Por qué pienso que la oposición, con sus aliados los empresarios capitalistas, juegan al fracaso del proyecto presentado por el Presidente Maduro hoy 19/01/2015 ?. Why I think that the opposition, with its allies capitalist entrepreneurs play to failure of the project presented by President Maduro today 19.01.2015?.
En primer lugar he observado que varios diputados y empresarios han emitido sus opiniones sobre lo inconforme que están con los mensajes del Presidente Nicolas Maduro, en el fondo de sus comentarios esperan un fracaso en los cambios que están planteados con el proyecto de sustitución de importaciones y el rumbo hacia el modelo productivo socialista.
En el caso especial de los empresarios, aquellos que sólo están interesados en seguir teniendo las tetas del estado para subsionar dolares, sólo estaban esperando que el presidente hablará de abrir la chequera para darle la mercancía que ellos adoran (Us$).
Estos empresarios jugarán a que el pueblo siga haciendo colas sin conseguir los alimentos básicos para su alimentación y de esta manera pudiera presentarse un motín por hambre, parecido al del 27 de febrero de1989 y poder tumbar al gobierno. Si queremos estar más seguros de lo que ellos quieren hacer, esperemos a ver el comportamiento de los diputados de la oposición en la discusión de si aprueban o no el Decreto de Emergencia Económica, emitido por el presidente Nicolas Maduro.
El proyecto de frenar la construcción del modelo económico socialista en América Latina, en especial en Venezuela, no ha cambiado desde que el Presidente Hugo Chavez inició dicho proyecto social y económico en 1998. Dichos empresarios y políticos de turno trabajan constantemente para alcanzar el momento en que la principal industria petrolera, que administra los yacimientos más grandes del mundo, pueda ser controlada por las Transnacionales del petroleo del mundo (recordemos el golpe de estado el 11/04/2002.
A partir de ese momento es que ellos podrán desarrollar su proyecto capitalista. Por lo tanto el futuro de la patria lo podremos vislumbrar en los próximos días cuando sepamos la decisión de la mayoría de los diputados de la Asamblea Nacional.
El presidente Nicolás Maduro deber ir pensando en el plan B, porque la orden que deben haber recibido del norte, es que profundicen en su ataque contra el gobierno, para que no solucione el problema de la inseguridad alimentaria del pueblo venezolano, adicional a esto la guerra de los precios del petróleo que se acaba de iniciar entre Iran y Arabia Saudita.
De lograr este paso, estarán preparando el terreno para solicitar el referendo revocatorio contra el Presidente Maduro, pero deben tener presente que el Presidente Nicolás Maduro fue electo con 7.587.579 votos y la oposicion, aún con la compra de votos y otros menesteres pudo obtener 7.363.980.
Por lo tanto si se lanzan por ese camino, no tendrán vuelta atrás. Bueno debemos recordar el pensamiento de ALBERT EINSTEIN:
Hay dos cosas infinitas: El Universo y la Estupidez humana. Y del Universo no estoy seguro.
Hernán Gonzàlez
I noticed that several deputies and businessmen have expressed their
opinions about what dissatisfied you are with the messages of President
Nicolas Maduro, at the bottom of your comments expect a failure in the
changes that are raised with the draft import substitution and the course for the socialist production model.
In the special case of entrepreneurs, those who are only interested in still have tits state for subsionar dollars, were just hoping the president will open the checkbook to give the goods they worship (US $).
These entrepreneurs will play follow the people queuing without getting staples for food and thus might present a riot by hunger, similar to the February 27 of 1989 and to overthrow the government. If we want to be more sure of what they want to do, let's see the behavior of opposition MPs in the discussion of whether to approve the Economic Emergency Decree issued by President Nicolas Maduro.
The draft halt construction of the socialist economic model in Latin America, especially in Venezuela, has not changed since President Hugo Chavez launched this social and economic project in 1998. These businessmen and politicians in power are constantly working to achieve the moment the main oil industry, which manages the largest deposits in the world, can be controlled by the oil companies in the world (remember the coup on 11/04/2002.
From that moment it is that they can develop their capitalist project. Therefore the future of the country as we envision in the coming days when we know the decision of the majority of deputies of the National Assembly.
President Nicolas Maduro should start thinking about Plan B, because the order that should have received the north, is to deepen their attack on the government, that does not solve the problem of food insecurity of the Venezuelan people, in addition to this the War oil prices that has just begun between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
To achieve this rate, will be preparing the ground for requesting the recall referendum against President Maduro, but should be aware that the President Nicolás Maduro was elected with 7,587,579 votes and the opposition, even with the buying of votes and other necessities could be obtained 7363980.
So if you throw down that road, they will not turn back. Well we should remember thinking ALBERT EINSTEIN:
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And the Universe I'm not sure.
Hernan Gonzalez
In the special case of entrepreneurs, those who are only interested in still have tits state for subsionar dollars, were just hoping the president will open the checkbook to give the goods they worship (US $).
These entrepreneurs will play follow the people queuing without getting staples for food and thus might present a riot by hunger, similar to the February 27 of 1989 and to overthrow the government. If we want to be more sure of what they want to do, let's see the behavior of opposition MPs in the discussion of whether to approve the Economic Emergency Decree issued by President Nicolas Maduro.
The draft halt construction of the socialist economic model in Latin America, especially in Venezuela, has not changed since President Hugo Chavez launched this social and economic project in 1998. These businessmen and politicians in power are constantly working to achieve the moment the main oil industry, which manages the largest deposits in the world, can be controlled by the oil companies in the world (remember the coup on 11/04/2002.
From that moment it is that they can develop their capitalist project. Therefore the future of the country as we envision in the coming days when we know the decision of the majority of deputies of the National Assembly.
President Nicolas Maduro should start thinking about Plan B, because the order that should have received the north, is to deepen their attack on the government, that does not solve the problem of food insecurity of the Venezuelan people, in addition to this the War oil prices that has just begun between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
To achieve this rate, will be preparing the ground for requesting the recall referendum against President Maduro, but should be aware that the President Nicolás Maduro was elected with 7,587,579 votes and the opposition, even with the buying of votes and other necessities could be obtained 7363980.
So if you throw down that road, they will not turn back. Well we should remember thinking ALBERT EINSTEIN:
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And the Universe I'm not sure.
Hernan Gonzalez
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