Víctimas de la guarimba rechazan Ley de Amnistía propuesta por la oposición. Victims of guarimba reject amnesty law proposed by the opposition
Caracas, 11/12/2015.- (Nota de prensa) Los integrantes del "Comité de
Víctimas de la Guarimba y el Golpe Continuado" rechazaron la propuesta
de Ley de Amnistía que ha sido anunciado por diversos dirigentes
políticos de la Mesa de la Unidad Democrática (MUD), escogidos para
integrar la Asamblea Nacional que se instalará el próximo 5 de enero de
En un comunicado que divulgaron las víctimas y familiares de víctimas
que integran este Comité, señalaron a los diputados y diputadas electos
el pasado 6 de diciembre de 2015 "que la Constitución de la
República Bolivariana de Venezuela, en su artículo 29, expresamente
prohíbe adoptar medidas que favorezcan la impunidad, incluyendo la
amnistía, en los casos de graves violaciones a los derechos humanos y
crímenes de lesa humanidad".
Comunicado completo aquí:
"Nosotras y nosotros, integrantes del Comité de Víctimas de la Guarimba y
el Golpe Continuado, en nuestra condición de víctimas y familiares de
víctimas de la violencia política ocurrida en abril de 2013 y febrero a
junio del año 2014, nos dirigimos al país y al mundo a los fines de
expresar lo siguiente:
Rechazamos categóricamente la propuesta de ley de amnistía que ha sido
anunciada públicamente por diversos dirigentes políticos de la Mesa de
Unidad Democrática (MUD) escogidos para integrar la Asamblea Nacional
que se instalará el próximo 5 de enero de 2015.
Recordamos a los diputados y diputadas electos el pasado 6 de diciembre
de 2015 que la Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, en
su artículo 29, expresamente prohíbe adoptar medidas que favorezcan la
impunidad, incluyendo la amnistía, en los casos de graves violaciones a
los derechos humanos y crímenes de lesa humanidad. En consecuencia,
cualquier proyecto de ley de amnistía que intente beneficiar a los
responsables de graves acontecimientos como el 11 de abril de 2002, la
violencia política ocurrida en abril de 2013 o los sucesos de febrero a
junio del año 2014 implicaría una violación flagrante de nuestro texto
Exigimos a las instituciones del Estado venezolano, especialmente a la
Defensoría del Pueblo y el Tribunal Supremo de Justicia, actuar con
diligencia y contundencia a los fines de evitar que la violación de la
Constitución de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela derivada de una
ley de amnistía llegue a materializarse, utilizando todas las
herramientas que les otorga el ordenamiento jurídico para evitarlo.
Solicitamos al Presidente de la República se abstenga de promulgar
cualquier proyecto de ley que pretenda generar impunidad para los
responsables de las graves violaciones a los derechos humanos y crímenes
de lesa humanidad causados por los actos de violencia política,
impulsados por sectores claramente identificados de la oposición
política venezolana.
Pedimos a las organizaciones y movimientos sociales de derechos humanos
de Venezuela y del mundo acompañarnos en nuestra lucha para impedir que
se apruebe una ley de amnistía y se libere a los culpables, en perjuicio
de nuestro derecho a la verdad y a la justicia.
Exigimos a los organismos internacionales de derechos humanos,
especialmente a la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos y al Alto
Comisionado de de la ONU para los DD HH, actuar con imparcialidad y
objetividad en este caso y, en consecuencia, condenar esta iniciativa de
ley de amnistía, especialmente considerando que, conforme a la doctrina
internacional, los Estados deben abstenerse de recurrir a figuras como
la amnistía u otras medidas que pretendan impedir la persecución penal o
suprimir los efectos de la sentencia condenatoria, en los casos de
graves violaciones a los derechos humanos.
Finalmente, manifestamos que las víctimas nos mantendremos movilizadas y
bajo ninguna circunstancia permitiremos que la muerte de nuestros
familiares y las lesiones que sufrimos quienes integramos este Comité
queden impunes".
Sin justicia no habrá paz…
Victims Committee rejects guarimbas newly elected opposition MPs violate the lawsCredit:VictimaGuarimba
Caracas, 11/12 / 2015.- (Press release) The members of the "Committee of Victims of the Coup Continued Guarimba and" rejected the proposed amnesty law that has been announced by various political leaders of the Bureau of Unit Democratica (MUD), chosen to integrate the National Assembly to be installed next January 5, 2016.
In a statement reported victims and relatives of victims who make up this Committee, they noted the deputies and elected MPs last December 6, 2015 "that the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Article 29 expressly prohibits measures favoring impunity, including amnesty in cases of serious violations of human rights and crimes against humanity. "
Full press release here:
"We, members of the Committee of Victims of the Coup Continued Guarimba and in our condition as victims and relatives of victims of political violence that occurred in April and June 2013 and February 2014, headed the country and the world in order to express the following:
We categorically reject the proposed amnesty law that has been publicly announced by various political leaders of the Democratic Unity Table (MUD) chosen to integrate the National Assembly to be installed next January 5, 2015.
We recall the deputies and deputies elected last December 6, 2015 that the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Article 29 expressly prohibits measures that favor impunity, including amnesty in cases of serious violations human rights and crimes against humanity. Consequently, any amnesty bill that attempts to benefit those responsible for serious events like the April 11, 2002, political violence which occurred in April 2013 or the events of February to June 2014 imply a flagrant violation of our Constitution.
We urge the Venezuelan state institutions, especially the Ombudsman and Supreme Court, act promptly and decisively in order to prevent the violation of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela derived from an amnesty law comes materialize, using all the tools that accorded by law to prevent it.
We ask the President to refrain from enacting any bill that seeks to generate impunity for those responsible for serious violations of human rights and crimes against humanity caused by political violence, driven by clearly identified sectors of the opposition Venezuelan politics.
We call on social organizations and human rights movements of Venezuela and the world to join us in our fight to prevent an amnesty law was approved and released the guilty, to the detriment of our right to truth and justice.
We urge international human rights organizations, especially the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the High Commissioner of the UN for DD HH act with impartiality and objectivity in this case and, therefore, condemn this amnesty bill , especially considering that, in accordance with international doctrine, states must refrain from using figures such as amnesty or other measures aimed at preventing criminal prosecution or suppress the effects of the conviction, in cases of serious violations of human rights .
Finally, we report that the victims keep us mobilized and under no circumstances should the deaths of our family and we suffer injuries who are part of this committee go unpunished. "
Without justice there is no peace ...
Caracas, 11/12 / 2015.- (Press release) The members of the "Committee of Victims of the Coup Continued Guarimba and" rejected the proposed amnesty law that has been announced by various political leaders of the Bureau of Unit Democratica (MUD), chosen to integrate the National Assembly to be installed next January 5, 2016.
In a statement reported victims and relatives of victims who make up this Committee, they noted the deputies and elected MPs last December 6, 2015 "that the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Article 29 expressly prohibits measures favoring impunity, including amnesty in cases of serious violations of human rights and crimes against humanity. "
Full press release here:
"We, members of the Committee of Victims of the Coup Continued Guarimba and in our condition as victims and relatives of victims of political violence that occurred in April and June 2013 and February 2014, headed the country and the world in order to express the following:
We categorically reject the proposed amnesty law that has been publicly announced by various political leaders of the Democratic Unity Table (MUD) chosen to integrate the National Assembly to be installed next January 5, 2015.
We recall the deputies and deputies elected last December 6, 2015 that the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Article 29 expressly prohibits measures that favor impunity, including amnesty in cases of serious violations human rights and crimes against humanity. Consequently, any amnesty bill that attempts to benefit those responsible for serious events like the April 11, 2002, political violence which occurred in April 2013 or the events of February to June 2014 imply a flagrant violation of our Constitution.
We urge the Venezuelan state institutions, especially the Ombudsman and Supreme Court, act promptly and decisively in order to prevent the violation of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela derived from an amnesty law comes materialize, using all the tools that accorded by law to prevent it.
We ask the President to refrain from enacting any bill that seeks to generate impunity for those responsible for serious violations of human rights and crimes against humanity caused by political violence, driven by clearly identified sectors of the opposition Venezuelan politics.
We call on social organizations and human rights movements of Venezuela and the world to join us in our fight to prevent an amnesty law was approved and released the guilty, to the detriment of our right to truth and justice.
We urge international human rights organizations, especially the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the High Commissioner of the UN for DD HH act with impartiality and objectivity in this case and, therefore, condemn this amnesty bill , especially considering that, in accordance with international doctrine, states must refrain from using figures such as amnesty or other measures aimed at preventing criminal prosecution or suppress the effects of the conviction, in cases of serious violations of human rights .
Finally, we report that the victims keep us mobilized and under no circumstances should the deaths of our family and we suffer injuries who are part of this committee go unpunished. "
Without justice there is no peace ...
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