Inmigración, nacionalismo y el rol de Alemania Pablo Pulgar Moya Rebelión. Immigration, nationalism and the role of Germany Thumb Pablo Moya rebellion
Las protestas supremacistas en Carolina del Sur, Estados Unidos, así
como las políticas restrictivas migratorias en Alemania son vestigios de
que una misma tematización de problemas de tintes raciales, está
avanzando desde la xenofobia, el racismo y terminando con el
fortalecimiento de movimientos nacionalistas. En el último tiempo,
hemos visto el bombardeo de noticias que hacen gala de conflictos
raciales, nacionales, étnicos; sean a causa de la migración que provocan
las pugnas en Medio Oriente o del exceso de violencia policial.
La situación se repite sistemáticamente en Europa, América y el ya
mencionado Oriente Medio. En la presente columna nos abocamos al caso
alemán, el cual sólo viene a ilustrar este fenómeno con sus propios
matices. Lo particular de este asunto, que ya ha encontrado
simpatizantes en Francia, España y Austria, es el conflicto que provoca
la naturalización de inmigrantes en Alemania.
El 22 de diciembre
del anterior año unos 15,000 miembros alemanes salieron en Dresde a
protestar contra la progresiva 'islamización' del país en lo que sería
una de las más exitosas protestas nacionalistas de los últimos años.
Esto no sería tan preocupante si se tratara de un hecho aislado. Sin
embargo, el surgimiento de movimientos y partidos de corte nacionalista 1 se ha intensificado desde el crash griego (aunque no con el boom esperado por sus organizadores).
Los discursos han venido acompañados de una mezcla de pánico económico,
prejuicio cultural y discriminación étnica. Por supuesto, no se trata
de un hecho concreto en Alemania, ni tampoco en Europa. Si por una parte
Grecia vio cómo Amanecer Dorado mantenía aún 17 escaños este 2015, el
movimiento populista neofascista Forza Nuova tomaban posición en Roma;
Suecia veía como los ultraderechistas demócratas (SD) se reposicionaban
con éxito (13% en últimas elecciones. 2° lugar), el nacional-
catolicismo polaco se fragmentaba en diferentes columnas con
considerable éxito el giro de Cameron hacia políticas más restrictivas
después del incidente del Canal de la Mancha, Austria (FPÖ) y los países
escandinavos observaban el incremento del apoyo popular a partidos de
extrema derecha de forma meteórica, etc. Por otra, en Alemania tomaba
lugar el incremento de pseudooganizaciones populares: hooligans
'patriotas' y partidos políticos de 'soft'-fascismo. Todo esto
evidenciado, a su vez, dentro del mismo parlamento europeo.
caso específico alemán, al cual se refiere esta columna, tiene
características que lo hacen digno de análisis, partiendo de su
archiconocida responsabilidad histórica desde la II Guerra Mundial, del
resurgimiento de movimientos nacionalistas en la ex-Alemania Oriental
post caída del muro, del vuelco discursivo contra inmigrantes de
post-guerra turcos, árabes y sirios (muy distinto al cuidado que pone la
política parlamentarista al conflicto israelita), de la influencia
como potencia en las políticas de control migratorio en el continente,
del papel preponderante en el ajedrez financiero de la Unión Europea, de
la crisis económica del 2008 y consecuente ola de asilados políticos y,
por sobre todo, del manejo del Estado por burócratas y grandes
capitales provenientes desde la industria armamentista, automotriz y
NPD, AfD, PEGIDA y otros engendros
El surgimiento en Alemania de PEGIDA -Europeos patriotas contra la
Islamización de Occidente– es la última expresión del nacionalismo
alemán, la cual ha tenido un éxito preocupante sobre todo en el ala
oriente del país. Dentro de sus filas se encuentran militantes vincula
dos al partido nazi más grande del país, el NPD (Partido
nacionaldemocrático de Alemania), y al nuevo partido liberal de
derechas, el AfD (Altervativa para Alemania). PEGIDA bajo la los gritos
“contra el fanatismo religioso” del islam ha justificado pregonas
nacionales y racistas dirigidas a la comunidad inmigrante proveniente
del Medio Oriente. A la creación de la reciente organización le ha
seguido la polémica Montagsdemo, la 'manifestación del lunes', en un
intento por vincular el problema de los salafistas del Estado Islámico a
la población inmigrante permanente y flotante proveniente de la región
afectada, que en la mayoría de los casos, está compuesta por refugiados
En los últimos meses los conflictos políticos en
Ucrania, en Medio Oriente, junto con el período de crisis de los países
del sur de Europa han puesto en alarma a la población alemana,
alimentado esto, a su vez, por la prensa sensacionalista. Sin embargo,
esto no esconde el hecho que la preocupación del auge del grupo ISIS sea
un tema común. Los diferentes movimientos de izquierda, con especial
énfasis, en las diferentes manifestaciones de las comunidades kurdas
residentes ya han salido en los meses anteriores a las calles de
Colonia, Berlín, Múnich y Hamburgo a exigir la ayuda a la resistencia
combatiente en Siria y las contramanifestaciones han plantado cara
redoblando las cifras de manifestantes en las calles.
delicado conflicto en Medio Oriente y, más recientemente, atentados
vecinos como los de Charlie Hebdo en Francia o Morgenpost en la misma
Alemania han permitido en la región el surgimiento de temporales
organizaciones peculiares y de franco tinte racista, como lo fue el caso
de los miembros de HoGeSa (Hooligans contra Salafistas) quienes,
organizados como fanáticos de fútbol, salieron a la calle con eslogans
reivindicativos de una identidad alemana contrapuesta a la inmigración
musulmana. Por su parte, PEGIDA ha recogido el guante del
nacionalismo católico buscando en sus fundamentos la justificación de
una Europa cristiana. Este grupo, al igual que el partido
euroescéptico AfD, ha evitado estratégicamente definirse como grupo de
derecha o relacionarse con el partido nacionalista NPD. Haciendo
usufructo de las estadísticas sobre educación, acceso a la vivienda y
prestaciones sociales han pretendido vincular profundas contradicciones
económicas a la filiación de origen y con ello, además, de enfatizar en
la naturaleza judeocristiana de Alemania y de Occidente. En este
sentido, son los migrantes turcos –en su mayoría– quienes se han visto
afectados por este juicio, azuzados por los viejos fantasmas de la
discriminación en el país. Sin embargo, este argumento ya ha sido
utilizado en el pasado reciente por políticos influyentes, como el
exsenador por Berlín del SPD (Partido socialdemócrata alemán) Thilo
Sarrazin, el cual abogaba por una política restrictiva del control
migratorio turco. Hoy en día, PEGIDA representa un nuevo estamento de la
xenofobia en Alemania, aunque la clase política gubernamental, con ello
principalmente la Union demócratacristiana (CDU) –partido de Merkel– y
su filial bávara, Unión socialdemócrata (CSU), han demostrado solo
tibios intentos de poner fin a la escalada del nacionalismo. Pero esta
agrupación no es la de más cuidado en el país, a pesar de su impacto
mediatico. Si bien PEGIDA llegó a tener un apoyo (no activo) estimado de
un 47% en Alemania (una cifra excesiva), la fragilidad de sus
argumentos, su falta de orgánica la llevan a un franco fracaso. El
problema se encuentra, empero, en la constante etnificación de
conflictos socio-políticos, lo que ha forjado prejuicios sobre grupos
sociales determinados. Los grandes medios de comunicación alemanes
como Der Spiegel, Bild-Zeitung o Die Zeit han contribuido constantemente
a una simplificación del problema y vuelve la mirada a un problema de
control de medios.
El motor del nacionalismo y del racismo,
por supuesto, no es una inquietud exclusiva en Alemania, sino que se
trata de una problemática global con distintos matices. Por ejemplo,
nos vamos a encontrar con organizaciones de esta calaña tales como el
Front National, Vlaams Belang, UKIP o los Demócratas de Suecia. Sin
embargo, no deja de ser preocupante para el país germano la seguidilla
de grupúsculos de tinte discriminador y el intento de esquivar análisis
político-económicos a fin de concentrase en diferencias
étnico-religiosas. Esta situación deja en evidencia que el problema de
la violencia terrorista (sea paramilitar, sea gubernamental) es un
problema real y esto se ve con desconfianza desde la población residente
en Europa. La integración (tarea de todas las partes) pasa no sólo
por una percepción cultural, sino por las condiciones económicas en las
cuáles ésta se desarrolla. La xenofobia es la respuesta rápida (y errónea) para un problema complejo.
El hecho de que exista una creciente ola migratoria es un fenómeno que
ha logrado levantar las viejas banderas del odio racial, ha renovado las
excusas en los grupos nacionalistas y dado un nuevo aire a los ataques
xenofóbicos en un país donde los antiguos miedos tienden a salir a
flote. Es evidente que la intensificación de conflictos bélicos aumenta
la emigración hacia países que puedan brindar una seguridad mínima:
Turquía, Líbano, Jordania y, después de ello, la Unión Europea. La
restrictividad de ingreso de la UE está haciendo que más y más
extranjeros sean apaleados en Melilla, mueran hacinados en containers de
transporte de carga o naufraguen en medio del Mediterránea, como ha
sucedido la semana anterior. Una realidad cruda a la que se enfrentan
sirios, iraníes, marroquíes, libios, palestinos, etc., entre la espada y
la pared: violencia de pasaporte que hará no más que mostrar tristes
paisajes de niños ahogados, asesinados o deportados.
pregunta al final es una que se formula una y otra vez dentro de
círcurlos políticos: ¿a quién es funcional el moderno concepto de nación
y de Estado en la limitación de la libre circulación de personas? El Estado, ejemplificado en esta columna con
el alemán, y visto directamente en los mítines organizados para evitar
el ingreso de inmigrantes en las costas de España, Italia, Grecia se
traduce en violencia estructural, en esa capacidad de ordenanza
policial, de restricción jurídica. Ante este escenario, Europa ha
tenido tibias respuestas al problema de la reorganización de refugiados.
El ejemplo de Alemania no es el mayor preocupación, quizás por estar
situado en el corazón de Europa, pero es quien mantiene firme posición
(junto a los países noreuropeos) para el mantenimiento del estricto
control fronterizo en países ubicados a los bordes de la región. Alemania
es el ejemplo del poderío económico-legislativo de un Estado sobre
otros, sea jugando al titiritero del FMI, sea presionando para el
aumento de restricciones migratorias. De ahí que el Estado alemán,
junto a sus pares, no sean eximibles de culpa y responsabilidad en
tanto, bien pactando silencio, bien pregonando discursos xenofóbicos. El
plausible ascenso de Le Pen al poder en Francia hará que esa posición
se recrudezca y permita el auge de organizaciones de extrema-derecha en
el centro económico del conglomerado. Este próximo 12 de septiembre
vendrá el “día de los patriotas” en Frankfurt, una oportunidad para
observar en cuán avanzada está la reoganización nacionalista en el país
En el presente articulo no nos referimos con el presente término a los
nacionalismos independentistas. La relación de estos y movimientos
fascistas deberían ser tratados en detalle y en extenso en un otro
Pablo Pulgar Moya. Doctorando en Filosofía, Universidad de Heidelberg.
Rebelión ha publicado este artículo con el permiso del autor mediante una licencia de Creative Commons, respetando su libertad para publicarlo en otras fuentes.
protests supremacists in South Carolina, United States and restrictive
immigration policies in Germany are vestiges of that same racial
problems theming dyes, it is moving from xenophobia, racism and ending
with the strengthening of nationalist movements. In recent times, we have seen the bombing of news that boast of racial, national, ethnic conflicts; are due to migration that cause the conflicts in the Middle East or excessive police violence. The situation is systematically repeated in Europe, America and the Middle East mentioned. In this column we focus the German case, which only goes to illustrate this phenomenon with its own nuances. Particulars of this case, which has already found supporters in
France, Spain and Austria, is the conflict that causes the
naturalization of immigrants in Germany.
On December 22 last year some 15,000 German members came in Dresden to protest against the gradual 'Islamization' of the country in what would be one of the most successful nationalist protests in recent years. This would not be so worrying if it were an isolated event. However, the emergence of nationalist movements and parties cutting 1 has been intensified since the Greek crash (though not with the boom expected by the organizers). The speeches have been accompanied by a mixture of economic panic, cultural prejudice and ethnic discrimination. Of course, there is a concrete fact in Germany, nor in Europe. If on the one hand Greece Golden Dawn saw still held 17 seats this 2015, the neo-fascist Forza Nuova populist movement took place in Rome; Sweden looked like the right-wing Democrats (SD) successfully repositioned (13% in last elections. 2nd place), the Polish national-Catholicism is fragmented into different columns with considerable success Cameron rotation towards more restrictive policies after the incident Channel, Austria (FPÖ) and the Scandinavian countries observed an increase in popular support for far-right parties so meteoric, etc. Furthermore, in Germany increased popular pseudooganizaciones took place: hooligans' patriots' and political parties' soft'-fascism. All this evidenced, in turn, within the European Parliament.
The specific German case, which relates this column, has features that make it worthy of analysis, based on its well-known historical responsibility since the Second World War, the resurgence of nationalist movements in the former East Germany after the fall of the wall, the Tipping discourse against immigrants from post-war Turkish, Arab and Syrian (very different from the care that puts the Israeli parliamentary political conflict), influence and power in the immigration control policies on the continent, the leading role in the financial chess the European Union, the economic crisis of 2008 and subsequent wave of asylum seekers and, above all, the management of state bureaucrats and big capital coming from the arms industry, automotive and pharmaceutical industries.
NPD, AFD, and other monsters PEGIDA
The rise in Germany PEGIDA -Europeos patriots against the Islamization of the West is the ultimate expression of German nationalism, which has had success especially worrisome in the eastern wing of the country. Within their ranks militants are linked to the country's two largest Nazi party, the NPD (nacionaldemocrático Party of Germany), and the new right-wing liberal party, the AFD (Altervativa for Germany). PEGIDA under shouts "against religious fanaticism" of Islam has justified domestic and racist Pregonas aimed at the immigrant community from the Middle East. The creation of the new organization will have followed the Montagsdemo, the 'demonstration Monday' controversy, in an attempt to link the issue of the Salafist Islamic State of permanent and floating immigrant population from the affected region in the most cases, is composed of political refugees.
In recent months the political conflict in Ukraine, the Middle East, together with the period of crisis in the countries of southern Europe have alarmed the German population, fueled this, in turn, by the tabloids. However, this does not hide the fact that concern the rise of ISIS group is a common theme. The various leftist movements, with special emphasis on the different manifestations of the residents Kurdish communities have already been in the previous months to the streets of Cologne, Berlin, Munich and Hamburg to demand aid for fighter resistance in Syria and the counter- They have stood up doubling the numbers of protesters in the streets.
The delicate conflict in the Middle East and, more recently, attacks neighbors like Charlie Hebdo in France or Morgenpost in Germany itself in the region have allowed the emergence of temporary peculiar racist organizations and frank dye, as was the case HoGeSa members (Hooligans against Salafists) who organized as football fans, took to the streets with protest slogans of a German identity opposed to Muslim immigration. Meanwhile, PEGIDA has picked up the gauntlet of Catholic nationalism looking at its foundations the justification for a Christian Europe. This group, like the eurosceptic party AFD has strategically avoided defined as a group of right or relate to the nationalist party NPD. Making usufruct of statistics on education, access to housing and social services have tried to link the deep economic affiliation contradictions origin and thus further emphasizing the Judeo-Christian nature of Germany and the West. In this regard, Turkish migrants are -mostly- who have been affected by this judgment, egged on by the old ghosts of discrimination in the country. However, this argument has already been used in the recent past by influential politicians, including former senator of Berlin SPD (German Social Democratic Party) Thilo Sarrazin, who advocated a restrictive immigration policy of the Turkish control. Today, PEGIDA represents a new estate of xenophobia in Germany, although the political class government, thereby mainly Christian Democratic Union (CDU) -party of Merkel and its Bavarian affiliate, Social Union (CSU), have shown only lukewarm Attempts to end the escalation of nationalism. But this group is not to be more careful in the country, despite its media impact. While PEGIDA have reached (not active) support estimated 47% in Germany (an excessive figure), the fragility of their arguments, the lack of organic lead to a frank failure. The problem is, however, constantly ethnification of socio-political conflict, which has forged prejudices about certain social groups. The large German media as Der Spiegel, Bild-Zeitung and Die Zeit has consistently contributed to a simplification of the problem and looks back to a problem of media control.
The engine of nationalism and racism, of course, is not the exclusive concern in Germany, but is a global problem with different nuances. For example, we will find this ilk organizations such as the Front National, Vlaams Belang, UKIP or the Sweden Democrats. However, it is still worrying for the German factions country discriminator string of dye and attempt to avoid political and economic order to concentrate on ethnic and religious differences analysis. This reflects the fact that the problem of terrorist violence (either paramilitary, whether governmental) is a real problem and this looks suspiciously from the resident population in Europe. Integration (task of all parties) involves not only a cultural perception, but by economic conditions in which it develops. Xenophobia is the quick (and wrong) answer to a complex problem. The fact that there is a growing wave of migration is a phenomenon that has managed to raise the old flags of racial hatred, it has renewed excuses nationalist groups and given a new look to the xenophobic attacks in a country where old fears tend to come afloat. Clearly, the intensification of conflicts increased emigration to countries that can provide a minimal safety: Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and, after that, the European Union. The restrictiveness of joining the EU is making more and more foreigners are beaten in Melilla, die crammed into freight containers or wrecked in the middle of the Mediterranean, as has happened the previous week. A stark reality that Syrians, Iranians, Moroccans, Libyans, Palestinians, etc. face, between a rock and a hard place: violence passport will just sad landscapes show children drowned, killed or deported.
The question at the end is one that is formulated again and again in political círcurlos: who is functional modern concept of nation and state in limiting the free movement of persons? The state, exemplified in this column with the German and seen directly in rallies organized to prevent the entry of immigrants on the coasts of Spain, Italy, Greece leads to structural violence, police ordinance that capacity, legal restriction. Given this scenario, Europe has had tepid responses to the problem of the reorganization of refugees. The example of Germany is not the main concern, perhaps because it is situated in the heart of Europe, but who remains steadfast position (to the North European countries) for the maintenance of strict border control in countries located at the edges of the region. Germany is an example of the economic and legislative power of the State over others, is playing puppeteer IMF is pressing for increased immigration restrictions. Hence the German government, along with their peers, are not Forgiven of guilt and responsibility as well agreeing silence, either proclaiming xenophobic speeches. The rise of Le Pen plausible to power in France will recrudezca that position and allow the rise of extreme-right organizations in the economic center of the cluster. This September 12 will come the "Patriot Day" in Frankfurt, an opportunity to look at how advanced the nationalist reoganización in the German country.
1 In this article we do not mean with this term pro-independence nationalism. The relationship of these and fascist movements should be treated in detail and at length in another article.
Thumb Pablo Moya. PhD in Philosophy, University of Heidelberg.
Rebellion has posted this article with the author's permission through a license from Creative Commons, respecting their freedom to publish it elsewhere.
On December 22 last year some 15,000 German members came in Dresden to protest against the gradual 'Islamization' of the country in what would be one of the most successful nationalist protests in recent years. This would not be so worrying if it were an isolated event. However, the emergence of nationalist movements and parties cutting 1 has been intensified since the Greek crash (though not with the boom expected by the organizers). The speeches have been accompanied by a mixture of economic panic, cultural prejudice and ethnic discrimination. Of course, there is a concrete fact in Germany, nor in Europe. If on the one hand Greece Golden Dawn saw still held 17 seats this 2015, the neo-fascist Forza Nuova populist movement took place in Rome; Sweden looked like the right-wing Democrats (SD) successfully repositioned (13% in last elections. 2nd place), the Polish national-Catholicism is fragmented into different columns with considerable success Cameron rotation towards more restrictive policies after the incident Channel, Austria (FPÖ) and the Scandinavian countries observed an increase in popular support for far-right parties so meteoric, etc. Furthermore, in Germany increased popular pseudooganizaciones took place: hooligans' patriots' and political parties' soft'-fascism. All this evidenced, in turn, within the European Parliament.
The specific German case, which relates this column, has features that make it worthy of analysis, based on its well-known historical responsibility since the Second World War, the resurgence of nationalist movements in the former East Germany after the fall of the wall, the Tipping discourse against immigrants from post-war Turkish, Arab and Syrian (very different from the care that puts the Israeli parliamentary political conflict), influence and power in the immigration control policies on the continent, the leading role in the financial chess the European Union, the economic crisis of 2008 and subsequent wave of asylum seekers and, above all, the management of state bureaucrats and big capital coming from the arms industry, automotive and pharmaceutical industries.
NPD, AFD, and other monsters PEGIDA
The rise in Germany PEGIDA -Europeos patriots against the Islamization of the West is the ultimate expression of German nationalism, which has had success especially worrisome in the eastern wing of the country. Within their ranks militants are linked to the country's two largest Nazi party, the NPD (nacionaldemocrático Party of Germany), and the new right-wing liberal party, the AFD (Altervativa for Germany). PEGIDA under shouts "against religious fanaticism" of Islam has justified domestic and racist Pregonas aimed at the immigrant community from the Middle East. The creation of the new organization will have followed the Montagsdemo, the 'demonstration Monday' controversy, in an attempt to link the issue of the Salafist Islamic State of permanent and floating immigrant population from the affected region in the most cases, is composed of political refugees.
In recent months the political conflict in Ukraine, the Middle East, together with the period of crisis in the countries of southern Europe have alarmed the German population, fueled this, in turn, by the tabloids. However, this does not hide the fact that concern the rise of ISIS group is a common theme. The various leftist movements, with special emphasis on the different manifestations of the residents Kurdish communities have already been in the previous months to the streets of Cologne, Berlin, Munich and Hamburg to demand aid for fighter resistance in Syria and the counter- They have stood up doubling the numbers of protesters in the streets.
The delicate conflict in the Middle East and, more recently, attacks neighbors like Charlie Hebdo in France or Morgenpost in Germany itself in the region have allowed the emergence of temporary peculiar racist organizations and frank dye, as was the case HoGeSa members (Hooligans against Salafists) who organized as football fans, took to the streets with protest slogans of a German identity opposed to Muslim immigration. Meanwhile, PEGIDA has picked up the gauntlet of Catholic nationalism looking at its foundations the justification for a Christian Europe. This group, like the eurosceptic party AFD has strategically avoided defined as a group of right or relate to the nationalist party NPD. Making usufruct of statistics on education, access to housing and social services have tried to link the deep economic affiliation contradictions origin and thus further emphasizing the Judeo-Christian nature of Germany and the West. In this regard, Turkish migrants are -mostly- who have been affected by this judgment, egged on by the old ghosts of discrimination in the country. However, this argument has already been used in the recent past by influential politicians, including former senator of Berlin SPD (German Social Democratic Party) Thilo Sarrazin, who advocated a restrictive immigration policy of the Turkish control. Today, PEGIDA represents a new estate of xenophobia in Germany, although the political class government, thereby mainly Christian Democratic Union (CDU) -party of Merkel and its Bavarian affiliate, Social Union (CSU), have shown only lukewarm Attempts to end the escalation of nationalism. But this group is not to be more careful in the country, despite its media impact. While PEGIDA have reached (not active) support estimated 47% in Germany (an excessive figure), the fragility of their arguments, the lack of organic lead to a frank failure. The problem is, however, constantly ethnification of socio-political conflict, which has forged prejudices about certain social groups. The large German media as Der Spiegel, Bild-Zeitung and Die Zeit has consistently contributed to a simplification of the problem and looks back to a problem of media control.
The engine of nationalism and racism, of course, is not the exclusive concern in Germany, but is a global problem with different nuances. For example, we will find this ilk organizations such as the Front National, Vlaams Belang, UKIP or the Sweden Democrats. However, it is still worrying for the German factions country discriminator string of dye and attempt to avoid political and economic order to concentrate on ethnic and religious differences analysis. This reflects the fact that the problem of terrorist violence (either paramilitary, whether governmental) is a real problem and this looks suspiciously from the resident population in Europe. Integration (task of all parties) involves not only a cultural perception, but by economic conditions in which it develops. Xenophobia is the quick (and wrong) answer to a complex problem. The fact that there is a growing wave of migration is a phenomenon that has managed to raise the old flags of racial hatred, it has renewed excuses nationalist groups and given a new look to the xenophobic attacks in a country where old fears tend to come afloat. Clearly, the intensification of conflicts increased emigration to countries that can provide a minimal safety: Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and, after that, the European Union. The restrictiveness of joining the EU is making more and more foreigners are beaten in Melilla, die crammed into freight containers or wrecked in the middle of the Mediterranean, as has happened the previous week. A stark reality that Syrians, Iranians, Moroccans, Libyans, Palestinians, etc. face, between a rock and a hard place: violence passport will just sad landscapes show children drowned, killed or deported.
The question at the end is one that is formulated again and again in political círcurlos: who is functional modern concept of nation and state in limiting the free movement of persons? The state, exemplified in this column with the German and seen directly in rallies organized to prevent the entry of immigrants on the coasts of Spain, Italy, Greece leads to structural violence, police ordinance that capacity, legal restriction. Given this scenario, Europe has had tepid responses to the problem of the reorganization of refugees. The example of Germany is not the main concern, perhaps because it is situated in the heart of Europe, but who remains steadfast position (to the North European countries) for the maintenance of strict border control in countries located at the edges of the region. Germany is an example of the economic and legislative power of the State over others, is playing puppeteer IMF is pressing for increased immigration restrictions. Hence the German government, along with their peers, are not Forgiven of guilt and responsibility as well agreeing silence, either proclaiming xenophobic speeches. The rise of Le Pen plausible to power in France will recrudezca that position and allow the rise of extreme-right organizations in the economic center of the cluster. This September 12 will come the "Patriot Day" in Frankfurt, an opportunity to look at how advanced the nationalist reoganización in the German country.
1 In this article we do not mean with this term pro-independence nationalism. The relationship of these and fascist movements should be treated in detail and at length in another article.
Thumb Pablo Moya. PhD in Philosophy, University of Heidelberg.
Rebellion has posted this article with the author's permission through a license from Creative Commons, respecting their freedom to publish it elsewhere.
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