Lo primero es la paz, la estabilidad, la defensa de la soberanía. Lo segundo es la recuperación de la economía fronteriza. The first is peace, stability, defense of sovereignty. The second is the recovery of the border economy
Lo primero es la paz, la estabilidad, la defensa de la soberanía. Lo segundo es la recuperación de la economía fronteriza
La creación de cuatro nuevas zonas especiales en la frontera
colombo-venezolana y la designación del mayor general Gerardo José
Izquierdo Torres como jefe de la Misión Socialista Nueva Frontera de
Paz, con rango ministerial, fueron los anuncios del presidente de la
República Bolivariana de
Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, desde el emblemático Salón Boyacá del Palacio de Miraflores, en la primera sesión del Seminario Nacional
para una Nueva Frontera de Paz, en donde se analizaron una serie de propuestas destinadas a construir en los 2.219 kilómetros de frontera compartida entre Venezuela y Colombia como un espacio productivo, erradicando los males del contrabando y el paramilitarismo.
Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, desde el emblemático Salón Boyacá del Palacio de Miraflores, en la primera sesión del Seminario Nacional
para una Nueva Frontera de Paz, en donde se analizaron una serie de propuestas destinadas a construir en los 2.219 kilómetros de frontera compartida entre Venezuela y Colombia como un espacio productivo, erradicando los males del contrabando y el paramilitarismo.
“Lo primero es la paz, la estabilidad, la recuperación de la
soberanía. Lo segundo es la recuperación de la economía fronteriza, hay
que estabilizar los precios en los municipios de la Zona 1 y el que no
quiera cumplir con la Ley de Precios Justos debe ajustarse al marco
legal con las medidas necesarias. Una nueva policía tiene que ir
naciendo al calor de estos hechos, con una inteligencia poderosa”,
dijo el Primer Mandatario al hacer un balance de los acuerdos
alcanzados en las mesas de trabajo establecidas en los estados Táchira y
Zulia, en donde los gobernadores José Vielma Mora y Francisco Arias
Cárdenas se reunieron con las fuerzas vivas de la región para encon-trar
soluciones a los múltiples problemas que a través de los años se han
sembrado en la frontera.
Apoyo al proceso de paz
“Venezuela siempre estará al lado del proceso de paz y el
presidente Santos lo sabe. Nuestra decisión es inalterable, la decisión
de acompañar los procesos de paz que hay en La Habana y los otros
procesos colaterales que se están buscando para llegar a la paz en
Colombia”, dijo Maduro, aunque aseguró que este proceso está avanzando muy lentamente.
“Hemos intentado ayudar al máximo a que los procesos se
aceleren y logren una armonía con las necesidades del pueblo de
Colombia, en la última guerra que hay en Latinoamérica”.
Reiteró su disposición a reunirse con el presidente Juan Manuel
Santos con una serie de propuestas para alcanzar una economía productiva
y de paz en la extensa zona fronteriza que comparten ambas naciones.
Propuestas para la acción
En el evento, el Mandatario entregó a la presidenta del Tribunal
Supremo de Justicia, Gladys Gutiérrez, una propuesta para una Ley
Orgánica de Fronteras. “Entregué oficialmente la Ley Orgánica de
Fronteras para que trabajemos esta idea, para ir operando la
construcción de la nueva Misión para una Frontera de Paz”, señaló.
Igualmente, se presentaron diversas propuestas desde las mesas de
trabajo organizadas en Táchira y Zulia, en donde como aspecto primordial
se pidió el mantenimiento de las Operaciones de Liberación del Pueblo
(OLP) en las zonas especiales para garantizar la seguridad en los
municipios fronterizos. El economista Tony Boza delineó la posibilidad
de la venta de combustible a precios diferenciales en las zonas
fronterizas y se solici-
tó la derogatoria de la llamada Resolución 8 -emitida por Colombia en mayo del año 2000- que legaliza operaciones cambiarias en la ciudad de Cúcuta, que conducen a la devaluación inducida de la moneda venezolana.
tó la derogatoria de la llamada Resolución 8 -emitida por Colombia en mayo del año 2000- que legaliza operaciones cambiarias en la ciudad de Cúcuta, que conducen a la devaluación inducida de la moneda venezolana.
También se propuso el fortalecimiento de la Zona Económica Especial
en San Antonio del Táchira y Ureña, iniciativa que fue respaldada por el
presidente Maduro. “Tenemos los recursos para impulsar este tipo de proyectos productivos encaminados a generar una frontera de paz”, señaló.
Gasolina para Cúcuta El Presidente señaló que todas las versiones que
han circulado respecto al contrabando de combustible han resultado
ciertas, incluso la venta por parte de Ecopetrol de gasolina venezolana,
pero al mismo tiempo dijo que estos fenómenos requieren de la
colaboración de funcionarios civiles y militares del lado venezolano.
Puso como ejemplo la reciente detención de un grupo de funcionarios que
habían cargado
ilegalmente cincuenta mil barriles de combustible para su venta ilegítima en un barco perteneciente a la petrolera estatal venezolana. Por esta
razón, el Primer Mandatario exhortó a tomar “todas las medidas necesarias”, incluso si hay que llegar a la militarización de las cadenas de distribución, con el fin de reducir a su mínima expresión este flagelo, que según cálculos oficiales podría generar pérdidas al Estado de hasta diez mil millones de dólares anuales.
ilegalmente cincuenta mil barriles de combustible para su venta ilegítima en un barco perteneciente a la petrolera estatal venezolana. Por esta
razón, el Primer Mandatario exhortó a tomar “todas las medidas necesarias”, incluso si hay que llegar a la militarización de las cadenas de distribución, con el fin de reducir a su mínima expresión este flagelo, que según cálculos oficiales podría generar pérdidas al Estado de hasta diez mil millones de dólares anuales.
Respecto al problema de suministro de combustible en el departamento
del Norte de Santander -en la vecina Colombia- expresó que Venezuela
estaría dispuesta a instalar estaciones de servicio en Cúcuta con el fin
de garantizar la estabilidad en la entrega de gasolina a los
conductores colombianos.
Venezuela se respeta
En torno a las recientes declaraciones de voceros norteamericanos en
relación a la política interna de Venezuela, Maduro dijo que el Estado
seguirá soportando la “doble cara” del gobierno de los Estados Unidos, que por una parte asegura respetar la soberanía de los estados, mientras por otro lado emite documentos injerencistas. “Quien se mete con Venezuela se mete con todos los pueblos rebeldes de América Latina”, sentenció.
seguirá soportando la “doble cara” del gobierno de los Estados Unidos, que por una parte asegura respetar la soberanía de los estados, mientras por otro lado emite documentos injerencistas. “Quien se mete con Venezuela se mete con todos los pueblos rebeldes de América Latina”, sentenció.
“El gobierno de los Estados Unidos está reactivando sus amenazas contra Venezuela”, señaló al alertar a todos los gobiernos latinoamericanos al respecto.
The first is peace, stability, defense of sovereignty. The second is the recovery of the border economy
The creation of four new special areas on the Colombian-Venezuelan border and the appointment of Major General Gerardo Jose Izquierdo Torres as head of the New Frontier Socialist Peace Mission, with ministerial rank, were the announcements of the president of the Bolivarian Republic ofVenezuela, Nicolas Maduro, from the iconic Boyacá Hall of Miraflores Palace, in the first session of the National SeminarNew Frontier for Peace, where a series of proposals aimed at building on the 2,219 kilometers of shared border between Venezuela and Colombia as a productive space, eradicating the evils of smuggling and paramilitaries were analyzed.
"The first is peace, stability, recovery of sovereignty. The second is the recovery of the border economy, we must stabilize prices in the municipalities of Zone 1 and do not want to comply with the Fair Pricing Act must meet legal framework with the necessary measures. A new police have to go born in the heat of these events, with a powerful intelligence, "said the president to take stock of the agreements reached in the working groups established in Tachira and Zulia, where the governors Jose Vielma Mora and Francisco Arias Cardenas met with the forces in the region to Encon-strate solutions to the many problems over the years have been planted along the border.
Support for the peace process
"Venezuela will always stand in the peace process and President Santos knows. Our decision is unchanged, the decision to accompany the peace process is in Havana and the other side processes that are looking to achieve peace in Colombia, "Maduro said, but said that this process is moving very slowly.
"We tried to help as possible to accelerate processes and achieve harmony with the needs of the people of Colombia, in the last war there in Latin America."
He reiterated his willingness to meet with President Juan Manuel Santos with a series of proposals to achieve a productive economy and peace in the vast border area shared by both nations.
Proposals for action
In the event, the president gave the president of the Supreme Court, Gladys Gutierrez, a proposal for a Law on Borders. "Surrender officially Border Organic Law for this idea to work, to go to operate the construction of the new Border Mission for Peace" he said.
Similarly, various proposals were submitted from the workshops organized in Tachira and Zulia, where mainly aspect maintaining Operations People's Liberation (PLO) in special areas to ensure security in the border municipalities were asked. Economist Tony Boza outlined the possibility of selling fuel price differentials in the border areas and requestedtó the repeal of Resolution 8 -emitida call by Colombia in May of 2000 that legalized exchange operations in the city of Cucuta, leading to induced devaluation of the Venezuelan currency.
Strengthening the Special Economic Zone in San Antonio del Táchira and Ureña, an initiative that was supported by President Maduro was also proposed. "We have the resources to promote this type of productive projects to generate a border of peace," he said.
Gasoline for Cúcuta The Chairman noted that all versions that have circulated regarding the smuggling of fuel have been some, including sale by Ecopetrol of Venezuelan gasoline, but also said that these phenomena require the cooperation of civil and military the Venezuelan side. He cited the recent arrest of a group of officials who had loadedillegally fifty thousand barrels of fuel for illegal sale in a boat belonging to the Venezuelan state oil company. For thisreason, the President urged to take "all necessary measures" even if you have to get to the militarization of the distribution chains in order to reduce to a minimum this scourge, which according to official estimates could result in losses to the state up to ten billion dollars a year.
Regarding the problem of fuel supply in the department of Norte de Santander -in neighboring Venezuela he said Colombia would be willing to install stations in Cúcuta in order to ensure stability in the delivery of gasoline to the Colombian drivers.
Venezuela is respected
About recent statements by US spokespersons in relation to the internal politics of Venezuela, Maduro said that the stateIt will continue to support the "double face" of the government of the United States, on the one hand ensures respect the sovereignty of states, while on the other hand emits interfering documents. "Whoever messes with Venezuela it messes with all rebel peoples of Latin America," he said.
"The government of the United States it is reactivating its threats against Venezuela," said the alert about all Latin American governments.
The creation of four new special areas on the Colombian-Venezuelan border and the appointment of Major General Gerardo Jose Izquierdo Torres as head of the New Frontier Socialist Peace Mission, with ministerial rank, were the announcements of the president of the Bolivarian Republic ofVenezuela, Nicolas Maduro, from the iconic Boyacá Hall of Miraflores Palace, in the first session of the National SeminarNew Frontier for Peace, where a series of proposals aimed at building on the 2,219 kilometers of shared border between Venezuela and Colombia as a productive space, eradicating the evils of smuggling and paramilitaries were analyzed.
"The first is peace, stability, recovery of sovereignty. The second is the recovery of the border economy, we must stabilize prices in the municipalities of Zone 1 and do not want to comply with the Fair Pricing Act must meet legal framework with the necessary measures. A new police have to go born in the heat of these events, with a powerful intelligence, "said the president to take stock of the agreements reached in the working groups established in Tachira and Zulia, where the governors Jose Vielma Mora and Francisco Arias Cardenas met with the forces in the region to Encon-strate solutions to the many problems over the years have been planted along the border.
Support for the peace process
"Venezuela will always stand in the peace process and President Santos knows. Our decision is unchanged, the decision to accompany the peace process is in Havana and the other side processes that are looking to achieve peace in Colombia, "Maduro said, but said that this process is moving very slowly.
"We tried to help as possible to accelerate processes and achieve harmony with the needs of the people of Colombia, in the last war there in Latin America."
He reiterated his willingness to meet with President Juan Manuel Santos with a series of proposals to achieve a productive economy and peace in the vast border area shared by both nations.
Proposals for action
In the event, the president gave the president of the Supreme Court, Gladys Gutierrez, a proposal for a Law on Borders. "Surrender officially Border Organic Law for this idea to work, to go to operate the construction of the new Border Mission for Peace" he said.
Similarly, various proposals were submitted from the workshops organized in Tachira and Zulia, where mainly aspect maintaining Operations People's Liberation (PLO) in special areas to ensure security in the border municipalities were asked. Economist Tony Boza outlined the possibility of selling fuel price differentials in the border areas and requestedtó the repeal of Resolution 8 -emitida call by Colombia in May of 2000 that legalized exchange operations in the city of Cucuta, leading to induced devaluation of the Venezuelan currency.
Strengthening the Special Economic Zone in San Antonio del Táchira and Ureña, an initiative that was supported by President Maduro was also proposed. "We have the resources to promote this type of productive projects to generate a border of peace," he said.
Gasoline for Cúcuta The Chairman noted that all versions that have circulated regarding the smuggling of fuel have been some, including sale by Ecopetrol of Venezuelan gasoline, but also said that these phenomena require the cooperation of civil and military the Venezuelan side. He cited the recent arrest of a group of officials who had loadedillegally fifty thousand barrels of fuel for illegal sale in a boat belonging to the Venezuelan state oil company. For thisreason, the President urged to take "all necessary measures" even if you have to get to the militarization of the distribution chains in order to reduce to a minimum this scourge, which according to official estimates could result in losses to the state up to ten billion dollars a year.
Regarding the problem of fuel supply in the department of Norte de Santander -in neighboring Venezuela he said Colombia would be willing to install stations in Cúcuta in order to ensure stability in the delivery of gasoline to the Colombian drivers.
Venezuela is respected
About recent statements by US spokespersons in relation to the internal politics of Venezuela, Maduro said that the stateIt will continue to support the "double face" of the government of the United States, on the one hand ensures respect the sovereignty of states, while on the other hand emits interfering documents. "Whoever messes with Venezuela it messes with all rebel peoples of Latin America," he said.
"The government of the United States it is reactivating its threats against Venezuela," said the alert about all Latin American governments.
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