Venezuela en peligro, ¿saben por qué? Venezuela in danger, do you know why ?
Venezuela en peligro, ¿saben por qué?
Atilio Borón
Porque tal como lo había venido diciendo desde hace al menos dos años, un informe reciente publicado por Los Angeles Times dice que “en 2011 una empresa independiente contratada por Washington hizo una errónea estimación del petróleo técnicamente recuperable del mayor yacimiento de esquisto bituminoso del país, ubicado en Monterey, California, que contiene alrededor de dos tercios de las reservas de petróleo de esquisto de la nación.
Según aquella estimación, se podrían obtener unos 13.700 millones de barriles de petróleo. Sin embargo, un reciente informe asegura que la cantidad no será mayor de 600 millones de barriles, es decir, una cantidad 96% menor de lo esperado y que, como señala la publicación especializada Business Insider, equivale a las reservas totales de petróleo de Bolivia.
Esa errónea estimación de 2011 había sido calificada como la esperanza para reducir la necesidad del país de las importaciones de petróleo desde el extranjero, según el diario The Angeles Times. Y es que la cantidad que reportan ahora es insignificante si se tiene en cuenta que solo podría cubrir las necesidades energéticas en EE.UU. correspondientes a 33 días.”
De lo anterior se desprenden cuatro conclusiones iniciales: a) que la dependencia energética de Estados Unidos seguirá siendo muy elevada, y tal vez creciente en función de la evolución de la demanda doméstica, y que esto reforzará las tendencias belicistas del imperio para tratar de asegurarse la obtención del petróleo que necesita por cualquier medio.
No olvidar que las intervenciones militares de los Estados Unidos en terceros países tuvieron como causas fundamentales el petróleo y las presuntas amenazas a la “seguridad nacional” planteada por gobiernos “hostiles” (en realidad, gobiernos dignos que no estaban dispuestos a sacrificar la autodeterminación nacional); b) que los planes para destruir la OPEP a partir del autoabastecimiento petrolero tendrán que ser archivados por mucho tiempo, tal vez definitivamente, lo que constituye un durísimo revés para la política exterior de Estados Unidos. c) que dado lo anterior la Casa Blanca redoblará su ofensiva sediciosa y destituyente sobre la Venezuela bolivariana, potenciando su apoyo logístico, financiero, organizativo y mediático a sus peones en el terreno, los cuales son presentados como una “oposición pacífica” cuando en realidad son mercenarios a sueldo del imperio con la misión de quebrantar el orden constitucional y provocar la caída del gobierno bolivariano. Dato significativo: de los varios cientos de vándalos arrestados por las autoridades los estudiantes apenas constituyen el 20 % y una proporción igual está formada por extranjeros, algunos de los cuales ni hablan castellano. A la luz de las novedades publicadas por Los Angeles Times es previsible un aumento de la presión desestabilizadora orquestada por Washington. d) que las bravuconadas de Obama y Kerry en el sentido que
suministrarían petróleo y gas a Ucrania para facilitar que ese país sea fagocitado por la OTAN y la Unión Europea han quedado reducidas a eso: a meras bravuconadas carentes de sustancia y sin ningún efecto práctico que no sea la tentativa de engañar a los ingenuos. Desgraciadamente para Washington, el petróleo y el gas se encuentran cada vez con más frecuencia en países que no están dispuestos a ponerse de rodillas ante los mandatos de la Casa Blanca. Por lo tanto, sus palancas económicas para operar en Ucrania son sumamente débiles.
suministrarían petróleo y gas a Ucrania para facilitar que ese país sea fagocitado por la OTAN y la Unión Europea han quedado reducidas a eso: a meras bravuconadas carentes de sustancia y sin ningún efecto práctico que no sea la tentativa de engañar a los ingenuos. Desgraciadamente para Washington, el petróleo y el gas se encuentran cada vez con más frecuencia en países que no están dispuestos a ponerse de rodillas ante los mandatos de la Casa Blanca. Por lo tanto, sus palancas económicas para operar en Ucrania son sumamente débiles.
Venezuela in danger, do you know why ?
just as I had been saying for at least two years, a recent report
released by Los Angeles Times says that " in 2011 an independent firm
hired by Washington made an erroneous estimate of technically
recoverable oil of the largest deposits of oil shale in the country, located in Monterey , California , which contains about two-thirds of the reserves of oil shale in the nation.
According to that estimate, you would get about 13,700 million barrels of oil. However, a recent report states that the amount shall not exceed 600 million barrels , ie , an amount 96 % lower than expected and, as noted by the trade publication Business Insider, equivalent to the total oil reserves of Bolivia .
This erroneous estimate of 2011 was ranked as the hope for reducing the country's need to import oil from abroad, according to The Los Angeles Times. And the amount reported is now insignificant when you consider that only could meet the energy needs in the U.S. corresponding to 33 days . "
From the above four initial conclusions: a) the energy dependence of the United States will remain very high, and perhaps increasing function of the evolution of domestic demand , and this will reinforce the militaristic tendencies of the empire to try to ensure obtaining oil needs by any means.
Do not forget that military interventions of the United States in third countries had cause as the oil and the alleged threats to " national security " posed by "hostile " governments (actually worthy governments unwilling to sacrifice national self-determination ) ; b ) plans to destroy OPEC from oil self-sufficiency will be archived for a long time , perhaps permanently , which is a harsh setback for U.S. foreign policy . c) Given the above the White House redouble their seditious and destituyente offensive Bolivarian Venezuela , enhancing its logistical, financial , organizational and media to their pawns on the ground support, which are presented as a "peaceful opposition" when in fact are mercenaries of the empire with the mission of breaking the constitutional order and bring down the Bolivarian government. Significant fact : the several hundred hooligans arrested by the authorities just students constitute 20 % and a similar proportion is formed by foreigners, some of whom do not speak Castilian . In light of the news published by Los Angeles Times is expected to increase the destabilizing pressure orchestrated by Washington. d ) the bravado of Obama and Kerry in the sense thatwould supply oil and gas to Ukraine to enable the country to be swallowed up by NATO and the European Union have been reduced to this : a mere bravado devoid of substance and no practical effect other than an attempt to deceive the naive. Unfortunately for Washington, oil and gas are increasingly often in countries that are not willing to kneel before the mandates of the White House . Therefore, economic levers to operate in Ukraine are extremely weak .
According to that estimate, you would get about 13,700 million barrels of oil. However, a recent report states that the amount shall not exceed 600 million barrels , ie , an amount 96 % lower than expected and, as noted by the trade publication Business Insider, equivalent to the total oil reserves of Bolivia .
This erroneous estimate of 2011 was ranked as the hope for reducing the country's need to import oil from abroad, according to The Los Angeles Times. And the amount reported is now insignificant when you consider that only could meet the energy needs in the U.S. corresponding to 33 days . "
From the above four initial conclusions: a) the energy dependence of the United States will remain very high, and perhaps increasing function of the evolution of domestic demand , and this will reinforce the militaristic tendencies of the empire to try to ensure obtaining oil needs by any means.
Do not forget that military interventions of the United States in third countries had cause as the oil and the alleged threats to " national security " posed by "hostile " governments (actually worthy governments unwilling to sacrifice national self-determination ) ; b ) plans to destroy OPEC from oil self-sufficiency will be archived for a long time , perhaps permanently , which is a harsh setback for U.S. foreign policy . c) Given the above the White House redouble their seditious and destituyente offensive Bolivarian Venezuela , enhancing its logistical, financial , organizational and media to their pawns on the ground support, which are presented as a "peaceful opposition" when in fact are mercenaries of the empire with the mission of breaking the constitutional order and bring down the Bolivarian government. Significant fact : the several hundred hooligans arrested by the authorities just students constitute 20 % and a similar proportion is formed by foreigners, some of whom do not speak Castilian . In light of the news published by Los Angeles Times is expected to increase the destabilizing pressure orchestrated by Washington. d ) the bravado of Obama and Kerry in the sense thatwould supply oil and gas to Ukraine to enable the country to be swallowed up by NATO and the European Union have been reduced to this : a mere bravado devoid of substance and no practical effect other than an attempt to deceive the naive. Unfortunately for Washington, oil and gas are increasingly often in countries that are not willing to kneel before the mandates of the White House . Therefore, economic levers to operate in Ukraine are extremely weak .
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