Para tratar de explicar el por qué de la crisis económica y la falta de alimentos en Venezuela, se hace necesario dar a conocer parte de la historia económica en el mundo, porque Venezuela está vinculada directamente a la economía mundial.
Comencemos por el nacimiento de la teoría del Liberalismo Económico (1776). Adam Smith propone una teoría denominada Liberalismo para salir de una crisis económica que surge en pleno nacimiento del Modelo de Producción Capitalista, donde sus bases fundamentales son las siguientes: Disminución del salario de los trabajadores hasta el nivel de subsistencia, no intervención del Estado (no impuestos y no regulación de los precios), es decir que la crisis se genera por el incremento de los precios y por ende la disminución de la ganancia por la no realización de la reproducción del capital, debido a que las mercancías no se venden debido a los altos precios, por lo que la propuesta de Adam Smith es que los precios altos de las mercancías bajarán en el momento en que los consumidores no los compren, entonces el empresario bajará los precios, es decir que una "mano invisible controlará el mercado", es decir cuando el empresario baja los precios es una "mano invisible" ? y cuando sube los precios también "es una mano invisible", esta teoría duró, en Europa hasta 1779, momento en el cual el pueblo Francés derroca al Rey por la vía violenta, que se denominó La Revolución Francesa, donde los trabajadores, los estudiantes y las amas de casa se cansaron de pasar hambre y desarrollaron un cambio violento del tipo de gobierno (Monarquía) que mantenía el enriquecimiento de los empresarios privados emergentes de la economía Europea.
Ante estos eventos ocurridos Carlos Marx propone un modelo económico Socialista (1848) que debe garantizar un salario digno a los trabajadores que les permita satisfacer las necesidades de él y de su familia, es decir que se acabe la explotación del hombre por el hombre y que los beneficios de la producción de mercancías beneficien tanto al capital como a los trabajadores, esta teoría sólo se aplicó en pocas economías en el mundo, dependiendo de los líderes de esa nación, por ejemplo el Rusia (Lenín 1908) desarrolló la teoría de Carlos Marx del socialismo, en la nación más atrasada económicamente de Europa, que luego demostró que su desarrollo económico ha dependido de este tipo de modelo económico, que ocupa un lugar, en el siglo XXI) en los países emergentes de la economía mundial denominados los BRICS (Brasil, Rusia, India, China y Sudáfrica).
El otro país es China con su Lider Mao Tse Tung, quien desarrollo el Modelo productivo socialista, desarrollado por Carlos Marx, en 1948, ocupando en el tiempo el lugar de la economía más desarrollada del planeta y una posición privilegiada dentro del grupo de naciones emergentes en este siglo XXI, que son los Paises del BRICS, El nivel de vida de estos países ha superado el nivel medio de todo el planeta, donde la satisfacción de las necesidades de sus pueblos han sido superadas cada año que ha transcurrido en los últimos diez (10) años.
El Modelo del Liberalismo no se aplica en estos países miembros del BRICS, por lo que los países que lo venían aplicando volvieron a caer en una crisis de nuevo en 1929, cuando se presentó un Crak en la economía mundial, allí surge una nueva teoría, para tratar de salir de la crisis económica en que cayó de nuevo los países que mantienen el modelo productivo capitalista, esta nueva teoría es propuesta por el economista John M. Keynes, quien propone que se mantenga el mercado, donde los empresarios privados sigan definiendo los precios de las mercancías y sigan manteniendo los salarios deprimidos de los trabajadores, pero introduce un cambio, con respecto a la teoría de Adam Smith del Liberalismo (1776), donde define que el Gobierno si debe participar en la economía, pero para otorgar préstamos a los empresarios privados a bajo costos y que incremente los salarios, pero únicamente de los empresarios públicos, es decir que los recursos de la nación pasen a los empresarios privados mediante los créditos y las compras de sus mercancías caras con los sueldos altos de los trabajadores de la administración pública, pero que el sueldo de los trabajadores de las empresas privadas se mantenga constantes, es decir de subsistencia.
En la economía Venezolana, que no está divorciada de la economía mundial, también se ha venido manejando al son que marchan las economías del resto del mundo, aquí se vendieron las empresas del estado, cuando se aplicó el Liberalismo, a empresarios privados, por ejemplo: La CANTV se vendió a una empresa privada Norteamericana, SIDOR se vendió a una empresa privada Argentina y la ELECTRICIDAD se vendió a unos empresarios privados Venezolanos, y esas empresas no pagaban impuesto sobre la renta al estado, casi siempre argumentaban al cierre del ejercicio económico pérdidas, al igual que PDVSA no se llegó a vender a empresarios privados, pero casi la totalidad de sus beneficios eran transferidos al sector privado nacional e internacional, pero nunca se utilizaban esos recursos para solucionar los problemas del resto del pueblo venezolano, veamos como muestra los eventos de 1989, que se denominó "el caracazo" donde fueron asesinados miles de seres humanos (3.500) tan sólo por un Motín por Hambre. Para una muestra de que las divisas que provenían del petróleo se transferían a los empresarios privados internos y externos, que las Transnacionales del petróleo pagaban al Estado Venezolano, por más de cien (100) años un 1%, es decir que de cada 100 barriles de petróleo que se llevaban, sólo un barril era para el Estado Venezolano, por lo tanto el Estado casi nunca tenía para cancelar salarios a los trabajadores públicos y menos aún para hacer inversiones sociales, es decir que toda la riqueza del petróleo era para los empresarios privados internos y externos y adicional a eso la repartición para los integrantes de los "meritócratas" de la industria petrolera, que vendieron por muchos años todo el petróleo liviano que existía en nuestro subsuelo y habían vendido el petróleo pesado, como Bitumen=carbon, por toneladas a la empresa petrolera Exxon Mobil, la que hoy en día ataca a Venezuela en varias partes del mundo, porque el Presidente Chavez, eliminó las concesiones a todas las empresas petroleras internacionales y definió que debían constituir empresas MIXTAS, cuyo capital estaría conformado 60% Pdvsa y 40% la empresas transnacional, esto garatizaría, por una parte que la extracción de petróleo estaría controlada por el estado y que los daños colaterales a la extracción de petróleo no serían asumidos solo por la República sino por la empresa Mixta, esto disparó el Golpe de Estado contra el presidente Chavez en el año 2002.
Ahora bien, a partir del año 2000 se comenzó a definir una nueva economía, basada en la teoría desarrollada por Carlos Marx (el Modelo productivo Socialista), pero los paros, las huelgas generales, los golpes de estado han tratado de evitar a toda costa que se desarrolle en Venezuela el Modelo Productivo Socialista, porque los Empresarios Privados han estado viviendo, de manera parasitaria, a las divisas que provienen del petróleo, por lo tanto el Presidente Chavez (y ahora la continuidad del Presidente Nicolas Maduro), usó los recursos provenientes del petróleo para una inversión social de grandes proporciones, pero primero tuvo que modificar la Constitución Nacional, mediante la aprobación mayoritaria del pueblo venezolano por la vía democrática del voto directo y secreto, donde se definió que una persona un voto y que el voto de un multimillonario es igual que el voto de un trabajador de cualquier parte de nuestro territorio, pero esto se pudo lograr, no por obra y gracia del espíritu santo, sino que el presidente Chavez visitó a cada uno de los países miembros de la OPEP (Organización de Paises Exportadores de Petróleo, creada por un Venezolano Juan Pablo Perez Alfonzo), y luego de visitarlos a todos, se concretó la reunión de la OPEP en Venezuela, específicamente en Margarita (Estado Nueva Esparta), donde todos los asistentes estuvieron de acuerdo en bajar la producción de petróleo a nivel mundial en un 10%, es decir Venezuela exportaba 3.000.000 de barriles diarios y bajó su producción en 300.000 barriles y quedó con una producción, para la exportación de 2.700.000 barriles diarios, los mismos que aún Venezuela sigue produciendo y exportando, porque mantenemos nuestra palabra. Esta acción de mantener el control de los precios por los países productores no gustó mucho a los multimillonarios dueños de las transnacionales del petróleo, entonces movieron sus teclas en los países que ellos dominan y por lo tanto, EUA y otros países del mundo decidieron destruir a la OPEP, iniciando un ataque contra IRAK, quien exportaba mas de 8.000.000 de barriles diarios, pero argumentaron que esa nación tenía "Bombas de destrucción Masiva" y destruyeron al Estado Irak y ahora está controlado por "Terroristas" que venden el petróleo a las transnacionales entre 10 Us$ y 15 Us$, luego inventario que el Presidente de Libia (Mohamar Gadaffi) había atacado a su pueblo, este país miembro de la OPEP producía 3.000.000 de barriles de petróleo diario y tenía en bancos internacionales Us$ que pasaron a otras manos porque fueron asesinados el presidente, su familia y más de 100.000 habitantes, de una nación de 6.000.000 de habitantes que tenía el nivel de vida más alto de todo el continente africano y por encima de muchos países capitalistas del mundo. Otro país miembro de la OPEP es Siria, que está siendo atacado porque el gobierno debe ser controlado por la oposición Siria y no por el presidente electo por el pueblo Sirio, este país producía 5.000.000 de barriles de petróleo diario y ahora con la guerra de destrucción que hay contra esa nación y ese pueblo, ha obligado que millones de Sirios se estén trasladando para Europa, por la contradicción que varios países europeos están participando en los ataques contra siria y el pueblo sirio migra hacia los países que estan destruyendo su habitat.
Venezuela está siendo afectada por todo ese proceso explicado anteriormente, no se ha podido desarrollar el Modelo Productivo Socialista, pero si se ha logrado invertir cuantiosos recursos provenientes del petróleo para crear una condiciones de vida estable para el pueblo venezolano, como por ejemplo desde 2003 la alimentación del pueblo venezolano adquirió niveles superiores a los que venía presentando durante años anteriores, no nos olvidemos del Caracazo 1989, la adquisición de electrodomésticos a precios muy por debajo de los ofrecidos por el comercio privado, es decir que el mercado controlado por el empresario privado estaba siendo desplazado, es decir el Modelo Productivo Capitalista demostraba que ya tenía la posibilidad de ser sustituido, es por eso que se mueven los hilos internacionales y el capitalismo internacional decide apoyar a los capitalistas venezolanos (Cisneros, Mendoza, Capriles, Machado, etc) para que realicen todo tipo de actividades que eviten que el Modelo Productivo Socialista se pueda instalar en Venezuela, también se construyeron metrocables, un transporte del siglo XXI, pero para los pobres de la tierra que habitan en los sectores marginados de los servicios básicos, así como también se construyeron medio de transporte publico en mérida, puerto la Cruz-barcelona, bus caracas, más de 1.000.000 de viviendas para familias de bajos recursos, todo eso se ha podido materializar gracias a que los recursos del petróleo son destinados para inversiones sociales, adicional a esto ahora hay más de 10.000.000 de personas en los salones de clase, mientras que en 50 años cada vez la población estudiantil se ausentaba de los salones de clase, bien sea porque no tenían para pagar las cuotas de padres y representantes, o porque no tenían para comprar los libros y los cuadernos o porque era cuesta arriba la posibilidad de alimentar a los muchachos para que pudieran estar cuatro horas en los salones de clase.
El por qué de la crisis económica en Venezuela, analicemos esta parte, la base de toda la economía venezolana ha dependido de los precios del petróleo, en los años 40, 50...90 eran extremadamente bajos y las pocas divisas eran destinadas para los empresarios privados internos y externos, muy escasos recursos para obras sociales, de allí la depauperación del pueblo venezolano. Ahora bien, al bajar los precios del petróleo, el gobierno debe decidir las prioridades donde invertirá las pocas divisas que recibe y tomó la decisión que la inversión social es la prioritaria, por lo tanto los afectados son los empresarios privados, que ahora no reciben la cantidad de dolares a los que estaban acostumbrados y es difícil para el empresario que está acostumbrado a tener una ganancia extraordinaria a aceptar una disminución de sus privilegios por la disminución de la tasa de ganancia de sus empresas, entonces en vez de invertir recursos financieros en moneda extranjera acumulados por años, en bancos internacionales, prefiere buscar "el camino más fácil", derrocar al gobierno, para que un gobierno de los políticos de la derecha vinculados a los empresarios privados tomen el control de las riendas del país, con unos empresarios a la cabeza, para que endeuden a Venezuela con el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) por una cifra cercana a los Us$ que puedan servir para que ellos puedan pagar sus deudas en el exterior y que les quede para seguir manteniendo sus niveles de consumo de bienes suntuosos y viajes cómodos al exterior, pero que la deuda que asuma la nación Venezolana la tendrá que pagar el pueblo venezolano, pero para ello dirian que el Presidente Maduro dejó quebrado al país y que ellos sólo lo están salvando, para ello tendrá que pagar esa cantidad monstruosa de dolares al FMI y lo primero que harán es lo que está haciendo el nuevo Presidente de Argentina y lo que acaba de anunciar el nuevo presidente de Brasil, después del golpe de estado que la derecha dio, mediante el uso del Congreso de la República de Brasil. Esa disminución o eliminación de los gastos sociales que ellos mencionan son: Educación, viviendas, salud, alimentación, etc.
Porque ellos consideran que la inversión que realmente desarrolla un país es la que permite el incremento de la tasa de ganancia de los empresarios privados y no las que mejoran las condiciones humanas de la población de un país.
Para concluir se hace necesario que diga el por qué el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica nos considera una Amena Inusual a la Primera Potencia Militar del Mundo. En Venezuela se han costruido más de 1.000.000 de viviendas para los sectores de la sociedad mas desprotegidos y al entregarle las viviendas sólo se está pensando en el VALOR DE USO y después se piensa en el VALOR DE CAMBIO, es decir luego se le cobrará a as familias, porque primero está en que se mejore sus condiciones de vida, que salgan de las quebradas y de los cerros, donde no se realizan formas de vida humanas sino inhumanas, esta decisión rompe el paradigma de la sociedad Capitalista, porque el valor de uso está por encima del valor de cambio.
Por otra parte decimos que EL MERCADO, que es el otro paradigma del Modelo Productivo Capitalista, donde el empresario es el que decide a qué precio coloca sus mercancías, se ve desplazado por la política del Modelo Productivo Socialista, donde el precio se define por LA ESTRUCTURA DE COSTO DE LA MERCANCÍA más el 30% de ganancia, por lo tanto el precio al mercado no lo define el empresario capitalista, a menos que decida vender con un margen de ganancia por debajo del 30%, esto quiere decir que el Gobierno Socialista y Revolucionario de Nicolás Maduro deja a los empresarios que en su decisión está que la ganancia o el incremento de la ganancia estaría definido por el incremento de la producción, porque con una ganancia del 30% acompañada por un incremento de la producción, basado en la capacidad instalada de su empresa, el monto de la ganancia sería superior a lo que el empresario ha hecho en Venezuela durante muchísimos años, que disminuye la producción e incrementa los precios.
Otro elemento que se debe tomar en cuenta de porque, todos los empresarios privados nacionales e internacionales ha buscado el apoyo para eliminar, por completo, el modelo, naciente, del socialismo en Venezuela, es el hecho de que el Modelo Productivo Socialista que se aplicaría en las Empresas de Producción Social, tienen como norma que las utilidades, al final del ejercicio económico, no se distribuyen como en las Empresas Capitalistas (80% para los accionistas y 20% para llos trabajadores), sino que las utilidades en las EPS estaría según la normativa de producir para satisfacer las necesidades y no para incrementar el capital, por lo tanto en las EPS las utilidades se distribuyen un porcentaje para proyectos sociales de las COMUNAS o para proyectos de los CONSEJOS COMUNALES, pongamos por ejemplo: Una empresa de producción social (EPS) tiene 50 trabajadores entre administrador, obreros y empleados, y obtiene de utilidades Bs. 5.000.000, utilizaría un porcentaje determinado que pudiera ser el 30% de las utilidades para financiar un proyecto social y el 70% de las utilidades, es decir Bs. 3.500.000 que se distribuirán entre los 50 trabajadores, le corresponderá a cada trabajador, sin importar el cargo que tenga en esta Empresa de Producción Social, la cantidad de Bs. 70.000, si la producción se incrementa y se tienen controles de los gastos, podrán satisfacer a mayor cantidad de consumidores de su mercancía y los ingresos, al final del ejercicio económico, tambien se incrementarían, es necesario saber que los sueldos de los trabajadores de las EPS está en base a su responsabilidad de su trabajo, un administrador, que sabe a donde llevar la empresa, que sabe como competir con el resto de la empresas, ganará su salario en base a su responsabilidad y será superior al resto de los trabajadores y así sucesivamente, porque sólo la igualdad en la distribución del ingreso es en la distribución de las utilidades, por estas razones explicadas con anterioridad es que el capitalismo internacional, con el Gobierno de Barack Obama a la cabeza tratan de evitar que el Modelo Productivo Socialista se desarrolle en Venezuela.
Y el desespero de las Transnacionales petrolera del mundo es también porque saben que en Venezuela hay unas reservas PROBADAS de petroleo para mas de 300 años y que le resto de los países que tienen petroleo no pasaran de 100 años, es decir que Venezuela definiría el precio del barril de petróleo dentro de 100 años y el mayor consumidor de petroleo del Mundo es los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica que consume el 80% de la producción Mundial y por ahora no se vislumbra la sustitución del hidrocarburo, porque han hecho prueba de producir etanol, que es usado para reemplazar el petroleo, pero éste se produce utilizando alimentos que deben dirigirse al ser humano en los países donde se están haciendo estas pruebas: Colombia, EUA y Europa.
Hernán González
To try to explain why the economic crisis and food shortages in Venezuela, it is necessary to publicize the economic history of the world, because Venezuela is directly linked to the global economy.
Let us begin with the birth of the theory of Economic Liberalism (1776). Adam Smith proposes a theory called Liberalism out of an economic crisis that arises in the birth of capitalist production model, where their fundamentals are as follows: Reduction of workers' wages to subsistence level, no state intervention (not taxes and non-regulated prices), ie the crisis generated by the increase in prices and therefore declining profit by not performing the reproduction of capital, because the goods are not sold because high prices, so the proposal of Adam Smith is that high commodity prices will fall at the time that consumers will not buy them, then the employer will lower prices, meaning that an "invisible hand will control the market" , ie when the employer low prices is an "invisible hand"? and when it raises prices too "is an invisible hand" theory lasted in Europe until 1779, at which the French people overthrew the king through violent means, which was called The French Revolution, where workers, students and housewives tired of starving and developed a violent change of the type of government (monarchy) that kept the enrichment of emerging private entrepreneurs of the European economy.
Given these events occurred Carlos Marx proposes a socialist economic model (1848) which should guarantee a living wage to workers that they can meet the needs of him and his family, ie the exploitation of man runs by man and the benefits of commodity production benefit both capital and workers, this theory only applied in a few economies in the world, depending on the leaders of that nation, such as Russia (Lenin 1908) developed the theory of Karl Marx of socialism in the country most backward economically in Europe, which later proved that economic development has depended on this kind of economic model, which occupies a place in the XXI century) in the emerging countries of the world economy called BRICS ( Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).
The other country is China with its leader Mao Tse Tung, who developed the socialist productive model, developed by Karl Marx in 1948, occupying over time the place of the most developed economy in the world and a privileged position within the group of emerging nations in this century, which are the BRICS, the standard of living of these countries has exceeded the average level of the entire planet, where meeting the needs of their people have been exceeded each year that has passed in the last ten (10 years.
Model of Liberalism does not apply in these member countries of BRICS, so that the countries that had pursued again fell into crisis again in 1929, when it presented a Crak in the global economy, there a new theory emerges, to try to overcome the economic crisis which again fell countries that maintain the capitalist production model, this new theory is proposed by economist John M. Keynes, who proposed that the market is maintained, where private entrepreneurs continue defining the commodity prices and continue to maintain the depressed wages, but introduces a change with respect to the theory of Adam Smith of Liberalism (1776), which defines that the Government whether to participate in the economy, but to lend to private entrepreneurs to lower costs and increase wages, but only public employers, ie the resources of the nation to pass to private entrepreneurs through loans and purchases of its expensive goods with high salaries of workers public administration, but that the salary of employees of private companies to remain constant, ie subsistence.
In the Venezuelan economy, which is not divorced from the world economy, has also been driving to are marching economies around the world, here state enterprises were sold, when Liberalism was applied to private entrepreneurs, for example : CANTV was sold to an American private company, SIDOR to a private company Argentina and electricity to a Venezuelan private entrepreneurs it sold was sold, and those companies did not pay income tax to the state, almost always argued at the close of the financial year losses, like PDVSA not eventually sold to private entrepreneurs, but almost all of its benefits were transferred to the national and international private sector, but never those resources are used to solve the problems of the rest of the Venezuelan people see as a sign the events of 1989, which was called "the Caracazo" where they were murdered thousands of human beings (3500) only for Mutiny on Hunger. For a sign that the currency came from oil to domestic and foreign private entrepreneurs were transferred, that the oil companies paid the Venezuelan state for more than one hundred (100) years 1%, meaning that for every 100 barrels oil that had only one barrel was for the Venezuelan state, therefore the state almost never had to cancel salaries for public workers and even less to make social investments, ie that all the wealth of oil was for entrepreneurs internal and external and additional to that deprived the distribution to the members of the "meritocrats" of the oil industry, which sold for many years all the light oil that existed in our basement and had sold heavy oil, as Bitumen = coal, by tons of oil company Exxon Mobil, which today attacks Venezuela in various parts of the world, because President Chavez, eliminated concessions to all international oil companies and defined that should form joint ventures, whose capital would be made 60% Pdvsa and 40% of transnational companies, this garatizaría one hand that oil extraction would be controlled by the state and that collateral to oil extraction damages would not be borne only by the Republic but by the joint venture, this fired the coup against President Chavez in 2002.
However, from 2000 it began to define a new economy based on the theory developed by Karl Marx (the socialist production model), but the strikes, general strikes, coups have tried to avoid at all costs to develop in Venezuela the socialist productive model, because private entrepreneurs have been living parasitically, foreign exchange from oil, therefore the President Chavez (and now the continuity of President Nicolas Maduro), used resources from oil for a social investment of large proportions, but first had to amend the Constitution by majority approval of the Venezuelan people by democratic means of direct and secret vote, where it was determined that one person one vote and that the vote of a billionaire is the same as the vote of a worker in any part of our territory, but this could be achieved, not by the grace of the holy spirit, but President Chavez visited each of the member countries of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, created by a Venezuelan Juan Pablo Perez Alfonzo), and then visit all the OPEC meeting in Venezuela, specifically in Margarita (Nueva Esparta) where all attendees agreed materialized lower oil production worldwide by 10%, ie Venezuela exported 3,000,000 barrels and cut its production by 300,000 barrels and a production was for export 2,700,000 barrels a day, they still Venezuela continues producing and exporting, because we keep our word. This action to maintain control of prices by producing countries not liked billionaires owners of transnational oil, then they moved their keys in the countries they dominate and therefore, the US and other countries decided to destroy OPEC, initiating an attack on Iraq, who exported more than 8,000,000 barrels a day, but argued that the nation had "Bombs of mass destruction" and destroyed the Iraqi state and is now controlled by "terrorists" selling oil transnational between US $ 10 and US $ 15, then inventory the President of Libya (Moammar Gadhafi) had attacked his village, the OPEC member country produced 3,000,000 barrels of oil daily and had international banks Us $ 250,000,000,000 which passed into other hands because they were killed the president, his family and more than 100,000 inhabitants, a nation of 6,000,000 inhabitants who had the highest level of life of the entire African continent and above many countries capitalist world. Another OPEC member country is Syria, which is under attack because the government must be controlled by the Syrian opposition and not by the president elected by the Syrian people, this country produced 5,000,000 barrels of oil daily and now with the war destruction there against that nation and the people, has forced millions of Syrians are moving to Europe, by the contradiction that several European countries are participating in the attacks on Syria and the Syrian people migrate to countries that are destroying their habitat .
Venezuela is being affected by this whole process explained above, has not been able to develop the socialist productive model, but has managed to invest substantial resources from oil to create conditions stable for the Venezuelan people life, such as from 2003 power of the Venezuelan people acquired higher than those coming presenting during previous years levels, do not forget the Caracazo 1989, the acquisition of appliances at prices well below those offered by private trade, ie controlled by the private entrepreneur market he was being moved, ie the capitalist production model showed that already had the possibility of being replaced, is why the international wires are moved and international capitalism decides to support the Venezuelan capitalists (Cisneros, Mendoza, Capriles, Machado, etc) to perform all kinds of activities that prevent the socialist production model can be installed in Venezuela, also built Metrocables, transport of the century, but for the poor of the land they live in the marginalized sectors of basic services, as a means of public transport were also built in Merida, Puerto la Cruz-barcelona, buscaracas, over 1,000,000 housing for low-income families, all that has failed to materialize thanks to oil resources are used for investment social, in addition to this there are now over 10 million people in the classrooms, while in 50 years every time the student population is absent from the classroom, either because they had to pay fees parents and representatives, or because they had to buy books and notebooks or because it was uphill the possibility of feeding the boys so they could be four hours in the classroom.
The reason for the economic crisis in Venezuela, consider this part, the basis of all the Venezuelan economy has depended on oil prices in the 40s, 50 ... 90 were extremely low and few currencies were destined for internal and external private entrepreneurs, very few resources for social works, hence the impoverishment of the Venezuelan people. However, the lower oil prices, the government should decide on priorities which will invest the few currencies that receives and decided that social investment is the priority, therefore those affected are private entrepreneurs, who now do not receive amount of dollars that were used and it is difficult for the entrepreneur who is used to having an extraordinary gain to accept a reduction of their privileges by decreasing the rate of profit of their companies, then instead of investing financial resources in currency foreign accumulated for years, international banks, prefers to seek "the easy way" to overthrow the government, for a government of right-wing politicians linked to private entrepreneurs to take control of the reins of the country, with entrepreneurs head, so indebted to Venezuela with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for an amount close to US $ 60,000,000,000 that can serve so they can pay their debts abroad and they have left to continue maintaining their levels consumption of luxury goods and comfortable trips abroad, but the debt to assume the Venezuelan nation will have to pay the Venezuelan people, but this would say that President Maduro left bankrupt the country and they only are saving, for it will to pay this monstrous amount of dollars to the IMF and the first thing they will do is what is making the new President of Argentina and what has just announced the new president of Brazil, after the coup that the right presented, using the Congress of Brazil. This reduction or elimination of social spending that they mention are: education, housing, health, food, etc.
Because they believe that the investment that really develops a country which allows increasing the rate of profit of private entrepreneurs and not those that improve human conditions of the population of a country.
In conclusion it is necessary to say why the Government of the United States we considered an unusual Amena to the First World Military Power. In Venezuela have been built accor over 1,000,000 housing for the most vulnerable sectors of society and to deliver the homes are thinking only use value and then think of the exchange value, that is then charged to as families, because it is first that their living conditions, leaving the ravines and hills, where no forms of human but inhuman living are made, this decision breaks the paradigm of capitalist society is improved because the value usage is above the value of change.
On the other hand we say that the market, which is the other paradigm of capitalist production model, where the employer is the one who decides what price places his goods, is displaced by the policy of the socialist productive model, where the price is defined by the STRUCTURE oF cOST oF MERCHANDISE plus 30% profit, therefore the price the market does not define the capitalist entrepreneur, unless you decide to sell with a profit margin below 30%, this means that the Socialist Government and Revolutionary Nicolas Maduro leaves entrepreneurs who are in its decision that the gain or increase the gain would be defined by the increase in production, because with a gain of 30% accompanied by an increase in production, based on the installed capacity of your company, the amount of profit would exceed what the employer has done in Venezuela for many years, production decreases and increases prices.
Another element that must be taken into account because all national and international private entrepreneurs has sought the support to eliminate completely, the model nascent socialism in Venezuela, is the fact that the production model Socialist would apply in social production companies have a rule that profits at the end of the financial year are not distributed as in capitalist enterprises (80% for shareholders and 20% for Llos workers), but profits in the EPS would accordance with the rules of producing to meet the needs and not to increase capital, therefore in EPS profit percentage for social projects of the communities or projects of community councils are distributed, say: a production company social (EPS) has 50 employees between administrator, workers and employees, and gets profit Bs. 5,000,000, use a certain percentage could be 30% of the profits to finance a social project and 70% of profits, ie Bs. 3,500,000 to be distributed among the 50 workers, will be up to each worker, regardless of the position he has in the social production company, the amount of Bs. 70,000, if production increases and have controls expenses, may satisfy more consumers of their goods and income, at the end of the fiscal year, also would increase, it is necessary to know that the wages of workers of EPS is based on their responsibility for their work, an administrator who knows where to take the company, which knows how to compete with the rest of the companies, earn your salary based on your responsibility and will be superior to other workers and so on, because only equality in the distribution of income is in the distribution of profits for these reasons explained above is that international capitalism, with the Government of Barack Obama to the head trying to prevent the production model is developed in Venezuela Socialista.
And the despair of oil Transnationals world is also because they know that there are proven oil for over 300 years reserves in Venezuela and to other countries that have oil not happen 100 years, that is to say that Venezuela would define the price oil barrel in 100 years and the largest consumer of oil in the world is the United States which consumes 80% of world production and for now replacing the hydrocarbon is not in sight, that have proven to produce ethanol, which it is used to replace the oil, but it is produced using foods that should be directed to be human in the countries where they are doing these tests: Colombia, USA and Europe.
Hernán González
El por qué de la crisis económica en Venezuela, analicemos esta parte, la base de toda la economía venezolana ha dependido de los precios del petróleo, en los años 40, 50...90 eran extremadamente bajos y las pocas divisas eran destinadas para los empresarios privados internos y externos, muy escasos recursos para obras sociales, de allí la depauperación del pueblo venezolano. Ahora bien, al bajar los precios del petróleo, el gobierno debe decidir las prioridades donde invertirá las pocas divisas que recibe y tomó la decisión que la inversión social es la prioritaria, por lo tanto los afectados son los empresarios privados, que ahora no reciben la cantidad de dolares a los que estaban acostumbrados y es difícil para el empresario que está acostumbrado a tener una ganancia extraordinaria a aceptar una disminución de sus privilegios por la disminución de la tasa de ganancia de sus empresas, entonces en vez de invertir recursos financieros en moneda extranjera acumulados por años, en bancos internacionales, prefiere buscar "el camino más fácil", derrocar al gobierno, para que un gobierno de los políticos de la derecha vinculados a los empresarios privados tomen el control de las riendas del país, con unos empresarios a la cabeza, para que endeuden a Venezuela con el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) por una cifra cercana a los Us$ que puedan servir para que ellos puedan pagar sus deudas en el exterior y que les quede para seguir manteniendo sus niveles de consumo de bienes suntuosos y viajes cómodos al exterior, pero que la deuda que asuma la nación Venezolana la tendrá que pagar el pueblo venezolano, pero para ello dirian que el Presidente Maduro dejó quebrado al país y que ellos sólo lo están salvando, para ello tendrá que pagar esa cantidad monstruosa de dolares al FMI y lo primero que harán es lo que está haciendo el nuevo Presidente de Argentina y lo que acaba de anunciar el nuevo presidente de Brasil, después del golpe de estado que la derecha dio, mediante el uso del Congreso de la República de Brasil. Esa disminución o eliminación de los gastos sociales que ellos mencionan son: Educación, viviendas, salud, alimentación, etc.
Porque ellos consideran que la inversión que realmente desarrolla un país es la que permite el incremento de la tasa de ganancia de los empresarios privados y no las que mejoran las condiciones humanas de la población de un país.
Para concluir se hace necesario que diga el por qué el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica nos considera una Amena Inusual a la Primera Potencia Militar del Mundo. En Venezuela se han costruido más de 1.000.000 de viviendas para los sectores de la sociedad mas desprotegidos y al entregarle las viviendas sólo se está pensando en el VALOR DE USO y después se piensa en el VALOR DE CAMBIO, es decir luego se le cobrará a as familias, porque primero está en que se mejore sus condiciones de vida, que salgan de las quebradas y de los cerros, donde no se realizan formas de vida humanas sino inhumanas, esta decisión rompe el paradigma de la sociedad Capitalista, porque el valor de uso está por encima del valor de cambio.
Por otra parte decimos que EL MERCADO, que es el otro paradigma del Modelo Productivo Capitalista, donde el empresario es el que decide a qué precio coloca sus mercancías, se ve desplazado por la política del Modelo Productivo Socialista, donde el precio se define por LA ESTRUCTURA DE COSTO DE LA MERCANCÍA más el 30% de ganancia, por lo tanto el precio al mercado no lo define el empresario capitalista, a menos que decida vender con un margen de ganancia por debajo del 30%, esto quiere decir que el Gobierno Socialista y Revolucionario de Nicolás Maduro deja a los empresarios que en su decisión está que la ganancia o el incremento de la ganancia estaría definido por el incremento de la producción, porque con una ganancia del 30% acompañada por un incremento de la producción, basado en la capacidad instalada de su empresa, el monto de la ganancia sería superior a lo que el empresario ha hecho en Venezuela durante muchísimos años, que disminuye la producción e incrementa los precios.
Otro elemento que se debe tomar en cuenta de porque, todos los empresarios privados nacionales e internacionales ha buscado el apoyo para eliminar, por completo, el modelo, naciente, del socialismo en Venezuela, es el hecho de que el Modelo Productivo Socialista que se aplicaría en las Empresas de Producción Social, tienen como norma que las utilidades, al final del ejercicio económico, no se distribuyen como en las Empresas Capitalistas (80% para los accionistas y 20% para llos trabajadores), sino que las utilidades en las EPS estaría según la normativa de producir para satisfacer las necesidades y no para incrementar el capital, por lo tanto en las EPS las utilidades se distribuyen un porcentaje para proyectos sociales de las COMUNAS o para proyectos de los CONSEJOS COMUNALES, pongamos por ejemplo: Una empresa de producción social (EPS) tiene 50 trabajadores entre administrador, obreros y empleados, y obtiene de utilidades Bs. 5.000.000, utilizaría un porcentaje determinado que pudiera ser el 30% de las utilidades para financiar un proyecto social y el 70% de las utilidades, es decir Bs. 3.500.000 que se distribuirán entre los 50 trabajadores, le corresponderá a cada trabajador, sin importar el cargo que tenga en esta Empresa de Producción Social, la cantidad de Bs. 70.000, si la producción se incrementa y se tienen controles de los gastos, podrán satisfacer a mayor cantidad de consumidores de su mercancía y los ingresos, al final del ejercicio económico, tambien se incrementarían, es necesario saber que los sueldos de los trabajadores de las EPS está en base a su responsabilidad de su trabajo, un administrador, que sabe a donde llevar la empresa, que sabe como competir con el resto de la empresas, ganará su salario en base a su responsabilidad y será superior al resto de los trabajadores y así sucesivamente, porque sólo la igualdad en la distribución del ingreso es en la distribución de las utilidades, por estas razones explicadas con anterioridad es que el capitalismo internacional, con el Gobierno de Barack Obama a la cabeza tratan de evitar que el Modelo Productivo Socialista se desarrolle en Venezuela.
Y el desespero de las Transnacionales petrolera del mundo es también porque saben que en Venezuela hay unas reservas PROBADAS de petroleo para mas de 300 años y que le resto de los países que tienen petroleo no pasaran de 100 años, es decir que Venezuela definiría el precio del barril de petróleo dentro de 100 años y el mayor consumidor de petroleo del Mundo es los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica que consume el 80% de la producción Mundial y por ahora no se vislumbra la sustitución del hidrocarburo, porque han hecho prueba de producir etanol, que es usado para reemplazar el petroleo, pero éste se produce utilizando alimentos que deben dirigirse al ser humano en los países donde se están haciendo estas pruebas: Colombia, EUA y Europa.
Hernán González
To try to explain why the economic crisis and food shortages in Venezuela, it is necessary to publicize the economic history of the world, because Venezuela is directly linked to the global economy.
Let us begin with the birth of the theory of Economic Liberalism (1776). Adam Smith proposes a theory called Liberalism out of an economic crisis that arises in the birth of capitalist production model, where their fundamentals are as follows: Reduction of workers' wages to subsistence level, no state intervention (not taxes and non-regulated prices), ie the crisis generated by the increase in prices and therefore declining profit by not performing the reproduction of capital, because the goods are not sold because high prices, so the proposal of Adam Smith is that high commodity prices will fall at the time that consumers will not buy them, then the employer will lower prices, meaning that an "invisible hand will control the market" , ie when the employer low prices is an "invisible hand"? and when it raises prices too "is an invisible hand" theory lasted in Europe until 1779, at which the French people overthrew the king through violent means, which was called The French Revolution, where workers, students and housewives tired of starving and developed a violent change of the type of government (monarchy) that kept the enrichment of emerging private entrepreneurs of the European economy.
Given these events occurred Carlos Marx proposes a socialist economic model (1848) which should guarantee a living wage to workers that they can meet the needs of him and his family, ie the exploitation of man runs by man and the benefits of commodity production benefit both capital and workers, this theory only applied in a few economies in the world, depending on the leaders of that nation, such as Russia (Lenin 1908) developed the theory of Karl Marx of socialism in the country most backward economically in Europe, which later proved that economic development has depended on this kind of economic model, which occupies a place in the XXI century) in the emerging countries of the world economy called BRICS ( Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).
The other country is China with its leader Mao Tse Tung, who developed the socialist productive model, developed by Karl Marx in 1948, occupying over time the place of the most developed economy in the world and a privileged position within the group of emerging nations in this century, which are the BRICS, the standard of living of these countries has exceeded the average level of the entire planet, where meeting the needs of their people have been exceeded each year that has passed in the last ten (10 years.
Model of Liberalism does not apply in these member countries of BRICS, so that the countries that had pursued again fell into crisis again in 1929, when it presented a Crak in the global economy, there a new theory emerges, to try to overcome the economic crisis which again fell countries that maintain the capitalist production model, this new theory is proposed by economist John M. Keynes, who proposed that the market is maintained, where private entrepreneurs continue defining the commodity prices and continue to maintain the depressed wages, but introduces a change with respect to the theory of Adam Smith of Liberalism (1776), which defines that the Government whether to participate in the economy, but to lend to private entrepreneurs to lower costs and increase wages, but only public employers, ie the resources of the nation to pass to private entrepreneurs through loans and purchases of its expensive goods with high salaries of workers public administration, but that the salary of employees of private companies to remain constant, ie subsistence.
In the Venezuelan economy, which is not divorced from the world economy, has also been driving to are marching economies around the world, here state enterprises were sold, when Liberalism was applied to private entrepreneurs, for example : CANTV was sold to an American private company, SIDOR to a private company Argentina and electricity to a Venezuelan private entrepreneurs it sold was sold, and those companies did not pay income tax to the state, almost always argued at the close of the financial year losses, like PDVSA not eventually sold to private entrepreneurs, but almost all of its benefits were transferred to the national and international private sector, but never those resources are used to solve the problems of the rest of the Venezuelan people see as a sign the events of 1989, which was called "the Caracazo" where they were murdered thousands of human beings (3500) only for Mutiny on Hunger. For a sign that the currency came from oil to domestic and foreign private entrepreneurs were transferred, that the oil companies paid the Venezuelan state for more than one hundred (100) years 1%, meaning that for every 100 barrels oil that had only one barrel was for the Venezuelan state, therefore the state almost never had to cancel salaries for public workers and even less to make social investments, ie that all the wealth of oil was for entrepreneurs internal and external and additional to that deprived the distribution to the members of the "meritocrats" of the oil industry, which sold for many years all the light oil that existed in our basement and had sold heavy oil, as Bitumen = coal, by tons of oil company Exxon Mobil, which today attacks Venezuela in various parts of the world, because President Chavez, eliminated concessions to all international oil companies and defined that should form joint ventures, whose capital would be made 60% Pdvsa and 40% of transnational companies, this garatizaría one hand that oil extraction would be controlled by the state and that collateral to oil extraction damages would not be borne only by the Republic but by the joint venture, this fired the coup against President Chavez in 2002.
However, from 2000 it began to define a new economy based on the theory developed by Karl Marx (the socialist production model), but the strikes, general strikes, coups have tried to avoid at all costs to develop in Venezuela the socialist productive model, because private entrepreneurs have been living parasitically, foreign exchange from oil, therefore the President Chavez (and now the continuity of President Nicolas Maduro), used resources from oil for a social investment of large proportions, but first had to amend the Constitution by majority approval of the Venezuelan people by democratic means of direct and secret vote, where it was determined that one person one vote and that the vote of a billionaire is the same as the vote of a worker in any part of our territory, but this could be achieved, not by the grace of the holy spirit, but President Chavez visited each of the member countries of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, created by a Venezuelan Juan Pablo Perez Alfonzo), and then visit all the OPEC meeting in Venezuela, specifically in Margarita (Nueva Esparta) where all attendees agreed materialized lower oil production worldwide by 10%, ie Venezuela exported 3,000,000 barrels and cut its production by 300,000 barrels and a production was for export 2,700,000 barrels a day, they still Venezuela continues producing and exporting, because we keep our word. This action to maintain control of prices by producing countries not liked billionaires owners of transnational oil, then they moved their keys in the countries they dominate and therefore, the US and other countries decided to destroy OPEC, initiating an attack on Iraq, who exported more than 8,000,000 barrels a day, but argued that the nation had "Bombs of mass destruction" and destroyed the Iraqi state and is now controlled by "terrorists" selling oil transnational between US $ 10 and US $ 15, then inventory the President of Libya (Moammar Gadhafi) had attacked his village, the OPEC member country produced 3,000,000 barrels of oil daily and had international banks Us $ 250,000,000,000 which passed into other hands because they were killed the president, his family and more than 100,000 inhabitants, a nation of 6,000,000 inhabitants who had the highest level of life of the entire African continent and above many countries capitalist world. Another OPEC member country is Syria, which is under attack because the government must be controlled by the Syrian opposition and not by the president elected by the Syrian people, this country produced 5,000,000 barrels of oil daily and now with the war destruction there against that nation and the people, has forced millions of Syrians are moving to Europe, by the contradiction that several European countries are participating in the attacks on Syria and the Syrian people migrate to countries that are destroying their habitat .
Venezuela is being affected by this whole process explained above, has not been able to develop the socialist productive model, but has managed to invest substantial resources from oil to create conditions stable for the Venezuelan people life, such as from 2003 power of the Venezuelan people acquired higher than those coming presenting during previous years levels, do not forget the Caracazo 1989, the acquisition of appliances at prices well below those offered by private trade, ie controlled by the private entrepreneur market he was being moved, ie the capitalist production model showed that already had the possibility of being replaced, is why the international wires are moved and international capitalism decides to support the Venezuelan capitalists (Cisneros, Mendoza, Capriles, Machado, etc) to perform all kinds of activities that prevent the socialist production model can be installed in Venezuela, also built Metrocables, transport of the century, but for the poor of the land they live in the marginalized sectors of basic services, as a means of public transport were also built in Merida, Puerto la Cruz-barcelona, buscaracas, over 1,000,000 housing for low-income families, all that has failed to materialize thanks to oil resources are used for investment social, in addition to this there are now over 10 million people in the classrooms, while in 50 years every time the student population is absent from the classroom, either because they had to pay fees parents and representatives, or because they had to buy books and notebooks or because it was uphill the possibility of feeding the boys so they could be four hours in the classroom.
The reason for the economic crisis in Venezuela, consider this part, the basis of all the Venezuelan economy has depended on oil prices in the 40s, 50 ... 90 were extremely low and few currencies were destined for internal and external private entrepreneurs, very few resources for social works, hence the impoverishment of the Venezuelan people. However, the lower oil prices, the government should decide on priorities which will invest the few currencies that receives and decided that social investment is the priority, therefore those affected are private entrepreneurs, who now do not receive amount of dollars that were used and it is difficult for the entrepreneur who is used to having an extraordinary gain to accept a reduction of their privileges by decreasing the rate of profit of their companies, then instead of investing financial resources in currency foreign accumulated for years, international banks, prefers to seek "the easy way" to overthrow the government, for a government of right-wing politicians linked to private entrepreneurs to take control of the reins of the country, with entrepreneurs head, so indebted to Venezuela with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for an amount close to US $ 60,000,000,000 that can serve so they can pay their debts abroad and they have left to continue maintaining their levels consumption of luxury goods and comfortable trips abroad, but the debt to assume the Venezuelan nation will have to pay the Venezuelan people, but this would say that President Maduro left bankrupt the country and they only are saving, for it will to pay this monstrous amount of dollars to the IMF and the first thing they will do is what is making the new President of Argentina and what has just announced the new president of Brazil, after the coup that the right presented, using the Congress of Brazil. This reduction or elimination of social spending that they mention are: education, housing, health, food, etc.
Because they believe that the investment that really develops a country which allows increasing the rate of profit of private entrepreneurs and not those that improve human conditions of the population of a country.
In conclusion it is necessary to say why the Government of the United States we considered an unusual Amena to the First World Military Power. In Venezuela have been built accor over 1,000,000 housing for the most vulnerable sectors of society and to deliver the homes are thinking only use value and then think of the exchange value, that is then charged to as families, because it is first that their living conditions, leaving the ravines and hills, where no forms of human but inhuman living are made, this decision breaks the paradigm of capitalist society is improved because the value usage is above the value of change.
On the other hand we say that the market, which is the other paradigm of capitalist production model, where the employer is the one who decides what price places his goods, is displaced by the policy of the socialist productive model, where the price is defined by the STRUCTURE oF cOST oF MERCHANDISE plus 30% profit, therefore the price the market does not define the capitalist entrepreneur, unless you decide to sell with a profit margin below 30%, this means that the Socialist Government and Revolutionary Nicolas Maduro leaves entrepreneurs who are in its decision that the gain or increase the gain would be defined by the increase in production, because with a gain of 30% accompanied by an increase in production, based on the installed capacity of your company, the amount of profit would exceed what the employer has done in Venezuela for many years, production decreases and increases prices.
Another element that must be taken into account because all national and international private entrepreneurs has sought the support to eliminate completely, the model nascent socialism in Venezuela, is the fact that the production model Socialist would apply in social production companies have a rule that profits at the end of the financial year are not distributed as in capitalist enterprises (80% for shareholders and 20% for Llos workers), but profits in the EPS would accordance with the rules of producing to meet the needs and not to increase capital, therefore in EPS profit percentage for social projects of the communities or projects of community councils are distributed, say: a production company social (EPS) has 50 employees between administrator, workers and employees, and gets profit Bs. 5,000,000, use a certain percentage could be 30% of the profits to finance a social project and 70% of profits, ie Bs. 3,500,000 to be distributed among the 50 workers, will be up to each worker, regardless of the position he has in the social production company, the amount of Bs. 70,000, if production increases and have controls expenses, may satisfy more consumers of their goods and income, at the end of the fiscal year, also would increase, it is necessary to know that the wages of workers of EPS is based on their responsibility for their work, an administrator who knows where to take the company, which knows how to compete with the rest of the companies, earn your salary based on your responsibility and will be superior to other workers and so on, because only equality in the distribution of income is in the distribution of profits for these reasons explained above is that international capitalism, with the Government of Barack Obama to the head trying to prevent the production model is developed in Venezuela Socialista.
And the despair of oil Transnationals world is also because they know that there are proven oil for over 300 years reserves in Venezuela and to other countries that have oil not happen 100 years, that is to say that Venezuela would define the price oil barrel in 100 years and the largest consumer of oil in the world is the United States which consumes 80% of world production and for now replacing the hydrocarbon is not in sight, that have proven to produce ethanol, which it is used to replace the oil, but it is produced using foods that should be directed to be human in the countries where they are doing these tests: Colombia, USA and Europe.
Hernán González
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