Dirigente del PSUV Ana Elisa Osorio se solidariza con Héctor Navarro, tras su suspensión del partido. PSUV leader Ana Elisa Osorio sympathizes with Hector Navarro, after suspension of the game.
25-07-14.- La vicepresidenta del Parlamento Latinoamericano, capítulo
Venezuela, y dirigente del Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela (Psuv),
Ana Elisa Osorio, se solidarizó con Héctor Navarro en varios mensajes
de su cuenta en Twitter.
“Exhortamos a la AN que desempolve la Ley contra la corrupción y se castigue a los corruptos: Esos son los grandes traidores a la Revolución”, escribió en su cuenta en la red social, @Anaelisaosorio.
De igual manera, hizo reenvío (retuit) a varios mensajes de apoyo a Héctor Navarro, tales como "Nuestra solidaridad apoyo y respaldo al camarada Héctor Navarro ".
“Exhortamos a la AN que desempolve la Ley contra la corrupción y se castigue a los corruptos: Esos son los grandes traidores a la Revolución”, escribió en su cuenta en la red social, @Anaelisaosorio.
De igual manera, hizo reenvío (retuit) a varios mensajes de apoyo a Héctor Navarro, tales como "Nuestra solidaridad apoyo y respaldo al camarada Héctor Navarro ".
Navarro escribió una carta en apoyo
al ex ministro de Planificación, Jorge Giordani, y en la que criticó
algunas posturas del partido rojo, por lo cual aparentemente será
La suspensión de Navarro del PSUV la anunció el propio exministro de
Educación Superior Universitaria y de Energía Eléctrica a través de una
misiva publicada en nuestro portal web de aporrea.org,
en la que solidarizó con el exministro de Planificación Jorge Giordani
después de que éste cuestionó en una carta el liderazgo del presidente
Nicolás Maduro y criticó las últimas decisiones de tipo económico
tomadas por el Ejecutivo.
07/14/25 -. Vice President of the Latin American Parliament, Chapter Venezuela, and leader of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Ana Elisa Osorio, Hector Navarro empathized with several messages from his Twitter account.
"We call on the National Assembly to dust off the Anti-corruption and punish corrupt: Those are the biggest traitors to the Revolution," he wrote in his account of the social network, @ Anaelisaosorio.
Similarly, I did forward (retweet) to support multiple messages Héctor Navarro, such as "Our solidarity support and backing Comrade Hector Navarro."
Navarro wrote a letter in support of the former Planning Minister Jorge Giordani, and in which he criticized some postures red game, which apparently will be punished.
The suspension of the PSUV Navarro announced the former Minister of Higher Education and University of Electric Power itself through a letter posted on our web portal aporrea.org, in which he empathized with the former Minister of Planning Jorge Giordani after he questioned in a letter to the leadership of President Nicolas Maduro and criticized the latest economic decisions taken by the Executive.
"We call on the National Assembly to dust off the Anti-corruption and punish corrupt: Those are the biggest traitors to the Revolution," he wrote in his account of the social network, @ Anaelisaosorio.
Similarly, I did forward (retweet) to support multiple messages Héctor Navarro, such as "Our solidarity support and backing Comrade Hector Navarro."
Navarro wrote a letter in support of the former Planning Minister Jorge Giordani, and in which he criticized some postures red game, which apparently will be punished.
The suspension of the PSUV Navarro announced the former Minister of Higher Education and University of Electric Power itself through a letter posted on our web portal aporrea.org, in which he empathized with the former Minister of Planning Jorge Giordani after he questioned in a letter to the leadership of President Nicolas Maduro and criticized the latest economic decisions taken by the Executive.
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