Las dos Américas alcanzan su definición mejor. The two Americas reach their best definition
El 15 de diciembre de 1894 escribía José Martí en las páginas del periódico Patria un artículo titulado “Honduras y los extranjeros”. Allí decía:
“En América hay dos pueblos, y no más que dos, de alma muy diversa por los orígenes, antecedentes y costumbres, y sólo semejantes en la identidad fundamental humana. De un lado está nuestra América, y todos sus pueblos son de una naturaleza, y de cuna parecida o igual, e igual mezcla imperante; de la otra parte está la América que no es nuestra, cuya enemistad no es cuerdo ni viable fomentar, y de la que con el decoro firme y la sagaz independencia no es imposible, y es útil, ser amigo. Pero de nuestra alma hemos de vivir, limpia de la mala iglesia, y de los hábitos de amo y de inmerecido lujo.”
veces como en estos días se han visto en la misma fecha brillar y
oscurecerse en sus respectivos roles las dos Américas definidas por José
Martí. De un lado, en La Habana, “capital de la unidad”, según palabras
del Papa Francisco, se han juntado líderes llegados de nuestra América y
representantes de otras partes del mundo para avalar un paso decisivo
hacia el fin del conflico armado que lleva más de seis décadas
desangrando a Colombia. Del otro, en Washington, la Organización de
Estados Americanos (OEA) ha vuelto a ser escenario para un intento de
injerencia y división contra la paz en nuestra América en nuevo capítulo
de una ya larga historia que abarca desde su nacimiento en 1948 como
instrumento de la política norteamericana en la región.
Mientras Cuba acogía la firma del cese el fuego definitivo entre los
guerrilleros de las FARC-EP y el Gobierno colombiano y se hacía firme
ante el mundo el compromiso de ambas partes con la renuncia a la
violencia como método para hacer política, la organización que ha sido
desde su fundación instrumento para la intervención armada de EEUU en
Latinoamérica, que respaldó a dictadores como Trujillo, Somoza, Batista,
Pinochet y Stroessner, era escenario para tratar de legitimar los
anhelos de quienes están intentado convertir Venezuela en país
Del lado nuestroamericano, la Comunidad de
Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (CELAC), que en enero de 2014
proclamó a América Latina y el Caribe como Zona de Paz, se gestó en la
Cumbre Extraordinaria del Grupo de Río, Costa de Sauipe, Salvador,
Bahía, Brasil, el 16 de diciembre de 2008, cuando el presidente cubano
Raúl Castro dijo:
“No me refiero en nada a lo de la OEA, porque estimo que es una broma del compañero Zelaya, no vayan a interpretarse mal sus palabras al salir por la televisión a escala mundial, y como siempre hay algunos que no estaban atendiendo bien, van a creer que es una proposición seria, por lo menos yo lo entiendo como una broma.
“Antes de que Cuba entre a la OEA, y que me perdone, no el Secretario de la OEA, lo saludo, y tal vez me reúna con él, sino al político que es, la personalidad política, que es nuestro amigo Insulza, primero, como dijo Martí, “se unirá el mar del norte al mar del sur y nacerá una serpiente de un huevo de águila”.
“Evo, incluso, decía que Cuba debe ser miembro de una OEA sin norteamericanos. Nosotros no podemos, por las razones que les estuve explicando y otras muchas que harían extensa esta reunión, con norteamericanos o sin norteamericanos, ingresar a la OEA. Esa sigla debe desaparecer, es nuestra opinión.”
después, en julio de 2009, un golpe militar derrocó a Zelaya, el
presidente constitucional de Honduras, y hasta hoy son asesinadas
personas allí por defender la democracia, como acaba de ocurrir con la
activista Berta Cáceres. Nada hizo la OEA por evitar o condenar ambas
cosas pero ahora su Secretario General Luis Almagro y el gobierno de
EEUU quieren convertirla en juez de Venezuela mientras callan sobre otro
golpe en curso en Brasil.
La CELAC nacería apenas dos años
después de la Cumbre de Sauipe, con el impulso decisivo de la postura de
Cuba y el liderazgo del Presidente venezolano Hugo Chávez. El acuerdo
que se ha alcanzado en La Habana entre entre las FARC-EP y el Gobierno
de Colombia incluye crear un Mecanismo tripartito de Monitoreo y
Verificación, integrado por representantes del Gobierno colombiano, de
las FARC-EP, y un Componente Internacional consistente en una misión
política con observadores no armados de la ONU integrada principalmente
por observadores de países miembros de la CELAC. ¿Y la OEA? impulsando
la desestabilización de Venezuela, la vecina en la frontera Este de
Pocas veces como este 23 de junio de 2016, las dos
Américas de las que habló Martí alcanzaron su definición mejor: de un
lado la paz, la unidad y la concertación, del otro la conspiración, la
mentira y la violencia. En el centro, como él dijo en otro de sus
artículos de 1894, también en Patria, la mayor de las Antillas:
“La gloria no es de los que ven para atrás, sino para adelante.- No son meramente dos islas floridas, de elementos aún disociados, lo que vamos a sacar a luz, sino a salvarlas y servirlas de manera que la composición hábil y viril de sus factores presentes, menos apartados que los de las sociedades rencorosas y hambrientas europeas, asegure, frente a la codicia posible de un vecino fuerte y desigual, la independencia del archipiélago feliz que la naturaleza puso en el nudo del mundo, y que la historia abre a la libertad en el instante en que los continentes se preparan, por la tierra abierta, a la entrevista y al abrazo. En el fiel de América están las Antillas, que serían, si esclavas, mero pontón de la guerra de una república imperial contra el mundo celoso y superior que se prepara ya a negarle el poder, -mero fortín de la Roma americana;- y si libres- y dignas de serlo por el orden de la libertad equitativa y trabajadora- serían en el continente la garantía del equilibrio, la de la independencia para la América española aún amenazada y la del honor para la gran república del Norte, que en el desarrollo de su territorio -por desdicha, feudal ya, y repartido en secciones hostiles- hallará más segura grandeza que en la innoble conquista de sus vecinos menores, y en la pelea inhumana que con la posesión de ellas abriría contra las potencias del orbe por el predominio del mundo. -No a mano ligera, sino como con conciencia de siglos, se ha de componer la vida nueva de las Antillas redimidas. Con augusto temor se ha de entrar en esa grande responsabilidad humana. Se llegará a muy alto, por la nobleza del fin; o se caerá muy bajo, por no haber sabido comprenderlo. Es un mundo lo que estamos equilibrando: no son sólo dos islas las que vamos a libertar.” José Martí. Artículo “El tercer año del Partido Revolucionario Cubano.” (De Patria. Nueva York, 17 de abril, 1894.)
La pupila insomne
On December 15, 1894 José Martí wrote in the pages of Patria newspaper an article titled "Honduras and foreigners." There said:
"In America there are two peoples, and only two, very different soul origins, history and customs, and just like in human fundamental identity. On one side is our America, and all its peoples are of a nature, and similar or equal crib, and the same prevailing mixture; the other part is the America that is not ours, whose enmity is not prudent nor feasible to promote, and that the firm decorum and wise independence is not impossible, and it is useful, be a friend. But our soul we have to live, clean of bad church and habits undeserved love and luxury. "
Seldom these days have been on the same date glow and darken in their respective roles the two Americas as defined by José Martí. On the one hand, in Havana, "capital of unity", in the words of Pope Francisco, have joined leaders coming from our America and representatives from other parts of the world to endorse a decisive step towards ending the armed conflico carrying more six decades bleeding to Colombia. The other, in Washington, the Organization of American States (OAS) has returned to the stage for an attempt of interference and division to peace in our America in a new chapter in a long history stretching from its inception in 1948 as an instrument of US policy in the region.
While Cuba welcomed the signing of the definitive ceasefire between the FARC-EP and the Colombian government and was firm to the world the commitment of both sides to renounce violence as a way of doing politics, the organization has it been since its founding instrument for armed US intervention in Latin America, which backed dictators like Trujillo, Somoza, Batista, Pinochet and Stroessner, was the scene to try to legitimize the yearnings of those who are trying to turn Venezuela into bloodied country.
The nuestroamericano hand, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), which in January 2014 proclaimed Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace, was developed at the Special Summit of the Rio Group, Costa de Sauipe, Salvador, Bahia , Brazil, on December 16, 2008, when Cuban President Raul Castro said:
"Do not they mean nothing to the OAS, because I think it's a joke fellow Zelaya not go to misinterpreted his words to go on television worldwide, and as always there are some who were not serving well, go to believe it is a serious proposition, at least I understand it as a joke.
"Before Cuba from the OAS, and forgive me, not the Secretary of the OAS, greeted him, and perhaps meet me with him, but the politician who is the political personality, who is our friend Insulza, first as Marti said, "the north sea to join south sea and a snake will hatch from an eagle's egg."
"Evo even said that Cuba should be a member of an OAS without the US. We can not, for the reasons I was explaining to them and many others that would extend this meeting with Americans or without Americans, join the OAS. That acronym should disappear, it is our opinion. "
Shortly thereafter, in July 2009, a military coup ousted Zelaya, the constitutional president of Honduras, and to this day are murdered people there to defend democracy, as just happened with the activist Berta Caceres. OAS did nothing to prevent or condemn both but now its Secretary General Luis Almagro and the US government want to make a judge of Venezuela while silent about another coup underway in Brazil.
CELAC would be born just two years after the Summit Sauipe, with the decisive impulse to the position of Cuba and the leadership of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. The agreement has been reached in Havana between between FARC-EP and the Government of Colombia includes creating a tripartite mechanism Monitoring and Verification, composed of representatives of the Colombian Government, FARC-EP, and an international component consisting of a political mission with observers unarmed UN observers mainly composed of member countries of the CELAC. And the OAS? driving the destabilization of Venezuela, the neighbor on the eastern border of Colombia.
Rarely as this June 23, 2016, the two Americas of which Martí spoke reached their best definition: first peace, unity and consensus, the other conspiracy, lies and violence. In the center, as he said in another article of 1894, also in Patria, the largest of the Antilles:
"Glory is not one to look back, but to adelante.- are not merely two flowery islands, even dissociated elements, which will bring forth, but to save them and serve them so that the business and virile composition of its factors present, fewer sections than those of spiteful and hungry societies European, secure, against the possible greed of a strong and uneven neighbor, the independence of happy archipelago that nature put in the knot of the world and history open to freedom in the moment when the continents are prepared for open land, to the interview and embrace. In the faithful of America are the Antilles, which would, if slaves, mere pontoon war of an imperial republic against the jealous and upper world and preparing to deny power, -mero American pillbox Rome - and if Libres and worthy of being in the order of equitable and trabajadora- freedom on the continent would guarantee the balance, independence for Spanish America still threatened and honor to the great republic of the North, development -for territory of their misery, and feudal and divided into sections hostile safer find greatness in the ignoble conquest of its smaller neighbors, and the inhumane fight with possession of them would open against the powers of the world for dominance of the world. -not A light hand, but as conscious centuries, has been composing new life in the West Indies redeemed. With august fear it has to go into that great human responsibility. It will reach very high, the nobility of purpose; or it will fall very low, for having failed to understand. It is a world that we are balancing: there are only two islands that we will deliver "José Martí.. Article "The third year of the Cuban Revolutionary Party." (De Patria. New York, April 17, 1894.)
"In America there are two peoples, and only two, very different soul origins, history and customs, and just like in human fundamental identity. On one side is our America, and all its peoples are of a nature, and similar or equal crib, and the same prevailing mixture; the other part is the America that is not ours, whose enmity is not prudent nor feasible to promote, and that the firm decorum and wise independence is not impossible, and it is useful, be a friend. But our soul we have to live, clean of bad church and habits undeserved love and luxury. "
Seldom these days have been on the same date glow and darken in their respective roles the two Americas as defined by José Martí. On the one hand, in Havana, "capital of unity", in the words of Pope Francisco, have joined leaders coming from our America and representatives from other parts of the world to endorse a decisive step towards ending the armed conflico carrying more six decades bleeding to Colombia. The other, in Washington, the Organization of American States (OAS) has returned to the stage for an attempt of interference and division to peace in our America in a new chapter in a long history stretching from its inception in 1948 as an instrument of US policy in the region.
While Cuba welcomed the signing of the definitive ceasefire between the FARC-EP and the Colombian government and was firm to the world the commitment of both sides to renounce violence as a way of doing politics, the organization has it been since its founding instrument for armed US intervention in Latin America, which backed dictators like Trujillo, Somoza, Batista, Pinochet and Stroessner, was the scene to try to legitimize the yearnings of those who are trying to turn Venezuela into bloodied country.
The nuestroamericano hand, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), which in January 2014 proclaimed Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace, was developed at the Special Summit of the Rio Group, Costa de Sauipe, Salvador, Bahia , Brazil, on December 16, 2008, when Cuban President Raul Castro said:
"Do not they mean nothing to the OAS, because I think it's a joke fellow Zelaya not go to misinterpreted his words to go on television worldwide, and as always there are some who were not serving well, go to believe it is a serious proposition, at least I understand it as a joke.
"Before Cuba from the OAS, and forgive me, not the Secretary of the OAS, greeted him, and perhaps meet me with him, but the politician who is the political personality, who is our friend Insulza, first as Marti said, "the north sea to join south sea and a snake will hatch from an eagle's egg."
"Evo even said that Cuba should be a member of an OAS without the US. We can not, for the reasons I was explaining to them and many others that would extend this meeting with Americans or without Americans, join the OAS. That acronym should disappear, it is our opinion. "
Shortly thereafter, in July 2009, a military coup ousted Zelaya, the constitutional president of Honduras, and to this day are murdered people there to defend democracy, as just happened with the activist Berta Caceres. OAS did nothing to prevent or condemn both but now its Secretary General Luis Almagro and the US government want to make a judge of Venezuela while silent about another coup underway in Brazil.
CELAC would be born just two years after the Summit Sauipe, with the decisive impulse to the position of Cuba and the leadership of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. The agreement has been reached in Havana between between FARC-EP and the Government of Colombia includes creating a tripartite mechanism Monitoring and Verification, composed of representatives of the Colombian Government, FARC-EP, and an international component consisting of a political mission with observers unarmed UN observers mainly composed of member countries of the CELAC. And the OAS? driving the destabilization of Venezuela, the neighbor on the eastern border of Colombia.
Rarely as this June 23, 2016, the two Americas of which Martí spoke reached their best definition: first peace, unity and consensus, the other conspiracy, lies and violence. In the center, as he said in another article of 1894, also in Patria, the largest of the Antilles:
"Glory is not one to look back, but to adelante.- are not merely two flowery islands, even dissociated elements, which will bring forth, but to save them and serve them so that the business and virile composition of its factors present, fewer sections than those of spiteful and hungry societies European, secure, against the possible greed of a strong and uneven neighbor, the independence of happy archipelago that nature put in the knot of the world and history open to freedom in the moment when the continents are prepared for open land, to the interview and embrace. In the faithful of America are the Antilles, which would, if slaves, mere pontoon war of an imperial republic against the jealous and upper world and preparing to deny power, -mero American pillbox Rome - and if Libres and worthy of being in the order of equitable and trabajadora- freedom on the continent would guarantee the balance, independence for Spanish America still threatened and honor to the great republic of the North, development -for territory of their misery, and feudal and divided into sections hostile safer find greatness in the ignoble conquest of its smaller neighbors, and the inhumane fight with possession of them would open against the powers of the world for dominance of the world. -not A light hand, but as conscious centuries, has been composing new life in the West Indies redeemed. With august fear it has to go into that great human responsibility. It will reach very high, the nobility of purpose; or it will fall very low, for having failed to understand. It is a world that we are balancing: there are only two islands that we will deliver "José Martí.. Article "The third year of the Cuban Revolutionary Party." (De Patria. New York, April 17, 1894.)
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