Llamar al dialogo a los Empresarios organizados en Fedecámaras. Call dialogue to Company organized in FEDECAMARAS.
En Venezuela el Pueblo ha venido recibiendo aumentos constantes de sueldos y salarios y con los cientos de miles de pensionados nuevos, la masa monetaria en el País creció considerablemente, por ende la demanda de bienes y servicios también creció, esa política monetaria, desarrollada desde el Gobierno por Nicolas Maduro, debería haber tenido una respuesta positiva por parte del empresariado Venezolano incrementando la producción de bienes y servicios, es decir un incremento de la oferta de mercancías, pero no ocurrió. Creo que esta propuesta fue hecha por John Maynard Keynes en su propuesta en 1929 para que los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica saliera de la crisi global o del Crack donde cayó la economía mundial. La respuesta del empresariado fue la de desaparecer las mercancías y el incremento de los exagerados precios fue la respuesta del empresariado contra el pueblo, de hecho se materializó el incremento de la ganancia con un efecto brutal, de allí el incremento de la recaudación del Seniat y por lo tanto el cumplimiento de las metas establecidas para este Instituto, pero ese incremento provenía del desmejoramiento de la capacidad de satisfacer sus necesidades por parte de nuestro pueblo, no eran un aporte del empresario a la economía, era el robo descarado de los empresarios a los dineros que estaba recibiendo nuestro pueblo, pero que el empresario les arrebató sin ninguna consideración.
La derecha radical, la moderada y hasta la conformista no ofrecieron nada al pueblo, sólo el "Cambio", pero nunca le dijeron al pueblo qué es lo que querian cambiar, su objetivo es cambiar todo el poder del Estado hacia esta mezcla de las tres (3) derechas, en haras de poder controlar a la industria petrolera para venderla a las Transnacionales como la Exxon Mobil, la Texaco, etc. El planteamiento de la dolarización de la economía es el engaño mas brutal que se haya presentado como una opción para una Nación que tiene poca población, unas reservas de Oro -valoradas en dólares- que ubica a nuestra nación en el lugar número 15 de 188 países que hay en el Mundo y con la Reserva de Petróleo más grande del Mundo, por lo tanto nuestra Moneda debe estar en una posición mil veces mejor que la que tiene el dolar norteamericano. Si se llegara a dolarizar nuestra economía, con qué le pagarían los empresarios privados a sus trabajadores o tendría el Estado Venezolano que darle los dolares para que puedan cancelar los salarios y las prestaciones sociales a sus trabajadores y por otra parte, al dolarizar la economía, con los precios, promedios, del barril a 30 Us$, de donde se tendrían que sacar los dolares para pagar a los millones de empleados que tiene la administración pública y cuantos dólares quedarán para cancelar los compromisos adquiridos por la república, usados para garantizar la alimentación y la seguridad soberana de la Patria de Bolívar y de Chávez.
Si se quiere llegar a un acuerdo o dialogo, como lo solicita el empresario privado, deberían, en principio, aparecer los productos que llevan más de un año desaparecidos, gracias a que los empresarios se han dedicado ahora, más que nunca, a políticos y dejaron de ser empresarios. Hay varios empresarios en la actual Asamblea Nacional y en la Nueva tambien, ya tienen su parte política, que buscaron durante años, por lo tanto si exigen que el Gobierno de Nicólas Maduro los llame a una reunión, lo primero que tienen que hacer es ponerse el uniforme de empresarios y quitarse el de políticos, por lo que las mercancías deberían ya estar en los anaqueles de los canales de distribución tanto públicos como privados, de lo contrario el dialogo no es otra cosa que exigir la rendición total al Presidente Maduro y que entregue el poder completo a los empresarios.
Ese llamado al diálogo, en este momento que el Presidente Maduro solicitó que todos los Ministros pongan su cargo a la orden, es porque quieren solicitar al presidente los Ministerios de Finanzas, la Presidencia del Banco Central de Venezuela y el Ministerio de Minas, así como tambien solicitarán que les vendan la Cantv y Corpoelec, porque cuando estaba en poder de la empresa privada no realizaron las inversiones que ha realizado en dichas empresas, en quince años el gobierno nacional, es decir que quieren las empresas y los Ministerios que mayor cantidad de recursos generan para el pueblo Venezolano, pero que ellos quieren que esos recursos vayan a parar a los empresarios privados. Recordemos que cuando la derecha tenian el control del Estado vendieron a empresarios Privadas de Argentina, de Estados Unidos y de Francia: Sidor, Cantv, Electricidad de caracas y cementeras respectivamente. Fijense que en ningun momento han tratado de comprar a Guri, porque las inversiones que tendrían que hacer los empresarios privados sería descomunal y ellos no quieren invertir, sino obtener beneficios, por eso podirán el control del BCV, del Ministerio de Finanzas, de Pdvsa, Cantv que han generado cientos de miles de millones de bolivares, que han ido a parar en beneficios para el pueblo venezolano, se sabe que tambien una parte de esas fabulosas ganancias tambien fueron a parar en unos corruptos que están dentro del gobierno y dentro de los empresarios privados, porque la corrupción no está sólo en una de las partes, debe haber la fusión entre Empresarios privados y funcionarios públicos para que se pueda materializar el monstruo de a corrupción. Es necesario que el Presidente Maduro tome en cuenta estas recomendaciones antes de sentarse a conversar con los empresarios privados afiliados a Fedecámaras.
No podemos decir que todo lo que se ha hecho en Venezuela durante los últimos dieciseis (16) años ha sido perjudicial para nuestro pueblo, analicemos varios eventos económicos, sociales y políticos para obsevar que nuestro pueblo respondió afirmativamente. de diecinieve (19) eventos electorales, nuestro pueblo votó positivamente por las propuestas revolucionarias diecisiete (17) veces, por lo tanto tenemos el 75% de las Alcaldías y el 88% de las Gobernaciones, así como tambien el 62% de los integrantes de la actual Asamblea Nacional. Y sin que se nos pueda olvidar, en el año 2013, luego del fallecimiento del Comandante Presidente Hugo Chavez, se realizó una elección para presidente de la República y nuestro pueblo Votó a favor del actual Presidente de la República: Nicolas Maduro, nada de esto se puede olvidar, pero a partir de los resultados de esa elección, la derecha Nacional e Internacional se pusieron de acuerdo para comenzar un ataque bestial contra nuestro pueblo y los errores que se cometieron, por algunos de los Ministros, dicho ataque empezó a impactar contra nuestro pueblo y las decisiones radicales no se hicieron presente, nuestro pueblo no recibió la reciprocidad que debia, porque el ataque de la derecha Nacional e Internacional contra nuestro pueblo, debía tener como respuesta de un ataque frontal contra esos empresarios privados que desaparecieron los alimentos, la respuesta no debería ser sólo de importar alimentos del exterior, porque se estaba financiado a la derecha internacional que nos vendía alimentos, provenientes de Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay, etc. La carne que venía de Nicaragua fue sustituida por la carne proveniente de Argentina, pero el Gobierno Argentino no es el que vendía carne a Venezuela, tampoco el Brasilero, por lo tanto hubo errores de forma y de fondo en la respuesta a un ataque directo contra el pueblo.
Si los empresarios quieren ayudar a salir de la crisis económica en venezuela, no es solicitando lo escasos dolares que están entrando al país, sino que todas aquellas empresas que utilizan materias primas nacionales, ya deberían haber iniciado el incremento de la producción de alimentos y su respectiva colocación en los anaqueles de los canales de distribución, luego de esto es que se puediera pensar en que el Presidente Nicolás Maduro pueda llamar a un dialogo a los empresarios, con el objetivo de incrementar aún más dicha producción, con respecto a los demás empresarios que han recibido cie ntos de miles de millones de dólares, que comiencen a usar los que tienen en sus cuentas en el exterior, como muestra de que quieren invertir en nuestra patria, de esta manera el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro, podría evaluar en ayudar con incrementos en divisas para dichas empresas, de esa manera sí hay posibilidades de un dialogo entre las partes, porque un dialogo sin que los empresarios satisfagan las necesidades de nuestro pueblo, sería únicamente que estarían solicitando una rendición incondicional al proceso revolucionario que se inició hace muchísimos años, pero que vió algo de materialización en estos últimos años.
Venezuela the people have been receiving steady increases in wages and
salaries and the hundreds of thousands of new pensioners, the money
supply in the country has grown considerably, that monetary policy,
developed from the Government by Nicolas Maduro, should have had a reply
by the Venezuelan business by increasing production of goods and
services, ie an increase in the supply of goods, but did not. Therefore
the business response was to disappear the goods and thus the price
increase was the business response, thus increasing the gain has been
brutal, hence the increase in revenue and SENIAT thus fulfilling the goals set for this Institute, but this increase
came from the decline in the ability to meet their needs by our people.
Second:The radical, moderate right and even conformist offered nothing to the people, only the "Change" but never told the people what they wanted change, their goal is to change all the power of the state to this mixture of three (3) rights, Haras able to control the oil industry to sell to the transnationals like Exxon Mobil, Texaco, etc. Therefore the approach of the dollarization of the economy is the most brutal deception that has been presented as an option for a nation that has a tiny population, -valoradas Gold reserves in dollars that places our nation in 15th place There are 188 countries in the World and Reserve World's largest Oil, therefore our currency should be in a position a thousand times better than the one with the US dollar. If you get to dollarize our economy, how private entrepreneurs would pay its workers or the Venezuelan government would have to give the dollars so that they can cancel wages and social benefits to their workers and on the other hand, if the economy is dollarized with the price per barrel to 30 US $, from which it should get the dollars for the millions Magar of employees in public administration.
Third:If you want to reach an agreement or dialogue, as requested by the private entrepreneur, should, in principle, appear goods bearing more than one missing year, thanks to which employers have engaged now, more than ever, politicians and They ceased to be entrepreneurs. Several entrepreneurs in the current National Assembly and the New too, so they have their political party, who sought for years, so if demand that the government of Nicolas Maduro's call a meeting, the first thing they have to do is wear the uniform of businessmen and politicians take off, so that goods should already be on the shelves of the distribution channels of both public and private, otherwise the dialogue is nothing but demand total surrender to the President Maduro and deliver full power to the entrepreneurs.
Fourth:That call for dialogue at the moment that President Maduro asked all Ministers put in charge to order, is because they want to ask the president the Ministries of Finance, the Chair of the Central Bank of Venezuela and the Ministry of Mines and also they are asked to sell them Cantv and Corpoelec, because when it was held by the private company made the investments made in these companies, in fifteen years the national government, ie they want companies and ministries as many generating resources for the Venezuelan people, but they want those resources be diverted into private entrepreneurs. Recall that when the right had sold state control to private entrepreneurs Argentina, the United States and France: Sidor, CANTV, Electricidad de Caracas and cement respectively. Mind you that at no time have tried to buy Guri, because the investments would have to private entrepreneurs would be huge and they do not want to invest, but profit, so podirán control of the BCV, the Ministry of Finance, PDVSA, Cantv that have generated hundreds of billions of bolivares, which have gone into benefits for the Venezuelan people also know that some of these fabulous profits also ended up in corrupt they are within government and within the private entrepreneurs, because corruption is not just one party, there should be a merger between private entrepreneurs and public officials so that they can realize the monster of corruption. It is necessary that President Maduro take these recommendations into account before you sit down with the private entrepreneurs affiliated to FEDECAMARAS.
Conclusion:We can not say that everything has been done in Venezuela during the last sixteen (16) years has been detrimental to our people, we analyze various economic, social and political events for our people obsevar answered affirmatively. of diecinieve (19) electoral events, our people positively voted for the revolutionary proposals seventeen (17) times, so we have 75% of mayors and 88% of the Governorates, as well as 62% of the members of the current National Assembly. And that we can forget, in 2013, after the death of Commander President Hugo Chavez, an election for president was made and our people vote for the current President Nicolas Maduro, none of this can be forgotten, but from the results of that election, the National and International Right agreed to begin a brutal attack against our people and the mistakes made by some of the Ministers, the attack began to hit against our people and radical decisions were present, our people did not receive reciprocity owed, because the attack on the national and international right against our people, should be in response to a frontal attack on those private entrepreneurs who disappeared food, the answer should be not only to import food from abroad, because it was funded international right that sold us food from Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, etc. The meat coming from Nicaragua was replaced by that from meat from Argentina, but the Argentine government is not selling meat to Venezuela, not the Brazilian, so there were errors of form and substance in response to a direct attack the village.If employers want to help overcome the economic crisis in Venezuela, it is not asking the few dollars that are entering the country, but those companies that use local raw materials, and should have started increasing food production and respective placement on the shelves of distribution channels, then this is it puediera think that President Nicolas Maduro to call a dialogue entrepreneurs with the aim of further increasing such production, compared to other entrepreneurs they have received surface nts of billions of dollars to start using those in their accounts abroad, as a sign that they want to invest in our country, so the government of Nicolas Maduro could assess help increases in exchange for these companies, that way if there are possibilities of a dialogue between the parties, because a dialogue without entrepreneurs meet the needs of our people, who would only be asking for an unconditional surrender to the revolutionary process that began many ago years, but he saw something materializing in recent years.
Second:The radical, moderate right and even conformist offered nothing to the people, only the "Change" but never told the people what they wanted change, their goal is to change all the power of the state to this mixture of three (3) rights, Haras able to control the oil industry to sell to the transnationals like Exxon Mobil, Texaco, etc. Therefore the approach of the dollarization of the economy is the most brutal deception that has been presented as an option for a nation that has a tiny population, -valoradas Gold reserves in dollars that places our nation in 15th place There are 188 countries in the World and Reserve World's largest Oil, therefore our currency should be in a position a thousand times better than the one with the US dollar. If you get to dollarize our economy, how private entrepreneurs would pay its workers or the Venezuelan government would have to give the dollars so that they can cancel wages and social benefits to their workers and on the other hand, if the economy is dollarized with the price per barrel to 30 US $, from which it should get the dollars for the millions Magar of employees in public administration.
Third:If you want to reach an agreement or dialogue, as requested by the private entrepreneur, should, in principle, appear goods bearing more than one missing year, thanks to which employers have engaged now, more than ever, politicians and They ceased to be entrepreneurs. Several entrepreneurs in the current National Assembly and the New too, so they have their political party, who sought for years, so if demand that the government of Nicolas Maduro's call a meeting, the first thing they have to do is wear the uniform of businessmen and politicians take off, so that goods should already be on the shelves of the distribution channels of both public and private, otherwise the dialogue is nothing but demand total surrender to the President Maduro and deliver full power to the entrepreneurs.
Fourth:That call for dialogue at the moment that President Maduro asked all Ministers put in charge to order, is because they want to ask the president the Ministries of Finance, the Chair of the Central Bank of Venezuela and the Ministry of Mines and also they are asked to sell them Cantv and Corpoelec, because when it was held by the private company made the investments made in these companies, in fifteen years the national government, ie they want companies and ministries as many generating resources for the Venezuelan people, but they want those resources be diverted into private entrepreneurs. Recall that when the right had sold state control to private entrepreneurs Argentina, the United States and France: Sidor, CANTV, Electricidad de Caracas and cement respectively. Mind you that at no time have tried to buy Guri, because the investments would have to private entrepreneurs would be huge and they do not want to invest, but profit, so podirán control of the BCV, the Ministry of Finance, PDVSA, Cantv that have generated hundreds of billions of bolivares, which have gone into benefits for the Venezuelan people also know that some of these fabulous profits also ended up in corrupt they are within government and within the private entrepreneurs, because corruption is not just one party, there should be a merger between private entrepreneurs and public officials so that they can realize the monster of corruption. It is necessary that President Maduro take these recommendations into account before you sit down with the private entrepreneurs affiliated to FEDECAMARAS.
Conclusion:We can not say that everything has been done in Venezuela during the last sixteen (16) years has been detrimental to our people, we analyze various economic, social and political events for our people obsevar answered affirmatively. of diecinieve (19) electoral events, our people positively voted for the revolutionary proposals seventeen (17) times, so we have 75% of mayors and 88% of the Governorates, as well as 62% of the members of the current National Assembly. And that we can forget, in 2013, after the death of Commander President Hugo Chavez, an election for president was made and our people vote for the current President Nicolas Maduro, none of this can be forgotten, but from the results of that election, the National and International Right agreed to begin a brutal attack against our people and the mistakes made by some of the Ministers, the attack began to hit against our people and radical decisions were present, our people did not receive reciprocity owed, because the attack on the national and international right against our people, should be in response to a frontal attack on those private entrepreneurs who disappeared food, the answer should be not only to import food from abroad, because it was funded international right that sold us food from Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, etc. The meat coming from Nicaragua was replaced by that from meat from Argentina, but the Argentine government is not selling meat to Venezuela, not the Brazilian, so there were errors of form and substance in response to a direct attack the village.If employers want to help overcome the economic crisis in Venezuela, it is not asking the few dollars that are entering the country, but those companies that use local raw materials, and should have started increasing food production and respective placement on the shelves of distribution channels, then this is it puediera think that President Nicolas Maduro to call a dialogue entrepreneurs with the aim of further increasing such production, compared to other entrepreneurs they have received surface nts of billions of dollars to start using those in their accounts abroad, as a sign that they want to invest in our country, so the government of Nicolas Maduro could assess help increases in exchange for these companies, that way if there are possibilities of a dialogue between the parties, because a dialogue without entrepreneurs meet the needs of our people, who would only be asking for an unconditional surrender to the revolutionary process that began many ago years, but he saw something materializing in recent years.
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