Resultados inesperados del cierre de la frontera. Unexpected results of the closure of the border Por: Carlos Sánchez
En principio se esperaba que, con el cierre de la frontera
colombo-venezolana, además de solventarse algunos problemas del lado de
acá, el gobierno colombiano asumiera su responsabilidad en todos los
problemas generados de aquel lado e importados acá. Pero no, y más allá
de lo esperado se produjeron algunos resultados inesperados y
1. Quedó demostrado que el gobierno de Colombia está involucrado
directamente en el eje Miami-Madrid-Bogotá. No es la oligarquía
colombiana, no, es el mismo estado colombiano quien está involucrado.
Esto queda demostrado con todas las acciones desesperadas que pretenden
ejercer para perjudicar a nuestro país en el ámbito internacional.
2. Quedó demostrado que el gobierno colombiano no tiene palabra. Y es
que mientras la canciller se comprometía con la canciller nuestra y
asumía los problemas de ataques contra nuestra moneda y nuestra
economía, y además se comprometió a tomar medidas. Paralelamente el
presidente y otros voceros evadían su responsabilidad e incumplían con
la palabra empeñada, al punto que no hay hecho nada para corregir los
3. Al gobierno colombiano no le interesa resolver ninguno de los
problemas de la frontera. Precisamente se llegó a la medida de cierre de
frontera por la falta de colaboración del gobierno colombiano. Una vez
cerrada ellos dicen que cerrar no soluciona, que se debe colaborar en
forma conjunta. Sin embargo, siguen sin colaborar, al contrario. Están
buscando presionar en foros internacionales para que se acuse a
Venezuela. Pero el objetivo que persiguen es que se abra la frontera
como sea. Sí, es el único objetivo que están persiguiendo, que Venezuela
ceda ante el chantaje y las falsas acusaciones y abra la frontera.
4. Así serán las pérdidas millonarias que sufre Colombia con el cierre
de la frontera que están desesperados para que se abra. Ellos,
ilusamente creen, que la OEA, la ONU o cualquier organismo puede ordenar
a Venezuela que abra las fronteras. Ignoran que es una decisión
soberana y que nadie puede ordenar a Venezuela qué hacer con sus
fronteras. Pero las pérdidas millonarias de Colombia con el cierre de la
frontera se debe a que el mismo estado colombiano se beneficiaba del
contrabando en la frontera.
5. Queda también demostrado que el paramilitarismo colombiano es apoyado
por el estado colombiano. En ninguna de las declaraciones ellos admiten
el problema de los paramilitares, No. De manera que se evidencia una
protección y apoyo solapado del estado colombiano a los paramilitares.
Ellos estaban conscientes de la invasión de paramilitares, estaban
conscientes del contrabando de combustible, de personas y de alimentos. Y
lo único que están pidiendo a gritos es que se abra la frontera para
que las cosas sigan como antes. De manera que, el contrabando de
combustible y alimentos, la invasión de paramilitares, parecen ser una
política de estado, del estado colombiano.
6. Queda demostrado que la oposición apátrida venezolana obedece órdenes desde colombia.
Ante todos estos resultados inesperados y otros tantos más. No sólo se
debe mantener cerrada la frontera ya cerrada, sino que, en respuestas a
la actitud del gobierno conspirador de colombia, se debe cerrar toda la
frontera, es decir, Apure, Zulia y Amazonas.Que se cierre toda la
frontera y el llanto y pataleo se multiplicará. Pero para que la medida
sea más eficiente hace falta el cierre total de los miles de kilómetros
de frontera. Y que el periodo de cierre no sea inferior a un año y
veremos los resultados positivos de este lado.
Y atención al gobierno del camarada Maduro. Muy predeciblemente, al ver
ellos que no cedemos ante el chantaje, cambiarán de táctica y pedirán
una reunión donde se presentarán como mansos corderos pidiendo la
reapertura de la frontera como gesto de amistad para un diálogo de
hermanos que permita solucionar los problemas. La respuesta debe ser un
rotundo NO. Porque esta actitud de acusar sin fundamente, y el
despliegue mediático para dañar nuestra imagen no debe pasar por debajo
de la mesa y no debe ser olvidado.
Y a propósitos de algunos venezolanos, personajes públicos que se
prestan para el juego colombiano, como algunos voceros de la oposición y
otros personajes de la vida pública venezolana. Le suguiero al gobierno
del camarada Maduro, que como estos señores están muy preocupados por
problemas que deben ser resueltos en colombia. Que se les proponga que
ellos firmen un documento donde se hagan cargo como tutores de unos 10
de estos colombianos ilegales, y que los reciban en sus casas y le den
cobijo y alimento. Con supervisión diaria de que los están manteniendo,
de que los están alimentando, de que los están cuidando, Y ojo, que sea
en la casa de habitación y no en albergues. Ya que están tan
preocupados, entonces que participen de la solución. Por cierto, que
entre la selección de esas 10 personas a recibir que almenos 5 sean
paramilitares. Para que ellos sientan en carne propia lo que es tener a
paramilitares malvivientes en su casa. Seguramente no pasaran 5 días sin
que quieran que los regresen a su país. Pero basta de hipocresía y
solidaridad barata.
Y para terminar, quiero aclarar un asunto. Desde colombia y desde la
oposición apátrida se quiere comparar al gobierno venezolano con los
nazis, pero dicha comparación no hace más que demostrar la ignorancia de
los políticos colombianos y los apátridas de la oposición venezolana.
Ellos dicen que los militares venezolanos "marcaron las casas con una R
de revisado o una D para demolición, tal como los nazis marcaban las
casas de los judíos" Ya va, parranda de ignorantes y burros con
identidad, porque no cabe otro calificativo. Los nazis marcaban las
casas de los judíos NO para deportarlos, TAMPOCO para derribar las casas
de los judíos para llevárselos a campos de concentración para someterlos
a trabajos forzados, a pasar hambre y a asesinarlos en masa. De manera
que no cabe ninguna comparación; solo la ignorancia y la mala intención
puede hacer semejantes comparaciones. Los militares venezolanos
deportaron, montaron en buses a los ilegales y los trasladaron hasta la
frontera donde fueron entregados a su país para que se haga responsable
de ellos. No hubo trabajos forzados, no hubo campos de concentración, no
hubo exterminio ni asesinatos en masa. Así que piensen un poquito antes
de opinar, porque demuestran la poca capacidad intelectual que tienen
al hacer comparaciones que no tienen sentido. Y peor aún que quienes por
años han acusado a los chavistas de brutos, repiten como loritos estas
comparaciones fruto de la escasa capacidad intelectual de sus creadores.
it was hoped that, with the closure of the Colombian-Venezuelan border,
plus some problems solved on this side, the Colombian government assume
responsibility for all the problems generated on that side and imported
here. But no, and beyond expected some unexpected and surprising results were produced:
1. It was demonstrated that the government of Colombia is directly involved in the axis Miami-Madrid-Bogota. It is not the Colombian oligarchy, no, it's the same Colombian state who is involved. This is demonstrated with all the desperate actions seeking exercise to harm our country in the international arena.
2. It was demonstrated that the Colombian government has no word. And is that while the Chancellor committed to our foreign minister and assumed the problems of attacks on our currency and our economy, and also promised to take action. Alongside the President and other spokesmen they evaded its responsibility and breaching its word, to the point that no done nothing to correct the problems.
3. The Colombian government is not interested to solve any of the problems of the border. It was reached precisely the extent of border closure by the lack of cooperation of the Colombian government. When closed they say that close does not work, you should work together. However, still not working, quite the contrary. They are looking to press in international fora for it to return to Venezuela. But the objective pursued is that the border is open somehow. Yes, it is the only objective they are pursuing, that Venezuela yield to blackmail and false accusations and open the border.
4. This will be the huge losses suffered by Colombia with the closure of the border who are desperate for it to open. They wishfully believe that the OAS, the UN or any organization can order Venezuela to open the borders. They ignore that it is a sovereign decision and nobody can command what to do with Venezuela's borders. But the huge losses of Colombia with the closing of the border is that the same Colombian state benefited smuggling at the border.
5. It is also shown that the Colombian paramilitaries is supported by the Colombian state. In any statements they admit the problem of paramilitaries, No. So overlapping protection and state support of the Colombian paramilitaries evidence. They were aware of the paramilitary invasion, they were aware of the smuggling of fuel, people and food. And all are crying out for is that the border is open to keep things as before. So, smuggling of fuel and food, paramilitary invasion appear to be a state policy, the Colombian state.
6. It is shown that the Venezuelan opposition stateless obeys orders from Colombia.
Given all these unexpected results and as many more. Not only must keep the border closed and locked, but in response to the government's attitude conspirator of Colombia, should close the entire border, ie, Apure, Zulia and Amazonas.Que entire border is closed and crying kicking and multiply. But for far more efficient it takes the total closure of the thousands of kilometers of border. And closing the period not less than one year and we will see positive results from this side.
And attention to the government of Comrade Maduro. Very predictably, seeing them not give in to blackmail, they will change tactics and ask for a meeting where they were presented as meek lambs ordering the reopening of the border as a gesture of friendship for a dialog that allows brothers to solve the problems. The answer must be a resounding NO. Because this attitude substantiate accusations without, and the media hype to damage our image should not go under the table and should not be forgotten.
And some Venezuelans purposes, public figures that lend themselves to the Colombian game, as some opposition spokespersons and other characters from the Venezuelan public life. I suguiero the government of Comrade Maduro, that as these gentlemen are very concerned about problems that must be solved in Colombia. That they propose that they sign a document to take over as guardians of about 10 of these illegal Colombians, and that into their homes and give shelter and food. With daily supervision that are maintaining that they are feeding, that are caring, and eye, which is in the house of the room and not in shelters. Since they are so concerned, then participate in the solution. Incidentally, from the selection of those 10 people to receive that are at least five paramilitaries. So they feel firsthand what it is to have paramilitary thugs at home. Surely not happen five days without wanting the return home. But enough hypocrisy and cheap solidarity.
And finally, I want to clarify an issue. From Colombia and from the stateless opposition you want to compare the Venezuelan government with the Nazis, but this comparison does nothing to prove the ignorance of Colombian politicians and stateless persons of the Venezuelan opposition. They say that the Venezuelan military "houses marked with a revised R or D for demolition, as the Nazis marked the houses of the Jews" We will, ignorant and donkeys spree with identity, because it can not be otherwise qualified. The Nazis marked the houses of the Jews for deportation, NOR to demolish the houses because they were liegales, NO. LORDS OF THE DONKEYS AND VENEZUELAN IGONORANTES position and Colombian oligarchy. The Nazis marked the Jewish homes to take them to concentration camps for forced to starve and kill mass work. So that there can be no comparison; Only ignorance and misconduct can make such comparisons. The Venezuelan military deported, rode buses to illegal and moved to the border where they were handed over to your country to take responsibility for them. There was no forced labor, no camps, no destruction or mass murder. So think a little bit before thinking, because they show little intellectual capacity they have to make comparisons that do not make sense. And worse than those who for years have accused Chavez of gross, repeated like parrots these comparisons result of the limited intellectual capacity of its creators.
1. It was demonstrated that the government of Colombia is directly involved in the axis Miami-Madrid-Bogota. It is not the Colombian oligarchy, no, it's the same Colombian state who is involved. This is demonstrated with all the desperate actions seeking exercise to harm our country in the international arena.
2. It was demonstrated that the Colombian government has no word. And is that while the Chancellor committed to our foreign minister and assumed the problems of attacks on our currency and our economy, and also promised to take action. Alongside the President and other spokesmen they evaded its responsibility and breaching its word, to the point that no done nothing to correct the problems.
3. The Colombian government is not interested to solve any of the problems of the border. It was reached precisely the extent of border closure by the lack of cooperation of the Colombian government. When closed they say that close does not work, you should work together. However, still not working, quite the contrary. They are looking to press in international fora for it to return to Venezuela. But the objective pursued is that the border is open somehow. Yes, it is the only objective they are pursuing, that Venezuela yield to blackmail and false accusations and open the border.
4. This will be the huge losses suffered by Colombia with the closure of the border who are desperate for it to open. They wishfully believe that the OAS, the UN or any organization can order Venezuela to open the borders. They ignore that it is a sovereign decision and nobody can command what to do with Venezuela's borders. But the huge losses of Colombia with the closing of the border is that the same Colombian state benefited smuggling at the border.
5. It is also shown that the Colombian paramilitaries is supported by the Colombian state. In any statements they admit the problem of paramilitaries, No. So overlapping protection and state support of the Colombian paramilitaries evidence. They were aware of the paramilitary invasion, they were aware of the smuggling of fuel, people and food. And all are crying out for is that the border is open to keep things as before. So, smuggling of fuel and food, paramilitary invasion appear to be a state policy, the Colombian state.
6. It is shown that the Venezuelan opposition stateless obeys orders from Colombia.
Given all these unexpected results and as many more. Not only must keep the border closed and locked, but in response to the government's attitude conspirator of Colombia, should close the entire border, ie, Apure, Zulia and Amazonas.Que entire border is closed and crying kicking and multiply. But for far more efficient it takes the total closure of the thousands of kilometers of border. And closing the period not less than one year and we will see positive results from this side.
And attention to the government of Comrade Maduro. Very predictably, seeing them not give in to blackmail, they will change tactics and ask for a meeting where they were presented as meek lambs ordering the reopening of the border as a gesture of friendship for a dialog that allows brothers to solve the problems. The answer must be a resounding NO. Because this attitude substantiate accusations without, and the media hype to damage our image should not go under the table and should not be forgotten.
And some Venezuelans purposes, public figures that lend themselves to the Colombian game, as some opposition spokespersons and other characters from the Venezuelan public life. I suguiero the government of Comrade Maduro, that as these gentlemen are very concerned about problems that must be solved in Colombia. That they propose that they sign a document to take over as guardians of about 10 of these illegal Colombians, and that into their homes and give shelter and food. With daily supervision that are maintaining that they are feeding, that are caring, and eye, which is in the house of the room and not in shelters. Since they are so concerned, then participate in the solution. Incidentally, from the selection of those 10 people to receive that are at least five paramilitaries. So they feel firsthand what it is to have paramilitary thugs at home. Surely not happen five days without wanting the return home. But enough hypocrisy and cheap solidarity.
And finally, I want to clarify an issue. From Colombia and from the stateless opposition you want to compare the Venezuelan government with the Nazis, but this comparison does nothing to prove the ignorance of Colombian politicians and stateless persons of the Venezuelan opposition. They say that the Venezuelan military "houses marked with a revised R or D for demolition, as the Nazis marked the houses of the Jews" We will, ignorant and donkeys spree with identity, because it can not be otherwise qualified. The Nazis marked the houses of the Jews for deportation, NOR to demolish the houses because they were liegales, NO. LORDS OF THE DONKEYS AND VENEZUELAN IGONORANTES position and Colombian oligarchy. The Nazis marked the Jewish homes to take them to concentration camps for forced to starve and kill mass work. So that there can be no comparison; Only ignorance and misconduct can make such comparisons. The Venezuelan military deported, rode buses to illegal and moved to the border where they were handed over to your country to take responsibility for them. There was no forced labor, no camps, no destruction or mass murder. So think a little bit before thinking, because they show little intellectual capacity they have to make comparisons that do not make sense. And worse than those who for years have accused Chavez of gross, repeated like parrots these comparisons result of the limited intellectual capacity of its creators.
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