Vielma Mora: La tasa Dicom debe ser el valor referencial de cambio en la frontera. Reiteró igualmente su posición y declaraciones anteriores en relación al “dólar today”, del cual ratificó, es el “elemento distorsionador de la economía venezolana, en especial la fronteriza”. Vielma Mora: The Dicom rate should be the reference value of change in the border also reiterated its position and previous statements regarding the "dollar today", which ratified, is "distorting element of the Venezuelan economy, especially the border"
San Cristobal, 22 de agosto de 2016.- “Colombia
debe regular todas la tasa de cambio. La tasa Dicom es la única
referencia para regir el diferencial cambiario entre Venezuela y
Colombia. ¿Defender el bolívar y el pueblo de frontera, con las
leyes de la república, es ser ignorante?”, aseguró el gobernador del
estado Táchira, José Gregorio Vielma
Mora, a través de su programa número 99 “Vielma Mora Construye” aseguró esta afirmación basándose
en las conversaciones adelantadas entre las autoridades de Colombia y
Venezuela y teniendo como referencia el informe emitido por la Comisión
Económica para América Latina y el Caribe-Cepal.
-Nosotros leemos-aseguró-, y la Cepal, organismo adscrito a las Naciones Unidas, dio
a conocer un informe que fue solicitado por los gobiernos bolivariano
de Venezuela y el de Colombia sobre el comercio fronterizo entre ambos
países, diferencial de precios, tipo de cambio y avenimiento para el
diálogo, y un ciudadano concejal de San Cristóbal me ofendió en
un programa de radio llamándome ignorante, quién no sabe es él, quien
menos lee más guarimbea.
Reiteró igualmente su posición y declaraciones anteriores en relación al “dólar today”, del cual ratificó, es el “elemento distorsionador de la economía venezolana, en especial la fronteriza”.
“Esa es una página web con residencia
en Estados Unidos y diariamente publica la tasa del dólar respecto al
bolívar en el mercado paralelo venezolano. Las fuentes que
alimentan a dólar today no son conocidas y no reflejan la realidad de
las fuerzas del mercado, de acuerdo con el informe emitido por la
Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe”, razonó Vielma Mora.
Leyendo el mismo informe de la Cepal, agregó que “ha contribuido a crear mayor volatilidad, incertidumbre y expectativas infundadas de depreciación del bolívar frente al dólar”.
San Cristobal, August 22, 2016.- "Colombia should regulate all exchange rate. The Dicom rate is the only reference to govern the exchange rate differential between Venezuela and Colombia. Defend the bolivar and the border town with the laws of the republic,
is to be ignorant? "Said the governor of Tachira, José Gregorio Vielma
Mora, through its program number 99 "Vielma Mora Build" said this statement based on advanced talks between the authorities of Colombia and Venezuela and with reference to the report issued by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean-ECLAC.
-we Read-assured, and Cepal, a body under the United Nations released a report that was requested by the Bolivarian government of Venezuela and Colombia on border trade between the two countries, differential pricing, type change and compromise for dialogue, and a citizen councilor of San Cristobal offended me in a radio program calling me ignorant, who does not know is he who least read more guarimbea.
He also reiterated his position and previous statements regarding the "dollar today", which ratified, is the "distorting element of the Venezuelan economy, especially the border".
"That's a website with US residency and publishes daily rate of the dollar against the bolivar in Venezuela's parallel market. The sources that feed dollar today are not known and do not reflect the reality of market forces, according to the report issued by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean ", he reasoned Vielma Mora.
Reading the same ECLAC report, adding that "it has contributed to increased volatility, uncertainty and unfounded expectations of depreciation of the bolivar against the dollar."
Mora, through its program number 99 "Vielma Mora Build" said this statement based on advanced talks between the authorities of Colombia and Venezuela and with reference to the report issued by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean-ECLAC.
-we Read-assured, and Cepal, a body under the United Nations released a report that was requested by the Bolivarian government of Venezuela and Colombia on border trade between the two countries, differential pricing, type change and compromise for dialogue, and a citizen councilor of San Cristobal offended me in a radio program calling me ignorant, who does not know is he who least read more guarimbea.
He also reiterated his position and previous statements regarding the "dollar today", which ratified, is the "distorting element of the Venezuelan economy, especially the border".
"That's a website with US residency and publishes daily rate of the dollar against the bolivar in Venezuela's parallel market. The sources that feed dollar today are not known and do not reflect the reality of market forces, according to the report issued by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean ", he reasoned Vielma Mora.
Reading the same ECLAC report, adding that "it has contributed to increased volatility, uncertainty and unfounded expectations of depreciation of the bolivar against the dollar."
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