Se materializó el Golpe de Estado en Brasil. Primero en Paraguay, Hondura, Brasil, (Argentina por la vía del engaño), ahora van por Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua y por Venezuela, pero la constitución hecha por Chavez no permite Golpe institucional. the coup materialized in Brazil. First in Paraguay, Honduras, Brazil, (Argentina by way of deception), now they go by Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua and Venezuela, but Chavez made constitution does not allow institutional coup.
31 de agosto de 2016.- Finalmente, se consumó el golpe de Estado en
Brasil. La mandataria constitucional de ese país, Dilma Rousseff, fue
señalada de culpable de corrupción por el Senado y de este modo es
apartada de forma definitiva de sus funciones como líder Ejecutiva. Con
61 senadores a favor, y 20 en contra, en un quorum de 81 senadores, la
destitución de Rousseff se concreta de forma permanente y no podrá
presentarse a nuevas elecciones presidenciales hasta dentro de ocho
La votación final sobre el juicio político fue separada en dos rondas,
una para decidir sobre la destitución de la mandataria, y otra sobre la
inhabilitación política por un lapso de ocho años.
En una primera votación, el pleno del Senado decidió destituir a
Rousseff y prosigue la votación sobre la prohibición de ejercer cargos
públicos en los próximos años.
Al momento de redactar esta nota, ya culminó la votación sobre la
inhabilitación y los resultados obtenidos, fueron contra la misma, por
lo que la destituida presidenta, está en libertad de ejercer cualquier
cargo público.
Entre tanto, el presidente interino, Michel Temer, permanecerá a la
cabeza de mando del gigante suramericano hasta finales de 2018, pese a
la enorme aura de antipopularidad que le rodea por la implementación (en
el poco tiempo que lleva en el poder) de políticas económicas
profundamente marcadas por recortes presupuestarios y privatizaciones de
servicios y beneficios para el ciudadano común.
Movimientos sociales y políticos, activistas y sectores de la sociedad
civil acusan al líder del centrista Partido de Movimiento Democrático
Brasileño (PMDB) de golpista. Pero Temer también es señalado de
retrógrado, esto por echar marcha atrás en las reivindicaciones sociales
alcanzadas por los más desfavorecidos, políticas que habían refrendado
los líderes del izquierdista Partido de los Trabajadores (PT), Luiz
Inácio Lula Da Silva y Dilma Rousseff.
¿Qué pasó?
Rousseff fue suspendida de sus funciones el 12 de mayo porque el Senado
decidió juzgarla por presunta manipulación de las cuentas públicas en
2014 (año de su reelección) y a inicios de 2015.
El proceso fue abierto en diciembre de 2015, y tras recorrer un largo
camino por la cámara baja y la cámara alta del Congreso, de recolección
de pruebas, presentación de testimonios y otras diligencias por parte de
una comisión especial del Senado; Rousseff fue hallada culpable y
destituida definitivamente por más de 54 votos (dos tercios del Senado).
Para nadie en Brasil era un secreto que el impeachment contra Rousseff
se trataba de un "golpe blando", tal como lo calificó el premio Nobel de
la Paz, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel: "Los golpes blandos ya se pusieron en
práctica en el continente en países como Honduras (con Manuel Zelaya) y
Paraguay (con Fernando Lugo). Ahora, la misma metodología, que no
necesita a las Fuerzas Armadas, se está utilizando aquí en Brasil",
El abogado de defensa de Rousseff, José Eduardo Cardozo, calificó el
proceso judicial como "una gran farsa" y un golpe contra la democracia.
Durante el proceso, incluso se filtraron grabaciones secretas en las que
se desprendía la premisa de que el impeachment solo fue un intento de
frenar las investigaciones del megaescándalo de corrupción en la estatal
Petrobras que golpeó tanto al partido de Rousseff como al de Temer.
"Hay que resolver esa mierda. Hay que cambiar el gobierno para cortar
esta sangría", afirmaba en las grabaciones el exministro de
Planificación, Romero Jucá, que debió renunciar tras revelarse el audio.
El entonces ministro de Transparencia, Fabiano Silveira, también cayó
tras otra filtración en la que se evidenciaba que criticaba la
investigación de la corrupción en Petrobras.
Aunque la defensa de Rousseff solicitó a la comisión del Senado incluir
tales grabaciones entre las pruebas a ser analizadas para demostrar que
el impeachmet carecía de fundamento; el senador Antonio Anastasia
(encargado de elaborar el informe final y favorable al impeachment)
rechazó el pedido y consideró los hechos "ajenos al objeto del proceso".
¿Quiénes apoyan a Temer?
Luego del 12 de mayo, cuando Rousseff fue separada del cargo, las
movilizaciones en contra del Gobierno interino de Michel Temer empezaron
a reproducirse en todo el territorio nacional, e incluso fuera de las
fronteras brasileñas, y cada vez se hace mayor el rechazo, lo que
demuestra el poco apoyo popular con el que cuenta Temer. Los Juegos
Olímpicos de Río de Janerio 2016, incluso sirvieron de escenario para
alcanzar una mayor visibilidad internacional a las protestas llevadas a
cabo en contra del presidente interino.
Para el mes de junio, de acuerdo con el sondeo de MDA / CNT el Ejecutivo
de Temer solo contaba con una valoración positiva del 11,3 por ciento,
mientras que el 30,2 por ciento considera regular su gestión. La
encuesta también indicó que el 50,3 por ciento de los consultados aboga
por la celebración de las elecciones anticipadas este mismo año, frente
al 46,1 por ciento que cree que los comicios deben realizarse en 2018
como estaba previsto.
A este respecto, Rousseff propuso y prometio públicamente que si
retomaba sus funciones celebraría un plebiscito para consultarle al
pueblo si realmente deseaba adelantar las elecciones presidenciales: "La
restauración plena de la democracia requiere que la población decida
cual es el camino para ampliar la gobernabilidad y mejoarr el sistema
político electoral brasileño", opinó Rousseff.
En cuanto a Temer, pese al voto de confianza que los mercados
depositaron en el Gobierno del ex vicepresidente, éste no consigue salir
de la crisis producto de los escándalos de corrupción en los que se ha
visto envuelto su partido. A esto se le suma el hecho de que Temer lucha
por estabilizarse en medio de fuertes cuestionamientos por su
legitimidad y de una severa recesión económica.
Finally 2016.- August 31, the coup was consummated in Brazil. The
constitutional president of that country, Dilma Rousseff, was appointed
guilty of corruption by the Senate and thus is away definitively from
his duties as executive leader. With 61 Senators in favor, and 20 against in a quorum of 81 senators,
the removal of concrete Rousseff permanently and it can not stand up to
new presidential elections within eight years.
The final vote on the impeachment trial was separated in two rounds, one to decide on the dismissal of the president, and the other on the political disqualification for a period of eight years.
In a first vote, the Senate decided to remove Rousseff and continues the vote on the ban on holding public office in the coming years.
At the time of writing this note and ended the vote on the disqualification and the results obtained were against it, so the ousted president, is free to exercise any public office.
Meanwhile, the interim president, Michel Temer, will remain at the head of command of the South American giant until the end of 2018, despite the enormous aura of antipopularidad surrounding the implementation (in the short time he has been in power) policy economic deeply marked by budget cuts and privatization of services and benefits for the average citizen.
social and political movements, activists and civil society sectors accuse the leader of the centrist Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (PMDB) of coup. But Temer is also said retrograde, this reverse take social, political demands reached by the most disadvantaged who had countersigned the leaders of the leftist Workers Party (PT), Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva and Dilma Rousseff.
What happened?
Rousseff was suspended from office on May 12 because the Senate decided to prosecute him for alleged manipulation of public accounts in 2014 (the year of his re-election) and in early 2015.
The process was opened in December 2015, and after traveling a long way to the lower house and the upper house of Congress, evidence gathering, presentation of testimony and other proceedings by a special committee of the Senate; Rousseff was convicted and definitively dismissed by more than 54 votes (two thirds of the Senate).
For anyone in Brazil it was a secret that the impeachment against Rousseff was a "soft coup", as he called the Nobel Adolfo Perez Esquivel Peace Prize: "The soft blows and were implemented on the continent in countries as Honduras (Manuel Zelaya) and Paraguay (Fernando Lugo). Now, the same methodology, you do not need the armed forces, is he using here in Brazil, "he said.
The defense attorney Rousseff, José Eduardo Cardozo, described the trial as "a farce" and a blow against democracy. During the process, including secret recordings in which the premise that the impeachment was just an attempt to curb corruption investigations megaescándalo in state Petrobras hit Rousseff both the party and the fear was clear filtered.
"We have to solve that shit. You have to change the government to stop this bleeding," he said the recordings the former Minister of Planning, Romero Juca, who had to resign after revealing the audio. The then Minister of Transparency, Fabiano Silveira, also fell after another leak in which it was evident that criticized the investigation of corruption in Petrobras.
Although Rousseff defense asked the Senate committee include such recordings between tests to be analyzed to show that the impeachmet unfounded; Senator Antonio Anastasia (in charge of preparing the final report and pro-impeachment) rejected the request and considered the facts "outside the object of the process."
Who support Temer?
After May 12, when Rousseff was separated from office, the protests against the interim government of Michel Temer began playing throughout the national territory, and even beyond Brazil's borders, and it is becoming more the rejection, which shows how little popular support that has Temer. The Olympic Games in Rio de Janerio 2016, even provided a backdrop to achieve greater international visibility to the protests carried out against the interim president.
For the month of June, according to the survey of MDA / CNT's executive Temer only he had a positive assessment of 11.3 percent, while 30.2 percent consider regulate their management. The survey also indicated that 50.3 percent of respondents called for holding early elections this year, compared to 46.1 percent who believe that the elections should be held in 2018 as scheduled.
In this regard, Rousseff proposed and publicly promised that if resumed his duties would hold a referendum to ask the people if they really wanted to bring forward the presidential election: "The full restoration of democracy requires that the people can decide which way to expand governance and mejoarr the Brazilian electoral system, "said Rousseff.
As for Temer, despite the vote of confidence that markets deposited in the government of former vice president, he does not get out of the proceeds of corruption scandals in which his party has been embroiled crisis. To this is added the fact that Temer struggle to stabilize amid serious questions about its legitimacy and a severe economic recession.
Traductor de Google para empresas:Google Translator ToolkitTraductor de sitios webGlobal Market The final vote on the impeachment trial was separated in two rounds, one to decide on the dismissal of the president, and the other on the political disqualification for a period of eight years.
In a first vote, the Senate decided to remove Rousseff and continues the vote on the ban on holding public office in the coming years.
At the time of writing this note and ended the vote on the disqualification and the results obtained were against it, so the ousted president, is free to exercise any public office.
Meanwhile, the interim president, Michel Temer, will remain at the head of command of the South American giant until the end of 2018, despite the enormous aura of antipopularidad surrounding the implementation (in the short time he has been in power) policy economic deeply marked by budget cuts and privatization of services and benefits for the average citizen.
social and political movements, activists and civil society sectors accuse the leader of the centrist Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (PMDB) of coup. But Temer is also said retrograde, this reverse take social, political demands reached by the most disadvantaged who had countersigned the leaders of the leftist Workers Party (PT), Luiz Inacio Lula Da Silva and Dilma Rousseff.
What happened?
Rousseff was suspended from office on May 12 because the Senate decided to prosecute him for alleged manipulation of public accounts in 2014 (the year of his re-election) and in early 2015.
The process was opened in December 2015, and after traveling a long way to the lower house and the upper house of Congress, evidence gathering, presentation of testimony and other proceedings by a special committee of the Senate; Rousseff was convicted and definitively dismissed by more than 54 votes (two thirds of the Senate).
For anyone in Brazil it was a secret that the impeachment against Rousseff was a "soft coup", as he called the Nobel Adolfo Perez Esquivel Peace Prize: "The soft blows and were implemented on the continent in countries as Honduras (Manuel Zelaya) and Paraguay (Fernando Lugo). Now, the same methodology, you do not need the armed forces, is he using here in Brazil, "he said.
The defense attorney Rousseff, José Eduardo Cardozo, described the trial as "a farce" and a blow against democracy. During the process, including secret recordings in which the premise that the impeachment was just an attempt to curb corruption investigations megaescándalo in state Petrobras hit Rousseff both the party and the fear was clear filtered.
"We have to solve that shit. You have to change the government to stop this bleeding," he said the recordings the former Minister of Planning, Romero Juca, who had to resign after revealing the audio. The then Minister of Transparency, Fabiano Silveira, also fell after another leak in which it was evident that criticized the investigation of corruption in Petrobras.
Although Rousseff defense asked the Senate committee include such recordings between tests to be analyzed to show that the impeachmet unfounded; Senator Antonio Anastasia (in charge of preparing the final report and pro-impeachment) rejected the request and considered the facts "outside the object of the process."
Who support Temer?
After May 12, when Rousseff was separated from office, the protests against the interim government of Michel Temer began playing throughout the national territory, and even beyond Brazil's borders, and it is becoming more the rejection, which shows how little popular support that has Temer. The Olympic Games in Rio de Janerio 2016, even provided a backdrop to achieve greater international visibility to the protests carried out against the interim president.
For the month of June, according to the survey of MDA / CNT's executive Temer only he had a positive assessment of 11.3 percent, while 30.2 percent consider regulate their management. The survey also indicated that 50.3 percent of respondents called for holding early elections this year, compared to 46.1 percent who believe that the elections should be held in 2018 as scheduled.
In this regard, Rousseff proposed and publicly promised that if resumed his duties would hold a referendum to ask the people if they really wanted to bring forward the presidential election: "The full restoration of democracy requires that the people can decide which way to expand governance and mejoarr the Brazilian electoral system, "said Rousseff.
As for Temer, despite the vote of confidence that markets deposited in the government of former vice president, he does not get out of the proceeds of corruption scandals in which his party has been embroiled crisis. To this is added the fact that Temer struggle to stabilize amid serious questions about its legitimacy and a severe economic recession.
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