“Proletarian of the world, unions, you do not have anything to lose but your chains”. This phrase written by Marx several centuries ago affected and continues shaking the foundations of the capitalist society. Today we could prelaunch saying it: exclude out workers of the globalized capitalist world, unions. 
The words of the leaders of proletarian Marx and Engels receive total use today, because the way of present capitalist production, in its depredator expression (operation of weakest) than is Financial Capitalism, has created social relations of production that from the contractual and labor point of view, is expressed in a Capital-Work relation where the contractual benefits conquered by the working-class are disrespectful totally throughout their historical fights; and this perverse form of operation has a terrible name, contracted . This it is the case of professors Universities, who constitute the weakest link within the labor relation of our universities, as much public as prevailed. 
The model of neoliberal Capitalism, has imposed a system to hyper exploitation or of extraction of capital gain on planetary scale to which our continent and Venezuela does not escape specifically, in spite of the efforts of President Hugo Chavez, to eradicate this horrible form of operation, as it demonstrates it happens to fixed positions of the contract for workers of PDVSA and SIDOR. What so ever, civil employees of the Endogenous Right, in our country, continue guaranteeing this terrible form of operation, as it is the case of the System of University Education in Venezuela, where stays in the condition of contracted thousands of professors which they do not have the rights or benefits (basket tickets, social savings bank, benefits, roster, etc.), of the ordinary professors, this fact demonstrates that inserters counterrevolutions sectors in functions of being able exist (fifth column) interested in maintaining a division of interests between the educational workers, separating between ordinary professors with privileges based on one expires and pulls back structure that the Ministry of University Education denominated OPSU contemplates and CNU that determine the pays and the possibilities to enter of the professors, the UNESR does not escape to this terrible situation, because its educational body is constituted in a 70% by the calls contracted professors, sophisticatedly denominated Honoraries Professionals (HP). 
It is to make notice, that whenever an electoral process in our country comes near, the high bureaucrats of the university education (ministers, vice-ministers, directors, etc.), behave like vulgar salesmen of illusions, trying to deceive contracted sacrificed and honest ours. 
On the basis of all the mentioned one previously, we requested to him to the National Assembly that modifies the Law of Universities and eliminate those disgracefully figures of OPSU and CNU, as well as we asked for President to him Chavez that the Minister of University Education dismisses, not to give the stature in the solution of the serious problems which they present/display many Public Universities at the moment, where stays on operation of the contracted professors when not including them in list nor opening the aids (in the case of the contracted ones with many years, one is due to happen to them immediately to ordinary), which really would be a form to make justice to these workers; thus the HP would be in equality of conditions to the ordinary professors, because in last instance they make the same activities and with he himself effort, of this way would be settling down the bases for the construction of the socialism in the public Universities, specially in the UNESR. 
A ghost crosses the universities, is the ghost of the contracted exploded ones. 
Professors: José Figueroa, Víctor Palacios Vargas, Rafael Martínez and César Burelli.


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