Paraguay: Hoy leen sentencia del caso Curuguaty. Para qué juzgar a los campesinos Paraguayos si en esa oportunidad querian dar un Golpe de Estado a Lugo, dejen la pantomima y absuelvan a los campesinos que son inocentes. Paraguay: Today read Curuguaty judgment in the case. Why judge the Paraguayan peasants if they wanted to give a coup to Lugo at that time, let pantomime and acquit the peasants who are innocent.
Publicado 11 julio 2016 (Hace 6 horas 27 minutos)
aún aguardan por la investigación de la muerte de los trabajadores del
campo y que se haga justicia, al igual que con los policías.
Los jueces que
conforman el Tribunal de Sentencia que juzga a los acusados por la
matanza de Curuguaty, tienen previsto dictar la resolución el caso este
lunes a las 13H00 hora local.
Ramón Trinidad
Zelaya, Samiel Silvero y Benito González condenarán o absolverán a los
once procesados, luego de un juicio que se caracterizó por dilaciones,
suspensiones y testimonios contradictorios.
La Fiscalía
solicitó penas de entre cinco y 40 años de cárcel para los acusados,
mientras que los abogados defensores pidieron al Tribunal de Sentencia
la absolución de todos los campesinos.
El proceso oral
y público, calificado de irregular por diversas fuentes, tuvo lugar a
raíz de los sucesos acaecidos en junio de 2012 en la localidad rural de
Curuguaty, a 240 kilómetros al noreste de Asunción (Capital), durante
los cuales murieron por disparos 11 labriegos y seis policías.
juicio ha sido severamente criticado porque solo fueron encausados los
campesinos imputados por el deceso de los agentes, mientras que ninguna
autoridad involucrada ni tampoco las circunstancias de la caída de los
labriegos, fue investigada.
El dato: Familiares
y campesinos han denunciado que el Ministerio Público solo se ha
encargado de investigar la muerte de los policías, mientras que sobre
los trabajadores del campo impera la impunidad.
De los acusados, nueve tienen cargos por tentativa de homicidio
doloso, invasión de inmueble ajeno y asociación criminal, un par de
ellos por esos dos últimos supuestos delitos y otro por frustración a la
persecución penal.
En contexto
masacre de Curuguaty ocurrida el 15 de junio de 2012 se produjo cuando
un grupo policial paraguayo desalojó un colectivo de campesinos que
ocupaban una finca para la producción agrícola, llamada Campos
Morombu, a solicitud del Ministerio del Interior.
oposición del país atribuyó a priori la responsabilidad de lo acontecido
al expresidente Fernando Lugo, lo cual fue usado como argumento para un
juicio en el Congreso del país que terminó en la destitución del
desenlace fue denunciado en múltiples instancias del país y fuera de él
por quienes lo calificaron de golpe de Estado parlamentario.
Los políticos de Paraguay, para tratar de tapar toda la tramoya que hicieron para dar el Golpe de Estado al presidente Lugo, crearon la farsa de la confrontación entre gobierno y campesinos, deben liberar a los campesinos y juzgar a los verdaderos criminales materiales e ideologos y dejar tambien de atacar a Venezuela cuando tienen un tremendo problema en su sociedad, con los asesinatos que han cometido para tumbar un gobierno del pueblo paraguayo para montar a un gobierno de los terratenientes y burgueses de paraguay. A Venezuela le corresponde la Presidencia Protempore del Mercosur, pero Paraguay o el Gobierno y Congreso de Paraguay deciden atacar a nuestra Patria para tratar de tapar la bomba de tiempo social que tienen en su país, tan igual como el Presidente dictatorial de Brasil y el Gobierno Burgues de Argentina. Porque en Venezuela tenemos un gobierno ampliamente democrático, electo por la mayoría del pueblo Venezolano en el año 2013 y culminará su mandato en el 2018, por lo tanto al Presidente Nicolás Maduro le corresponde recibir la Presidencia Protempore de Mercosur y seguirá de Presidente de Venezuela hasta el 2018 y alli el Pueblo Chavista decidirá si Maduro vuelve a ser el candidato para repetir en la presidencia de Venezuela y en esas elecciones del 2018 tendremos dos candidatos, uno por el Chavismo: Nicolás Maduro y otro por la oposición, si es que no son varios, porque está Capriles, Ramos Allud, Julio Borges y María Corina Machado. Y nuestro pueblo decidirá, por mayoría, quien será el presidente para el período 2019-2025 y nosotros, que queremos que se siga construyendo la sociedad Socialista, votaremos para que continue como Presidente Nicolás Maduro.
legal proceedings against farmers comes to an end after having begun on 27 July 2015. | Photo: EFEPublished July 11, 2016 (6 hours ago 27 minutes)Family still waiting for the investigation of the death of workers in the field and justice, as with police.
The judges who make up the trial court to judge those accused of the massacre of Curuguaty, plan to make the ruling case Monday at 13H00 local time.
Ramón Trinidad Zelaya, Samiel Silvero Benito González and condemn or acquit the eleven defendants, after a trial which was characterized by delays, suspensions and contradictory testimony.
>> Paraguay: Queen impunity for the slaughter of Curuguaty
The prosecution requested sentences of between five and 40 years in prison for defendants, while defense lawyers asked the trial court's acquittal of all farmers.
The oral and public trial, described as irregular by various sources, took place following the events in June 2012 in the rural town of Curuguaty, 240 kilometers northeast of Asuncion (Capital), during which they were shot 11 peasants and six policemen.
>> Prisoners Paraguayans by-case fulfill Curuguaty 46 days on hunger strike
The trial has been severely criticized because only defendants were indicted for the death of peasants agents while involved no authority nor the circumstances of the fall of the peasants, was investigated.The fact: Families and farmers have complained that the prosecution has only been charged with investigating the death of the policemen, while on farmworker impunity prevails.
Of the defendants, nine have charges of attempted homicide, invasion of property and criminal association, a couple of them by the latter two and another alleged crimes prosecution frustration.
In contextThe slaughter of Curuguaty occurred on June 15, 2012 occurred when a group Paraguayan police evicted a group of peasants occupying a farm for agricultural production, called Campos Morombu, at the request of the Ministry of Interior.The country's opposition a priori attributed responsibility for what happened to former President Fernando Lugo, which was used as an argument for a trial in the country's congress that ended in the dismissal of the president.Such outcome was reported in multiple instances of the country and out of it by those who called him a parliamentary coup.
Politicians of Paraguay, to try to cover all the props they made to give the coup to President Lugo, created the farce of confrontation between the government and farmers, they must free the peasants and prosecute the real criminals materials and ideologues and stop attacking Venezuela also when they have a tremendous problem in their society, with the murders they have committed to overthrow a government of the Paraguayan people to assemble a government of the landowners and burghers of Paraguay. A Venezuela corresponds to the pro tempore Mercosur Presidency, but Paraguay and the Government and Congress of Paraguay decide to attack our country to try to cover the social time bomb they have in their country, as same as the dictatorial President of Brazil and the Government Burgues of Argentina. Because in Venezuela we have a broadly democratic government elected by the majority of the Venezuelan people in 2013 and will end its mandate in 2018, therefore the President Nicolas Maduro is entitled to receive the pro tempore Mercosur Presidency and will continue as President of Venezuela to 2018 and there the Chavista People decide whether Maduro is again the candidate to repeat as president of Venezuela and in the elections of 2018 will have two candidates, one by Chavismo: Nicolas Maduro and the other by the opposition, if they are not several, because it is Capriles, Allud Ramos, Julio Borges and Maria Corina Machado. And our people will decide, by majority, who will be president for the period 2019-2025 and us, we want to continue building the socialist society, we will vote to continue as President Nicolas Maduro.
The judges who make up the trial court to judge those accused of the massacre of Curuguaty, plan to make the ruling case Monday at 13H00 local time.
Ramón Trinidad Zelaya, Samiel Silvero Benito González and condemn or acquit the eleven defendants, after a trial which was characterized by delays, suspensions and contradictory testimony.
>> Paraguay: Queen impunity for the slaughter of Curuguaty
The prosecution requested sentences of between five and 40 years in prison for defendants, while defense lawyers asked the trial court's acquittal of all farmers.
The oral and public trial, described as irregular by various sources, took place following the events in June 2012 in the rural town of Curuguaty, 240 kilometers northeast of Asuncion (Capital), during which they were shot 11 peasants and six policemen.
>> Prisoners Paraguayans by-case fulfill Curuguaty 46 days on hunger strike
The trial has been severely criticized because only defendants were indicted for the death of peasants agents while involved no authority nor the circumstances of the fall of the peasants, was investigated.The fact: Families and farmers have complained that the prosecution has only been charged with investigating the death of the policemen, while on farmworker impunity prevails.
Of the defendants, nine have charges of attempted homicide, invasion of property and criminal association, a couple of them by the latter two and another alleged crimes prosecution frustration.
In contextThe slaughter of Curuguaty occurred on June 15, 2012 occurred when a group Paraguayan police evicted a group of peasants occupying a farm for agricultural production, called Campos Morombu, at the request of the Ministry of Interior.The country's opposition a priori attributed responsibility for what happened to former President Fernando Lugo, which was used as an argument for a trial in the country's congress that ended in the dismissal of the president.Such outcome was reported in multiple instances of the country and out of it by those who called him a parliamentary coup.
Politicians of Paraguay, to try to cover all the props they made to give the coup to President Lugo, created the farce of confrontation between the government and farmers, they must free the peasants and prosecute the real criminals materials and ideologues and stop attacking Venezuela also when they have a tremendous problem in their society, with the murders they have committed to overthrow a government of the Paraguayan people to assemble a government of the landowners and burghers of Paraguay. A Venezuela corresponds to the pro tempore Mercosur Presidency, but Paraguay and the Government and Congress of Paraguay decide to attack our country to try to cover the social time bomb they have in their country, as same as the dictatorial President of Brazil and the Government Burgues of Argentina. Because in Venezuela we have a broadly democratic government elected by the majority of the Venezuelan people in 2013 and will end its mandate in 2018, therefore the President Nicolas Maduro is entitled to receive the pro tempore Mercosur Presidency and will continue as President of Venezuela to 2018 and there the Chavista People decide whether Maduro is again the candidate to repeat as president of Venezuela and in the elections of 2018 will have two candidates, one by Chavismo: Nicolas Maduro and the other by the opposition, if they are not several, because it is Capriles, Allud Ramos, Julio Borges and Maria Corina Machado. And our people will decide, by majority, who will be president for the period 2019-2025 and us, we want to continue building the socialist society, we will vote to continue as President Nicolas Maduro.
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