El rico Mc Pato se asombraría si pudiera tener esta inmensa cantidad de divisas en su caja fuerte. The rich Mc Pato would be amazed if you could have this huge amount of currency in his safe
¿Hay una guerra del Gobierno Venezolano contra la Empresa Privada o es todo lo contrario?. EN VENEZUELA SE ENTREGARON EN OCHO (8) AÑOS LA CIFRA ASTRÓNOMICA DE US$180.567.919.608,00 (Promedio Anual de US$ 22.570.989.951,oo) DE LOS CUALES A 139 EMPRESAS SE LE ENTREGÓ EL 50% DE LAS DIVISAS ES DECIR U$ 90.307.123.104,00.(Un promedio anual de US$ Lo que significa, si lo comparamos con el presupuesto anual de Nicaragua, de 6,5 veces su Presupuesto anual, un País que hoy en día está construyendo un Canal, para el comercio Internacional.
Ahora bien, ¿Porqué no se utilizaron en Venezuela esos para la ampliación de la capacidad instalada de producción de Alimentos, Vehículos, Electrodomésticos, Calzados, Vestidos, etc ?
En el mismo orde de ideas, COMPARE CON EL ARTICULO ANTERIOR DEL PRESUPUESTO DE NICARAGUA ANUAL DE U$ 1.740.000.000. Pregunta: ¿Por qué, si las empresas que venden vehículos y sus respectivos respuestos, desde hace más de tres años no hay vehículos, no hay repuestos para vehículos, no hay alimentos, no hay electrodomésticos, etc.?.
De la misma manera podríamos decir que hoy en día el Gobierno, para satisfacer las necesidades de alimentos y de productos varios, tiene que quemar millones de dólares de las reservas internacionales para importarlo de naciones de sudamérica, donde el Empresario Privado si ha evolucionado incrementando su capacidad instalada para producir las mercancías necesarias, que les permite satisfacer a todos los segmentos de su sociedad, quedándoles los excedentes que nos exportan a nosotros, para que podamos satisfacer, medianamente, nuestras demandas.
Pongamos por ejemplo: Los alimentos que provienen de Brasil, Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia y China, son elaborados por empresarios privados de allá y ellos tienen el mismo tiempo en el mercado que los empresarios privados venezolanos, porque la Revolución China surge a partir de 1948, Argentina 1946, Brasil 1965 y así sucesivamente, las empresas Venezolanas surgen a partir de 1948 cuando derrocaron a Rómulo Gallegos, por decretar la REFORMA AGRARIA (Distribución de la tierra para los campesinos), desde alli vienen "desarrolandose la empresa privada Venezolana".
Adicionalmente, debemos agregar que durante el período del Gobierno de Lusinchi (1984-1989), dentro de su política económica, financiera y fiscal, decidión asumir la deuda externa (US$ 11.800.000.000) de Fedecámaras, para que pudieran desarrollar su estructura empresarial y poder incrementar la producción de bienes y servicios para satisfacer las necesidades de la población Venezolana. Aquí haremos un pequeño espacio para aclarar lo siguiente, esta condonación y la entrega de nuevas divisas, se llevó a cabo en el año 1988 cuando el dólar estaba en Bs 4,30, pero al inicio del año 1989 se estableció el control de cambio y pasó a costar Bs 14,50, esto quiere decir que esos 11.800.000.000 cuyo costo era de Bs. se incrementarion en un 220%, es decir que su capital creció más del 200% de un mes a otro, al pasar de Bs. a Bs. y ¿quién fue el perdedor? Lusinchi, No el perdedor fue el pueblo Venezolano.
Hoy en día (siglo xxi, específicamente año 2015 el Gobierno Venezolano tiene que importar miles de toneladas de alimentos, compradas a los empresarios privados de los países vecinos, es decir que diez (10) años, el empresariado Brasilero, Argentino, Colombiano, Uruguayo y Chino, tendrán sus empresas con una capacidad productiva mil (1000) veces superior a la de los Empresarios Venezolanos, porque estos últimos sólo aprendieron a pedir divisas para comprar en el exterior barato y vendernos caro todas las mercancías que han adquirido por años).
Si tomamos en consideración que para el año 2015, con el surgimiento de "Dolar Today" mecanismo estafador y desestabilizador, pero veámoslo desde el punto de vista financiero, que el Gobierne les entregue divisas al empresario privado por un orden promedio anual, basado en la información suministrada por CADIVI, es decir, que les entregue a las empresas la cantidad de US$ 22.570.989.951 y ellos inviertan en traer mercancías sólo un 25% del total asignado, justificando con doble facturación que han usado el 100% de las divisas asignadas, esto quiere decir que les queda el 75%, es decir US$ 16.928.242.463,25 y si esta cifra se negocia con los Banqueros que se llevaron los millones de dolares de la economía Venezolana y son, según dicen en la prensa, los que están detrás de "Dolar Today", esta cifra se convertiría en aproximadamente Bs. 10.580.151.539.531,00 o tambien puede ocurrir que los coloquen en bancos extranjeros y hagan crecer sus activos líquidios en el exterior.
Continuando con un análisis simulado, tomando en cuenta que muchos empresarios han cumplido, como se puede demostrar en la compra de mercancías en el exterior y su posterior nacionaización en os puertos venezolanos, esa cifra en Bs se tendía que dividir entre las 139 empresas, que usamos para un ejemplo matemático muy didáctico y simple, no daría un monto por empresas de Bs.,12.
The rich Mc Pato would be amazed if you could have this huge amount of currency in his safe
Is there a war against the Venezuelan Government or Private Company is the opposite ?. IN VENEZUELA IS DELIVERED IN EIGHT (8) YEAR staggering US $ 180,567,919,608.00 (annual average of US $ 22,570,989,951, oo) A 139 WHICH COMPANIES WILL BE DELIVERED 50% OF THE CURRENCY THAT IS U $ 90,307,123,104.00. (An annual average of US $ 11.25 billion) Which means, when compared with the annual budget of Nicaragua, 6.5 times its annual budget, a country that is today building a channel for international trade.
Now, why they were not used in Venezuela these 90 billion to expand the installed capacity of producing food, vehicles, appliances, shoes, dresses, etc?
In the same orde ideas, COMPARE WITH PREVIOUS ARTICLE OF NICARAGUA ANNUAL BUDGET U $ 1.74 billion. Question: Why, if companies that sell vehicles and their respuestos, for more than three years ago no vehicles, no spare parts for vehicles, no food, no appliances, etc.?.
In the same way we could say that today the Government, to meet the needs of food and various products, must burn billion in international reserves to import from countries of South America, where the private entrepreneur if he has evolved increasing its installed capacity to produce the goods needed, allowing them to satisfy all segments of society, exporting surplus quedándoles us, so that we can meet, medium, our demands.
Take for example: Foods that come from Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia and China, are made by private entrepreneurs there and they have the same time in the market that the Venezuelan private entrepreneurs, because the Chinese Revolution arises from 1948 , Argentina 1946, Brazil 1965 and so on, the Venezuelan companies emerge from 1948 when they overthrew Rómulo Gallegos, by enacting land reform (distribution of land to farmers), since there are "desarrolandose private company Venezolana".
In addition, we must add that during the period of the Government of Lusinchi (1984-1989), in its economic, financial and fiscal policy, debt decidión take (US $ 11.8 billion) of FEDECAMARAS, so they could develop their business structure and to increase the production of goods and services to meet the needs of the Venezuelan population. Here we will make a small space to clarify that this remission and delivery of new currency, was conducted in 1988 when the dollar was at Bs 4.30, but at the beginning of 1989 the exchange control was established and It now costs 14.50 B, this means that those whose cost was 11.8 billion Bs. 53 billion is incrementarion 220%, meaning that its capital grew more than 200% from one month to another, passing Bs. 53 billion to Bs. 171.1 billion and who was the loser? Lusinchi, not the loser was the Venezuelan people.
Today (xxi century, specifically 2015, the Venezuelan government has to import thousands of tons of food purchased from private entrepreneurs from neighboring countries, ie ten (10) years, employers Brazilian, Argentine, Colombian, Uruguayan and Chinese companies have their production capacity thousand (1000) times higher than that of Venezuelan businessmen, because the latter only learned to ask currencies to buy cheap and sell expensive outside all goods acquired by years).
If we consider that by the year 2015, with the emergence of "Dollar Today" swindler and destabilizing mechanism, but look at it from a financial point of view, the Rule deliver them to the private entrepreneur exchange for an annual average order based on the information provided by CADIVI, that is, to deliver them to the companies the amount of US $ 22,570,989,951 and bring them to invest in commodities only 25% of the total allocated, justifying double billing that have used 100% of foreign exchange allocated , meaning that remains 75%, ie US $ 16,928,242,463.25 and if this figure is negotiated with bankers that the millions of dollars of the Venezuelan economy took and are, as they say in the press, they are behind "Dollar Today", this figure would become approximately Bs. 10.580.151.539.531,00 or also can be that place them in foreign banks and líquidios grow their assets abroad.
Continuing with a simulated analysis, taking into account that many entrepreneurs have met, as can be demonstrated in buying goods abroad and later you nacionaización in Venezuelan ports that figure in Bs tended to divide among the 139 companies, used for a simple math teaching and example, would not give companies a fee for Bs. 76,116,198,126.12.
The rich Mc Pato would be amazed if you could have this huge amount of currency in his safe
Is there a war against the Venezuelan Government or Private Company is the opposite ?. IN VENEZUELA IS DELIVERED IN EIGHT (8) YEAR staggering US $ 180,567,919,608.00 (annual average of US $ 22,570,989,951, oo) A 139 WHICH COMPANIES WILL BE DELIVERED 50% OF THE CURRENCY THAT IS U $ 90,307,123,104.00. (An annual average of US $ 11.25 billion) Which means, when compared with the annual budget of Nicaragua, 6.5 times its annual budget, a country that is today building a channel for international trade.
Now, why they were not used in Venezuela these 90 billion to expand the installed capacity of producing food, vehicles, appliances, shoes, dresses, etc?
In the same orde ideas, COMPARE WITH PREVIOUS ARTICLE OF NICARAGUA ANNUAL BUDGET U $ 1.74 billion. Question: Why, if companies that sell vehicles and their respuestos, for more than three years ago no vehicles, no spare parts for vehicles, no food, no appliances, etc.?.
In the same way we could say that today the Government, to meet the needs of food and various products, must burn billion in international reserves to import from countries of South America, where the private entrepreneur if he has evolved increasing its installed capacity to produce the goods needed, allowing them to satisfy all segments of society, exporting surplus quedándoles us, so that we can meet, medium, our demands.
Take for example: Foods that come from Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia and China, are made by private entrepreneurs there and they have the same time in the market that the Venezuelan private entrepreneurs, because the Chinese Revolution arises from 1948 , Argentina 1946, Brazil 1965 and so on, the Venezuelan companies emerge from 1948 when they overthrew Rómulo Gallegos, by enacting land reform (distribution of land to farmers), since there are "desarrolandose private company Venezolana".
In addition, we must add that during the period of the Government of Lusinchi (1984-1989), in its economic, financial and fiscal policy, debt decidión take (US $ 11.8 billion) of FEDECAMARAS, so they could develop their business structure and to increase the production of goods and services to meet the needs of the Venezuelan population. Here we will make a small space to clarify that this remission and delivery of new currency, was conducted in 1988 when the dollar was at Bs 4.30, but at the beginning of 1989 the exchange control was established and It now costs 14.50 B, this means that those whose cost was 11.8 billion Bs. 53 billion is incrementarion 220%, meaning that its capital grew more than 200% from one month to another, passing Bs. 53 billion to Bs. 171.1 billion and who was the loser? Lusinchi, not the loser was the Venezuelan people.
Today (xxi century, specifically 2015, the Venezuelan government has to import thousands of tons of food purchased from private entrepreneurs from neighboring countries, ie ten (10) years, employers Brazilian, Argentine, Colombian, Uruguayan and Chinese companies have their production capacity thousand (1000) times higher than that of Venezuelan businessmen, because the latter only learned to ask currencies to buy cheap and sell expensive outside all goods acquired by years).
If we consider that by the year 2015, with the emergence of "Dollar Today" swindler and destabilizing mechanism, but look at it from a financial point of view, the Rule deliver them to the private entrepreneur exchange for an annual average order based on the information provided by CADIVI, that is, to deliver them to the companies the amount of US $ 22,570,989,951 and bring them to invest in commodities only 25% of the total allocated, justifying double billing that have used 100% of foreign exchange allocated , meaning that remains 75%, ie US $ 16,928,242,463.25 and if this figure is negotiated with bankers that the millions of dollars of the Venezuelan economy took and are, as they say in the press, they are behind "Dollar Today", this figure would become approximately Bs. 10.580.151.539.531,00 or also can be that place them in foreign banks and líquidios grow their assets abroad.
Continuing with a simulated analysis, taking into account that many entrepreneurs have met, as can be demonstrated in buying goods abroad and later you nacionaización in Venezuelan ports that figure in Bs tended to divide among the 139 companies, used for a simple math teaching and example, would not give companies a fee for Bs. 76,116,198,126.12.
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