Crisis económica y construcción del socialismo. Economic crisis and socialist construction
Crisis económica y construcción del socialismo
La crisis que golpea
la economía del país ha obligado al Gobierno Nacional a emprender una
nueva Ofensiva Económica, la cual está basada en resolver tres problemas
principales. El primero es el de la producción, para el cual se preven
mecanismos que la propicien y que aumenten tanto la capacidad productiva
del Estado como la del sector privado.
El segundo problema es
el del abastecimiento, el cual está íntimamente ligado a la producción y
a la lucha contra el acaparamiento y el contrabando. Y el tercer
problema tiene que ver con la especulación y los precios justos.
De estos tres problemas, los dos últimos son parte de la guerra
económica que libra el Imperialismo a través de sus lacayos en
Venezuela, es decir, la oligarquía parasitaria y rentista. Por eso, los
temas del acaparamiento, el desabastecimiento programado y selectivo, la
especulación y el contrabando, deben entenderse, junto a la despiadada
propaganda mediática en contra de nuestra economía, como parte de las
armas con las que en esta guerra económica nos ataca el Imperio. Por
tanto, esos problemas no cesarán de estar allí, y solo podrán terminarse
cuando uno de los dos Sistemas, el Capitalista o el Socialista, pueda
finalmente triunfar.
Ahora bien, cuando hablamos de la
Construcción del Socialismo, el primer problema, el de la Producción,
pasa a un plano estelar. No hay Socialismo sin Producción, y además, de
calidad y en medio de relaciones de producción diferentes a las del
Capitalismo. No habrá Socialismo mientras importemos, mientras
dependamos de las marcas, mientras tengan más peso las necesidades del
Mercado que las necesidades reales de la población.
Preocupa que el consumismo no sea atacado con una agresiva y permanente
campaña de ideologización que permita convencer al pueblo que lo más
importante es resolver las necesidades que el consumir por consumir.
Cuando el pueblo compre un celular por sus prestaciones más que por su
marca, o cuando consuma mayor cantidad de maíz y yuca que trigo, o
cuando se privilegie el transporte público y masivo por encima del
transporte privado e individual, en ese momento estaremos dando pasos
importantes en la derrota del consumismo. Y derrotar el consumismo es
esencial en la Construcción del Socialismo.
Estamos conscientes
de que aumentar y diversificar la producción no es tarea fácil. Hace
unos años atrás el Gobierno diseñó el Plan Industrial Nacional con la
intención de satisfacer las necesidades reales del pueblo y sentar las
bases de la Construcción del Socialismo. Además creó la Comisión Central
de Planificación, con lo cual completaríamos la estrategia perfecta en
el Modelo Socialista, esto es, la Economía Centralizada y Planificada.
En ese momento se levantaron enormes expectativas porque se definía de
manera acertada y con precisión el camino hacia el Socialismo.
Desafortunadamente las presiones, la crisis financiera mundial del 2008 y
2009, la falta de formación de los mismos funcionarios y lo costosísimo
de dicho plan hicieron que pasara al olvido el Plan Industrial y la
Comisión Central de Planificación. También estuvo metida allí la “mano
peluda” de las transnacionales, asociadas a los planes de
desestabilización y derrocamiento de nuestra Revolución.
Volviendo a nuestra actualidad, el problema de la Producción debe ser la
prioridad y la línea fundamental de la nueva ofensiva económica, ya que
esta debe llevar finalmente la prosperidad al pueblo. Sabemos que aún
permanecen algunos reductos golpistas de los sifrinitos que se
auto-encierran en sus guetos del este del este. También sabemos que el
desabastecimiento programado y selectivo, y la especulación generan
descontento en toda la población. Pero estos problemas se pueden ir
resolviendo para ir creando un clima de paz que favorezca la convivencia
nacional. Debemos hacer los mayores esfuerzos por la Paz y respaldar
todas las iniciativas que en ese sentido adelanta el Gobierno Nacional,
tales como los Diálogos de Paz y la Conferencia Económica por la Paz.
Insistimos, nuestro objetivo fundamental debe ser la construcción de un
poderoso aparato productivo como parte de una economía centralizada y
planificada, que sea fundamental en la fabricación de los bienes que
satisfagan las necesidades reales del Pueblo. Construyendo el Socialismo
derrotaremos la Crisis, esa es la única manera.
crisis hits the economy has forced the Government to undertake a new
Economic Offensive, which is based on solving three major problems. The first is the production , for which the mechanisms that both
encourage and increase the productive capacity of the State and the
private sector are predicted .
The second problem is the supply , which is closely linked to the production and the fight against hoarding and smuggling. And the third problem has to do with speculation and fair prices.
Of these three problems , the latter two are part of the economic war waged by imperialism through their lackeys in Venezuela , ie parasitic and rentier oligarchy. So grabbing issues , scheduled and selective shortages , speculation and smuggling must be understood , along with the ruthless media propaganda against our economy , as part of the weapons in this economic warfare attacks us Empire. Therefore, these problems will not cease to be there, and may only be terminated when one of the two systems , the Capitalist or Socialist , to finally triumph .
Now when we talk about the construction of socialism , the first problem , that of production , goes to a stellar level. No Socialism without production , and also quality and relationships among the different production of Capitalism . There will be no socialism while we import , as we depend brands , while having more weight the needs of the market that the real needs of the population.
Concerned that consumerism is not attacked with an aggressive, ongoing campaign to convince the ideology that allows people the most important thing is to meet the needs that consume consume. When people buy a cell by its performance rather than its brand, or when you eat more corn and cassava than wheat , or where the public and mass transit privileges over private and individual transport , then we will be taking steps important in the defeat of consumerism. And defeat consumerism is essential in the construction of socialism .
We are aware that increase and diversify production it is not easy task. A few years ago the Government designed the National Industrial Plan intended to satisfy the real needs of people and lay the foundations for the construction of socialism . Besides the Central Planning Commission created , which he would complete the perfect strategy in the Socialist Model , ie the centrally planned economy . At that time enormous expectations rose that was defined rightly and accurately the path to socialism. Unfortunately the pressures , the global financial crisis of 2008 and 2009 , the lack of training of these officials and very costly to the plan made to pass into oblivion and the Industrial Plan Central Planning Commission. He was also stuck there the " hairy hand " of transnational related to plans of destabilization and overthrow of our revolution .
Returning to our present, the problem of production should be the priority and the fundamental line of the new economic offensive , since this should eventually bring prosperity to the people. We know that some are still pockets of coup sifrinitos who self- enclosed in their ghettos this East . We also know that the scheduled and selective shortages and speculation generate discontent among the population . But these problems can be solved in order to create a peaceful environment conducive to national coexistence . We make every effort for peace and support all initiatives in this direction advances the National Government such as the Dialogues of Peace and Economic Conference for Peace.
Insist , our main goal should be to build a powerful production system as part of a centrally planned economy , which is essential in the manufacture of goods that meet the real needs of the people. Building socialism will defeat the Crisis , that's the only way .
@ omarfgomez
The second problem is the supply , which is closely linked to the production and the fight against hoarding and smuggling. And the third problem has to do with speculation and fair prices.
Of these three problems , the latter two are part of the economic war waged by imperialism through their lackeys in Venezuela , ie parasitic and rentier oligarchy. So grabbing issues , scheduled and selective shortages , speculation and smuggling must be understood , along with the ruthless media propaganda against our economy , as part of the weapons in this economic warfare attacks us Empire. Therefore, these problems will not cease to be there, and may only be terminated when one of the two systems , the Capitalist or Socialist , to finally triumph .
Now when we talk about the construction of socialism , the first problem , that of production , goes to a stellar level. No Socialism without production , and also quality and relationships among the different production of Capitalism . There will be no socialism while we import , as we depend brands , while having more weight the needs of the market that the real needs of the population.
Concerned that consumerism is not attacked with an aggressive, ongoing campaign to convince the ideology that allows people the most important thing is to meet the needs that consume consume. When people buy a cell by its performance rather than its brand, or when you eat more corn and cassava than wheat , or where the public and mass transit privileges over private and individual transport , then we will be taking steps important in the defeat of consumerism. And defeat consumerism is essential in the construction of socialism .
We are aware that increase and diversify production it is not easy task. A few years ago the Government designed the National Industrial Plan intended to satisfy the real needs of people and lay the foundations for the construction of socialism . Besides the Central Planning Commission created , which he would complete the perfect strategy in the Socialist Model , ie the centrally planned economy . At that time enormous expectations rose that was defined rightly and accurately the path to socialism. Unfortunately the pressures , the global financial crisis of 2008 and 2009 , the lack of training of these officials and very costly to the plan made to pass into oblivion and the Industrial Plan Central Planning Commission. He was also stuck there the " hairy hand " of transnational related to plans of destabilization and overthrow of our revolution .
Returning to our present, the problem of production should be the priority and the fundamental line of the new economic offensive , since this should eventually bring prosperity to the people. We know that some are still pockets of coup sifrinitos who self- enclosed in their ghettos this East . We also know that the scheduled and selective shortages and speculation generate discontent among the population . But these problems can be solved in order to create a peaceful environment conducive to national coexistence . We make every effort for peace and support all initiatives in this direction advances the National Government such as the Dialogues of Peace and Economic Conference for Peace.
Insist , our main goal should be to build a powerful production system as part of a centrally planned economy , which is essential in the manufacture of goods that meet the real needs of the people. Building socialism will defeat the Crisis , that's the only way .
@ omarfgomez
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