposición multitudinaria en las calles de fuertes
grupos sociales y de intelectuales que no aceptan un presidente
conspirador y sin credibilidad. La solución serían unas elecciones
generales y mediante la soberanía popular se escogería un nuevo
presidente que de hecho representase al país.
Among the 1964 coup and the coup of 2016 there is a structural connaturality. Both are bumps class, the owners of money and power: the first uses the military, the other to parliament. The means are different but the result is the same: a blow to democratic breakdown and violation of popular sovereignty.
Consider the 1964 coup René Armand Dreifuss in his monumental thesis at the University of Glasgow: "1964: Conquest of the State, political action, power and class coup" (Vozes 1981) -a book of 814 pages, 326 of the which are original- documents made it clear that "what occurred in Brazil was not a military coup, but a stroke class with use of military force" (397 p.).
The assault on state power was hatched by General Golbery Couto and Silva making use of four institutions who spread the idea of the coup: the Institute for Research and Social Studies (IPES), the Brazilian Institute of Democratic Action (ADBI), the Group conjuncture Analysis (GLC) and the Higher School of War (ESG). The stated goal was "readjusting and reformulate the State" to be adecuase the interests of national and transnational capital. Here the class character of the coup.
The assault on the state was in 1964 and in all its harshness in 1968 with repression, torture and murder. The National Security Regime became the Capital Security Regime.
For the 2016 coup we have a thorough investigation of the sociologist and former president of IPEA, Jesse Souza "Radiography Beat" (Leya 2016). Like the 1964 coup, Jesse reveals the mechanisms that enabled the moneyed elite to be the organizer of the coup, carried out on its behalf by parliament. Therefore, it is a class and parliamentary coup.
Besides this, Jesse emphasizes "that all the blows, even today, are a well perpetrated by the owners of money fraud, which are the real 'owners of power". Who is on this elite? "The moneyed elite is primarily the financial elite, who runs the big banks and investment funds and leads other sectors of wealthy as agribusiness, industry (FIESP) and trade, supported by the mass media that distort and systematically distorts social reality as if it were "scorched earth and failed state" (that is exaggeration), hiding the corporate interests behind the coup fraud ".
The engine of the whole process, reaffirms Jesse, is the voracity of the moneyed elite to appropriate the collective wealth unhindered, with other partners such as the ultra-conservative media, the police-legal state complex and parcel of the STF (think Gilmar Mendes).
The dedestitución process (impeachment) went to the Senate. This promoted the ouster of President Dilma for the crime of fiscal responsibility. The leading jurists and economists and notable testimony during the hearings and official reports of several institutions, flatly denied the existence of responsibility. Most senators and trouble hearing consultations with highly qualified specialists since they had previously made the decision to depose the president took.
The audio of the conversation between Romero Juca, Minister of Planning, and Transpetro exdiretor Sergio Machado, reveals the plot: "Michel put on a national agreement with the Supreme and with all; there is for all ... and Lava Jato bleeding stops. " One reason for the coup was also ridding the arm of justice the 49 senators (81) indicted or implicated in corruption. Thus, except for the brave defenders of Dilma, such politicians without morality, decided to depose an honest and innocent woman.
Condemn without offense is hit. Class and parliamentary coup. Strike means violating the constitution and betraying the popular sovereignty whose strength Dilma Rousseff was elected with 54 million votes.
Yesterday in 1964, and today in 2016, either by military means or by parliament, it works the same logic: the economic and financial elites and political conservative caste practice prey of much of the national income (Jessé points to 71,440 people , only 0.05% of the population) against life and welfare of the majority of the people subjected to poverty. Much of the Congress is complicit in this coup. In it prevails largely the same structural intent to ensure the status quo that favors their privileges and profits.
The project PMDB "A bridge to the future," a brazen neoliberalism as to redden, reveals the purpose of the coup: reduce the state, reduce wages, liquidate the policy of revaluing wages, cut spending on social programs, privatize state-owned enterprises, especially the Pré-Sal, unlink compulsory expenditure health and education, minimize everything that has to do with culture, human rights, women and minorities. The ministry consists largely white and accused of corruption. No women or blacks or minority representatives.
We are facing a terrible political and social decline, exacerbating inequality, our perverse social sore, and empty the social conquests of thirteen years of the Lula-Dilma governments.
There is massive resistance and opposition in the streets of strong social groups and intellectuals who do not accept a conspirator president without credibility. The solution would be a general election by popular sovereignty and a new president who would represent the country in fact be chosen.Source: http://www.servicioskoinonia.org/boff/articulo.php?num=791
Consider the 1964 coup René Armand Dreifuss in his monumental thesis at the University of Glasgow: "1964: Conquest of the State, political action, power and class coup" (Vozes 1981) -a book of 814 pages, 326 of the which are original- documents made it clear that "what occurred in Brazil was not a military coup, but a stroke class with use of military force" (397 p.).
The assault on state power was hatched by General Golbery Couto and Silva making use of four institutions who spread the idea of the coup: the Institute for Research and Social Studies (IPES), the Brazilian Institute of Democratic Action (ADBI), the Group conjuncture Analysis (GLC) and the Higher School of War (ESG). The stated goal was "readjusting and reformulate the State" to be adecuase the interests of national and transnational capital. Here the class character of the coup.
The assault on the state was in 1964 and in all its harshness in 1968 with repression, torture and murder. The National Security Regime became the Capital Security Regime.
For the 2016 coup we have a thorough investigation of the sociologist and former president of IPEA, Jesse Souza "Radiography Beat" (Leya 2016). Like the 1964 coup, Jesse reveals the mechanisms that enabled the moneyed elite to be the organizer of the coup, carried out on its behalf by parliament. Therefore, it is a class and parliamentary coup.
Besides this, Jesse emphasizes "that all the blows, even today, are a well perpetrated by the owners of money fraud, which are the real 'owners of power". Who is on this elite? "The moneyed elite is primarily the financial elite, who runs the big banks and investment funds and leads other sectors of wealthy as agribusiness, industry (FIESP) and trade, supported by the mass media that distort and systematically distorts social reality as if it were "scorched earth and failed state" (that is exaggeration), hiding the corporate interests behind the coup fraud ".
The engine of the whole process, reaffirms Jesse, is the voracity of the moneyed elite to appropriate the collective wealth unhindered, with other partners such as the ultra-conservative media, the police-legal state complex and parcel of the STF (think Gilmar Mendes).
The dedestitución process (impeachment) went to the Senate. This promoted the ouster of President Dilma for the crime of fiscal responsibility. The leading jurists and economists and notable testimony during the hearings and official reports of several institutions, flatly denied the existence of responsibility. Most senators and trouble hearing consultations with highly qualified specialists since they had previously made the decision to depose the president took.
The audio of the conversation between Romero Juca, Minister of Planning, and Transpetro exdiretor Sergio Machado, reveals the plot: "Michel put on a national agreement with the Supreme and with all; there is for all ... and Lava Jato bleeding stops. " One reason for the coup was also ridding the arm of justice the 49 senators (81) indicted or implicated in corruption. Thus, except for the brave defenders of Dilma, such politicians without morality, decided to depose an honest and innocent woman.
Condemn without offense is hit. Class and parliamentary coup. Strike means violating the constitution and betraying the popular sovereignty whose strength Dilma Rousseff was elected with 54 million votes.
Yesterday in 1964, and today in 2016, either by military means or by parliament, it works the same logic: the economic and financial elites and political conservative caste practice prey of much of the national income (Jessé points to 71,440 people , only 0.05% of the population) against life and welfare of the majority of the people subjected to poverty. Much of the Congress is complicit in this coup. In it prevails largely the same structural intent to ensure the status quo that favors their privileges and profits.
The project PMDB "A bridge to the future," a brazen neoliberalism as to redden, reveals the purpose of the coup: reduce the state, reduce wages, liquidate the policy of revaluing wages, cut spending on social programs, privatize state-owned enterprises, especially the Pré-Sal, unlink compulsory expenditure health and education, minimize everything that has to do with culture, human rights, women and minorities. The ministry consists largely white and accused of corruption. No women or blacks or minority representatives.
We are facing a terrible political and social decline, exacerbating inequality, our perverse social sore, and empty the social conquests of thirteen years of the Lula-Dilma governments.
There is massive resistance and opposition in the streets of strong social groups and intellectuals who do not accept a conspirator president without credibility. The solution would be a general election by popular sovereignty and a new president who would represent the country in fact be chosen.Source: http://www.servicioskoinonia.org/boff/articulo.php?num=791
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