II Convención Colectiva de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores Universitarios (IICCU). Workers Collective Agreement II and University Workers (IICCU).
Unesr informa sobre alcances y significados de la II CCU
22/09/2015.- Incrementos en más del 100% en el salario básico y otros
beneficios sociales para docentes, administrativos y obreros, aprobados
en la II Convención Colectiva de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores
Universitarios (IICCU), fueron analizados por las autoridades de la
Universidad Nacional Experimental Simón Rodríguez (Unesr), junto a sus
gremios, directores y personal docente, administrativo y obrero de los
Núcleos Palo Verde, Los Teques, Caricuao, Ocumare, Valles del Tuy y
sedes administrativas de Santa Fe y El Valle.
Representantes del Ministerio del Poder
Popular para Educación Universitaria, Ciencia y Tecnología (Mppeuct),
Luis Pino y Pablo Briceño, y de la Dirección de Recursos Humanos de la
Unesr, mostraron con ejemplos el proceso de cálculo de los pagos, en
base a la tabla salarial aprobada por la IICCU, los cuales serán
reflejados en los recibos de pago de cada trabajadora y trabajador, de
acuerdo a instrucciones de los ciudadanos ministro y viceministro Manuel
Fernández y Jheyson Guzmán.
La rectora Alejandrina Reyes agradeció
la presencia de los gremios, y les invitó a expresar y compartir sus
reflexiones con la comunidad universitaria presente. "Son luchas de
años, pero sólo la Revolución Bolivariana ha logrado concretarlas"
señaló, reconociendo los esfuerzos del presidente obrero Nicolás Maduro
para dar un tratamiento justo al sector universitario, con pasos tan
importantes como la incorporación de las y los hijos con diversidad
funcional. También destacó como uno de los primeros logros de la I y II
Convención Colectiva la resignificación y unificación de todas y todos
como trabajadoras y trabajadores, dejando de concebirles como "cargos", y
acortando las distancias entre sectores docentes, administrativos,
obreros, directiva y autoridades universitarias. "Todas y todos somos
trabajadores y debemos sentirnos orgullosos de eso, porque el trabajo
Luis Pino, representante del Mppeuct,
resaltó que el aumento de más del 120% no sólo en el salario real, sino
en el salario familiar gracias al incremento de todas las primas, el HCM
y otros beneficios, fue aprobado por un presidente obrero, a pesar de
la crisis económica mundial y el boicot de EEUU al petróleo venezolano a
través de operaciones de dumping que han logrado bajar el precio del
petróleo, saturando al mercado con su sobreprodución a través del
Fraking en tanto técnica de explotación, que además está afectando a la
Humanidad entera con sus adversos efectos ambientales y sísmicos. "Somos
sector privilegiado y debemos devolver este privilegio aportando desde
el sector universitario a combatir el desabastecimiento programado que
erosiona el salario", indicó .
Por su parte, Pablo Briceño anunció la
aprobación de los recursos para cancelar este mes de septiembre los
compromisos asumidos por el Gobierno Nacional con las y los trabajadores
universitarios en la II Convención Colectiva. A través de una
presentación que puede consultarse en la página web de la Unesr
(www.unesr.edu.ve), Briceño fue explicando con ejemplos prácticos cada
uno de los incrementos de más del 100% en el salario básico y en otros
beneficios como el bono alimentación de 5.850 BsF. de docentes,
administrativos y obreros, con respecto a 2014. Aclaró además que la
IICCU incorporó como invitada a la Federación de Asociaciones de
Profesores Universitarios de Venezuela (Fapuv), a pesar de ser una
asociación Civil y no un sindicato, la cual aprobó el 90% de las
cláusulas, pero se opuso a la tabla salarial de profesores, porque su
agenda continua siendo la aplicación de las Normas sobre Homologación de
Sueldos y Beneficios Adicionales de los Miembros del Personal Docente y
de Investigación de las Universidades Nacionales de Venezuela, a pesar
de que su artículo 13 fue negado por la Corte Segunda de lo Contencioso
Administrativo del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia.
Esta Jornada de información, que culminó
con un llamado de la rectora de la Unesr al compromiso con la calidad
educativa y al control de ésta por parte de las y los estudiantes, se
realizó también en el Núcleo Coro de la Unesr. Finalmente se anunció que
la próxima jornada nacional se organizará en el Núcleo Maracay, y la
misma incorporará a los Núcleos de la zona central del país.
PRENSA UNESR / Fotografía: Jesús Franquis
UNESR reports on the scope and meaning of CCU II
IICCUCaracas, 22/09 / 2015.- increases by over 100% in the basic salary and other benefits for teachers, administrators and workers, adopted at the II Collective Agreement of University Workers and Employees (IICCU), were analyzed by the authorities National Experimental Simon Rodriguez University (UNESR), together with its unions, principals and teachers, administrative staff and workers of the Nuclei Palo Verde, Los Teques, Caricuao, Ocumare, Valles del Tuy and administrative headquarters of Santa Fe and El Valle.
Representatives of the Ministry of Popular Power for Higher Education, Science and Technology (Mppeuct), Luis Pino and Pablo Briceño, and the Human Resources UNESR showed examples the process of calculating payments, based on the table IICCU approved by the wage, which will be reflected in the receipts of each worker and worker, according to instructions from the minister and deputy minister citizens and Jheyson Manuel Fernandez Guzman.
The governing Alejandrina Reyes thanked the unions, and invited them to express and share their reflections with this university community. "There are struggles of years, but only the Bolivarian Revolution has achieved achieve them" said, acknowledging the efforts of President Nicolas Maduro workers to give fair treatment to the university sector, with important steps such as incorporating and children with disabilities. He also highlighted as one of the first achievements of the First and Second Collective Agreement the redefinition and unification of all men and as workers and workers leaving concebirles as "charges" and shortening the distances between educational sectors, administrative, labor, management and university authorities. "Each and all are workers and we should be proud of that, because work dignifies".
Luis Pino, representative Mppeuct stressed that increased more than 120% not only in real wages, but on the family income thanks to the increase of all raw, the HCM and other benefits, was approved by a worker president, Despite the global economic crisis and the US boycott of Venezuelan oil through dumping operations that have managed to lower the price of oil, saturating the market with its sobreprodución through Fraking while operating technique, which is also affecting all humanity with its adverse environmental and seismic effects. "We are privileged sector and providing this privilege should return from the university to combat shortages scheduled eroding the wage sector," he said.
Meanwhile, Pablo Briceño announced the approval of resources to cancel this September's commitments with the National Government and university workers in the II Collective Agreement. Through a presentation that is available on the website UNESR (www.unesr.edu.ve), Briceño was practical examples explaining each of the increases of more than 100% in the basic salary and other benefits power bonus Rs 5,850. of teachers, administrators and workers, about 2014. He further clarified that the IICCU incorporated as invited to the Federation of University Students of Venezuela Teachers (FAPUV), despite being a civil association and not a union, which approved the 90% of the clauses, but opposed to the salary table for teachers, for their continuous schedule being the application of the rules on approval of salaries and fringe benefits for staff members and Research of the National Universities of Venezuela, Although Article 13 was denied by the Second Court of the Supreme Administrative Court.
This information day, which ended with an appeal to the rector of the UNESR commitment to educational quality and to control it and by the students, was also held in the Choir UNESR core. Finally it was announced that the next national conference will be organized in the Core Maracay, and it will incorporate the core of the central region.
PRESS UNESR / Photography: Jesus Franquis
IICCUCaracas, 22/09 / 2015.- increases by over 100% in the basic salary and other benefits for teachers, administrators and workers, adopted at the II Collective Agreement of University Workers and Employees (IICCU), were analyzed by the authorities National Experimental Simon Rodriguez University (UNESR), together with its unions, principals and teachers, administrative staff and workers of the Nuclei Palo Verde, Los Teques, Caricuao, Ocumare, Valles del Tuy and administrative headquarters of Santa Fe and El Valle.
Representatives of the Ministry of Popular Power for Higher Education, Science and Technology (Mppeuct), Luis Pino and Pablo Briceño, and the Human Resources UNESR showed examples the process of calculating payments, based on the table IICCU approved by the wage, which will be reflected in the receipts of each worker and worker, according to instructions from the minister and deputy minister citizens and Jheyson Manuel Fernandez Guzman.
The governing Alejandrina Reyes thanked the unions, and invited them to express and share their reflections with this university community. "There are struggles of years, but only the Bolivarian Revolution has achieved achieve them" said, acknowledging the efforts of President Nicolas Maduro workers to give fair treatment to the university sector, with important steps such as incorporating and children with disabilities. He also highlighted as one of the first achievements of the First and Second Collective Agreement the redefinition and unification of all men and as workers and workers leaving concebirles as "charges" and shortening the distances between educational sectors, administrative, labor, management and university authorities. "Each and all are workers and we should be proud of that, because work dignifies".
Luis Pino, representative Mppeuct stressed that increased more than 120% not only in real wages, but on the family income thanks to the increase of all raw, the HCM and other benefits, was approved by a worker president, Despite the global economic crisis and the US boycott of Venezuelan oil through dumping operations that have managed to lower the price of oil, saturating the market with its sobreprodución through Fraking while operating technique, which is also affecting all humanity with its adverse environmental and seismic effects. "We are privileged sector and providing this privilege should return from the university to combat shortages scheduled eroding the wage sector," he said.
Meanwhile, Pablo Briceño announced the approval of resources to cancel this September's commitments with the National Government and university workers in the II Collective Agreement. Through a presentation that is available on the website UNESR (www.unesr.edu.ve), Briceño was practical examples explaining each of the increases of more than 100% in the basic salary and other benefits power bonus Rs 5,850. of teachers, administrators and workers, about 2014. He further clarified that the IICCU incorporated as invited to the Federation of University Students of Venezuela Teachers (FAPUV), despite being a civil association and not a union, which approved the 90% of the clauses, but opposed to the salary table for teachers, for their continuous schedule being the application of the rules on approval of salaries and fringe benefits for staff members and Research of the National Universities of Venezuela, Although Article 13 was denied by the Second Court of the Supreme Administrative Court.
This information day, which ended with an appeal to the rector of the UNESR commitment to educational quality and to control it and by the students, was also held in the Choir UNESR core. Finally it was announced that the next national conference will be organized in the Core Maracay, and it will incorporate the core of the central region.
PRESS UNESR / Photography: Jesus Franquis
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