Entrevista a Eduardo Carreño, defensor colombiano de derechos humanos y presidente del Colectivo de Abogados José Alvear Restrepo "A EEUU y España no les interesa el fin del conflicto en Colombia por la venta de armas". Interview with Eduardo Carreño, Colombian human rights defender and president of the Lawyers Collective José Alvear Restrepo "The US and Spain are not interested in ending the conflict in Colombia by selling weapons"
que terminar con las organizaciones criminales paramilitares que creó
el Estado en el pasado. No hay voluntad porque supone asumir cierta
responsabilidad", afirma
Mientras su país
discute "el punto de las víctimas", en las conversaciones de paz en la
Habana que buscan poner fin a más de 50 años de conflicto colombiano,
Eduardo Carreño ha estado en España para recibir un premio. El defensor
colombiano de derechos humanos y presidente del Colectivo de Abogados
José Alvear Restrepo (CCAJAR) ha recogido el Premio Internacional Derechos Humanos 2015
de la APDHE. Habla con eldiario.es de los flecos que hay que atar para
que la violencia no se enquiste y perduren ciertos ecos del conflicto.
"Algunos están interesados en ello", critica.
¿Quiénes no quieren
que termine el conflicto? "Si les preguntan a los que venden las armas,
ellos no están de acuerdo en que se termine el conflicto". ¿Y a qué
actores se refiere? Carreño contesta con una sonrisa ladeada. "A riesgo
de equivocarme, pero Estados Unidos no quiere que termine la guerra. Ni
Inglaterra, Israel y creo que en algo España también ha participado en
este tipo de asesoría".
El activista resume el porqué: "Es un
negocio y, como ellos se benefician económicamente, no quieren que se
terminen los conflictos. Hay que renovar constantemente el armamento y
las municiones para que éste desarrollo se siga dando. Los helicópteros,
los aviones o los satélites... este tipo de material vale mucho dinero.
Si nadie más les va a comprar, van a tener que cambiar de profesión".
Durante el primer semestre de 2014, España vendió armas y otro material de defensa a las fuerzas armadas de Colombia, como publicó la Secretaría de Estado de Comercio. Varias organizaciones de defensa de los derechos humanosdesglosaron la información:
1,4 millones de euros en "bombas, torpedos, misiles" y aeronaves, y
otros 300.000 euros en productos catalogados como "munición,
dispositivos y componentes".
Las organizaciones –entre las que se
encuentran Amnistía Internacional y Oxfam Intermón– recordaron que, a
pesar de las conversaciones de paz, perduran las denuncias de
violaciones de los derechos humanos por ambos bandos, por lo que dudan
del uso final del material bélico.
Acabar con la impunidad
colectivo de abogados insiste en que queda mucho por hacer. El CCAJAR
elaboró una propuesta, "lo que llamamos el Tribunal para la paz", que
fue presentada al gobierno y a las guerrillas. "Específicamente a las
FARC". Carreño afirma que las cifras apuntan a que "globalmente tenemos
más o menos 7 millones y medio de víctimas en el periodo que se
comprende entre 1958 y la actualidad". Y la impunidad ha sido la norma:
"La impunidad en Colombia es del 97 o 98% en este tipo de crímenes, por
eso este tema es fundamental tratarlo en la mesa de negociación. No se
puede dejar en la impunidad total los crímenes cometidos por las partes
del conflicto".
"La depuración de los agentes del Estado tiene que hacerse a través de organismos independientes que ofrezcan garantías de imparcialidad"
colectivo de abogados defiende que los crímenes cometidos por las
guerrillas y los del Estado no se pueden medir con la misma vara. "No es
igual que un grupo armado de carácter rebelde se alce en armas contra
un Estado a que sea el Estado el que delinca. Si formalmente el Estado
tiene el monopolio de la fuerza, si tiene a las personas formadas y
entrenadas para proteger la vida, bienes, honra y libertades de las
personas y si es el garante de estos derechos... Las sanciones para los
agentes del estado tienen que ser de una mayor entidad, esto está
reconocido en casi todas las legislaciones del mundo".
conversaciones de La Habana también diferencian entre ambos crímenes.
"Hay un tratamiento diferencial a la rebelión, que puede ser objeto de
amnistía o indulto, es decir, no tendrían penas. A aquellos agentes del
Estado que han cometido crímenes de guerra o de lesa humanidad,
en este caso por toda la legislación nacional e internacional, no
pueden ser objeto de amnistía. Al menos van a tener que pagar penas de
entre cinco y 20 años, dependiendo de la modalidad de los crímenes y la
información que suministren de las estructuras que habían creado".
todas las partes, la exigencia debe ser la verdad. Confesar quiénes han
sido los responsables del dolor de las víctimas, para poder aplicar
justicia y "repararlas". "Que para que se puedan acoger a beneficios de
carácter jurídico, los jefes de las estructuras criminales confiesen la
totalidad de los crímenes cometidos. Si ellos son los jefes, deben
hablar y que los mandos medios e inferiores, así como de sus
colaboradores, para que aparezcan investigados. Si ellos no confiesan,
que no se puedan acoger a los beneficios".
El reto de eliminar los grupos paramilitares
organizaciones paramilitares, que trabajaron en colaboración con las
fuerzas del orden público durante años, son otro de los retos para
alcanzar una paz real en el futuro. 'En las negociaciones hay que tratar
el tema y eliminar estas estructuras paramilitares, no hay que dejar en
el aire este fenómeno", destaca. Carreño indica que "con la ley 9/75,
en 2005, se desmovilizaron estructuras importantes. Pero hay una parte
que no dialogó. Son los Buitragueños, los Urabeños, los Machos y los
Rastrojo". Además, algunos de los paramilitares que dejaron las armas
las volvieron a tomar años después.
Eduardo Carreño considera que
el Estado puede abordar la lucha contra estas estructuras. "El Estado y
sus organismos de seguridad lo que han hecho es cambiarles los nombres,
los llaman bandas criminales emergentes, pero son las mismas estructuras
paramilitares que no negociaron. El Estado conoce dónde funcionan,
quiénes forman parte de estas organizaciones, porque han sido apoyadas y
creadas por él. Si se tiene toda esta información, es fácil la
Pero no se dan los pasos necesarios. "No hay esa
voluntad de negociar, porque es una forma de eludir la responsabilidad
del Estado en los crímenes. Muchas de las víctimas en la última etapa
han sido a nombre de estas organizaciones criminales. Por ejemplo, entre
quienes han solicitado la restitución de tierras en zonas campesinas,
que han sido victimizados por grupos paramilitares. Unas 120 personas
fueron eliminadas, fundamentalmente mujeres".
Para acabar con los
agentes del Estado que cometieron abusos y crímenes, Carreño considera
necesaria la participación de actores externos. "La depuración tiene que
hacerse a través de organismos independientes que ofrezcan suficientes
garantías de imparcialidad y que objetivamente determinen quiénes
participaron en los crímenes, para que estas personas salgan del
Entre los desafíos que afrontan las negociaciones de paz
para los próximos meses, el defensor destaca tres puntos. "En la
garantía de no repetición debe estar la eliminación de los fueros
políticos, religiosos y judiciales. Plantear y defender la igualdad
formal ante la ley". También, "los juicios públicos y con representación
de las víctimas en los procesos", y por último, "la participación de
las víctimas y de la sociedad en el acuerdo, que los colombiamos
refrenden la paz previamente informados, que decidan si se termina y no
el conflicto".
"We must end the paramilitary criminal organizations that created the
state in the past. There will take some responsibility because it
involves" saysWhile
discussing his country "victims point" in the peace talks in Havana
seeking to end 50 years of conflict in Colombia, Eduardo Carreño has
been in Spain to receive an award. Colombian
human rights defender and president of the Lawyers Collective José
Alvear Restrepo (CCAJAR) collected the 2015 International Human Rights
Award APDHE. Talk to the fringe eldiario.es to be tied to violence and endure inwhichthe not certain echoes of the conflict. "Some are interested in it," he criticizes.Who does not want to end the conflict? "If you ask the people selling guns, they do not agree that the conflict is over." And what actors do you mean? Carreno answered with a lopsided smile. "At the risk of being wrong, but the United States does not want to
end the war. Neither England, Israel and Spain think something has also
been involved in this kind of advice."The
activist summarizes why.. "It is a business and, as they benefit
financially, do not want conflicts end must constantly renew the weapons
and ammunition for this development continue to give helicopters,
planes or satellites ... this kind of stuff is worth a lot of money. If no one else will buy them, will have to change careers. "During
the first half of 2014, Spain sold arms and other defense equipment to
the armed forces of Colombia, as he published the Ministry of Commerce. Several organizations defending the rights humanosdesglosaron
information: 1.4 million euros in "bombs, torpedoes, missiles" and
aircraft, and another 300,000 euros in listed as "ammunition, devices
and components" products.Organizations among which are Amnesty International and Oxfam Intermón
recalled that, despite the peace talks remain allegations of human
rights violations by both sides, so they doubt the ultimate use of
military equipment.Ending impunityThe group of lawyers insist that needs to be done. CCAJAR drafted a proposal, "what we call the Court for Peace", which was presented to the government and the guerrillas. "Specifically the FARC." Carreno
said the figures suggest that "we have half of victims globally in the
period understood between 1958 and today roughly 7 million." And
impunity has been the norm. "Impunity in Colombia is 97 or 98% in this
type of crime, so this issue is critical in treating the negotiating
table can not be left in impunity for crimes committed by parties to the conflict ".
"Debugging State agents has to be done by independent bodies which offer guarantees of impartiality"The group of lawyers defending the crimes committed by the guerrillas and state can not be measured with the same yardstick. "It's not like an armed group of rebellious character takes up arms against a state that is the state that commit crimes. If formally the state has the monopoly of force, if you have people formed and trained to protect life , property, honor and freedoms of individuals and whether it is the guarantor of these rights ... Sanctions for agents of the state have to be of a larger entity, it is recognized in almost all legislation in the world. "The talks in Havana also differ between the two crimes. "There is a differential treatment to the rebellion, which may be subject to amnesty or pardon, that is, they would not have penalties. Those agents who have committed war crimes or crimes against humanity, in this case for all national legislation and international, can not be amnestied. At least they will have to pay penalties of five to 20 years, depending on the type of crime and the information provided to the structures they had created. "For all parties, the requirement must be the truth. Confess who have been responsible for the pain of the victims, to apply justice and "repair". "That so they can accommodate benefits Legal, the heads of the criminal structures confess all the crimes committed. If they are the leaders, must speak and the middle and lower cadres, and their collaborators, appear investigated. If they do not confess, that are not covered benefits. "The challenge of eliminating the paramilitary groupsParamilitary organizations, working in partnership with law enforcement for years, are another challenge to achieve real peace in the future. 'In the negotiations must address the issue and eliminate these paramilitary structures, should not be left in the air this phenomenon, "he says. Carreno says that" the law 9/75, in 2005, important structures were demobilized. But there is a part that does not dialogue. Are Buitragueños, the Urabeños, males and stubble. "In addition, some of the paramilitaries who left the weapons retook years later.Eduardo Carreño believes that the state can address the fight against these structures. "The state and its security agencies what they have done is change them names, call them emerging criminal gangs, but are the same paramilitary structures that did not negotiate. The State knows where they work, who are part of these organizations, because they have been supported and created for him. If you have all this information, it's easy negotiation. "But do not take the necessary steps. "There is the will to negotiate, because it is a way to bypass the state's responsibility in the crimes. Many of the victims in the last stage have been on behalf of these criminal organizations. For example, among those who have applied for land restitution in rural areas, who have been victimized by paramilitary groups. Some 120 people were eliminated, mostly women. "To end the state agents who committed abuses and crimes, Carreño considers it necessary to involve external actors. "The clearance has to be done by independent bodies offering sufficient guarantees of impartiality and objectively determine who participated in the crimes, for these people to leave the state."Among the challenges facing the peace negotiations in the coming months, the defense highlights three points. "The guarantee of non-repetition should be the elimination of political, religious and legal charters. Propose and defend the formal equality before the law." Also, "public and representation of victims in the trial proceedings," and finally, "the participation of victims and society in the agreement, that the previously reported colombiamos endorse peace, to decide whether and ends no conflict. "
Laura Olíaseldiario.es
"Debugging State agents has to be done by independent bodies which offer guarantees of impartiality"The group of lawyers defending the crimes committed by the guerrillas and state can not be measured with the same yardstick. "It's not like an armed group of rebellious character takes up arms against a state that is the state that commit crimes. If formally the state has the monopoly of force, if you have people formed and trained to protect life , property, honor and freedoms of individuals and whether it is the guarantor of these rights ... Sanctions for agents of the state have to be of a larger entity, it is recognized in almost all legislation in the world. "The talks in Havana also differ between the two crimes. "There is a differential treatment to the rebellion, which may be subject to amnesty or pardon, that is, they would not have penalties. Those agents who have committed war crimes or crimes against humanity, in this case for all national legislation and international, can not be amnestied. At least they will have to pay penalties of five to 20 years, depending on the type of crime and the information provided to the structures they had created. "For all parties, the requirement must be the truth. Confess who have been responsible for the pain of the victims, to apply justice and "repair". "That so they can accommodate benefits Legal, the heads of the criminal structures confess all the crimes committed. If they are the leaders, must speak and the middle and lower cadres, and their collaborators, appear investigated. If they do not confess, that are not covered benefits. "The challenge of eliminating the paramilitary groupsParamilitary organizations, working in partnership with law enforcement for years, are another challenge to achieve real peace in the future. 'In the negotiations must address the issue and eliminate these paramilitary structures, should not be left in the air this phenomenon, "he says. Carreno says that" the law 9/75, in 2005, important structures were demobilized. But there is a part that does not dialogue. Are Buitragueños, the Urabeños, males and stubble. "In addition, some of the paramilitaries who left the weapons retook years later.Eduardo Carreño believes that the state can address the fight against these structures. "The state and its security agencies what they have done is change them names, call them emerging criminal gangs, but are the same paramilitary structures that did not negotiate. The State knows where they work, who are part of these organizations, because they have been supported and created for him. If you have all this information, it's easy negotiation. "But do not take the necessary steps. "There is the will to negotiate, because it is a way to bypass the state's responsibility in the crimes. Many of the victims in the last stage have been on behalf of these criminal organizations. For example, among those who have applied for land restitution in rural areas, who have been victimized by paramilitary groups. Some 120 people were eliminated, mostly women. "To end the state agents who committed abuses and crimes, Carreño considers it necessary to involve external actors. "The clearance has to be done by independent bodies offering sufficient guarantees of impartiality and objectively determine who participated in the crimes, for these people to leave the state."Among the challenges facing the peace negotiations in the coming months, the defense highlights three points. "The guarantee of non-repetition should be the elimination of political, religious and legal charters. Propose and defend the formal equality before the law." Also, "public and representation of victims in the trial proceedings," and finally, "the participation of victims and society in the agreement, that the previously reported colombiamos endorse peace, to decide whether and ends no conflict. "
Laura Olíaseldiario.es
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