A partir del 5 de enero del año 2016 los que votaron por la derecha, pensando que volverían a ver los pollos, la carne, los desodorantes, el papel toilet, los huevos, los apartamentos en abundancia y baratos, se encontrarán que tan sólo los engañaron, ahora les dirán que nunca les prometieron eso, pero los que votaron por "el cambio" eso es lo que entendieron. Ahora les dirán que hay que sacar a Maduro de la presidencia, mediante el referendun revocatorio, para que puedan satisfacer sus demandas de todas las mercancías antes mencionadas, por lo que pasarán otro año más sin que se pueda materializar lo que desean y si en función de que lograsen revocarle el mandato a Nicolas Maduro, esas mercancías no volverán más nunca al precio que el Gobierno Nicolas Maduro las llevó, porque quienes estan detrás de los políticos de la derecha son los Empresarios Privados, tanto Nacionales como Internacionales quienes están dentro de su objetivo que es maximizar las ganancias y está muy lejos en su mente el estar pensando en satisfacer necesidades de la población, porque quienes no tengan ingresos suficientes no podrán adquirir las mercancías que están demandando.
Así es el capitalismo, o como se dice en la actualidad: el neoliberalismo.
Esperemos que en Venezuela no se formen motines por hambre, porque serán cien mil veces superior a los que pudimos ver durante febrero del año 1989, que ya se ha olvidado a muchos empresarios que lograron sobrevivir a esa catástrofe, pero bueno ellos están contando los huevos sin tener las gallinas suficiente.
Por otra parte, en América latina se puede observar que en Argentina, en Brasil y en Venezuela la derecha ha logrado avanzar, siempre contando con la ayuda de la derecha Europea, en especial con la de España, pero ahora, en Europa se están dando cambios importantes, donde la Izquierda está desalojando del poder a la derecha, por lo que se puede empezar a pensar que la derecha de américa Latina tendrá que trabajar, sin contar con la ayuda económica de la Derecha Europea, porque más bien vendrán a los países de Latinoamérica a buscar recursos para tratar de volver al poder en Europa y es allí donde veremos si la derecha Venezolana, la Argentina y la Brasilera será recíproca con sus pares Europeos.
El año 2016 será muy importante porque, en el caso de Venezuela, el precio del barril de petróleo no pasará de costar 40$, porque la OPEP definió que para el año 2020 es que pudiera llegar a alcanzar el precio de 80$, esto nos indica -que con la venta de 2.700.000 barriles diarios- que apenas tendremos dolares para cubrir parte de los pagos a capital e intereeses de la deuda externa -que del total se le deben a China 50.000 MM Us$- que supera los 80.000 MM Us$, es decir que los empresarios privados que han venido subsidiando a la derecha por años, esperando que al llegar al poder le puedan suministrar cantidades importantes de millones de dolares baratos, se tendrán que sentar a esperar unos cinco (5) años y la pregunta de las 100 mil lochas: El pueblo Venezolano aguantarán tantos años para que le suministren sus mercancías a precios regulados ? o actuarán como lo hicieron durante el 27 de febrero de 1989 ?.
Cosas veredes Sancho.
Hernán González
That is capitalism, or as they say today: neoliberalism.
Hopefully in Venezuela no riots by hungry are formed, they will be a hundred thousand times greater than those we saw in February 1989, which has already forgotten many entrepreneurs who managed to survive the catastrophe, but hey they are counting the eggs without the hens sufficient.
Result of photo image to the dollar
Moreover, in Latin America it can be seen in Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela the right has made progress, always with the help of the European right, especially that of Spain, but now in Europe are occurring major changes, where the Left is evicting the power to the right, so that you can start to think that the right of Latin America will have to work, without the financial assistance of the European Right, because more countries will come Latin America to seek resources to try to return to power in Europe and that is where we will see if the Venezuelan right, with Argentina and the Brazilian will be reciprocal with their European peers.
Results for photo image of a barrel of oil
The year 2016 will be very important because, in the case of Venezuela, the price of a barrel of oil cost will not exceed $ 40, OPEC decided that because 2020 is that it could be as high as $ 80 price, that we which indicates the sale of 2,700,000 barrels a day to just have dollars to cover payments of principal and intereeses of which the total external debt owed to China MM US $ 50,000 - to over 80,000 MM US $, ie private entrepreneurs who have been subsidizing the right for years, hoping to come to power it can supply large quantities of millions of dollars cheaper, will have to sit and wait about five (5) years and 100 000 question of loaches: The Venezuelan people will endure for many years to furnish their goods at regulated prices? or they act as they did during the February 27, 1989?.
Things veredes Sancho.
Hernán González
Hernán González
of 5 January 2016 who voted for the right, thinking they would see the
chickens, meat, deodorants, toilet paper, eggs, apartments in abundance
and cheap, will find that only the deceived, now they say they never promised that, but those who voted for "change" that's what they understand. Now
they tell them to be drawn to Maduro's presidency by the recall
referendun, so they can meet their demands of all the goods mentioned
above, so it will take another year without you can realize what they
want and if according of
who managed to revoke the mandate to Nicolas Maduro, these goods will
not return more never to price the government Nicolas Maduro took them,
because those behind the political right are the national and
international private entrepreneurs who are within your objective is to maximize profits and far away in your mind to think
in meeting the needs of the population, because those without sufficient
income can not buy goods that are demanding.http://www.opinion.com.bo/opinion/articulos/2012/1201/fotos/135322_600.jpg
That is capitalism, or as they say today: neoliberalism.
Hopefully in Venezuela no riots by hungry are formed, they will be a hundred thousand times greater than those we saw in February 1989, which has already forgotten many entrepreneurs who managed to survive the catastrophe, but hey they are counting the eggs without the hens sufficient.
Result of photo image to the dollar
Moreover, in Latin America it can be seen in Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela the right has made progress, always with the help of the European right, especially that of Spain, but now in Europe are occurring major changes, where the Left is evicting the power to the right, so that you can start to think that the right of Latin America will have to work, without the financial assistance of the European Right, because more countries will come Latin America to seek resources to try to return to power in Europe and that is where we will see if the Venezuelan right, with Argentina and the Brazilian will be reciprocal with their European peers.
Results for photo image of a barrel of oil
The year 2016 will be very important because, in the case of Venezuela, the price of a barrel of oil cost will not exceed $ 40, OPEC decided that because 2020 is that it could be as high as $ 80 price, that we which indicates the sale of 2,700,000 barrels a day to just have dollars to cover payments of principal and intereeses of which the total external debt owed to China MM US $ 50,000 - to over 80,000 MM US $, ie private entrepreneurs who have been subsidizing the right for years, hoping to come to power it can supply large quantities of millions of dollars cheaper, will have to sit and wait about five (5) years and 100 000 question of loaches: The Venezuelan people will endure for many years to furnish their goods at regulated prices? or they act as they did during the February 27, 1989?.
Things veredes Sancho.
Hernán González
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