Los hijos de Chávez se suicidan, la guarimba triunfó. Chavez 's children commit suicide , won the guarimba.
Allá, en el llano, se decía que un alacrán, cuando se rodeaba de fuego,
se le forzaba a clavarse el aguijón y suicidarse. La leyenda sirve para
ilustrar la conducta de los hijos de Chávez. No se necesitó mucho fuego
para forzarlos al suicidio, fueron suficientes unas guarimbitas para que
renegaran del Socialismo y lanzaran a la sociedad a la barbarie, que
eso es el capitalismo. Muchas cosas se pueden decir de esta
claudicación, de esta traición. Veamos.
La ideología de la pequeña burguesía no puede hacer otra cosa que
conducir a la sociedad al capitalismo, esa es su naturaleza: da vueltas,
grita, argumenta, pero al final trunca las posibilidades
revolucionarias y entrega los procesos al capitalismo. La historia así
lo corrobora.
Después de asesinado Chávez, la ideología de la pequeña burguesía, que
estaba amarrada por la fuerza teórica y moral del Comandante, con una
rapidez que asombra, afloró, tomó, la dirección de la Revolución. Y
bastaron algunos meses para que se diera la restauración.
En ese corto periodo de traición se evidenció la principal carencia de
la Revolución: su debilidad teórica. El deslizamiento hacia la derecha
no consiguió resistencia, bastaron dos o tres distracciones, una pequeña
presión con las guarimbas, para justificar la restauración del
capitalismo. La teoría revolucionaria fue sustituida por un parloteo
distraído en comiquerías o afrentas personales.
En estas circunstancias, se crece la dimensión de Chávez, pasará a la
historia como el Último Socialista, abandonado por sus hijos, solitario,
en su angustia por la humanidad.
¿Cómo volverán al Cuartel de la Montaña? ¿Quién los acompañará? ¿Irá
capriles, cisneros, quizá aveledo, ramos allup? ¿Irán los empresarios,
quizá el embajador gringo, o el embajador de una de las mayores
potencias capitalistas? ¿China, llevará flores? ¿Qué cuentas le
entregarán al Gigante Socialista? ¿Le dirán que el PIB subió, que los
índices capitalistas van bien y las misiones mal, que ahora hay más
explotación de los obreros, que la Ley del Trabajo no se cumple? ¿Irán
con las camisas rojas, o llevarán los trajes de etiqueta de las
reuniones con los empresarios? ¿Llevarán corbatas, serán azules, o serán
del rojo engañador?
¿Qué le dirán los hijos del Último Socialista a la Humanidad? ¿Que
entregaron la esperanza, que traicionaron el pensamiento del padre
expresado en las cumbres mundiales, cuando alertaba junto con Fidel del
peligro que corría la vida con el capitalismo? ¿Qué le dirán a la
sociedad cuando regrese la miseria de la cuarta, cuando se roben
nuevamente los dólares de la renta? ¿Cuál será la excusa, cuál será la
Muchas cosas se podrían escribir en estas horas de ira contenida por el
descaro de la entrega del Socialismo. Pero intentemos vislumbrar para
dónde va el plan que sustituye al Plan de la Patria.
Se dice que es un plan para elevar la productividad, y para eso se
convoca a los que quieran convertirse en empresarios, se les ofrece
dólares, se suspenden los controles, se abren las puertas de los fondos
que debían ser para la construcción del Socialismo.
La excusa, que parece obra de jj rendón, es superar el rentismo. Aquí se
cometen dos errores, o mejor dos contrabandos. Primero, el rentismo se
debe superar con Socialismo, su superación no es excusa para entregar la
sociedad al capitalismo. Segundo error, los dólares que se le dan a los
privados se los roban, no hay razón para pensar que ahora tendrán un
comportamiento diferente. Cuando aún no aparecen las listas del robo
anterior, ya inventaron abrir el chorro de dólares nuevamente.
En conclusión, todo esto es una doble torpeza: no harán Socialismo, no
pasarán a la historia por la puerta grande, pero tampoco construirán el
capitalismo que ofrecen, que sólo es un espejismo de embaucadores.
There, in the plain, it was said that a scorpion , when it was surrounded by fire, forced him to dig the sting and suicide. The legend serves to illustrate the behavior of the children of Chavez. Guarimbitas
a lot of fire was needed to force them to suicide, were enough to
renege launch of Socialism and society to barbarism, that's capitalism. Many things can be said of this claudication, this betrayal . Let's see .
The ideology of the petty bourgeoisie can not help but lead society to capitalism , that is their nature : spinning , screaming , arguing , but eventually truncated the revolutionary possibilities and delivery processes capitalism. The story corroborates well .
After Chavez murdered , the ideology of the petty bourgeoisie , which was moored by the theoretical and moral force commander , with a rapidity that astonishes , surfaced , took the leadership of the Revolution . And a few months sufficed for the restoration they give .
Theoretical weakness in that short period of betrayal main deficiency of the Revolution was evident . Sliding to the right strength failed , took only two or three distractions, a little pressure with guarimbas , to justify the restoration of capitalism . Revolutionary theory was replaced by a distracted chatter comiquerías or personal insults .
In these circumstances , the dimension grows Chavez , will go down in history as the Socialist Last , abandoned by their children, alone, in their trouble for humanity.
How did they become the headquarters of the Mountain ? Who will accompany you ? Will he go capriles , cisneros, perhaps Aveledo , bouquets Allup ? Shall entrepreneurs , perhaps the gringo ambassador, or ambassador of a major capitalist powers ? Will China , take flowers? What accounts awarded at Giant Socialist ? Would you say that GDP went up , the capitalists rates are good and bad missions , now no more exploitation of workers, the Labour Act are not met ? Shall with red shirts, or bear the tuxedos of meetings with entrepreneurs ? Will they take ties , will be blue or red will be the deceiver ?
What will the children of the last Socialist to Humanity ? What gave hope, who betrayed father thought expressed in global summits , along with Fidel alerted when the danger to life with capitalism ? What do you say when you return to society the misery of the fourth , when again stolen dollars of income ? What will be the excuse, which will face ?
Much could be written in these hours of anger contained by the nerve to the delivery of Socialism. But try to envision where the plan for replacing Homeland Plan goes.
Said to be a plan to raise productivity, and for that summons those who want to become entrepreneurs , offered dollars , controls are suspended , the doors of the funds should be for the construction of Socialism open.
The excuse that seems to work rendón jj , is overcome profiteering . Here two mistakes, or maybe two smuggling committed . First, the rent-seeking must be overcome with Socialism, overcoming them is not an excuse to deliver society to capitalism. Second mistake , the dollars that are given to private stolen, there is no reason to think they now have a different behavior . When not appear above lists robbery, and invented the jet dollars open again.
In conclusion , this is a double stupidity : not Socialism will not go down in history through the front door , but neither capitalism built offering , which is only a mirage of tricksters .
The ideology of the petty bourgeoisie can not help but lead society to capitalism , that is their nature : spinning , screaming , arguing , but eventually truncated the revolutionary possibilities and delivery processes capitalism. The story corroborates well .
After Chavez murdered , the ideology of the petty bourgeoisie , which was moored by the theoretical and moral force commander , with a rapidity that astonishes , surfaced , took the leadership of the Revolution . And a few months sufficed for the restoration they give .
Theoretical weakness in that short period of betrayal main deficiency of the Revolution was evident . Sliding to the right strength failed , took only two or three distractions, a little pressure with guarimbas , to justify the restoration of capitalism . Revolutionary theory was replaced by a distracted chatter comiquerías or personal insults .
In these circumstances , the dimension grows Chavez , will go down in history as the Socialist Last , abandoned by their children, alone, in their trouble for humanity.
How did they become the headquarters of the Mountain ? Who will accompany you ? Will he go capriles , cisneros, perhaps Aveledo , bouquets Allup ? Shall entrepreneurs , perhaps the gringo ambassador, or ambassador of a major capitalist powers ? Will China , take flowers? What accounts awarded at Giant Socialist ? Would you say that GDP went up , the capitalists rates are good and bad missions , now no more exploitation of workers, the Labour Act are not met ? Shall with red shirts, or bear the tuxedos of meetings with entrepreneurs ? Will they take ties , will be blue or red will be the deceiver ?
What will the children of the last Socialist to Humanity ? What gave hope, who betrayed father thought expressed in global summits , along with Fidel alerted when the danger to life with capitalism ? What do you say when you return to society the misery of the fourth , when again stolen dollars of income ? What will be the excuse, which will face ?
Much could be written in these hours of anger contained by the nerve to the delivery of Socialism. But try to envision where the plan for replacing Homeland Plan goes.
Said to be a plan to raise productivity, and for that summons those who want to become entrepreneurs , offered dollars , controls are suspended , the doors of the funds should be for the construction of Socialism open.
The excuse that seems to work rendón jj , is overcome profiteering . Here two mistakes, or maybe two smuggling committed . First, the rent-seeking must be overcome with Socialism, overcoming them is not an excuse to deliver society to capitalism. Second mistake , the dollars that are given to private stolen, there is no reason to think they now have a different behavior . When not appear above lists robbery, and invented the jet dollars open again.
In conclusion , this is a double stupidity : not Socialism will not go down in history through the front door , but neither capitalism built offering , which is only a mirage of tricksters .
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