Maduro: Arco Minero cuenta con 10 mil millones de dólares en inversión Ago 26, 2016 2:02 pm. Maduro: Arco Mining has 10 billion dollars in investment Aug 26, 2016 2:02 pm.
El presidente de la República, Nicolás Maduro, anunció que el
proyecto del Arco Minero del Orinoco cuenta con 10 mil millones de
dólares para iniciar el desarrollo del Motor Minero en el país.
En ese sentido, manifestó que Venezuela tiene las puertas abiertas a la
inversión y del desarrollo minero ecológico, pero a su juicio, la
explotación de recursos minerales ha avanzado con lentitud.
Los representantes de las empresa canadiense, Barrick Internacional
Corporation y MPE Internacional, firmaron un acuerdo de compromiso con
Venezuela para trabajos de exploración y extracción de oro y cobre, una
de las más importantes según aseguró Maduro. Los empresarios italianos
de Bedeschi trabajaran el área tratamiento, exploración, extracción y
almacenamiento de carbón
Desde África, empresarios de la República Democrática del Congo
acordaron la extracción y explotación del oro, diamante, hierro,
tantalio y coltán del territorio venezolano. La empresa minera de China,
Yang Kuang Group, se ocupará de la exploración y extracción de oro.
Durante esta reunión, el presidente de la república, Nicolas Maduro
anuncio que se aplicará un mecanismo de precio justo para el oro. Así lo
confirmó el presidente del Banco Central de Venezuela (BCV), Nelson
Merentes, explicando que el precio del mineral precioso se publicará a
través del BCV con la ayuda de Minerven.
President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, announced that the project
Arco del Orinoco Mining has 10 billion dollars to start the development
of Motor Minero in the country.In this regard, he said that Venezuela has the doors open to
investment and ecological mining development, but in his view, the
exploitation of mineral resources has been slow.
The representatives of the Canadian company, Barrick International Corporation and MPE International signed a compromise agreement with Venezuela for exploration and extraction of gold and copper, one of the most important as Maduro said. Italian entrepreneurs work Bedeschi treatment area, exploration, extraction and storage of coal
From Africa, employers in the DRC agreed to the extraction and exploitation of gold, diamond, iron, tantalum and coltan Venezuelan territory. The mining company of China, Yang Kuang Group, will address the exploration and extraction of gold.
During this meeting, the President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro announced that a mechanism fair price for gold will apply. This was confirmed by the president of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV), Nelson Merentes, explaining that the price of the precious mineral will be published through the BCV with the help of Minerven.
The representatives of the Canadian company, Barrick International Corporation and MPE International signed a compromise agreement with Venezuela for exploration and extraction of gold and copper, one of the most important as Maduro said. Italian entrepreneurs work Bedeschi treatment area, exploration, extraction and storage of coal
From Africa, employers in the DRC agreed to the extraction and exploitation of gold, diamond, iron, tantalum and coltan Venezuelan territory. The mining company of China, Yang Kuang Group, will address the exploration and extraction of gold.
During this meeting, the President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro announced that a mechanism fair price for gold will apply. This was confirmed by the president of the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV), Nelson Merentes, explaining that the price of the precious mineral will be published through the BCV with the help of Minerven.
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