La trampa. The trap
Las elecciones parlamentarias en Venezuela arrojan varias enseñanzas que
creo necesario subrayar. En primer lugar que, contrariamente a todas
las predicciones de los lenguaraces de la derecha, el comicio se
realizó, al igual que todos los anteriores, de una manera impecable. No
hubo denuncias de ningún tipo, salvo el exabrupto de tres ex presidentes
latinoamericanos, que a las cuatro de la tarde (dos horas antes de la
conclusión del acto electoral) ya anunciaban al ganador de la contienda.
Fuera de esto, la “dictadura chavista” volvió a demostrar una
transparencia y honestidad del acto electoral que más quisieran tener
muchos países dentro y fuera de América Latina, comenzando por Estados
Unidos. El reconocimiento hecho por el presidente Nicolás Maduro ni bien
se dieron a conocer los resultados oficiales contrasta favorablemente
con la actitud de la oposición, que en el pasado se empecinó en
desconocer el veredicto de las urnas. Lo mismo cabe decir de Washington,
que al día de hoy no reconoce el triunfo de Maduro en las
presidenciales del 2013. Unos son demócratas de verdad, los otros
grandes simuladores.
Segundo, resaltar lo importante de que luego de casi 17 años de gobiernos chavistas y en medio de las durísimas condiciones prevalecientes en Venezuela, el oficialismo siga contando con la adhesión del cuarenta por ciento del electorado en una elección parlamentaria.
Tercero, el resultado desplaza a la oposición de su postura facilista y de su frenético denuncialismo porque ahora, al contar con una holgada mayoría parlamentaria, tendrá corresponsabilidades en la gestión de la cosa pública. Ya no será sólo el gobierno el responsable de las dificultades que agobian a la ciudadanía. Esa responsabilidad será de ahora en más compartida.
Cuarto y último, una reflexión más de fondo. ¿Hasta qué punto se pueden organizar “elecciones libres” en las condiciones existentes en Venezuela? En el Reino Unido debían celebrarse elecciones generales en 1940. Pero el estallido de la Segunda Guerra Mundial obligó a postergarlas hasta 1945. El argumento utilizado fue que el desquicio ocasionado por la guerra impedía que el electorado pudiera ejercer su libertad de manera consciente y responsable. Los continuos ataques de los alemanes y las enormes dificultades de la vida cotidiana, entre ellos el de la obtención de los elementos indispensables para la misma, afectaban de tal manera a la ciudadanía que impedían que esta ejerciera sus derechos en pleno goce de la libertad. ¿Fueron muy distintas las condiciones bajo las cuales se llevaron a cabo las elecciones en Venezuela? No del todo. Hubo importantes similitudes. La Casa Blanca había declarado en Marzo que Venezuela era “una inusual y extraordinaria amenaza a la seguridad nacional y a la política exterior de Estados Unidos”, lo que equivalía a una declaración de guerra contra esa nación sudamericana. Por otra parte, desde hacía muchos años Washington había destinado ingentes recursos financieros para “empoderar la sociedad civil” en Venezuela y ayudar a la formación de nuevos liderazgos políticos, eufemismos que pretendían ocultar los planes injerencistas de la potencia hegemónica y sus afanes por derrocar al gobierno del presidente Maduro.
La pertinaz guerra económica lanzada por el imperio así como su incesante campaña diplomática y mediática acabaron por erosionar la lealtad de las bases sociales del chavismo, agotada y también enfurecida por años de desabastecimiento planificado, alza incontenible de los precios y auge de la inseguridad ciudadana. Bajo estas condiciones, a las cuales sin duda hay que agregar los gruesos errores en la gestión macroeconómica del oficialismo y los estragos producidos por la corrupción, nunca combatida seriamente por el gobierno, era obvio que la elección del domingo pasado tenía que terminar como terminó. Desgraciadamente, el “orden mundial” heredado de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, que un documento reciente de Washington reconoce que “ha servido muy bien” a los intereses de Estados Unidos, no ha sido igualmente útil para proteger a los países de la periferia de la prepotencia imperial, de su descarado intervencionismo y de sus siniestros proyectos autoritarios. Venezuela ha sido la última víctima de esa escandalosa inmoralidad del “orden mundial” actual que asiste impertérrito a una agresión no convencional sobre un tercer país con el propósito de derrocar a un gobierno satanizado como enemigo. Si esto sigue siendo aceptado por la comunidad internacional y sus órganos de gobernanza global, ¿qué país podrá garantizar para sus ciudadanos “elecciones libres”? Por algo en los años setenta del siglo pasado los países del capitalismo avanzado bloquearon una iniciativa planteada en el seno de la ONU que pretendía definir la “agresión internacional” como algo que fuese más allá de la intervención armada. Leyendo la reciente experiencia del Chile de Allende algunos países intentaron promover una definición que incluyese también la guerra económica y mediática como la que se descargó sobre la Venezuela bolivariana, y fueron derrotados. Es hora de revisar ese asunto, si queremos que la maltrecha democracia, arrasada hace unas semanas en Grecia y este domingo pasado en Venezuela, sobreviva a la contraofensiva del imperio. Si esa práctica no puede ser removida del sistema internacional, si se sigue consintiendo que un país poderoso intervenga desvergonzada e impunemente sobre otro, las elecciones serán una trampa que sólo servirán para legitimar los proyectos reaccionarios de Estados Unidos y sus lugartenientes regionales. Y pudiera ocurrir que mucha gente comience a pensar que tal vez otras vías de acceso al -y mantenimiento del- poder puedan ser más efectivas y confiables que las elecciones.
Rebelión ha publicado este artículo con el permiso del autor mediante una licencia de Creative Commons, respetando su libertad para publicarlo en otras fuentes.
Parliamentary elections in Venezuela yield several lessons which I believe should be stressed. First, contrary to all predictions lenguaraces right, the poll was conducted, like all the others, in a flawless manner. There
were no reports of any kind, except for the outburst of three former
Latin American presidents, who at four pm (two hours before the
conclusion of the Electoral Act) and announced the winner of the
contest. Beyond
that, the "Chavez dictatorship" again demonstrated transparency and
honesty of the electoral act they wanted to have many countries within
and outside Latin America, starting with the United States. The
recognition by President Nicolas Maduro as soon were released official
results contrast favorably with the attitude of the opposition, which in
the past stubbornly ignore the verdict of the polls. The same goes for Washington, which today does not recognize the
victory of the presidential Maduro in 2013. Some are true democrats, the
other major simulators.
Second, highlight how important that after almost 17 years of Chavez government and amid the harsh conditions prevailing in Venezuela, the ruling party continues to have adherence forty percent of the electorate in a parliamentary election.
Third, the result moves to the opposition of his facile stance and his frantic denuncialismo for now, to have a comfortable parliamentary majority, will have responsibilities in the management of public affairs. No longer will only the government responsible for the difficulties besetting citizenship. That responsibility is shared from now on.
Fourth and finally, a deeper reflection. How far you can organize "free elections" in the conditions in Venezuela? In the UK general elections were held in 1940. But the outbreak of the Second World War forced to postpone them until 1945. The argument was that the shambles caused by the war prevented the electorate to exercise their freedom of conscious and responsible way. The continuous attacks of the Germans and the enormous difficulties of daily life, including obtaining the necessary elements to it, so affecting the public that prevented this exercise their rights in full enjoyment of freedom. They were very different conditions under which the elections took place in Venezuela? Not at all. There were significant similarities. The White House had said in March that Venezuela was "an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States," which amounted to a declaration of war against the South American nation. Moreover, for many years Washington had allocated huge financial resources to "empower civil society" in Venezuela and help the formation of new political leadership, euphemisms intended to hide the interventionist plans of the hegemonic power and its eagerness to overthrow the President Maduro's government.
The persistent economic war launched by the empire and its relentless diplomatic and media campaign eventually erode the loyalty of the social bases of Chavismo, exhausted and infuriated by years of planned shortages, unrestrained rise in prices and rise of insecurity. Under these conditions, which certainly must be added the gross errors in macroeconomic management of the ruling party and the ravages of corruption, never fought seriously by the government, it was obvious that the election last Sunday had to end as finished. Unfortunately, the "world order" inherited from the Second World War, a recent paper that Washington recognizes that "well served" to US interests, has not been equally useful to protect the periphery countries of the imperial arrogance, his blatant interventionism and its sinister authoritarian projects. Venezuela was the latest victim of this scandalous immorality of the current "world order" that assists undaunted to the unconventional attack on a third country for the purpose of overthrowing a government demonized as enemies. If this is still accepted by the international community and global governance bodies, what country can ensure its citizens 'free elections'? For something in the seventies of the last century the advanced capitalist countries blocked an initiative raised within the UN that sought to define "international aggression" as something that was beyond armed intervention. Reading the recent experience of Chile of Allende some countries tried to promote a definition that would also include economic and media war which was discharged on the Bolivarian Venezuela, and were defeated. It is time to revisit this issue, if we want democracy battered, devastated a few weeks ago in Greece last Sunday in Venezuela, survive the empire counteroffensive. If this practice can not be removed from the international system, if it continues consenting to a powerful country with impunity shameless intervention over another, the elections will be a trap that will only serve to legitimize reactionary plans of the US and its regional lieutenants. And it may be that many people start thinking that maybe other means of access to power thin-and maintenance can be more effective and reliable than elections.
Atilio A. Boron
Rebellion has posted this article with the author's permission through a license from Creative Commons, respecting their freedom to publish it elsewhere.
Second, highlight how important that after almost 17 years of Chavez government and amid the harsh conditions prevailing in Venezuela, the ruling party continues to have adherence forty percent of the electorate in a parliamentary election.
Third, the result moves to the opposition of his facile stance and his frantic denuncialismo for now, to have a comfortable parliamentary majority, will have responsibilities in the management of public affairs. No longer will only the government responsible for the difficulties besetting citizenship. That responsibility is shared from now on.
Fourth and finally, a deeper reflection. How far you can organize "free elections" in the conditions in Venezuela? In the UK general elections were held in 1940. But the outbreak of the Second World War forced to postpone them until 1945. The argument was that the shambles caused by the war prevented the electorate to exercise their freedom of conscious and responsible way. The continuous attacks of the Germans and the enormous difficulties of daily life, including obtaining the necessary elements to it, so affecting the public that prevented this exercise their rights in full enjoyment of freedom. They were very different conditions under which the elections took place in Venezuela? Not at all. There were significant similarities. The White House had said in March that Venezuela was "an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States," which amounted to a declaration of war against the South American nation. Moreover, for many years Washington had allocated huge financial resources to "empower civil society" in Venezuela and help the formation of new political leadership, euphemisms intended to hide the interventionist plans of the hegemonic power and its eagerness to overthrow the President Maduro's government.
The persistent economic war launched by the empire and its relentless diplomatic and media campaign eventually erode the loyalty of the social bases of Chavismo, exhausted and infuriated by years of planned shortages, unrestrained rise in prices and rise of insecurity. Under these conditions, which certainly must be added the gross errors in macroeconomic management of the ruling party and the ravages of corruption, never fought seriously by the government, it was obvious that the election last Sunday had to end as finished. Unfortunately, the "world order" inherited from the Second World War, a recent paper that Washington recognizes that "well served" to US interests, has not been equally useful to protect the periphery countries of the imperial arrogance, his blatant interventionism and its sinister authoritarian projects. Venezuela was the latest victim of this scandalous immorality of the current "world order" that assists undaunted to the unconventional attack on a third country for the purpose of overthrowing a government demonized as enemies. If this is still accepted by the international community and global governance bodies, what country can ensure its citizens 'free elections'? For something in the seventies of the last century the advanced capitalist countries blocked an initiative raised within the UN that sought to define "international aggression" as something that was beyond armed intervention. Reading the recent experience of Chile of Allende some countries tried to promote a definition that would also include economic and media war which was discharged on the Bolivarian Venezuela, and were defeated. It is time to revisit this issue, if we want democracy battered, devastated a few weeks ago in Greece last Sunday in Venezuela, survive the empire counteroffensive. If this practice can not be removed from the international system, if it continues consenting to a powerful country with impunity shameless intervention over another, the elections will be a trap that will only serve to legitimize reactionary plans of the US and its regional lieutenants. And it may be that many people start thinking that maybe other means of access to power thin-and maintenance can be more effective and reliable than elections.
Atilio A. Boron
Rebellion has posted this article with the author's permission through a license from Creative Commons, respecting their freedom to publish it elsewhere.
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