¿A quién engaña el Dr. Hermann Escarrá?. Who deceives Dr. Hermann Escarra?
Carmen Cecilia Lara
Si uno le sigue la pista al catedrático, constituyentista y abogado
Hermann Escarrá se asombra de ver las volteretas que este venezolano es
capaz de hacer honrando figuras históricas como José Antonio Páez o
Antonio Leocadio Guzmán. Luego de haber escuchado parte de sus
conferencias en el auditorio de la sede principal de Cantv, ante
trabajadoras y trabajadores de la empresa telefónica estatal sobre la
nueva integración de la Asamblea Nacional y el reto de la Revolución
Bolivariana y en el Teatro Bolivar, sobre la Constitución para el
Futuro, dictadas la semana pasada, uno no puede creer que sea el mismo
que se opuso vehementemente contra la Reforma Constitucional y quien
preparó un expediente para llevar a nuestro Chávez a la Corte Penal
Internacional de la Haya por crímenes de lesa humanidad, defender los
supuestos presos políticos en Venezuela, las víctimas de la "masacre"
del 11 de abril, y la inmensa mayoría de las 22 mil familias exiliadas
de PDVSA, según sus palabras. "La acción penal es contra el régimen, el
Presidente de la República, varios de sus funcionarios, magistrados y
jueces quienes violan gravemente el derecho internacional, los derechos
humanos, el Pacto de San José, Carta Interamericana y el Pacto de
Derechos Civiles y políticos por presos de antojo, presos políticos,
exiliados de facto, secuestrados, intimidados y violaciones a la
libertad de expresión". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1VKbb-c0k0
Es increíble cómo en nuestro país, no es sólo el caso de Escarrá,
cualquier persona se puede dar el lujo de cambiar 180 grados y que el
estado le ponga la alfombra roja nuevamente aunque este lo haya acusado
internacionalmente. Ahora el profesor alcanza su máximo esplendor
invitado por nuestro Ministro de Defensa Vladimir Padrino López a dar
una charla en el Comando Mayor Superior de la Fuerza Armada Bolivariana
donde hace la propuesta de un "Pacto de Estado" que incluya a todos los
sectores de la vida de la Nación: "Esto es sector económico,
organizaciones sociales, partidos políticos, iglesias, FFAA, con
presencia de todos sus componentes" según nota de prensa institucional.
Lo sorprendente es que hace menos de quince días, luego de las
elecciones parlamentarias, el Presidente de la Asamblea Nacional
Diosdado Cabello afirmó que no habría pactos de ningún tipo, siendo
secundado por el Presidente de la República Nicolás Maduro. Uno se
pregunta quién está detrás de Escarrá, cuando este se mueve en las altas
esferas gubernamentales y nada menos y nada más que dentro de los altos
mandos de la Fuerza Armada Bolivariana en momentos cruciales para la
one keeps track the professor, lawyer Hermann Escarra constituyentista
and is amazed to see that this Venezuelan somersaults is capable of
honoring historical figures like Jose Antonio Páez and Antonio Leocadio
Guzman. After
hearing of his lectures in the auditorium of the headquarters of Cantv,
to workers and employees of the state telephone company on the new
integration of the National Assembly and the challenge of the Bolivarian
Revolution and the Bolivar Theatre, on the Constitution
for the Future, issued last week, one can not believe it's the same as
vehemently opposed to the constitutional reform and who prepared a
dossier to carry our Chavez to the International Criminal Court in The
Hague for crimes against humanity, defending
alleged political prisoners in Venezuela, victims of the "slaughter" of
April 11, and the vast majority of the 22,000 exiled families of PDVSA,
in his words. "The
prosecution is against the regime, the President of the Republic,
several of its officers, magistrates and judges who seriously violate
international law, human rights, the Pact of San José, Inter-American
Charter and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights craving for prisoners, political prisoners, exiles de facto kidnapped, intimidated and violations of freedom of expression. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1VKbb-c0k0
It's amazing how in our country is not only the case of Escarrá, anyone can afford to change 180 degrees and that the state will put the red carpet again although it has acknowledged this internationally. Now the teacher reaches its peak invited by our Minister of Defense Vladimir Padrino López to give a talk at the Higher Command Staff of the Bolivarian Armed Forces where the proposed "State Agreement" that includes all sectors of life makes Nation: "This is economic sector, social organizations, political parties, churches, armed forces, with the presence of all its components" according to institutional press note.
Surprisingly, less than a fortnight ago after the parliamentary elections, the President of the National Assembly Diosdado Cabello said there would be no agreements of any kind, being supported by President Nicolas Maduro. One wonders who is behind Escarrá, when it moves in high government circles and nothing less and nothing more than that in the high command of the Armed Forces Bolivarian Revolution in crucial moments.
It's amazing how in our country is not only the case of Escarrá, anyone can afford to change 180 degrees and that the state will put the red carpet again although it has acknowledged this internationally. Now the teacher reaches its peak invited by our Minister of Defense Vladimir Padrino López to give a talk at the Higher Command Staff of the Bolivarian Armed Forces where the proposed "State Agreement" that includes all sectors of life makes Nation: "This is economic sector, social organizations, political parties, churches, armed forces, with the presence of all its components" according to institutional press note.
Surprisingly, less than a fortnight ago after the parliamentary elections, the President of the National Assembly Diosdado Cabello said there would be no agreements of any kind, being supported by President Nicolas Maduro. One wonders who is behind Escarrá, when it moves in high government circles and nothing less and nothing more than that in the high command of the Armed Forces Bolivarian Revolution in crucial moments.
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