La guerra civil esta a las puertas de Venezuela y de toda América Latina.. The civil war is at the gates of Venezuela and throughout Latin America
Presidente Nicolas Maduro, un venezolano comun, le pide prudencia, espere hasta el viernes en la noche antes de tomar decisiones. Si la Asamblea Nacional no aprueba el Decreto de Emergencia Económica y no hay solución a la problemática del abastecimiento de alimentos básicos nos sobrevendrá el saqueo de los abastos y el gobierno no podrá repetir lo que hizo la derecha en 1989, porque todos saben que los empresarios politizados hacia la derecha quieren, con el desabastecimiento crear un motín por hambre y así tener en sus manos todo el poder politico.
La conciencia que tiene nuestro pueblo puede convertir ese motín por hambre en la revolución más radical y violenta que se haya conocido en América Latina.
Hay que convencer a los empresarios, que producen alimentos, para que incrementen la producción de los mismos y si esto no ocurre, tome con los hombres y mujeres revolucionarios las empresas y las fábricas que se nieguen a hacerlo.
Es momento de decisiones. Nuestro pueblo no aguanta mas.
Y hay que tener presente que en Colombia llevan mas de sesenta (60) años de Guerra Civil, porque asesinaron al candidato del pueblo Colombiano, que ofrecía solucionar sus problemas básicos, y esto los llevó a una confrontación entre la clase Burguesa (Empresarial) y el pueblo armado y han muerto más de trescientos (300.000) mil seres humanos por esa estupidez de la oligarquía colombiana.Ya están cerca, dicen, de acordar y firmar una paz entre el pueblo y el representante de la burguesía colombiana que es el Gobierno de Manuel Santos (un burgues más), es decir que, si la burguesía colombiana respeta al pueblo colombiano despues de dicha firma de la paz, entonces la paz durará, de lo contrario será fatal para la nación colombiana y para américa latina.
Una guerra civil en Venezuela, en las condiciones actuales de la conciencia avanzada, de millones de venezolanos, será muy peligrosa para toda América Latina, no es un simple avance de la derecha en el campo político en Venezuela, el pueblo está siendo atacado bárvaramente por el empresario que produce alimentos y otros enseres. Y si afinamos el análisis, podremos observar que el ataque de la derecha nacional e internacional está dirigido contra la mujer venezolana, porque millones de ellas están trabajando para cambiar la sociedad capitalista hacia la sociedad socialista, es por esto que la guerra económica de la burguesía venezolana contra el pueblo venezolano, puede llegar a radicalizarse por parte del pueblo venezolano, porque ya en las colas los comentarios son creian que el 6 de diciembre se acabarían las colas, o sea que fueron engañados por los políticos de turno, expertos en engañar a los pueblos, pero hay que tener mucho cuidado, porque un motín por hambre en Venezuela pudiera trascender a una guerra civil, donde las pasiones y los odios se pudieran confundir y al comenzar los enfrentamientos, se pudieran radicalizar y sobrevenir una revolución violenta y radical como no ha ocurrido en nuestro continente y esto pudiera arrastrar a todos los pueblos de América Latina a una confrontacción, que pudiera ser una verdadera barbarie en el siglo XXI, este tipo de conflicto podría en riesgo el abastecimiento de hidrocarburos a muchos paises del mundo, porque se detendrían los envios de Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brasil, Colo,bia, etc de petroleo y sus derivados, en especial hacia los EUA.
Y si tomamos en cuenta que con el incremento, en el mercado internacional, de 500.000 barriles de petróleo por parte de Iran, hizo que el precio del barril de petróleo bajara a Us$ 22, se pueden imaginar que al detenerse el suministro de 2.700.000 al mercado internacional, el precio del barril pudiera subir a más de Us$ 100.
La pelota de este juego de futbol está en el lado de la Asamblea Nacional, o entran en razón tanto los empresarios que fabrican jabones, arina precocida, carne, pollo, huevos, etc junto a los políticos de la derecha o deberán asumir su responsabilidad ante la historia.
En Francia el Presidente Hollande decretó una emergencia económica y social y sin que pasara un día, toda Francia apoyaba dicho decreto, porque saben y están viviendo una crisis más fuerte que la que está pasando el pueblo de venezuela.
Ahora bien, debe privar la sensatez en estos momentos cruciales, o nos entendemos o nos matamos.
Hernán González
Hernán González
President Nicolas Maduro, a common Venezuelan asks prudence, wait until the Friday night before making decisions. If
the National Assembly does not approve the Economic Emergency Decree
and no solution to the problems of basic food supply us befall the
looting of supplies and the government can not repeat what he did right
in 1989, because everyone knows that entrepreneurs right politicized want, with shortages create a riot by hunger and thus get their hands on all political power.The consciousness of our people can turn that hunger riot in the most
radical and violent revolution ever known in Latin America.We must convince employers that produce food, to increase production
of the same and if it does not, take with revolutionary men and women
businesses and factories that refuse to do so.It is time for decisions. Our people can not take more.And
we must remember that in Colombia carry more than sixty (60) years of
Civil War, because they murdered the candidate of the Colombian people,
who offered to solve their basic problems, and this led to a
confrontation between the bourgeois (Business) class the
armed people have died and more than three hundred (300,000) thousand
human beings by the stupidity of the oligarchy colombiana.Ya are close,
they say, agree and sign a peace between the people and the
representative of the Colombian bourgeoisie is the Government of Manuel Santos (one more bourgeois), meaning that if the Colombian
bourgeoisie respects the Colombian people that after signing of peace,
then peace will last, otherwise it will be fatal for the Colombian
nation and Latin America.
A civil war in Venezuela, under the present conditions of advanced consciousness of millions of Venezuelans will be very dangerous for all of Latin America, is not a simple advance of the right in the political field in Venezuela, people are being attacked bárvaramente by the entrepreneur who produces food and other goods. And if we refine the analysis, we can see that the attack on the national and international right is directed against Venezuelan women, because millions of them are working to change capitalist society to socialist society, is why the economic war of the bourgeoisie Venezuelan against the Venezuelan people, you can get radicalized by the Venezuelan people, because in queues comments are believed to December 6 queues would end, or whether they were cheated by the politicians in power, experts deceive peoples, but be careful, because a riot by hunger in Venezuela could transcend into a civil war, where passions and hatreds could confuse and start fighting, they could radicalize and occur a violent and radical revolution It has not happened in our continent and this could drag all the peoples of Latin America to a confrontacción, that could be a real barbarism in the XXI century, this type of conflict could jeopardize the supply of oil in many countries of the world, because They would stop shipments from Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, Colo bia, etc. of oil and its derivatives, particularly to the US.And if we consider that with the increase in the international market, 500,000 barrels of oil from Iran, made the price of a barrel of oil down to $ 22, you can imagine that when stopping the supply of 2,700. 000 the international market, the price of oil could rise to more than $ 100.Ball This football game is on the side of the National Assembly, or come to their senses both entrepreneurs that manufacture soaps, Arina precooked meat, poultry, eggs, etc with the political right or should assume its responsibility the history.French President Hollande declared an economic and social emergency and without spend a day throughout France supported the decree, because they know and are living a serious crisis that is happening the people of Venezuela.But common sense should prevail at this crucial time, or understand us or kill us.
Hernán González
A civil war in Venezuela, under the present conditions of advanced consciousness of millions of Venezuelans will be very dangerous for all of Latin America, is not a simple advance of the right in the political field in Venezuela, people are being attacked bárvaramente by the entrepreneur who produces food and other goods. And if we refine the analysis, we can see that the attack on the national and international right is directed against Venezuelan women, because millions of them are working to change capitalist society to socialist society, is why the economic war of the bourgeoisie Venezuelan against the Venezuelan people, you can get radicalized by the Venezuelan people, because in queues comments are believed to December 6 queues would end, or whether they were cheated by the politicians in power, experts deceive peoples, but be careful, because a riot by hunger in Venezuela could transcend into a civil war, where passions and hatreds could confuse and start fighting, they could radicalize and occur a violent and radical revolution It has not happened in our continent and this could drag all the peoples of Latin America to a confrontacción, that could be a real barbarism in the XXI century, this type of conflict could jeopardize the supply of oil in many countries of the world, because They would stop shipments from Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, Colo bia, etc. of oil and its derivatives, particularly to the US.And if we consider that with the increase in the international market, 500,000 barrels of oil from Iran, made the price of a barrel of oil down to $ 22, you can imagine that when stopping the supply of 2,700. 000 the international market, the price of oil could rise to more than $ 100.Ball This football game is on the side of the National Assembly, or come to their senses both entrepreneurs that manufacture soaps, Arina precooked meat, poultry, eggs, etc with the political right or should assume its responsibility the history.French President Hollande declared an economic and social emergency and without spend a day throughout France supported the decree, because they know and are living a serious crisis that is happening the people of Venezuela.But common sense should prevail at this crucial time, or understand us or kill us.
Hernán González
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