Diosdado Cabello: Ataques de la derecha se debe a que Venezuela impulsó un modelo distinto al capitalismo. Diosdado Cabello: Attacks on the right is because Venezuela urged a different model of capitalism
Caracas, 29 de junio de 2016.- El diputado a la Asamblea Nacional (AN)
por el Bloque de la Patria, Diosdado Cabello, indicó este miércoles que
los ataques de la derecha internacional – con apoyo de los sectores de
oposición – se debe a que en Venezuela, desde hace 17 años, se impulsó
un modelo diferente al capitalista, enfocado a atender a los sectores
excluidos por los gobiernos de la IV República.
"Debemos tener claro que todos estos ataques que recibe la Revolución
Bolivariana es porque nosotros impulsamos un modelo distinto, el modelo
socialista, no es el modelo capitalista", expresó Cabello en su programa
Con el Mazo Dando, que transmite Venezolana de Televisión desde el estado Apure.
En este sentido, Cabello exhortó a las fuerzas revolucionarias a
mantenerse firme ante la coyuntura que vive el país, producto de la
caída abrupta de los precios del petróleo y la guerra no convencional de
la derecha, con el fin de consolidar el proyecto socialista impulsado
por el comandante Hugo Chávez.
"Debemos luchar cada día más para tener una patria libre, soberana e
independiente y un pueblo feliz en socialismo", enfatizó el
parlamentario al tiempo que señaló que el pueblo de Venezuela se
mantendrá firme en defensa del legado del Libertador Simón Bolívar y del
comandante Chávez.
Al respecto, destacó el carácter humanitario del líder de la Revolución
Bolivariana, quien dedicó su vida por consolidar la independencia de la
patria, por lo que instó a las fuerzas patriotas a seguir el ejemplo del
comandante Chávez.
"Tantos sueños para un pueblo, tanto amor, tanta lucha en un solo
hombre, y ese amor, esa lucha y ese esfuerzo tiene que ayudarnos a
nosotros a salir adelante. Dificultades las vamos a vencer, este pueblo
es libre, soberano, independiente de la mano de Bolívar y de Chávez",
subrayó Cabello.
June 29, 2016.- The deputy to the National Assembly (AN) by the Bloque
de la Patria, Diosdado Cabello, said Wednesday that the attacks of the
international right - with the support of the opposition sectors - is
due to in Venezuela, for 17 years, a different model to the capitalist,
focused on serving sectors excluded by the governments of the Fourth
Republic was promoted.
"We must be clear that all these attacks that receives the Bolivarian Revolution is why we urge a different model, the socialist model, not the capitalist model," said Cabello in its program the hammer, broadcast by Venezolana de Television from the state Apure.
In this sense, Cabello urged the revolutionary to stand up to the situation in the country, resulting from the sharp drop in oil prices and unconventional warfare right, in order to consolidate the socialist project led forces commander Hugo Chavez.
"We must fight every day to have a free, sovereign and independent homeland and happy in socialism people," he stressed the parliamentarian while noting that the people of Venezuela will stand firm in defense of the legacy of Simon Bolivar and Commander Chavez .
In this regard, he stressed the humanitarian nature of the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, who dedicated his life to consolidate the independence of the country, so the patriots urged to follow the example of Commander Chavez forces.
"So many dreams for a people, so much love, so much struggle in one man, and that love, that fight and that effort has to help us to move forward. Difficulties we are going to win, this town is free, sovereign, independent the hand of Bolivar and Chavez, "said Cabello.
"We must be clear that all these attacks that receives the Bolivarian Revolution is why we urge a different model, the socialist model, not the capitalist model," said Cabello in its program the hammer, broadcast by Venezolana de Television from the state Apure.
In this sense, Cabello urged the revolutionary to stand up to the situation in the country, resulting from the sharp drop in oil prices and unconventional warfare right, in order to consolidate the socialist project led forces commander Hugo Chavez.
"We must fight every day to have a free, sovereign and independent homeland and happy in socialism people," he stressed the parliamentarian while noting that the people of Venezuela will stand firm in defense of the legacy of Simon Bolivar and Commander Chavez .
In this regard, he stressed the humanitarian nature of the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, who dedicated his life to consolidate the independence of the country, so the patriots urged to follow the example of Commander Chavez forces.
"So many dreams for a people, so much love, so much struggle in one man, and that love, that fight and that effort has to help us to move forward. Difficulties we are going to win, this town is free, sovereign, independent the hand of Bolivar and Chavez, "said Cabello.
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