Testimonio y responsabilidad ante la historia. Testimony and responsibility to history
Jorge Giordani
Me veo obligado por razones de conciencia a hacer público este
documento, donde expongo una serie de consideraciones respecto al
cumplimiento de mi deber como militante de la causa del socialismo y su
relación con lo que han sido mis últimas actuaciones como servidor
público. Habiendo sido Ministro por tanto tiempo es mi deber rendir
cuentas al país.
Mi activa participación en la revolución bolivariana ha venido
acompañada de periódicas publicaciones de resúmenes de las actividades y
responsabilidades que asumí bajo el mandato del Presidente Chávez.
Súmese a los constantes ejercicios de propuestas y evaluaciones que
signaban la labor de los Ministros con nuestro Comandante. Al poner fin a
mi participación Ministerial sumaré a mis testimonios escritos
mencionados una exposición de las circunstancias en que se desempeñó mi
trabajo desde la partida a la Habana del Comandante en su última crisis
de salud hasta el día de hoy, donde paulatinamente se perfilaron los
contornos de una nueva propuesta, en gestación, cuya matriz conceptual
está por aclararse.
Simbología de una relación
Como primera consideración debo dejar sentado el camino recorrido de
manera conjunta con el Comandante Chávez, desde el mismo momento en el
cual nos conocimos en la Cárcel de Yare, el 26 de marzo de 1993. A tal
efecto, narro en anexo, nuestro encuentro inicial y los sentimientos y
respeto que me ligaron a esta persona que fue capaz de inmolarse por y
para el pueblo venezolano. 1
A lo largo de esas casi dos décadas de permanente colaboración, como
verdadero compañero de viaje, nos tocó un intenso vínculo de carácter
ideológico, personal, y programático, reconociendo siempre en él las
dotes de un conductor de pueblos, con posiciones desde las cuales
pudimos compartir un trato de permanente respeto teniendo en cuenta las
diferencias entre los dos modos de percibir la existencia humana, y la
forma como debía o podía construirse un cambio social profundo y radical
en Venezuela, orientado después que él lo declaró como camino y diseño
de una sociedad socialista. Las diferencias que surgieron a lo largo del
tiempo, primero con la despedida del gobierno por parte de mi persona
luego del Golpe de Estado de abril del 2002, o con la renuncia que le
presenté en diciembre de 2007 luego de una severa diferencia de concepto
y comprensión de un grave problema que se venía confrontando; sin
embargo, tales desencuentros no fueron nunca obstáculos para mantener
vínculos de afecto, respeto y plena colaboración, reconociendo los roles
que a cada quién le ha tocado en este proceso de los últimos veinte
años, antes de su fallecimiento, el 5 de marzo de 2013.
Como líder de este proceso bolivariano, como compañero de viaje, como
amigo, siempre primó entre nosotros la búsqueda de un mundo mejor, más
justo para la mayoría del pueblo venezolano, y más allá de nuestras
fronteras, el encontrarse con la utopía del sueño bolivariano, de la
Patria Grande por la que dieron su esfuerzo y hasta la propia vida, como
terminó inclusive con la del propio Comandante Chávez. Un estilo de
colaboración que resultó prolijo en resultados, en el marco de nuestra
permanente colaboración para la construcción del Proyecto Nacional
¨Simón Bolívar¨, fue la elaboración de propuestas tanto teóricas como
prácticas, en el diseño de modelos y mapas, tácticos y estratégicos, que
orientaran al pueblo venezolano en términos de programas y planes para
concretar sus justos anhelos para su desarrollo. Allí están las muestras
en cantidad de documentos públicos y otros que la historia se encargará
de hacerlos conocer, que resultaron de la acción generosa de tantas
personas, bajo la guía del Comandante Chávez y los aportes que se
pudieron hacer en esa dirección programática. Documentos que tuvieron un
primer importante encuentro en la llamada ¨Agenda Alternativa
Bolivariana¨ presentada en julio de 1996, como un documento que permitió
seguir elaborando posteriormente los programas de gobierno y los planes
de la Nación, en un camino que concluyó en la elaboración última del
Programa de la Patria, presentado al electorado con motivo de la
candidatura para su reelección como Presidente de la República el 11 de
junio del 2012.
A comienzo del año 2013 entregué al entonces Vicepresidente Maduro un
documento preparado a pedido del Presidente Chávez, que planteaba lo
acordado con él como programa de acción para el nuevo período
presidencial. Se iniciaba con una síntesis de lo logrado y una
estrategia de acción, la que copio:
¨Orientación de la política económica pública en el inicio de un nuevo período presidencial¨.
Una mirada hacia atrás nos permite identificar tres grandes objetivos que se propuso y logró nuestro proceso revolucionario.
Sacar del estado de abandono a importantes grupos desprovistos de las
herramientas para superar graves privaciones materiales, culturales, de
participación que les aquejaban. No le pareció al Gobierno ético no
movilizar y transferir recursos a esos grupos tantas veces postergados y
tratar de satisfacerlos con promesas para el futuro.
Desmontar la máquina de poder que tenían instalados los grupos externos e
internos y que les habían permitido manejar a su favor el Estado y
entre otros logros usufructuar en alta medida del excedente petrolero.
Es posible ilustrarlo con la recuperación de PDVSA, de las concesiones
petroleras, del Banco Central, del control del Comercio Exterior, de la
tierra en poder del latifundio y de las comunicaciones públicas. Alinear
a las FANB con los intereses populares y dotarlas de capacidad efectiva
para defender los intereses del país frente a los intereses externos.
Crear un aparato público que en lo productivo dominara sectores claves
de la estructura productiva, tales como insumos básicos, exportaciones
de minerales, puntos clave del abastecimiento popular. Fortalecer
paulatinamente las capacidades del sector público en su función de
planificación y ejecución de la inversión productiva, en el manejo de
empresas públicas y la formulación y puesta en ejecución de programas y
políticas públicas diseñadas para construir una nueva organización
El camino de desarmar y construir es arduo. La construcción del
socialismo históricamente siempre ha constituido un desafío notable. En
nuestro camino debimos enfrentar un Golpe de Estado, un sabotaje
petrolero, y un ambiente externo hostil.
En este camino del proceso bolivariano era crucial superar el desafío
del 7 de octubre de 2012, así como las elecciones del 16 de diciembre de
ese mismo año. Se trataba de la consolidación del poder político como
un objetivo esencial para la fortaleza de la revolución y para la
apertura de una nueva etapa del proceso. La superación se consiguió con
un gran sacrificio y con un esfuerzo económico y financiero que llevó el
acceso y uso de los recursos a niveles extremos que requerirán de una
revisión para garantizar la sostenibilidad de la trasformación económica
y social.
Cabe citar:
Ingentes recursos dedicados a la Seguridad Social.
Mejorar la calidad de vida de la mayoría de los venezolanos vía gastos del sector público.
Importantes subvenciones a servicios públicos de primera necesidad
(alimentación, electricidad, combustibles, agua, trasporte, bienes de
consumo masivo, servicios de vivienda)
Lograr el acceso a los recursos necesarios con un aumento sustancial del
endeudamiento de PDVSA y endeudamiento interno del Gobierno Central, y
con endeudamiento externo moderado.
Mantener la tasa de cambio que favoreció las importaciones y redujo las exportaciones, ya limitadas de la economía privada.
Subvención a empresas públicas con grandes déficits operacionales para
velar en el corto plazo por el empleo y los salarios de quienes allí
El Presidente nos ha llamado a revisar nuestra acción, superando
ineficiencias, y haciendo los sacrificios que fueren necesarios para
sentar el funcionamiento de la sociedad sobre bases sólidas. (Fin de la
Pilares de la construcción del gobierno bolivariano durante el gobierno del Presidente Chávez.
Como uno de los pilares en la construcción del gobierno bolivariano, se
encuentra la unión cívico militar, la cual se desarrolla de manera clara
a partir de la explosión popular de febrero de 1989, donde el pueblo
salió a la calle indefenso y fue masacrado, y las rebeliones militares
de febrero y noviembre de 1992, donde jóvenes militares empuñaron las
armas sin un apoyo popular. Fórmula esta que debe prevalecer en el
tiempo, la unión del pueblo y de su Fuerza Armada, si no se quiere
volver atrás en los tiempos de la Cuarta República. La confluencia entre
un pueblo desarmado intentando hacer valer sus derechos y la
organización armada del pueblo encapsulada durante tanto tiempo, el de
la Cuarta República en los cuarteles, se ha venido modificando a lo
largo de estas últimas décadas, posteriores al grito popular de febrero
de 1989, y a las rebeliones militares de febrero y noviembre de 1992.
Con esa unión que debe ser perdurable en el tiempo como condición
necesaria, que junto al legado del Comandante Chávez, la generación de
un liderazgo político colectivo que una a las bases del pueblo y la
Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana. Esa unión profesada, practicada y
cultivada hasta la saciedad por el Comandante Chávez, debe mantenerse si
se quiere preservar la independencia nacional, la lucha contra el
imperialismo norteamericano y la conspiración de aquellos sectores
súbditos de dicho imperio, y definitivamente por los sueños de
conquistar la Patria Grande por los cuales lucharon y murieron nuestros
Libertadores. El delicado equilibrio en la relación logrado por el
Comandante Chávez y su talento de conductor le permitía hacer primar la
convicción por pedagogía popular antes que la decisión autoritaria.
Otro elemento que ha funcionado como pilar soporte del gobierno
bolivariano, ha sido la relación entre el Jefe de Gobierno y sus
Ministros, imbuidos en una dinámica que ha tenido que pasar primero por
un Golpe de Estado en abril del 2002, y un sabotaje petrolero posterior
con ingentes pérdidas humanas y materiales, al tener que confrontar a
una tecnocracia que manejaba el campo de los hidrocarburos como un
Estado dentro del propio Estado, siendo ella la que ha acaparado una
cuantía de recursos provenientes de la renta petrolera, calculada entre
un 15 y un 17%, que en buena parte nadie produce y todos la quieren
captar. Este pilar de la estructura económica nacional sigue siendo y lo
será por un tiempo el factor que dirime el uso de la renta y su
distribución que ha alcanzado un monto dedicado a la inversión social,
calculado en unos 650 mil millones de dólares, para el período
Un tercer elemento de esos pilares, lo constituye la permanente
evaluación estratégica que se mantuvo con el Comandante Chávez, a lo
largo de todo su gobierno en sus diferentes etapas y a distintos plazos.
Combinar lo táctico y específico de las situaciones de gobierno, con la
visión de mayor horizonte temporal fue una constante en las relaciones y
análisis del gobierno bolivariano de quienes hemos trabajado al lado
del Presidente Chávez, su involucramiento en la elaboración siempre fue
estímulo para quienes debíamos satisfacer sus continuas exigencias y
alcances. Bastaba observar su dedicación más que integral al trabajo, a
la lectura, a la crítica, al proceso de innovación y creación, tanto que
descuidó su salud para llegar a una entrega total y absoluta con el
compromiso que había adquirido desde muy joven en sus tiempos de cadete o
deportista a todo empeño. Nada importante escapaba a su interés y al
intercambio de opiniones con sus Ministros y principales colaboradores.
No pedía, exigía opiniones y propuestas, y como las comentaba.
Un cuarto elemento, se refiere a la corrección de los desajustes y
lecciones de la experiencia que se consideraban a lo largo de estos 15
años de gobierno, con un lenguaje claro y sincero, ante el pueblo
venezolano, el Comandante Chávez fue capaz de plantear de manera directa
y descarnada los problemas y dificultades que se presentaban ante el
país, la veracidad de sus posiciones, la crudeza de observar los
momentos más difíciles, junto a la verificación del uso limitado de
recursos ha permitido avanzar y consolidar el pago de la deuda social y
la defensa de los derechos de los más necesitados de la población
venezolana. Le acompañé en políticas difíciles y pude palpar su valentía
para afrontar los desafíos, como fue por ejemplo la política del
2009-2012, que acomodó el gasto a los recursos petroleros. El Comandante
Chávez no evadía, resolvía.
Como quinto pilar es necesario mencionar la preparación de la última
campaña electoral del 7 de octubre, antes y después de la misma y lo que
se estaba jugando con ella ante la arremetida de los grupos fascistas
del país y sus aliados en el campo del gobierno norteamericano, quienes
en el fondo no pueden permitir que este proceso político social tenga
éxito y por tanto tratan de desestabilizarlo internamente, al unísono
que buscan aislar al gobierno bolivariano a nivel mundial.
Finalmente, como último, pero no menos importante se encuentra el
protagonismo profundo y verdadero del pueblo venezolano en las
decisiones del gobierno, tal de confirmar la necesidad de alcanzar un
radical proceso de transformación político, social, económico y
cultural. Ante la crisis del capitalismo actual, debe adoptarse una
estrategia todo menos que defensiva, lo cual terminaría por poner en
riesgo el futuro de nuestro país.
La crisis de salud del Presidente Chávez
Los primeros síntomas de ruptura que han conducido a la situación
actual, con la naturaleza y el estilo de la toma de decisiones se
comenzaron a manifestar en la medida en que la salud del Presidente se
vino haciendo cada vez más complicada, la ausencia de un contacto
directo con su persona, y las permanentes mediaciones a través de
algunos en particular hicieron cada vez más distante, la toma de
decisiones, su contenido y el tiempo para ser llevadas a la práctica.
Con la ausencia del Presidente Chávez y las escasas reuniones
sustantivas del Consejo de Ministros me llevaron a la elaboración de una
serie de documentos para alertar acerca del estado de las situaciones,
el alcance de los problemas que se enfrentaban y las soluciones a tomar.
Me tocó, durante su estadía en La Habana, elaborar y hacer llegar un
documento al Presidente Chávez a raíz del aumento del endeudamiento del
país en moneda extranjera, cuestión que positivamente fue tomado en
consideración, paralizando un mecanismo perverso de obtención de
recursos que venían dilapidados a través de un mecanismo para la
obtención de divisas denominado como SITME. 2
Un segundo documento se preparó como resultado de la única reunión que
se pudo realizar con el Presidente Chávez como Consejo de Ministros el
20 de octubre de 2012. 3
Como reflejo de los planteamientos del Presidente Chávez y como un
cierre del ciclo anterior, presenté un documento que no fue posible
entregárselo directamente a él luego del dramático anuncio del
recrudecimiento de su enfermedad y la necesidad de someterse a una nueva
operación en La Habana, dicho documento se lo entregue a Nicolás
Maduro, el 9 de enero de 2013, haciéndole ver la necesidad de asumir la
gravedad de la situación planteada y las medidas que se estaban
considerando luego del triunfo electoral del 7 de octubre del 2012. Los
párrafos citados anteriormente corresponden a las dos primeras páginas
de ese documento. 4
Con la entrega del anterior documento a Nicolás Maduro, para la fecha en
sus funciones de VicePresidente Ejecutivo y nominado por el Comandante
Chávez en las circunstancias que pudieran ocurrir como candidato a
sustituirlo, comenzaron a observarse modificaciones en cuanto a la
direccionalidad del proceso bolivariano, a la viabilidad económica
financiera inmediata por efecto de la creciente dependencia de los
ingresos petroleros, el crecimiento de las obligaciones del gobierno en
términos del aumento de la burocracia y los justos compromisos para
atender a los pensionados y jubilados, la imposibilidad de seguir
manteniendo niveles de inflación que para la fecha aún se mantenía por
debajo del 20%, tendencia sobre la cual debían tomarse medidas, el
problema estructural de la agricultura y la electricidad, de los precios
relativos y las relaciones entre crecimiento e inflación.
Se planteó a su vez la necesidad de construir un liderazgo político
colectivo para hacerle frente a la relativa ausencia del Presidente
Chávez y sus preocupantes condiciones de salud, ya anunciadas por él
mismo en su alocución del 8 de diciembre. La urgencia de una mayor y más
profunda articulación del sector militar con el pueblo venezolano, el
peligro de tratar de imitar el comportamiento del Comandante Chávez en
cuanto a la política comunicacional, el desconocimiento del hecho
económico sobrepuesto a la voluntad política, las decisiones inconsultas
con el equipo económico financiero que tendían a crear un nuevo estilo
de gobierno, la injerencia de una asesoría francesa que nada tenía que
ver con la situación que vivía el país, las nominaciones realizadas en
CADIVI cambiando las medidas anteriormente sugeridas en reuniones a tal
efecto, el tratar de modificar el proceso de subasta que estaba en curso
sin un fundamento racional, la delegación de la responsabilidad de lo
económico antes de la fecha de las elecciones del 14 de abril luego del
lamentable fallecimiento del Presidente Chávez el 5 de marzo de 2013.
Todo ello vino precedido por la solicitud de un documento pedido por el
Comandante Chávez en su lecho de enfermo que se pudo terminar en un
borrador el día 2 de marzo de 2013, documento que fue discutido con
Nicolás Maduro y un equipo de Ministros y que le fuera entregado en
fecha del 2 de marzo de 2013. 5
Este documento por supuesto, no pudo conocerlo el Comandante Chávez,
tanto por el progresivo empeoramiento de sus condiciones de salud, como
por el tiempo que tuvo su elaboración, quedando el documento en
cuestión, como un referente para la acción de gobierno una vez que se
procediese a las nuevas elecciones presidenciales que se dieron el 14 de
abril de 2013. Lamentablemente las cosas fueron tomando un nuevo rumbo
con la desaparición física del Comandante Chávez y el comportamiento de
las instituciones que se encontraban bajo su control como PDVSA y el
BCV, comenzaron a aparecer signos de independencia que se agravaban con
la caída de los aportes al fisco fruto del actuar independiente del
gobierno central de PDVSA guiada por sus intereses y problemas
particulares, al unísono que se tomaban decisiones de gasto público
ajenas a un control presupuestario. Cuestiones estas que fueron
agravando la situación financiera del país sometido a una campaña
desestabilizadora en lo interno y de aislamiento en lo externo.
Con la campaña electoral en plena ejecución desarrollada se empezaron a
notar elementos muy diferentes a la solidez del liderazgo del Presidente
Chávez, mostrando debilidades y diferencias notables en cuanto a su
ejecución, los resultados obtenidos favorables al proceso bolivariano,
sin embargo no fueron sometidos a un severo y crítico análisis ni por
parte del gobierno, ni tampoco por las organizaciones políticas y
sociales que acompañaron la solicitud de apoyo a Nicolás Maduro. Esta
actitud acrítica en una situación política cada vez más complicada,
enfrentando a una oposición política de neto carácter fascistoide, con
notable injerencia de factores ajenos al proceso bolivariano que se
venía construyendo, no han hecho más que profundizar los ataques a
dirigentes revolucionarios, incluyendo la misma figura del Presidente
electo quién ha sido sometido a una campaña de descrédito personal y
político. Todo ello como parte de la grave coyuntura que vive Venezuela
después de la desaparición física del Comandante Chávez, sin duda
difícilmente reemplazable y menos aún de ser copiada en su estilo por la
originalidad y entrega al pueblo venezolano. La preservación y
desarrollo del ¨legado de Chávez¨ se presenta como un patrimonio del
proceso de cambio y construcción de una sociedad socialista para
Venezuela, dicho legado no puede ser confiscado a nombre del propio
Chávez ni pretender ser el actual Presidente su único destinatario y
Distanciamiento en las relaciones con el nuevo Presidente
El distanciamiento de las relaciones con el Presidente electo Nicolás
Maduro, comenzó en primer lugar con mi reclamo por la interferencia de
unos asesores franceses en la operación del Ministerio de Planificación y
Finanzas. 6
En el documento denominado ¨Contraofensiva económica¨ y en otros se
documenta de manera detallada la crisis que produjo la subasta de
divisas dentro del proceso de la creación del Organo Superior de
Administración de Divisas. La actitud por demás absurda por el candidato
en ese momento a la Presidencia de la República marcó el sentido de una
incomprensión del hecho económico, agobiado tal vez por el avance de la
campaña electoral previa al 14 de abril y la grave decisión de
desvincularse de la dirección de la economía nacional, la cual estaba
atravesando momentos difíciles y de alta complejidad. Todo ello me llevó
a escribir una ¨Carta abierta¨ redactada pocos días antes de las
elecciones del 14 de abril, 7
cuyo texto fue conocido por algunas pocas personas a quienes alertaba
sobre la gravedad de la situación económica y política del país y sus
consecuencias en plazos breves, tales como el desabastecimiento. Luego
en las elecciones el pueblo venezolano honró el pedido del Presidente al
nominarlo como posible candidato si alguna causa desavenida pudiese
ocurrir. El pueblo venezolano igualmente acudió a cumplir de manera
disciplinada la petición formulada por su líder indiscutible.
Nuevas responsabilidades
El Presidente Nicolás Maduro en acto celebrado en el Teatro ¨Teresa
Carreño¨ anunció su nuevo equipo de gobierno el día 22 de abril del
2013, en dicho grupo definió mi participación como Ministro de
Planificación y VicePresidente de Planificación Estratégica. Nuevas
responsabilidades con viejos temas, ahora en una coyuntura cuanto más
compleja y complicada. El nombramiento recibido significa una gran
responsabilidad a través de la cual se podría poner al día el fruto y
las lecciones de la experiencia que se ha tenido desde el 2 de febrero
de 1999, cuando se inició el gobierno bolivariano con el Comandante
Chávez, a tal efecto se preparó un documento que contiene una
conceptualización de la actividad de planificación, 8
en el contexto del Estado venezolano en su fase actual de desarrollo,
bajo la perspectiva de una sociedad que tiene como norte el socialismo.
Se considera a la planificación como una actividad transustanciadora, que debe contribuir como mecanismo ex ante
a la ordenación y racionalización de la sociedad venezolana. Modelo de
acumulación, definido en cinco aspectos: el primero la modificación de
la base productiva del país buscando una mayor democratización del poder
económico. Segundo, El cambio en el rol del Estado, para lograr que el
proceso acumulativo se oriente a la satisfacción de las necesidades
básicas de la población y a la defensa de la soberanía. Tercero, la
incorporación de mecanismos de autogestión productiva a nivel colectivo.
Cuarto, La utilización de una planificación democrática como mecanismo
regulador de las relaciones productivas, y Quinto, La ubicación autónoma
del país frente a la internacionalización del sistema capitalista. Y
cuanto al modelo de desarrollo, alcanzar una revolución política ligada
al establecimiento de nuevas relaciones de poder que defienda los
intereses de los sectores populares y los pequeños y medianos
productores del campo y la ciudad, tal de establecer un nuevo bloque
hegemónico. 9
Con el inicio de la nueva responsabilidad se comenzaron a elaborar una
serie de tesis en diferentes aspectos importantes de la realidad actual y
futura del país, tales como: las exportaciones, el sector eléctrico, el
sector manufactura, la creación del Banco del Sur, los resultados de la
primera subasta del SICAD, el balance energético, la política de
endeudamiento, la cooperación internacional, los servicios públicos, la
producción agroalimentaria, las reservas internacionales, una propuesta
estratégica para MERCOSUR, las metas y proyectos del II Plan de
Desarrollo Económico y Social de la Nación, propuestas todas estas y
recomendaciones que simplemente fueron diferidas en respuesta escrita
del Presidente a pesar de la urgencia e importancia de muchas de ellas.
Adicionalmente, se incorporaron las actividades de muchos Ministerios como forma de materializar la actividad transustanciadora
de la planificación como demostración palpable del contenido que se le
quiere dar a la actividad, lo cual fue siempre una actividad realizada
con la participación del propio Presidente Chávez, quién las estudiaba,
las analizaba y al final tomaba las decisiones que eran pertinentes.
Manejo de la gestión de gobierno
Desde que el Presidente Maduro asumió el cargo pronto anunció el nuevo
conjunto de medidas en el área económica. Si bien el acto con mayor
impacto político mediático pareció ser la devaluación, el resto de los
anuncios, un aluvión de gastos, me hizo dudar acerca de la medida en que
se había aceptado el estructurado conjunto que yo le había presentado.
En este ambiente confuso, una de mis preocupaciones centrales fue el
avanzar en la dirección de ajuste a un nuevo escenario marcado por el
incremento nuclear de la eficiencia y lucha a la corrupción tan
claramente anunciado por el presidente Chávez antes y después de su
Dos frentes ocuparon mi preocupación. El primero atacar la corrupción
frenándola por un nuevo control de los grandes fondos del Estado. El
segundo introduciendo nuevos mecanismos de manejo en el gasto público
que le permitieran retornar a causes sostenibles en el tiempo.
Para el primer frente me fue posible avanzar en la propuesta de dos
medidas asociadas a un gran fondo del país, marcado por la opinión de
los agentes del Comercio exterior como un foco de corrupción: el CADIVI y
su mecanismo asociado el SITME. Nicolás Maduro acogió en ese ámbito una
de las 2 medidas que le propuse. La creación de un Comité que aprobaría
los permisos de uso de divisas a los precios privilegiados que el
Estado otorgaba para las importaciones básicas para la economía y el
reemplazo del SITME por el SICAD. La segunda consistente en mi
nombramiento como la autoridad del CADIVI, para aprovechar el peso del
Ministro de Planificación y Finanzas, en la instauración de un
funcionamiento transparente. Medida esta que él no aceptó. Prefirió una
dispersión del mando.
Una potencial nueva actitud en los nombramientos ni siquiera tuve
oportunidad de planteársela al Presidente. Se trataba de efectuar los
nombramientos de dirección en los grandes fondos financieros del
Gobierno, (FONDEN, Fondo Chino, Tesorería, Bco. Exterior, BIV),
teniendo presente la necesidad de romper con la percepción de
corrupción en el manejo de esos fondos. Me parecía necesario hacer un
recuento de figuras de la revolución que el país considerara símbolos de lo impecable en el manejo de fondos públicos . No era necesario ni juzgar ni vetar a otros candidatos. Era partir por lo positivo y sano.
En el segundo frente la propuesta de una reducción del gasto público
real que acogiera las prioridades de defensa del poder de compra de los
grupos más vulnerables y la corrección de derroches y corrupciones, por
la vía de una medida de asignación del gasto público que se otorgaría
crecientemente contra un calendario de gastos acompañado de indicadores
de éxito que facilitarían una expansión gradual y un freno a los gastos
que no cumplieran con sus compromisos de logros. En esta área no solo no
se aprobó lo propuesto, sino que se inició una nueva oleada de grandes
gastos sin los requisitos diseñados, y con el agravante de los gastos
aprobados por el ¨Gobierno de calle¨, decididos sin estudio previo,
improvisados de hecho. La suma de estos gastos no se ha presentado como
un todo, salvo la necesidad de que la Asamblea Nacional aprobara una
maciza ampliación del presupuesto público.
El recuento presentado debe interpretarse como un intento de revivir en
el ámbito de los que hemos participado en el proceso de la revolución
bolivariana los mecanismos de confrontación de ideas y trabajo conjunto
bajo una dirección respetada por todos. Es también una forma de crítica a
la situación actual, identificando la medida en que se aparta de lo
construido en los 20 años previos.
Resulta doloroso y alarmante ver una Presidencia que no transmite
liderazgo, y que parece querer afirmarlo en la repetición, sin la debida
coherencia, de los planteamientos como los formulaba el Comandante
Chávez, y en el otorgamiento de recursos masivos a todos quienes lo
solicitan sin un programa fiscal encuadrado en una planificación
socialista que le de consistencia a las actividades solicitantes. A la
vez la política frente a los agentes privados es al menos confusa y las
presiones de esos agentes parecen abrir camino a la reinstalación de
mecanismos financieros capitalistas que satisfagan los intentos de
recapturar excedente petrolero por la vía financiera. A la luz de estos
hechos surge una clara sensación de vacío de poder en la Presidencia de
la República, y concentración en otros centros de poder, destruyendo la
tarea de instituciones como el Ministerio de Finanzas y el Banco
Central, y dando por hecho consumado la independencia de PDVSA del poder
En particular, los desafíos que genera el apetito externo, y en
particular de quienes pugnan por ganar terreno en la explotación del
petróleo y en la expansión de la capacidad productiva del sector, esta
última el negocio de mayor magnitud en la historia del país, y en los
empréstitos en que se embarcara PDVSA, no se pueden enfrentar con una
empresa pública autónoma, ni con una política externa no meditada y
consensuada en el seno de las instituciones políticas bolivarianas.
Otro tanto sucede con los desafíos políticos internos, donde un esfuerzo
disperso y dispendioso en recursos no parece ser la mejor forma de
enfrentar a una oposición crecientemente articulada con los enemigos
externos. La improvisación de cuadros sin experiencia y designaciones
poco adecuadas para el manejo de los grandes fondos del Estado pone en
jaque la unidad de los cuadros bolivarianos.
Finalmente, en términos de la elaboración de algunos documentos debemos
mencionar entre ellos, algunos solicitados por el propio Presidente
Nicolás Maduro, el primero relativo al Mapa Estratégico Internacional 10
el cual fue entregado en su oportunidad al Canciller de la República,
Elías Jaua Milano para su consideración y análisis. El segundo documento
se refiere al análisis estructural de la economía nacional, con el
nombre de ¨Elementos para la construcción de una Agenda Productiva
Socialista Bolivariana¨. 11
Adicionalmente, se elaboró un documento sobre la coyuntura económica
actual denominado ¨Propuestas para la coyuntura económica 2014¨, 12
material que fue entregado al Presidente de la República y algunos
Ministros, y luego consignado ante la Comisión Central de Planificación.
Estos últimos documentos son propuestas acerca de la política económica
de corto plazo, como la de mediano plazo relacionadas con la ejecución
del Plan de la Patria 2013-2019. En el caso del Mapa Internacional, se
sigue aplicando aquellos trabajos que se iniciaron en Yare y que
continuaron en conjunto con el Comandante Chávez, luego de la salida de
ese recinto el 26 de marzo de 1994.
Antes de concluir con este testimonio y al asumir las responsabilidades
ante la historia de este país, las cuales nunca he evadido, ni evadiré
jamás, quiero reafirmar que continuaré luchando por la independencia de
Venezuela y la del continente latinoamericano y caribeño, con la misma
constancia que lo he hecho desde que decidí empuñar las armas contra la
dictadura oprobiosa de Trujillo, siendo aún estudiante de ingeniería en
la Universidad Central de Venezuela, en 1959, y en ese territorio donde
nací, San Francisco de Macorís, lugar donde llegaron mis padres y mi
hermano al salir de un campo de concentración en Francia, como exilados,
luego de haber participado mi padre como digno miembro de la Brigada
Internacional ¨Garibaldi¨, allá en territorio ibérico defendiendo los
ideales de la República Española.
Opto de esta manera, por seguir asumiendo responsabilidades en mi
existencia, como lo he hecho siempre, dejando este testimonio personal,
pero lo que no puedo hacer es ser partícipe de otras circunstancias y
decisiones en las cuales no se actuó de acuerdo a mi conciencia y a la
de mis más profundas convicciones. Luego de la muerte del Comandante
Chávez, como se expresa en esta nota, decidí seguir colaborando en el
gobierno, en el lugar que se me asignó, poniendo siempre por escrito a
la dirección política del proceso, no solo mis discrepancias, sino
también propuestas concretas, que ni siquiera fueron comentadas, pero
que son hoy aval de mi comportamiento y mi lealtad a la revolución. En
estas circunstancias prefiero apegarme a la frase atribuida al gran
escritor universal José Saramago, ¨ mientras más viejo más libre, y mientras más libre más radical¨.
1 Ver ¨Chávez, figura controversial y polémica¨. Publicado en Trilogía de lo Cotidiano. (Caracas. Editorial Vadell Hermanos. 2007). Tomo III. pp. 217-225. Adicionalmente ver Impresiones de lo Cotidiano 2013.
2 Mecanismo creado una de cuyas bases consistió en el endeudamiento del Estado venezolano.
3 Hugo Chávez Frías. Golpe de Timón.
Primer Consejo de Ministros del nuevo ciclo de la Revolución
Bolivariana. (Caracas. Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Comunicación
y la Información. Abril 2013). pp. 9-13.
4 Orientación de la política económica pública en el inicio de un nuevo período presidencial. Mimeo. Diciembre 2012.
5 Contraofensiva Económica. Mimeo. 02.03.2013.
Creación del Ministerio de Planificación y Finanzas. Razones y
desarrollo. Folleto relativo a documentos de la actuación realizada.
Véase en particular, la publicación ¨ Presupuestos y Memorias. 2010-2013.
7 Carta abierta. 14 de abril 2013.
8 De la Planificación imposible a la Improvisación permanente. Retos y desafíos del proceso bolivariano . Mimeo. Agosto 2013.
9 Ver Jorge A. Giordani C. La transición venezolana al socialismo. (Caracas. Vadell Hermanos Editores. 2009). p. 22.
10 Mapa Estratégico Internacional. Balance de Poder Mundial. V2. Abril 2014.
11Agenda Socialista Productiva Bolivariana. Agosto 2013.
12 Propuestas para la coyuntura económica 2014. Marzo 2014.
am obliged for reasons of conscience to publish this document, where I
discuss a number of considerations regarding compliance with my duty as
an activist for the cause of socialism and its relation to what have
been my last performances as a public servant. Having been Minister for so long is my duty to be accountable to the country.
My active participation in the Bolivarian revolution has been accompanied by periodicals summaries of activities and responsibilities I assumed under the leadership of President Chavez. Join us for the constant exercise of proposals and evaluations signaban Ministers work with our Commander. At the end my Ministerial involvement I sumaré my written testimony referred to a statement of the circumstances in which my work has been developed from heading to Havana Commander in his latest health crisis until today, where gradually the contours were outlined a new proposal, gestation, whose conceptual matrix is being clarified.
Legend of a relationship
As a first consideration I must make clear the path together with Commander Chavez, from the moment in which we met in the Yare Prison on 26 March 1993. To this end, narrate attached, our initial encounter and feelings and respect that linked me to this person who was able to blow themselves up by and for the Venezuelan people. 1 Throughout these two decades of ongoing collaboration, as a true companion, we played an intense bond of ideological, personal, and programmatic nature, always recognizing in him the qualities of a driver of villages with positions from which we shared a deal permanent respect taking into account the differences between the two ways of perceiving human existence, and how should or could build a deep and radical social change in Venezuela, oriented after he declared it way and design a socialist society. The differences that emerged over time, first with the government dismissed by me after the coup of April 2002, or the waiver presented to him in December 2007 after a severe difference in concept and understanding of a serious problem that has been beset; however, such disagreements were never obstacles to maintain ties of affection, respect and full cooperation, recognizing the roles that each person has touched you in this process over the last twenty years, before his death on March 5, 2013 .
As leader of the Bolivarian process, as a traveling companion, a friend, always prevailed among us seeking a better, fairer to the majority of the Venezuelan people, and beyond our borders, meet the Bolivarian dream utopia of the Patria Grande by giving their effort and even life itself, even as they ended with Commander Chavez's own. A collaborative style that was neat results as part of our ongoing collaboration to build ¨ ¨ Simón Bolívar National Project was the development of both theoretical and practical proposals in the design of models and maps, tactical and strategic, to guide the Venezuelan people in terms of programs and plans to realize their rightful aspirations for development. There are the number of samples and other public documents that history will make them meet, resulting from the action of so many generous people, under the guidance of Commander Chavez and the contributions that could be made in this programmatic direction. Documents that had a first major encounter in the call ¨ ¨ Bolivarian Alternative Agenda presented in July 1996, as a document that later allowed to continue developing government programs and plans of the nation on a path that ended in the last working Homeland Program, submitted to the electorate on the occasion of the candidacy for reelection as President of the Republic on June 11, 2012.
At the beginning of 2013 I gave the then Vice President Maduro a document prepared at the request of President Chavez, who raised him as agreed action program for the new term. It began with a summary of what has been achieved and an action strategy, which I copy:
¨ Orientation of public policy at the start of a new presidential term ¨.
A look back allows us to identify three major goals he set and achieved our revolutionary process.
Themes of neglect important groups lacking the tools to overcome serious material, cultural, sharing hardships facing them. It did not seem to ethical government did not mobilize and transfer resources to those groups so often neglected and try to satisfy them with promises for the future.
Remove the machine power they had installed the external and internal groups that had allowed them to manage their favor the state and among other achievements usufruct high measure of surplus oil. It is possible to illustrate the recovery of PDVSA, the oil concessions, the Central Bank, Foreign Trade Control of land held by large estates and public communications. Align the FANB with popular interests and provide them with effective capacity to defend the interests of the country against outside interests.
Create a public machine that dominate production in key sectors of the productive structure, such as basic inputs, mineral exports, supply popular key points. Gradually strengthen the capacities of the public sector in its role of planning and implementation of productive investment in the management of public enterprises and the formulation and implementation of programs and policies designed to build a new social organization.
The way to disarm and build is arduous. The construction of socialism historically has always been a significant challenge. On our way we had to face a coup, an oil sabotage, and a hostile external environment.
In this way the Bolivarian process was crucial to overcome the challenge of October 7, 2012 and the elections of 16 December of the same year. It was the consolidation of political power as a key objective for the strength of the revolution and the opening of a new stage. The improvement was achieved with great sacrifice and with an economic and financial effort that got the access and use of resources to extreme levels that require a review to ensure the sustainability of economic and social transformation.
Enormous resources devoted to Social Security.
Improving the quality of life of the majority of Venezuelans via public sector expenditures.
Substantial subsidies to utilities necessities (food, electricity, fuel, water, transportation, consumer goods, housing services)
Gaining access to the resources with a substantial increase in the indebtedness of PDVSA and domestic borrowing of the central government, and moderate external indebtedness.
Keeping the exchange rate that favored imports and reduced exports, and limited private enterprise.
Subsidy large public companies to ensure operational deficits in the short-term employment and wages of those who work there.
The President has called us to revise our action, overcoming inefficiencies and making the sacrifices that are necessary to establish the functioning of society on solid foundations. (End quote).
Pillars of the construction of the Bolivarian government during the administration of President Chávez.
As one of the pillars in the construction of the Bolivarian government, is the civil-military union, which develops clearly from the popular explosion of February 1989, where the people went to the helpless street and was massacred, and military rebellions February and November 1992, where young soldiers took up arms without popular support. Formula should prevail this time, the unity of the people and their armed forces, if you do not want to go back in time for the Fourth Republic. The confluence of an unarmed people trying to enforce their rights and the armed organization of the people for so long encapsulated the Fourth Republic in barracks, has been changing over recent decades, after the popular cry of February 1989 military rebellions and February and November 1992. With this union to be maintained over time as necessary, which together with the legacy of Commander Chavez, generating a collective political leadership that the bases of the people and the Bolivarian National Armed Forces. That union professed, practiced and cultivated endlessly by Commander Chavez should stay if you want to preserve national independence, the struggle against U.S. imperialism and conspiracy subjects of those sectors of the empire, and definitely by dreams of conquering Patria Grande why our Liberators fought and died. The delicate balance in the relationship made by Commander Chavez and his driver's talent allowed him to prevail conviction by popular pedagogy rather than authoritarian decision.
Another factor that has worked as a pillar supporting the Bolivarian government, has been the relationship between the Head of Government and its Ministers, imbued with a dynamic that has had to first pass through a coup in April 2002, and a subsequent oil sabotage with enormous human and material losses, having to confront a technocracy driving the field of hydrocarbons as a state within the state itself, being that she has grabbed an amount of resources from oil revenues, estimated between 15 and 17%, which largely produces one and all they want to capture. This pillar of the national economic structure is still and will be for some time the factor that invalidates the use of income and its distribution has reached an amount devoted to social investment, estimated at about 650 billion dollars for the period from 1999 to 2013.
A third element of the pillars, it is the ongoing strategic assessment remained with Commander Chavez throughout his entire government at different stages and at different times. Combining tactical and specific situations of government, with the view longer time horizon was a constant in relationships and analysis of the Bolivarian government who have worked beside President Chavez, their involvement in the development was always encouragement to those we had meet their ongoing requirements and scope. Enough to observe more comprehensive work, reading, Review, the process of innovation and creation, while neglect their health to reach a total and absolute surrender to the commitment he had acquired very young in his time dedication cadet or athlete every endeavor. Nothing escaped his major interest and exchange opinions with their ministers and collaborators. Not asked, demanded views and proposals, and as commented.
A fourth element refers to the correction of the imbalances and the lessons of experience were considered along these 15 years of government, with a clear and honest language, to the Venezuelan people, Commander Chávez was able to raise the directly and starkly the problems and difficulties presented to the country, the veracity of their positions, the crudeness of observing the most difficult times, with the verification of limited use of resources has led to progress and consolidate pay the social debt and defending the rights of the needy of the Venezuelan population. I took him in difficult political and could feel his courage to face challenges, such as was the policy of 2009-2012, which accommodated spending to oil resources. The Comandante Chavez not evaded, solved.
As fifth pillar is necessary to mention the preparation of the last election campaign October 7, before and after it and what was playing with it before the onslaught of fascist groups in the country and its allies in the field of American government , those on the bottom can not allow this process to be successful social policy and therefore try to internally destabilize unison seeking to isolate the Bolivarian government worldwide.
Finally, as a last, but not least is deep and true role of the Venezuelan people in government decisions, just to confirm the need for a radical process of political, social, economic and cultural transformation. Before the current crisis of capitalism, should be adopted unless an all-defensive strategy, which would ultimately jeopardize the future of our country.
The health crisis of President Chavez
The first symptoms of rupture that led to the current situation, the nature and style of decision-making began to manifest to the extent that the health of the President came increasingly complicated, the absence of a contact live with him, and permanent mediations through some particular became increasingly distant, decision making, content and time to be put into practice. With the absence of President Chavez and the few substantive meetings of the Council of Ministers led me to the development of a series of documents to alert about the status of situations, the scope of the problems they faced and the solutions to take. I touched during his stay in Havana, develop and transmit to a document to President Chavez as a result of increased borrowing foreign currency country, issue positively was taken into consideration, paralyzing a perverse mechanism for obtaining resources coming dilapidated through a mechanism for obtaining foreign currency denominated as SITME. 2
A second document was prepared as a result of the only meeting that was possible with President Chavez as the Council of Ministers on 20 October 2012. 3 Reflecting the ideas of President Chavez and as a end of the previous cycle, I presented a paper it was not possible to give it directly to him after the dramatic announcement of the outbreak of the disease and the need to undergo a new operation in Havana, said the document is delivered to Nicolás Maduro, the January 9, 2013, pointing out the need to take serious the situation and the measures that were being considered after the electoral victory of the October 7, 2012. paragraphs quoted above correspond to the first two pages of the document. 4
With the delivery of the above document Nicolas Maduro, to the date of his duties as Executive and nominated by the Commander Chávez in circumstances that may occur as a candidate to replace, Vice President began to observed changes in terms of the directionality of the Bolivarian process, immediate financial economic viability due to the increasing dependence on oil revenues, the growth of government obligations in terms of increased bureaucracy and fair commitments to care for pensioners and retirees, the inability to continue to keep inflation that to date has remained below 20%, a trend on which action should be taken, the structural problem of agriculture and electricity, relative prices and the relationships between growth and inflation.
Turn raised the need to build a collective political leadership to address the relative absence of President Chavez and his troubling health conditions, as announced by him in his speech on 8 December. The urgency for greater and deeper joint military sector with the Venezuelan people, the danger of trying to mimic the behavior of Comandante Chávez regarding the communications policy, lack of political will overlay the economic fact, unwise decisions economic financial team that tended to create a new style of government interference by a French consultancy that had nothing to do with the situation that the country lived, CADIVI nominations made in changing the measures suggested in earlier meetings that end, the try to modify the auction process that was underway without a rational basis, the delegation of responsibility for economic before the election date of April 14, after the unfortunate death of President Chavez on March 5, 2013.
All this was preceded by the application of a document requested by the Commander Chavez in his sickbed that could end in a draft on March 2, 2013, a document was discussed with Nicolás Maduro and a team of Ministers and to be delivered on date of March 2, 2013. 5 This document course, could not meet the Commander Chávez, both the progressive worsening of their health conditions, such as the time that had its development, leaving the document in question, as a reference for government action once they proceed to new presidential elections that took place on 14 April 2013. Unfortunately things were taking a new direction with the passing of Commander Chavez and behavior of institutions were under their control as PDVSA and BCV, began to show signs of independence that worsened with the fall of the contributions to the Treasury fruit of action independent of the central government PDVSA guided by their interests and problems, in unison that they took decisions outside public expenditure budgetary control. These issues that were aggravating the financial situation of the country subject to a destabilization campaign in the inner and the outer insulation.
With the election campaign in full developed execution began to notice very different elements to the strong leadership of President Chavez, showing weaknesses and significant differences in execution, favorable to the Bolivarian process results however were not subjected to a severe and critical analysis or by the government, nor by political and social organizations that accompanied the request for support Nicolas Maduro. This uncritical attitude in an increasingly complicated political situation, facing political opposition net fascist character, with considerable interference from outside the Bolivarian process factors that had been built, but have not made further attacks on revolutionary leaders, including figure of the president-elect who has been subjected to a campaign of personal and political disrepute. All as part of the grave situation that Venezuela after the physical disappearance of Commander Chavez certainly difficult to replace, let alone be copied in its originality and style delivered to the Venezuelan people. The preservation and development of the legacy of Chavez ¨ ¨ is presented as a heritage of the change process and building a socialist society in Venezuela, that legacy can not be confiscated in the name of Chavez nor claim to be the sole recipient its current President and CEO .
Distancing in relations with the new president
The distancing of relations with President-elect Nicolas Maduro began first with my claim by the interference of some French advisers in the operation of the Ministry of Planning and Finance. 6 In the document entitled ¨ ¨ Counteroffensive economic and other documented in detail the crisis that caused the foreign exchange auction in the process of creating the Superior Organ Currency Administration. The attitude on the other absurd by the candidate at the time the President of the Republic marked the sense of a lack of understanding of economic fact, overwhelmed maybe by the advance of the previous election campaign April 14 and serious decision to disengage from the direction of the national economy, which was going through difficult times and high complexity. This led me to write a ¨ Open letter ¨ written a few days before the elections of 14 April, 7 whose text was known by a few people who warned of the gravity of the economic and political situation and its impact on brief, such as the shortage periods. After the elections the Venezuelan people honored the request of the President to nominate him as a candidate if you could cause disunited occur. The Venezuelan people also went to meet a disciplined manner requested by its undisputed leader.
New responsibilities
President Nicolas Maduro in ceremony held at the Teatro Teresa Carreño ¨ ¨ announced his new government team on April 22, 2013, in the group defined my participation as Minister of Planning and Vice President of Strategic Planning. New responsibilities with old songs, now in a far more complex and complicated situation. The appointment received a great responsibility through which you could update the fruit and the lessons of experience that has been taken from the February 2, 1999, when the Bolivarian government began with Commander Chavez, such effect a document that contains a conceptualization of the planning activity, 8 in the context of the Venezuelan State in its present stage of development, from the perspective of a society whose northern socialism was prepared. Planning is considered as a transustanciadora activity, as former mechanism should contribute to the organization and rationalization of Venezuelan society. Accumulation model, defined in five aspects: the first modification of the productive base of the country seeking greater democratization of economic power. Second, the change in the role of the state, to ensure that the cumulative process is directed to the satisfaction of the basic needs of the population and the defense of sovereignty. Third, the incorporation of mechanisms collectively productive self. Fourth, the use of democratic planning as a regulatory mechanism of productive relations, and Quinto, The autonomous location of the country against the internationalization of the capitalist system. And the development model, to achieve a political revolution linked to the establishment of new relations of power that defends the interests of the popular sectors and small and medium producers in the country and the city, just to establish a new hegemonic bloc. 9
With the start of the new responsibility began to develop a series of theses on various important aspects of the current and future situation of the country, such as exports, the electricity sector, the manufacturing sector, the creation of the South Bank, the results of the first auction SICAD, energy balance, debt policy, international cooperation, public services, food production, international reserves, a strategic proposal for MERCOSUR, the goals and projects of the Economic Development Plan II and Social Nation, all these proposals and recommendations were simply deferred in written reply from the President despite the urgency and importance of many of them.
Additionally, the activities of many ministries as a means to materialize the transustanciadora activity planning and palpable demonstration of content that you want to give the activity is incorporated, which was always an activity with the participation of President Chavez himself, who the studied, analyzed them and ultimately made the decisions that were relevant.
Management governance
Since the President took office soon Maduro announced the new set of measures in the economic area. While the media act more political impact appeared to be the devaluation, the rest of the ads, a barrage of charges, made me wonder about the extent that it had accepted the structured set that I had submitted. In this confusing environment, one of my main concerns was the move in the direction of adjustment to a new stage marked by the nuclear increase efficiency and fighting corruption as clearly announced by President Chavez before and after his election.
Two fronts occupied my concern. The first attack corruption by slowing it down a new control of large funds. The second introduced new management mechanisms in public spending that would allow return to sustainable causes over time.
For the first front I was able to advance the proposal for two measures associated with a great background of the country, marked by the review of foreign trade agents as a source of corruption: CADIVI and its associated mechanism SITME. Nicolas Maduro welcomed in this area of the 2 measures I proposed. The creation of a committee to approve use permits privileged foreign exchange rates that the State provided for basic imports for the economy and the replacement of the SICAD SITME. The second consists of my appointment as CADIVI authority, to take the weight of the Minister of Planning and Finance, the introduction of a transparent operation. Measure this he refused. He preferred a dispersion of command.
A potential new attitude in appointments not even had a chance to planteársela the President. It was the appointments director in major financial funds from the Government, (Fonden, Chinese Fund, Treasury, Bco. Exterior, BIV), bearing in mind the need to break with the perception of corruption in the management of these funds. It seemed necessary to recount figures of the revolution that the country considered symbols of flawless in handling public funds. Neither necessary nor judge nor veto other candidates. Was based on the positive and healthy.
In the second against a proposed reduction in real public spending which accommodated defense priorities purchasing power of vulnerable groups and the correction of waste and corruption, by way of a measure of allocation of public expenditure to be awarded increasingly against a schedule of expenses accompanied by success indicators that would facilitate a gradual expansion and curb expenses not met their commitments achievements. In this area the proposal is not not only approved, but a new wave of large expenditures without the requirements designed, and with the aggravation of the expenditure approved by the ¨ Government Street began ¨, determined without study, improvised indeed . The sum of these costs has not been presented as a whole, unless the need for the National Assembly approved a massive expansion of the public budget.
The count presented should be construed as an attempt to revive in the field who have participated in the process of the Bolivarian Revolution mechanisms confrontation of ideas and working together under one direction respected by all. It is also a way to review the current situation, identifying the extent to which it differs from that built in the previous 20 years.
It is painful and alarming to see a presidency that does not convey leadership, and that seems to affirm the repetition without proper consistency of approach as formulated Commander Chávez, and the granting of massive resources to all who request without fiscal program framed in a socialist planning that gives consistency to the applicants activities. While the policy towards private agents is at least confusing and pressures of these agents appear to make way for the reinstatement of financial mechanisms to meet capitalist attempts to recapture oil surplus through financial means. In light of these facts there is a clear sense of power vacuum in the Presidency of the Republic, and concentration in other centers of power, destroying the work of institutions such as the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank, and assuming the consummate PDVSA independence of the central power.
In particular, the challenges generated by the external appetite, particularly those who struggle to gain ground in the exploitation of oil and the expansion of the productive capacity of the sector, the latter the business of greater magnitude in the history of the country, and borrowings in PDVSA embarked, can not cope with an autonomous public undertaking or a non-considered and agreed within political institutions Bolivarian foreign policy.
The same applies to domestic political challenges, where a sparse resources and wasteful effort does not seem the best way to confront an increasingly articulate opposition to external enemies. Improvisation frame inexperienced unsuitable for handling large state funding threatens the unity of the Bolivarian pictures designations.
Finally, in terms of the development of certain documents must mention including some requested by President Nicolas Maduro own, the first concerning the International Strategic Map 10 who was delivered in due course to the foreign minister, Elias Jaua for consideration and analysis. The second document relates to the structural analysis of the national economy, with the name of ¨ Elements for Building a Productive ¨ Bolivarian Socialist Agenda. 11 Additionally, a paper on the current economic situation called ¨ Proposals for 2014 economic conditions drawn ¨ 12 material was delivered to the President and some Ministers, and then consigned to the Central Planning Commission. These latter documents are proposals on short-term economic policy, such as medium-term related to the implementation of Homeland Plan 2013-2019. In the case of Map International, continues to apply those jobs that were started in Yare and continued together with Commander Chavez, after leaving that venue on March 26, 1994.
Before concluding with this witness and to shoulder the responsibilities before history of this country, which I have never evaded, nor ever evadiré, I affirm that I will continue fighting for the independence of Venezuela and Latin American and Caribbean continent with the same constancy I've done it since I decided to take up arms against the notorious dictatorship of Trujillo, was still a student of engineering at the Central University of Venezuela in 1959, and in that land where I was born, San Francisco de Macoris, where my parents came and my brother to get out of a concentration camp in France as exiles, after my father had participated as a worthy member of the International Brigade Garibaldi ¨ ¨ back in Iberian territory defending the ideals of the Spanish Republic.
Opto thus continue to assume responsibility for my life, as I have always done, leaving this personal testimony, but I can not do is be part of other circumstances and decisions which are not acted according to my conscience and that of my deepest convictions. After the death of Commander Chavez, as expressed in this note, I decided to continue working in government, in the place which I was assigned, I always put in writing to the political leadership of the process, not only my disagreements, but also concrete proposals , which were not even mentioned, but are today endorsed by my behavior and my loyalty to the revolution. In these circumstances I prefer to stick to the statement attributed to the great universal writer Jose Saramago, ¨ the older more free, and the more radical free ¨.
1? View ¨ Chavez ¨ controversial and controversial figure. Posted in Daily Life Trilogy. (Editorial Caracas. Vadells Brothers., 2007). Volume III. pp. 217-225. Additionally see the Daily Impressions 2013.
2? Created a mechanism whose bases consisted of indebtedness of the Venezuelan state.
3? Hugo Chavez. Hit Rudder. First Council of Ministers of the new cycle of the Bolivarian Revolution. (Caracas. Ministry of Popular Power for Communication and Information. Apr. 2013). pp. 9-13.
4? Orientation of public policy at the start of a new presidential term. Mimeo. December 2012.
5? Economic counteroffensive. Mimeo. 02.03.2013.
6? Establishment of the Ministry of Planning and Finance. Reasons and development. Prospectus Documents concerning action taken. See in particular the publication ¨ Budgets and Reports. 2010-2013.
7? Open Letter. April 14, 2013.
8? Planning impossible to permanent Improvisation. Challenges of the Bolivarian process. Mimeo. August 2013.
9? View Jorge Giordani A. C. The Venezuelan transition to socialism. (Caracas. Vadells Brothers Publishers., 2009). p. 22.
10? International Strategic Map. Balance of World Power. V2. April 2014.
Productive 11Agenda Bolivarian Socialist. August 2013.
12? Proposals for the 2014 economic climate. March 2014.
My active participation in the Bolivarian revolution has been accompanied by periodicals summaries of activities and responsibilities I assumed under the leadership of President Chavez. Join us for the constant exercise of proposals and evaluations signaban Ministers work with our Commander. At the end my Ministerial involvement I sumaré my written testimony referred to a statement of the circumstances in which my work has been developed from heading to Havana Commander in his latest health crisis until today, where gradually the contours were outlined a new proposal, gestation, whose conceptual matrix is being clarified.
Legend of a relationship
As a first consideration I must make clear the path together with Commander Chavez, from the moment in which we met in the Yare Prison on 26 March 1993. To this end, narrate attached, our initial encounter and feelings and respect that linked me to this person who was able to blow themselves up by and for the Venezuelan people. 1 Throughout these two decades of ongoing collaboration, as a true companion, we played an intense bond of ideological, personal, and programmatic nature, always recognizing in him the qualities of a driver of villages with positions from which we shared a deal permanent respect taking into account the differences between the two ways of perceiving human existence, and how should or could build a deep and radical social change in Venezuela, oriented after he declared it way and design a socialist society. The differences that emerged over time, first with the government dismissed by me after the coup of April 2002, or the waiver presented to him in December 2007 after a severe difference in concept and understanding of a serious problem that has been beset; however, such disagreements were never obstacles to maintain ties of affection, respect and full cooperation, recognizing the roles that each person has touched you in this process over the last twenty years, before his death on March 5, 2013 .
As leader of the Bolivarian process, as a traveling companion, a friend, always prevailed among us seeking a better, fairer to the majority of the Venezuelan people, and beyond our borders, meet the Bolivarian dream utopia of the Patria Grande by giving their effort and even life itself, even as they ended with Commander Chavez's own. A collaborative style that was neat results as part of our ongoing collaboration to build ¨ ¨ Simón Bolívar National Project was the development of both theoretical and practical proposals in the design of models and maps, tactical and strategic, to guide the Venezuelan people in terms of programs and plans to realize their rightful aspirations for development. There are the number of samples and other public documents that history will make them meet, resulting from the action of so many generous people, under the guidance of Commander Chavez and the contributions that could be made in this programmatic direction. Documents that had a first major encounter in the call ¨ ¨ Bolivarian Alternative Agenda presented in July 1996, as a document that later allowed to continue developing government programs and plans of the nation on a path that ended in the last working Homeland Program, submitted to the electorate on the occasion of the candidacy for reelection as President of the Republic on June 11, 2012.
At the beginning of 2013 I gave the then Vice President Maduro a document prepared at the request of President Chavez, who raised him as agreed action program for the new term. It began with a summary of what has been achieved and an action strategy, which I copy:
¨ Orientation of public policy at the start of a new presidential term ¨.
A look back allows us to identify three major goals he set and achieved our revolutionary process.
Themes of neglect important groups lacking the tools to overcome serious material, cultural, sharing hardships facing them. It did not seem to ethical government did not mobilize and transfer resources to those groups so often neglected and try to satisfy them with promises for the future.
Remove the machine power they had installed the external and internal groups that had allowed them to manage their favor the state and among other achievements usufruct high measure of surplus oil. It is possible to illustrate the recovery of PDVSA, the oil concessions, the Central Bank, Foreign Trade Control of land held by large estates and public communications. Align the FANB with popular interests and provide them with effective capacity to defend the interests of the country against outside interests.
Create a public machine that dominate production in key sectors of the productive structure, such as basic inputs, mineral exports, supply popular key points. Gradually strengthen the capacities of the public sector in its role of planning and implementation of productive investment in the management of public enterprises and the formulation and implementation of programs and policies designed to build a new social organization.
The way to disarm and build is arduous. The construction of socialism historically has always been a significant challenge. On our way we had to face a coup, an oil sabotage, and a hostile external environment.
In this way the Bolivarian process was crucial to overcome the challenge of October 7, 2012 and the elections of 16 December of the same year. It was the consolidation of political power as a key objective for the strength of the revolution and the opening of a new stage. The improvement was achieved with great sacrifice and with an economic and financial effort that got the access and use of resources to extreme levels that require a review to ensure the sustainability of economic and social transformation.
Enormous resources devoted to Social Security.
Improving the quality of life of the majority of Venezuelans via public sector expenditures.
Substantial subsidies to utilities necessities (food, electricity, fuel, water, transportation, consumer goods, housing services)
Gaining access to the resources with a substantial increase in the indebtedness of PDVSA and domestic borrowing of the central government, and moderate external indebtedness.
Keeping the exchange rate that favored imports and reduced exports, and limited private enterprise.
Subsidy large public companies to ensure operational deficits in the short-term employment and wages of those who work there.
The President has called us to revise our action, overcoming inefficiencies and making the sacrifices that are necessary to establish the functioning of society on solid foundations. (End quote).
Pillars of the construction of the Bolivarian government during the administration of President Chávez.
As one of the pillars in the construction of the Bolivarian government, is the civil-military union, which develops clearly from the popular explosion of February 1989, where the people went to the helpless street and was massacred, and military rebellions February and November 1992, where young soldiers took up arms without popular support. Formula should prevail this time, the unity of the people and their armed forces, if you do not want to go back in time for the Fourth Republic. The confluence of an unarmed people trying to enforce their rights and the armed organization of the people for so long encapsulated the Fourth Republic in barracks, has been changing over recent decades, after the popular cry of February 1989 military rebellions and February and November 1992. With this union to be maintained over time as necessary, which together with the legacy of Commander Chavez, generating a collective political leadership that the bases of the people and the Bolivarian National Armed Forces. That union professed, practiced and cultivated endlessly by Commander Chavez should stay if you want to preserve national independence, the struggle against U.S. imperialism and conspiracy subjects of those sectors of the empire, and definitely by dreams of conquering Patria Grande why our Liberators fought and died. The delicate balance in the relationship made by Commander Chavez and his driver's talent allowed him to prevail conviction by popular pedagogy rather than authoritarian decision.
Another factor that has worked as a pillar supporting the Bolivarian government, has been the relationship between the Head of Government and its Ministers, imbued with a dynamic that has had to first pass through a coup in April 2002, and a subsequent oil sabotage with enormous human and material losses, having to confront a technocracy driving the field of hydrocarbons as a state within the state itself, being that she has grabbed an amount of resources from oil revenues, estimated between 15 and 17%, which largely produces one and all they want to capture. This pillar of the national economic structure is still and will be for some time the factor that invalidates the use of income and its distribution has reached an amount devoted to social investment, estimated at about 650 billion dollars for the period from 1999 to 2013.
A third element of the pillars, it is the ongoing strategic assessment remained with Commander Chavez throughout his entire government at different stages and at different times. Combining tactical and specific situations of government, with the view longer time horizon was a constant in relationships and analysis of the Bolivarian government who have worked beside President Chavez, their involvement in the development was always encouragement to those we had meet their ongoing requirements and scope. Enough to observe more comprehensive work, reading, Review, the process of innovation and creation, while neglect their health to reach a total and absolute surrender to the commitment he had acquired very young in his time dedication cadet or athlete every endeavor. Nothing escaped his major interest and exchange opinions with their ministers and collaborators. Not asked, demanded views and proposals, and as commented.
A fourth element refers to the correction of the imbalances and the lessons of experience were considered along these 15 years of government, with a clear and honest language, to the Venezuelan people, Commander Chávez was able to raise the directly and starkly the problems and difficulties presented to the country, the veracity of their positions, the crudeness of observing the most difficult times, with the verification of limited use of resources has led to progress and consolidate pay the social debt and defending the rights of the needy of the Venezuelan population. I took him in difficult political and could feel his courage to face challenges, such as was the policy of 2009-2012, which accommodated spending to oil resources. The Comandante Chavez not evaded, solved.
As fifth pillar is necessary to mention the preparation of the last election campaign October 7, before and after it and what was playing with it before the onslaught of fascist groups in the country and its allies in the field of American government , those on the bottom can not allow this process to be successful social policy and therefore try to internally destabilize unison seeking to isolate the Bolivarian government worldwide.
Finally, as a last, but not least is deep and true role of the Venezuelan people in government decisions, just to confirm the need for a radical process of political, social, economic and cultural transformation. Before the current crisis of capitalism, should be adopted unless an all-defensive strategy, which would ultimately jeopardize the future of our country.
The health crisis of President Chavez
The first symptoms of rupture that led to the current situation, the nature and style of decision-making began to manifest to the extent that the health of the President came increasingly complicated, the absence of a contact live with him, and permanent mediations through some particular became increasingly distant, decision making, content and time to be put into practice. With the absence of President Chavez and the few substantive meetings of the Council of Ministers led me to the development of a series of documents to alert about the status of situations, the scope of the problems they faced and the solutions to take. I touched during his stay in Havana, develop and transmit to a document to President Chavez as a result of increased borrowing foreign currency country, issue positively was taken into consideration, paralyzing a perverse mechanism for obtaining resources coming dilapidated through a mechanism for obtaining foreign currency denominated as SITME. 2
A second document was prepared as a result of the only meeting that was possible with President Chavez as the Council of Ministers on 20 October 2012. 3 Reflecting the ideas of President Chavez and as a end of the previous cycle, I presented a paper it was not possible to give it directly to him after the dramatic announcement of the outbreak of the disease and the need to undergo a new operation in Havana, said the document is delivered to Nicolás Maduro, the January 9, 2013, pointing out the need to take serious the situation and the measures that were being considered after the electoral victory of the October 7, 2012. paragraphs quoted above correspond to the first two pages of the document. 4
With the delivery of the above document Nicolas Maduro, to the date of his duties as Executive and nominated by the Commander Chávez in circumstances that may occur as a candidate to replace, Vice President began to observed changes in terms of the directionality of the Bolivarian process, immediate financial economic viability due to the increasing dependence on oil revenues, the growth of government obligations in terms of increased bureaucracy and fair commitments to care for pensioners and retirees, the inability to continue to keep inflation that to date has remained below 20%, a trend on which action should be taken, the structural problem of agriculture and electricity, relative prices and the relationships between growth and inflation.
Turn raised the need to build a collective political leadership to address the relative absence of President Chavez and his troubling health conditions, as announced by him in his speech on 8 December. The urgency for greater and deeper joint military sector with the Venezuelan people, the danger of trying to mimic the behavior of Comandante Chávez regarding the communications policy, lack of political will overlay the economic fact, unwise decisions economic financial team that tended to create a new style of government interference by a French consultancy that had nothing to do with the situation that the country lived, CADIVI nominations made in changing the measures suggested in earlier meetings that end, the try to modify the auction process that was underway without a rational basis, the delegation of responsibility for economic before the election date of April 14, after the unfortunate death of President Chavez on March 5, 2013.
All this was preceded by the application of a document requested by the Commander Chavez in his sickbed that could end in a draft on March 2, 2013, a document was discussed with Nicolás Maduro and a team of Ministers and to be delivered on date of March 2, 2013. 5 This document course, could not meet the Commander Chávez, both the progressive worsening of their health conditions, such as the time that had its development, leaving the document in question, as a reference for government action once they proceed to new presidential elections that took place on 14 April 2013. Unfortunately things were taking a new direction with the passing of Commander Chavez and behavior of institutions were under their control as PDVSA and BCV, began to show signs of independence that worsened with the fall of the contributions to the Treasury fruit of action independent of the central government PDVSA guided by their interests and problems, in unison that they took decisions outside public expenditure budgetary control. These issues that were aggravating the financial situation of the country subject to a destabilization campaign in the inner and the outer insulation.
With the election campaign in full developed execution began to notice very different elements to the strong leadership of President Chavez, showing weaknesses and significant differences in execution, favorable to the Bolivarian process results however were not subjected to a severe and critical analysis or by the government, nor by political and social organizations that accompanied the request for support Nicolas Maduro. This uncritical attitude in an increasingly complicated political situation, facing political opposition net fascist character, with considerable interference from outside the Bolivarian process factors that had been built, but have not made further attacks on revolutionary leaders, including figure of the president-elect who has been subjected to a campaign of personal and political disrepute. All as part of the grave situation that Venezuela after the physical disappearance of Commander Chavez certainly difficult to replace, let alone be copied in its originality and style delivered to the Venezuelan people. The preservation and development of the legacy of Chavez ¨ ¨ is presented as a heritage of the change process and building a socialist society in Venezuela, that legacy can not be confiscated in the name of Chavez nor claim to be the sole recipient its current President and CEO .
Distancing in relations with the new president
The distancing of relations with President-elect Nicolas Maduro began first with my claim by the interference of some French advisers in the operation of the Ministry of Planning and Finance. 6 In the document entitled ¨ ¨ Counteroffensive economic and other documented in detail the crisis that caused the foreign exchange auction in the process of creating the Superior Organ Currency Administration. The attitude on the other absurd by the candidate at the time the President of the Republic marked the sense of a lack of understanding of economic fact, overwhelmed maybe by the advance of the previous election campaign April 14 and serious decision to disengage from the direction of the national economy, which was going through difficult times and high complexity. This led me to write a ¨ Open letter ¨ written a few days before the elections of 14 April, 7 whose text was known by a few people who warned of the gravity of the economic and political situation and its impact on brief, such as the shortage periods. After the elections the Venezuelan people honored the request of the President to nominate him as a candidate if you could cause disunited occur. The Venezuelan people also went to meet a disciplined manner requested by its undisputed leader.
New responsibilities
President Nicolas Maduro in ceremony held at the Teatro Teresa Carreño ¨ ¨ announced his new government team on April 22, 2013, in the group defined my participation as Minister of Planning and Vice President of Strategic Planning. New responsibilities with old songs, now in a far more complex and complicated situation. The appointment received a great responsibility through which you could update the fruit and the lessons of experience that has been taken from the February 2, 1999, when the Bolivarian government began with Commander Chavez, such effect a document that contains a conceptualization of the planning activity, 8 in the context of the Venezuelan State in its present stage of development, from the perspective of a society whose northern socialism was prepared. Planning is considered as a transustanciadora activity, as former mechanism should contribute to the organization and rationalization of Venezuelan society. Accumulation model, defined in five aspects: the first modification of the productive base of the country seeking greater democratization of economic power. Second, the change in the role of the state, to ensure that the cumulative process is directed to the satisfaction of the basic needs of the population and the defense of sovereignty. Third, the incorporation of mechanisms collectively productive self. Fourth, the use of democratic planning as a regulatory mechanism of productive relations, and Quinto, The autonomous location of the country against the internationalization of the capitalist system. And the development model, to achieve a political revolution linked to the establishment of new relations of power that defends the interests of the popular sectors and small and medium producers in the country and the city, just to establish a new hegemonic bloc. 9
With the start of the new responsibility began to develop a series of theses on various important aspects of the current and future situation of the country, such as exports, the electricity sector, the manufacturing sector, the creation of the South Bank, the results of the first auction SICAD, energy balance, debt policy, international cooperation, public services, food production, international reserves, a strategic proposal for MERCOSUR, the goals and projects of the Economic Development Plan II and Social Nation, all these proposals and recommendations were simply deferred in written reply from the President despite the urgency and importance of many of them.
Additionally, the activities of many ministries as a means to materialize the transustanciadora activity planning and palpable demonstration of content that you want to give the activity is incorporated, which was always an activity with the participation of President Chavez himself, who the studied, analyzed them and ultimately made the decisions that were relevant.
Management governance
Since the President took office soon Maduro announced the new set of measures in the economic area. While the media act more political impact appeared to be the devaluation, the rest of the ads, a barrage of charges, made me wonder about the extent that it had accepted the structured set that I had submitted. In this confusing environment, one of my main concerns was the move in the direction of adjustment to a new stage marked by the nuclear increase efficiency and fighting corruption as clearly announced by President Chavez before and after his election.
Two fronts occupied my concern. The first attack corruption by slowing it down a new control of large funds. The second introduced new management mechanisms in public spending that would allow return to sustainable causes over time.
For the first front I was able to advance the proposal for two measures associated with a great background of the country, marked by the review of foreign trade agents as a source of corruption: CADIVI and its associated mechanism SITME. Nicolas Maduro welcomed in this area of the 2 measures I proposed. The creation of a committee to approve use permits privileged foreign exchange rates that the State provided for basic imports for the economy and the replacement of the SICAD SITME. The second consists of my appointment as CADIVI authority, to take the weight of the Minister of Planning and Finance, the introduction of a transparent operation. Measure this he refused. He preferred a dispersion of command.
A potential new attitude in appointments not even had a chance to planteársela the President. It was the appointments director in major financial funds from the Government, (Fonden, Chinese Fund, Treasury, Bco. Exterior, BIV), bearing in mind the need to break with the perception of corruption in the management of these funds. It seemed necessary to recount figures of the revolution that the country considered symbols of flawless in handling public funds. Neither necessary nor judge nor veto other candidates. Was based on the positive and healthy.
In the second against a proposed reduction in real public spending which accommodated defense priorities purchasing power of vulnerable groups and the correction of waste and corruption, by way of a measure of allocation of public expenditure to be awarded increasingly against a schedule of expenses accompanied by success indicators that would facilitate a gradual expansion and curb expenses not met their commitments achievements. In this area the proposal is not not only approved, but a new wave of large expenditures without the requirements designed, and with the aggravation of the expenditure approved by the ¨ Government Street began ¨, determined without study, improvised indeed . The sum of these costs has not been presented as a whole, unless the need for the National Assembly approved a massive expansion of the public budget.
The count presented should be construed as an attempt to revive in the field who have participated in the process of the Bolivarian Revolution mechanisms confrontation of ideas and working together under one direction respected by all. It is also a way to review the current situation, identifying the extent to which it differs from that built in the previous 20 years.
It is painful and alarming to see a presidency that does not convey leadership, and that seems to affirm the repetition without proper consistency of approach as formulated Commander Chávez, and the granting of massive resources to all who request without fiscal program framed in a socialist planning that gives consistency to the applicants activities. While the policy towards private agents is at least confusing and pressures of these agents appear to make way for the reinstatement of financial mechanisms to meet capitalist attempts to recapture oil surplus through financial means. In light of these facts there is a clear sense of power vacuum in the Presidency of the Republic, and concentration in other centers of power, destroying the work of institutions such as the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank, and assuming the consummate PDVSA independence of the central power.
In particular, the challenges generated by the external appetite, particularly those who struggle to gain ground in the exploitation of oil and the expansion of the productive capacity of the sector, the latter the business of greater magnitude in the history of the country, and borrowings in PDVSA embarked, can not cope with an autonomous public undertaking or a non-considered and agreed within political institutions Bolivarian foreign policy.
The same applies to domestic political challenges, where a sparse resources and wasteful effort does not seem the best way to confront an increasingly articulate opposition to external enemies. Improvisation frame inexperienced unsuitable for handling large state funding threatens the unity of the Bolivarian pictures designations.
Finally, in terms of the development of certain documents must mention including some requested by President Nicolas Maduro own, the first concerning the International Strategic Map 10 who was delivered in due course to the foreign minister, Elias Jaua for consideration and analysis. The second document relates to the structural analysis of the national economy, with the name of ¨ Elements for Building a Productive ¨ Bolivarian Socialist Agenda. 11 Additionally, a paper on the current economic situation called ¨ Proposals for 2014 economic conditions drawn ¨ 12 material was delivered to the President and some Ministers, and then consigned to the Central Planning Commission. These latter documents are proposals on short-term economic policy, such as medium-term related to the implementation of Homeland Plan 2013-2019. In the case of Map International, continues to apply those jobs that were started in Yare and continued together with Commander Chavez, after leaving that venue on March 26, 1994.
Before concluding with this witness and to shoulder the responsibilities before history of this country, which I have never evaded, nor ever evadiré, I affirm that I will continue fighting for the independence of Venezuela and Latin American and Caribbean continent with the same constancy I've done it since I decided to take up arms against the notorious dictatorship of Trujillo, was still a student of engineering at the Central University of Venezuela in 1959, and in that land where I was born, San Francisco de Macoris, where my parents came and my brother to get out of a concentration camp in France as exiles, after my father had participated as a worthy member of the International Brigade Garibaldi ¨ ¨ back in Iberian territory defending the ideals of the Spanish Republic.
Opto thus continue to assume responsibility for my life, as I have always done, leaving this personal testimony, but I can not do is be part of other circumstances and decisions which are not acted according to my conscience and that of my deepest convictions. After the death of Commander Chavez, as expressed in this note, I decided to continue working in government, in the place which I was assigned, I always put in writing to the political leadership of the process, not only my disagreements, but also concrete proposals , which were not even mentioned, but are today endorsed by my behavior and my loyalty to the revolution. In these circumstances I prefer to stick to the statement attributed to the great universal writer Jose Saramago, ¨ the older more free, and the more radical free ¨.
1? View ¨ Chavez ¨ controversial and controversial figure. Posted in Daily Life Trilogy. (Editorial Caracas. Vadells Brothers., 2007). Volume III. pp. 217-225. Additionally see the Daily Impressions 2013.
2? Created a mechanism whose bases consisted of indebtedness of the Venezuelan state.
3? Hugo Chavez. Hit Rudder. First Council of Ministers of the new cycle of the Bolivarian Revolution. (Caracas. Ministry of Popular Power for Communication and Information. Apr. 2013). pp. 9-13.
4? Orientation of public policy at the start of a new presidential term. Mimeo. December 2012.
5? Economic counteroffensive. Mimeo. 02.03.2013.
6? Establishment of the Ministry of Planning and Finance. Reasons and development. Prospectus Documents concerning action taken. See in particular the publication ¨ Budgets and Reports. 2010-2013.
7? Open Letter. April 14, 2013.
8? Planning impossible to permanent Improvisation. Challenges of the Bolivarian process. Mimeo. August 2013.
9? View Jorge Giordani A. C. The Venezuelan transition to socialism. (Caracas. Vadells Brothers Publishers., 2009). p. 22.
10? International Strategic Map. Balance of World Power. V2. April 2014.
Productive 11Agenda Bolivarian Socialist. August 2013.
12? Proposals for the 2014 economic climate. March 2014.
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