GPP solicitará al TSJ abolir la AN por usurpación de funciones. GPP asks the Supreme Court to abolish the AN for usurpation of functions
28-06-16.-Los partidos que conforman el Gran Polo Patriótico (GPP)
solicitarán al Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ) abolir la actual
Asamblea Nacional (AN) por usurpación de funciones.
El dirigente del partido Podemos, Didalco Bolívar, acotó este martes que
la directiva del parlamento ha incurrido con faltas graves a la
Constitución, irrespetando la voluntad popular del pueblo venezolano que
los escogió para solventar sus problemas.
Recordó que entre las irregularidades cometidas por la AN se encuentran:
violación a leyes en las que no tienen potestad y traición a la Patria
en abuso de autoridad de política exterior.
En ese sentido, solicitarán al máximo tribunal del país que esta
convocatoria esté acompañada por nuevas elecciones parlamentarias para
que el pueblo elija si desea continuar o no con la gestión de la actual
directiva de la AN.
“Pedimos que nuestra solicitud sea acompañada con una convocatoria a
elecciones parlamentarias para que sea el pueblo que diga si esta
Asamblea violatoria de la Constitución es la que debe ejercer o que de
lo contrario decida qué tipo de asamblea constitucional desean”,
Para finalizar, Bolívar acotó que los partidos del GPP aún se encuentran discutiendo la formalidad de esta propuesta.
Nacioinal AssemblyNacioinal AssemblyCredit: Archive
28-06-16.-parties that make up the Great Patriotic Pole (GPP) will ask the Supreme Tribunal of Justice (TSJ) to abolish the current National Assembly (AN) for usurpation of functions.
The party leader can Didalco Bolivar, he said Tuesday that the directive parliament has committed serious offenses to the Constitution, disregarding the popular will of the Venezuelan people who chose to solve their problems.
He recalled that among the irregularities committed by the NA are: violation of laws that have no power and treason abuse of authority in foreign policy.
In that sense, they ask the high court that this call is accompanied by new parliamentary elections for the people to choose whether to continue or not with the management of the current policy of the AN.
"We ask that our application is accompanied by a call for parliamentary elections to be the people who say if this violates Assembly of the Constitution is to be exercised or otherwise decide what kind of constitutional assembly want," he said.
Finally, Bolivar added that the parties are still discussing GPP formality of this proposal.
28-06-16.-parties that make up the Great Patriotic Pole (GPP) will ask the Supreme Tribunal of Justice (TSJ) to abolish the current National Assembly (AN) for usurpation of functions.
The party leader can Didalco Bolivar, he said Tuesday that the directive parliament has committed serious offenses to the Constitution, disregarding the popular will of the Venezuelan people who chose to solve their problems.
He recalled that among the irregularities committed by the NA are: violation of laws that have no power and treason abuse of authority in foreign policy.
In that sense, they ask the high court that this call is accompanied by new parliamentary elections for the people to choose whether to continue or not with the management of the current policy of the AN.
"We ask that our application is accompanied by a call for parliamentary elections to be the people who say if this violates Assembly of the Constitution is to be exercised or otherwise decide what kind of constitutional assembly want," he said.
Finally, Bolivar added that the parties are still discussing GPP formality of this proposal.
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