Venezuela candente Ignacio Ramonet Le Monde Diplomatique. Venezuela hot Ignacio Ramonet Le Monde Diplomatique
El año 2016 podría ser de alta conflictividad en Venezuela. Por razones internas y por razones externas.
En el plano interior, la amplia victoria en las elecciones legislativas
del pasado 6 de diciembre de la coalición opositora Mesa de la Unidad
Democrática (MUD) configura una Asamblea nacional controlada –por
mayoría cualificada, y por primera vez desde 1999– por fuerzas hostiles a
la revolución bolivariana. Pero en cuyo seno, la bancada chavista del
Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (PSUV) sigue siendo la más
numerosa con 51 diputados. Lo cual permite augurar, a partir del 5 de
enero, un enfrentamiento dialéctico de alta intensidad.
Con el
control de los dos tercios de la cámara legislativa, la oposición cree
sin duda que ha llegado la hora de la revancha y sueña con deconstruir
pieza a pieza la revolución bolivariana. Teóricamente podría hacerlo. La
Constitución lo permite siempre que se cuente también con el apoyo del
Tribunal Superior de Justicia (TSJ), que hace funciones de Tribunal
Constitucional, y del Poder Ciudadano (integrado por el Defensor del
Pueblo, la Fiscal General y el Contralor General de la República [1]).
Pero sería un gravísimo error. La MUD no debe confundirse. Porque está
claro –un simple análisis de los resultados lo demuestra– que los
electores no le han dado mandato para ello, ni potestad absoluta para
gobernar jurídicamente. El enfrentamiento institucional podría ser
frontal y brutal (2).
Sociológicamente, el chavismo sigue
siendo ampliamente mayoritario. En un eventual referéndum a favor o en
contra de la revolución bolivariana, todos los estudios concluyen que
una sólida mayoría votaría a favor de la continuidad del proceso. El 6
de diciembre pasado, se trataba únicamente de elecciones legislativas,
de designar diputados, y no de cambiar de República, ni de cambiar de
Presidente. Los ciudadanos, inteligentemente, aprovecharon para enviar
un mensaje de alerta y de protesta a las autoridades. Muchos de ellos no
imaginaban ni remotamente que otorgarían a la oposición una victoria
tan excesiva. Nunca fue un voto de adhesión a un (oculto) programa de la
MUD, sino un voto de advertencia a la actual Administración.
es bastante normal. Porque desde hace largos meses, como consecuencia
–en parte– de una “guerra sucia” económica fomentada y auspiciada por
las oficinas de la Internacional conservadora, y también –tal y como lo
ha denunciado el Presidente Nicolás Maduro–, a causa de “la asfixia de
la burocracia y de la corrupción”, la vida cotidiana se ha vuelto
bastante infernal para la gente. El desabastecimiento de productos de
primera necesidad –tanto alimentarios como de higiene personal y del
hogar– y de medicamentos transforma el día a día de los venezolanos en
una incesante lucha para resolver escaseces que casi nunca antes se
conocieron a este nivel. Aunque muchos comentaristas no lo reconocen,
las autoridades han hecho un esfuerzo colosal y prioritario para
combatir esta plaga. Pero los electores consideraron que no fue
suficiente. Y sancionaron con su voto negativo esa ausencia de victoria
en un frente capital.
Esa es la causa principal de los adversos
resultados del 6-D para el chavismo. Si a eso añadimos diversos
problemas que siguen sin solución –como los temas de la inflación, de la
inseguridad y de la corrupción, que contaminan la imagen de la
revolución bolivariana–, completamos el diagnóstico de un malestar
general que se ha tornado en sentimiento crítico contra los gobernantes.
La oposición, decíamos, cree que le ha llegado su hora: la
hora de la restauración neoliberal. Y después de haber ocultado
cuidadosamente su programa durante la campaña electoral, ya está
anunciando en voz alta su intención de multiplicar las privatizaciones,
de reducir los servicios públicos, de revocar las leyes laborales, de
liquidar los logros sociales, de desmantelar los acuerdos
internacionales... Ante semejante provocación (recordemos que el
chavismo es sociológicamente mayoritario), el presidente Maduro ha
alertado a la opinión pública y acelerado la constitución de un
Parlamento Comunal cuya función en la arquitectura del Estado aún no
está clara, pero que podría funcionar como un órgano representativo y
consultivo de la sociedad en paralelo a la Asamblea Nacional.
Todo indica que puede haber choque de trenes. La sociedad venezolana es
profundamente democrática y pacífica –tal y como lo ha demostrado en los
últimos diecisiete años–, pero estamos ante un duro pulso entre las dos
grandes fuerzas políticas, chavismo y derecha, que controlan,
respectivamente, el poder ejecutivo y el poder legislativo. La tentación
de recurrir a la calle y a las manifestaciones de masas va a ser muy
grande. Con el peligro que ello conlleva en términos de enfrentamientos y
de violencia.
Este escenario de guerra civil tampoco es el
deseado por la mayoría de los electores cuyo mensaje del 6 de diciembre
pasado significaba abiertamente una llamada al diálogo entre oficialismo
y oposición con un propósito claro: que las dos fuerzas se entiendan
para resolver los problemas estructurales del país.
Decíamos al
principio que, en 2016, la conflictividad podría ser alta en Venezuela
también por razones externas. Y es que este año se anuncia, en términos
de coyuntura económica internacional, como uno de los peores en los dos
últimos decenios. Esencialmente por tres razones: el derrumbe del
precio de las materias primas y del petróleo, la crisis de crecimiento
en China y el aumento del valor del dólar estadounidense.
inútil insistir en que los precios del petróleo tienen una incidencia
fundamental en la vida económica de Venezuela, ya que más del 90% de los
recursos en divisas del país proceden de la exportación del oro negro.
En dieciocho meses, los precios del barril, que estaban en 115 dólares,
se derrumbaron a 30 dólares... Y no es imposible que, a lo largo del
año, bajen hasta 20 dólares... Para cualquier país petrolero (Angola,
Argelia, México, etc.), eso representa en sí una catástrofe, pero para
Venezuela (y, en cierta medida, Ecuador o Bolivia), que redistribuye en
políticas sociales lo esencial de su renta petrolera, significa un golpe
muy duro y una amenaza mortal para el equilibrio de la revolución
El segundo parámetro exterior es China. Este país
ha modificado su modelo de desarrollo y crecimiento apostando ahora por
su mercado interior (1.500 millones de consumidores), por el aumento de
los servicios y de la calidad de vida que la contaminación amenazaba de
muerte. Las tasas de crecimiento, antes del 10 o 12%, se han reducido al
6 o 7%. Consecuencia: la importación de materias primas (minerales o
agrícolas) se ha reducido, lo cual ha acarreado un derrumbe de los
precios que afecta de manera frontal a los países exportadores
latinoamericanos de metales (Perú, Chile) y de soja (Argentina, Brasil).
Las crisis políticas que están viviendo estos dos últimos países no son
ajenas a esta situación, y ello afecta indirectamente también a
Caracas, socio importante de Brasilia y Buenos Aires en el marco del
Por último, el dólar. La decisión que tomó el 16 de
diciembre pasado la Reserva Federal de subir los tipos de interés en un
0,25%, después de nueve años sin hacerlo, aumenta la fuerza del dólar.
Que el dólar sea más rentable en Estados Unidos alienta a los inversores
a retirar sus capitales –invertidos masivamente en los “países
emergentes” desde que empezó la crisis en 2008–, y a desplazarlos hacia
Norteamérica. Consecuencia: el valor de la moneda de los “países
emergentes” (Brasil, Colombia, Chile) se desploma y se devalúa
doblemente por el reforzamiento del dólar y por la huida de capitales. Y
todos los productos importados se encarecen.
contexto latinoamericano e internacional dibuja, para 2016, un entorno
poco favorable para la economía de Venezuela. Y coloca muy cuesta arriba
la perspectiva de hallar soluciones rápidas para resolver los problemas
del país. Desde que ganó las elecciones el 14 de abril de 2013, el
presidente Nicolás Maduro ha lanzado llamadas a la oposición y al sector
privado en repetidas ocasiones para establecer un Diálogo Nacional. Es
muy importante, ante las tempestades que se avecinan, que la MUD
responda ahora a esas llamadas con espíritu constructivo de
responsabilidad. Venezuela se lo merece.
(1) Tres cargos ejercidos actualmente por personalidades afines al Ejecutivo.
(2) Véase Gisela Brito, “Asamblea Nacional, Ejecutivo y Tribunal
Supremo de Justicia, Claves sobre la disputa institucional en
Venezuela”, América Latina en movimiento , Quito, Ecuador, 18 de
diciembre de 2015.
2016 could be high conflict in Venezuela. For internal reasons and external reasons.
Inside flat, wide victory in legislative elections last December 6 of the opposition coalition Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) sets up a controlled National Assembly -for qualified majority for the first time since 1999 by hostile forces the Bolivarian revolution. But within which the caucus Chavez United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) remains the largest with 51 deputies. Which augurs well, since January 5, a dialectical confrontation of high intensity.
With control of two thirds of the legislature, the opposition believes without a doubt that it's time for payback and dreams piece by piece deconstruct the Bolivarian revolution. Theoretically it could. The Constitution always allowed to count also with the support of the Superior Tribunal of Justice (TSJ), which makes functions of the Constitutional Court and the Citizen Power (composed of the Ombudsman, the Attorney General and the Comptroller General of the Republic [1]). But it would be a serious mistake. MUD should not be confused. Because obviously is-a simple analysis of the results proves it that voters have not given mandate to do so, and absolute power to govern legally. The institutional confrontation could be front and brutal (2).
Sociologically, Chavez remains widely majority. In an eventual referendum for or against the Bolivarian Revolution, all studies conclude that a solid majority would vote in favor of continuing the process. It was on 6 December, only legislative elections, to appoint deputies, and not to change Republic or to change President. Citizens, cleverly took advantage to send a message of warning and protest to the authorities. Many do not even remotely imagined that would give the opposition a victory as excessive. It was never a vote of support for a (hidden) MUD program, but a warning vote the current administration.
And it is quite normal. Because for many months, due in part, to an economic fostered and sponsored by the offices of the conservative International "dirty war" and also -as has denounced President Nicolas Maduro, because of " stifling bureaucracy and corruption ", daily life has become quite hellish for people. Shortages of essential goods such as food both need personal care and home-medication and transforms the daily life of Venezuelans in a constant struggle to resolve shortages that almost never met before at this level. Although many commentators do not recognize it, the authorities have made a colossal and priority effort to combat this scourge. But the voters felt that was not enough. And they sanctioned with negative feedback that absence of victory in front capital.
That is the main cause of adverse outcomes of 6-D for Chavez. If we add various problems that remain unresolved issues such as inflation, insecurity and corruption, which defile the image of the revolution bolivariana-, we completed the diagnosis of a malaise that has become critical feeling against the rulers.
The opposition, we said, believes that her time has come: when the neoliberal restoration. And after carefully concealed its program during the election campaign, it is already loudly announcing its intention to multiply privatization, to reduce public services, to revoke labor laws, to liquidate the social gains, dismantle international agreements. Faced with this challenge .. (remember that Chavez is sociologically majority), President Maduro has alerted public opinion and accelerated the formation of a Community Parliament whose role in the architecture of the state is not yet clear, but it might work as a representative and advisory society parallel body to the National Assembly.
Everything indicates that there may be train wreck. Venezuelan society is profoundly democratic and peaceful -as has shown in the last seventeen years, but this is a hard struggle between the two major political forces right, Chavez and controlling, respectively, the executive and the power legislative. The temptation to resort to street demonstrations and mass will be very big. With the danger that entails in terms of confrontation and violence.
This scenario of civil war is not desired by most voters whose message 6 last December openly meant a call for dialogue between ruling and opposition with a clear purpose: that the two forces are understood to solve the structural problems of the country .
We said at the outset that, in 2016, the conflict could be high in Venezuela also for external reasons. And this year is announced, in terms of international economic situation, as one of the worst in the last two decades. Essentially for three reasons: the collapse of the price of raw materials and oil, the crisis of growth in China and the rising value of the US dollar.
It is useless to insist that oil prices have a major impact on the economic life of Venezuela, since over 90% of the country's foreign exchange resources come from the export of black gold. In eighteen months, barrel prices, which were $ 115, collapsed to 30 dollars ... It is not impossible that, throughout the year, down to $ 20 ... For any oil producing country (Angola, Algeria , Mexico, etc.), that represents itself a catastrophe, but for Venezuela (and, to some extent, Ecuador or Bolivia), redistributed social policies that the essence of its oil revenues, means a heavy blow and a deadly threat for the balance of the Bolivarian revolution.
The second parameter is outside China. This country has changed its model of development and growth now betting on its domestic market (1,500 million consumers), by increasing the services and quality of life that pollution threatened with death. Growth rates, by 10 or 12%, have been reduced to 6 or 7%. Consequence: imports of raw materials (mineral and agricultural) has been reduced, which has led to a collapse in prices that affects head-Latin American exporters of metals (Peru, Chile) and soya (Argentina, Brazil) . The political crisis that are living these two countries are not immune to this situation, and it also indirectly affects Caracas, important partner of Brasilia and Buenos Aires under the MERCOSUR.
Finally, the dollar. The decision made last December 16 the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates by 0.25%, after nine years without doing so, increases the strength of the dollar. The dollar is more profitable in the United States encourages investors to withdraw capital -invertidos massively in the "emerging" since the crisis began in 2008, and move them to North America. Consequently the value of the currency of the "developing countries" (Brazil, Colombia, Chile) collapses and doubly devalued by the strengthening dollar and capital flight. And all imported goods become more expensive.
Such Latin American and international context draws, 2016, an unfavorable for the economy of Venezuela environment. And places uphill perspective of finding quick solutions to resolve the country's problems. Since winning the election on April 14, 2013, President Nicolas Maduro has launched calls for the opposition and the private sector repeatedly for a National Dialogue. It is very important to the storms ahead, the MUD now answer those calls in a constructive spirit of responsibility. Venezuela deserves.
(1) Three charges related personalities currently exercised by the Executive.
(2) See Gisela Brito, "National Assembly, Executive and Supreme Court keys on the institutional dispute in Venezuela," moving Latin America, Quito, Ecuador, December 18, 2015. http: //www.alainet. org / en / article / 174345
Inside flat, wide victory in legislative elections last December 6 of the opposition coalition Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) sets up a controlled National Assembly -for qualified majority for the first time since 1999 by hostile forces the Bolivarian revolution. But within which the caucus Chavez United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) remains the largest with 51 deputies. Which augurs well, since January 5, a dialectical confrontation of high intensity.
With control of two thirds of the legislature, the opposition believes without a doubt that it's time for payback and dreams piece by piece deconstruct the Bolivarian revolution. Theoretically it could. The Constitution always allowed to count also with the support of the Superior Tribunal of Justice (TSJ), which makes functions of the Constitutional Court and the Citizen Power (composed of the Ombudsman, the Attorney General and the Comptroller General of the Republic [1]). But it would be a serious mistake. MUD should not be confused. Because obviously is-a simple analysis of the results proves it that voters have not given mandate to do so, and absolute power to govern legally. The institutional confrontation could be front and brutal (2).
Sociologically, Chavez remains widely majority. In an eventual referendum for or against the Bolivarian Revolution, all studies conclude that a solid majority would vote in favor of continuing the process. It was on 6 December, only legislative elections, to appoint deputies, and not to change Republic or to change President. Citizens, cleverly took advantage to send a message of warning and protest to the authorities. Many do not even remotely imagined that would give the opposition a victory as excessive. It was never a vote of support for a (hidden) MUD program, but a warning vote the current administration.
And it is quite normal. Because for many months, due in part, to an economic fostered and sponsored by the offices of the conservative International "dirty war" and also -as has denounced President Nicolas Maduro, because of " stifling bureaucracy and corruption ", daily life has become quite hellish for people. Shortages of essential goods such as food both need personal care and home-medication and transforms the daily life of Venezuelans in a constant struggle to resolve shortages that almost never met before at this level. Although many commentators do not recognize it, the authorities have made a colossal and priority effort to combat this scourge. But the voters felt that was not enough. And they sanctioned with negative feedback that absence of victory in front capital.
That is the main cause of adverse outcomes of 6-D for Chavez. If we add various problems that remain unresolved issues such as inflation, insecurity and corruption, which defile the image of the revolution bolivariana-, we completed the diagnosis of a malaise that has become critical feeling against the rulers.
The opposition, we said, believes that her time has come: when the neoliberal restoration. And after carefully concealed its program during the election campaign, it is already loudly announcing its intention to multiply privatization, to reduce public services, to revoke labor laws, to liquidate the social gains, dismantle international agreements. Faced with this challenge .. (remember that Chavez is sociologically majority), President Maduro has alerted public opinion and accelerated the formation of a Community Parliament whose role in the architecture of the state is not yet clear, but it might work as a representative and advisory society parallel body to the National Assembly.
Everything indicates that there may be train wreck. Venezuelan society is profoundly democratic and peaceful -as has shown in the last seventeen years, but this is a hard struggle between the two major political forces right, Chavez and controlling, respectively, the executive and the power legislative. The temptation to resort to street demonstrations and mass will be very big. With the danger that entails in terms of confrontation and violence.
This scenario of civil war is not desired by most voters whose message 6 last December openly meant a call for dialogue between ruling and opposition with a clear purpose: that the two forces are understood to solve the structural problems of the country .
We said at the outset that, in 2016, the conflict could be high in Venezuela also for external reasons. And this year is announced, in terms of international economic situation, as one of the worst in the last two decades. Essentially for three reasons: the collapse of the price of raw materials and oil, the crisis of growth in China and the rising value of the US dollar.
It is useless to insist that oil prices have a major impact on the economic life of Venezuela, since over 90% of the country's foreign exchange resources come from the export of black gold. In eighteen months, barrel prices, which were $ 115, collapsed to 30 dollars ... It is not impossible that, throughout the year, down to $ 20 ... For any oil producing country (Angola, Algeria , Mexico, etc.), that represents itself a catastrophe, but for Venezuela (and, to some extent, Ecuador or Bolivia), redistributed social policies that the essence of its oil revenues, means a heavy blow and a deadly threat for the balance of the Bolivarian revolution.
The second parameter is outside China. This country has changed its model of development and growth now betting on its domestic market (1,500 million consumers), by increasing the services and quality of life that pollution threatened with death. Growth rates, by 10 or 12%, have been reduced to 6 or 7%. Consequence: imports of raw materials (mineral and agricultural) has been reduced, which has led to a collapse in prices that affects head-Latin American exporters of metals (Peru, Chile) and soya (Argentina, Brazil) . The political crisis that are living these two countries are not immune to this situation, and it also indirectly affects Caracas, important partner of Brasilia and Buenos Aires under the MERCOSUR.
Finally, the dollar. The decision made last December 16 the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates by 0.25%, after nine years without doing so, increases the strength of the dollar. The dollar is more profitable in the United States encourages investors to withdraw capital -invertidos massively in the "emerging" since the crisis began in 2008, and move them to North America. Consequently the value of the currency of the "developing countries" (Brazil, Colombia, Chile) collapses and doubly devalued by the strengthening dollar and capital flight. And all imported goods become more expensive.
Such Latin American and international context draws, 2016, an unfavorable for the economy of Venezuela environment. And places uphill perspective of finding quick solutions to resolve the country's problems. Since winning the election on April 14, 2013, President Nicolas Maduro has launched calls for the opposition and the private sector repeatedly for a National Dialogue. It is very important to the storms ahead, the MUD now answer those calls in a constructive spirit of responsibility. Venezuela deserves.
(1) Three charges related personalities currently exercised by the Executive.
(2) See Gisela Brito, "National Assembly, Executive and Supreme Court keys on the institutional dispute in Venezuela," moving Latin America, Quito, Ecuador, December 18, 2015. http: //www.alainet. org / en / article / 174345
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